Beispiel #1
bool Debug::execute(aithread &thread) const
  // Perform independant behaviours
  if ( this->getOpcode() == AISCRIPT::Enum::FATAL_ERROR )
    // Message
    Broodwar->sendText("Illegal AI script executed.");

    // Debug
    thread.saveDebug(Text::Green, this->getOpcode());
    // Kill the script
    return false;
  else if ( this->getOpcode() == AISCRIPT::Enum::DEBUG )
    // Read parameters
    WORD wJump;
    thread.readTuple( std::tie( wJump) );

    // Send the message
    Broodwar->sendText("%s", &pbAIScriptBinary[thread.getScriptOffset()] );

    // Jump to offset
    thread.saveDebug(Text::Green, this->getOpcode(), "p_%X %s", wJump, &pbAIScriptBinary[thread.getScriptOffset()]);
  return true;
bool Wait_FinishAttack::execute(aithread &thread) const
  // Debug
  thread.saveDebug(Text::Red, this->getOpcode());

  // Check if AI is attacking
  // if ( AIIsAttacking )
    return thread.noretry();
  return thread.retry();
bool Wait_Upgrades::execute(aithread &thread) const
  // Debug
  thread.saveDebug(Text::Green, this->getOpcode());

  // If upgrades are finished, then move on to next opcode
  if ( MainController.getFlags() & CONTROLLER_UPGRADES_FINISHED )
    return thread.noretry();
  // Otherwise retry this opcode
  return thread.retry();
Beispiel #4
bool Wait_Train::execute(aithread &thread) const
  // Parameters
  BYTE bCount;
  WORD wUnitType;
  thread.readTuple( std::tie(bCount, wUnitType) );

  // Debug
  thread.saveDebug(Text::Green, this->getOpcode(), "%u %s", bCount, AISCRIPT::getUnitName(wUnitType) );

  // Perform actions
  if ( GetStandardUnitCount(wUnitType) < bCount )
    return thread.retry();
  return thread.noretry();
Beispiel #5
bool Return::execute(aithread &thread) const
  thread.saveDebug(Text::Green, this->getOpcode());
  bool result = thread.ret();
  // Error handling, kill the script if the callstack is empty
  if ( !result )
    return false;

  // Success
  return true;
Beispiel #6
bool Train::execute(aithread &thread) const
  // Parameters
  BYTE bCount;
  WORD wUnitType;
  thread.readTuple( std::tie(bCount, wUnitType) );

  // Debug
  thread.saveDebug(Text::Green, this->getOpcode(), "%u %s", bCount, AISCRIPT::getUnitName(wUnitType) );

  // Perform actions
  if ( GetStandardUnitCount(wUnitType, this->getOpcode() != AISCRIPT::Enum::TRAIN) < bCount )
    MainController.wWaitForType = (int)wUnitType + 1;
    if ( this->getOpcode() != AISCRIPT::Enum::DO_MORPH )
      return thread.retry();
  return thread.noretry();