Beispiel #1
* randomization - controls % of total number of pixels in the image
* that will be effected by random noise
* repeat - # of times the process is carried out on the previous steps output
array pick(const array &in, int randomization, int repeat)
    int w = in.dims(0);
    int h = in.dims(1);
    float f = randomization / 100.0f;
    int dim = (int)(f*w*h);
    array ret_val = in.copy();
    for (int i = 0; i<repeat; ++i) {
        array idxs = (w*h)  * randu(dim);
        array rnd = getRandomNeighbor(ret_val, 1, 1);
        array temp_src = moddims(rnd, w*h, 3);
        array temp_dst = moddims(ret_val, w*h, 3);
        temp_dst(idxs, span) = temp_src(idxs, span);
        ret_val = moddims(temp_dst, in.dims());
    return ret_val;
Beispiel #2
* randomization - controls % of total number of pixels in the image
* that will be effected by random noise
* repeat - # of times the process is carried out on the previous steps output
array hurl(const array &in, int randomization, int repeat)
    int w = in.dims(0);
    int h = in.dims(1);
    float f = randomization / 100.0f;
    int dim = (int)(f*w*h);
    array ret_val = in.copy();
    array temp = moddims(ret_val, w*h, 3);
    for (int i = 0; i<repeat; ++i) {
        array idxs = (w*h)  * randu(dim);
        array rndR = 255.0f * randu(dim);
        array rndG = 255.0f * randu(dim);
        array rndB = 255.0f * randu(dim);
        temp(idxs, 0) = rndR;
        temp(idxs, 1) = rndG;
        temp(idxs, 2) = rndB;
    ret_val = moddims(temp, in.dims());
    return ret_val;
Beispiel #3

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        ASSERT_EQ(hc[i], hb[i]) << "at " << i;

TEST(Replace, 4D)
    dim4 dims(2, 3, 4, 2);
    array cond = af::randu(dims) > 0.5;
    array a = af::randu(dims);
    array b = a.copy();
    replace(b, !cond, a - a * 0.9);
    array c = a - a * cond * 0.9;

    int num = (int)dims.elements();
    std::vector<float> hb(num);
    std::vector<float> hc(num);[0]);[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        ASSERT_EQ(hc[i], hb[i]) << "at " << i;