Beispiel #1
void pc1512_state::draw_alpha(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT16 ma, UINT8 ra, UINT16 y, UINT8 x_count, INT8 cursor_x, void *param)
	offs_t char_rom_offset = get_char_rom_offset();
	UINT32 *p = &bitmap.pix32(y + VFP_HIRES, HFP_HIRES);

	if (get_display_mode(m_vdu_mode) == ALPHA_40)
		p = &bitmap.pix32(y + VFP_LORES, HFP_LORES);

	if (y > 199) return;

	for (int column = 0; column < x_count; column++)
		UINT8 code = m_video_ram[(ma + column) << 1];
		UINT8 attr = m_video_ram[((ma + column) << 1) + 1];
		int fg = attr & 0x0f;
		int bg = attr >> 4;

		if (m_vdu_mode & MODE_BLINK)
			bg &= 0x07;

			if (BIT(attr, 7) && !m_blink)
				fg = bg;

		offs_t addr = char_rom_offset | (code << 3) | (ra & 0x07);
		UINT8 data = m_char_rom[addr & 0x1fff];

		if ((column == cursor_x) && m_cursor)
			data = 0xff;

		for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
			int color = BIT(data, 7) ? fg : bg;

			*p = PALETTE[color]; p++;

			data <<= 1;
Beispiel #2
UINT32 decodmd_type1_device::screen_update( screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	UINT8 ptr = 0;
	UINT8 x,y,dot;
	UINT32 data1,data2,data3,data4;
	UINT32 col;

		ptr = 0x80;

	for(y=0;y<16;y++)  // scanline
			data1 = m_pixels[ptr];
			data2 = m_pixels[ptr+1];
			data3 = m_pixels[ptr+2];
			data4 = m_pixels[ptr+3];
				if((data1 & 0x01) != (data3 & 0x01))
					col = rgb_t(0x7f,0x55,0x00);
				else if (data1 & 0x01) // both are the same, so either high intensity or none at all
					col = rgb_t(0xff,0xaa,0x00);
					col = rgb_t::black;
				bitmap.pix32(y,x+dot) = col;
				if((data2 & 0x01) != (data4 & 0x01))
					col = rgb_t(0x7f,0x55,0x00);
				else if (data2 & 0x01) // both are the same, so either high intensity or none at all
					col = rgb_t(0xff,0xaa,0x00);
					col = rgb_t::black;
				bitmap.pix32(y,x+dot+1) = col;
				data1 >>= 1;
				data2 >>= 1;
				data3 >>= 1;
				data4 >>= 1;

	return 0;
Beispiel #3
static void draw_hline_moired(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, int x1, int x2, int y, int color)
    UINT32 *base = &bitmap.pix32(y);
    while(x1 <= x2) {
            base[x1] = color;
Beispiel #4
void sliver_state::plot_pixel_rgb(int x, int y, UINT32 r, UINT32 g, UINT32 b)
//  printf("plot %d %d %d\n", r,g,b);

	if (y < 0 || x < 0 || x > 383 || y > 255)

	m_bitmap_bg.pix32(y, x) = r | (g<<8) | (b<<16);
Beispiel #5
void model1_state::draw_hline(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, int x1, int x2, int y, int color)
	UINT32 *base = &bitmap.pix32(y);
	while(x1 <= x2)
		base[x1] = color;
Beispiel #6
/* this is needed as this driver doesn't emulate the shift register like mw8080bw does */
static void clear_extra_columns( running_machine &machine, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, pen_t *pens, UINT8 color )
    _8080bw_state *state = machine.driver_data<_8080bw_state>();
    UINT8 x;

    for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
        UINT8 y;

        for (y = MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK; y != 0; y++)
            if (state->m_c8080bw_flip_screen)
                bitmap.pix32(MW8080BW_VBSTART - 1 - (y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK), MW8080BW_HPIXCOUNT - 1 - (256 + x)) = pens[color];
                bitmap.pix32(y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK, 256 + x) = pens[color];
Beispiel #7
UINT32 vixen_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	const pen_t *pen = m_palette->pens();

	for (int txadr = 0; txadr < 26; txadr++)
		for (int scan = 0; scan < 10; scan++)
			for (int chadr = 0; chadr < 128; chadr++)
				UINT16 sync_addr = (txadr << 7) | chadr;
				UINT8 sync_data = m_sync_rom->base()[sync_addr];
				int blank = BIT(sync_data, 4);
				int clrchadr = BIT(sync_data, 7);
				int hsync = BIT(sync_data, 6);
				int clrtxadr = BIT(sync_data, 5);
				int vsync = BIT(sync_data, 3);
				int comp_sync = BIT(sync_data, 2);

				logerror("SYNC %03x:%02x TXADR %u SCAN %u CHADR %u : COMPSYNC %u VSYNC %u BLANK %u CLRTXADR %u HSYNC %u CLRCHADR %u\n",

				int reverse = 0;

				UINT16 video_addr = (txadr << 7) | chadr;
				UINT8 video_data = m_video_ram[video_addr];
				UINT16 char_addr = 0;

				if (m_256)
					char_addr = (BIT(video_data, 7) << 11) | (scan << 7) | (video_data & 0x7f);
					reverse = m_alt;
					char_addr = (scan << 7) | (video_data & 0x7f);
					reverse = BIT(video_data, 7);

				UINT8 char_data = m_char_rom->base()[char_addr];

				for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
					int color = (BIT(char_data, 7 - x) ^ reverse) & !blank;

					bitmap.pix32((txadr * 10) + scan, (chadr * 8) + x) = pen[color];

	return 0;
Beispiel #8
UINT32 cirrus_gd5428_device::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x,y,bit;
	UINT32 ptr = (vga.svga_intf.vram_size - 0x4000);  // cursor patterns are stored in the last 16kB of VRAM
	svga_device::screen_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect);

	/*UINT8 cur_mode =*/ pc_vga_choosevideomode();
	if(m_cursor_attr & 0x01)  // hardware cursor enabled
		// draw hardware graphics cursor
		if(m_cursor_attr & 0x04)  // 64x64
			ptr += ((m_cursor_addr & 0x3c) * 256);
						UINT8 pixel1 = vga.memory[ptr % vga.svga_intf.vram_size] >> (7-bit);
						UINT8 pixel2 = vga.memory[(ptr+512) % vga.svga_intf.vram_size] >> (7-bit);
						UINT8 output = ((pixel1 & 0x01) << 1) | (pixel2 & 0x01);
						case 0:  // transparent - do nothing
						case 1:  // background
							bitmap.pix32(m_cursor_y+y,m_cursor_x+x+bit) = (m_ext_palette[0].red << 16) | (m_ext_palette[0].green << 8) | (m_ext_palette[0].blue);
						case 2:  // XOR
							bitmap.pix32(m_cursor_y+y,m_cursor_x+x+bit) = ~bitmap.pix32(m_cursor_y+y,m_cursor_x+x+bit);
						case 3:  // foreground
							bitmap.pix32(m_cursor_y+y,m_cursor_x+x+bit) = (m_ext_palette[15].red << 16) | (m_ext_palette[15].green << 8) | (m_ext_palette[15].blue);
Beispiel #9
INLINE void draw_pixel(running_machine &machine, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,int x,int y,int color,int flip)
	if (flip)
		x = bitmap.width() - x - 1;
		y = bitmap.height() - y - 1;

	if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
		bitmap.pix32(y, x) = machine.pens[color];
Beispiel #10
void gpworld_state::draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap,const rectangle &cliprect,int x,int y,int color,int flip)
	if (flip)
		x = bitmap.width() - x - 1;
		y = bitmap.height() - y - 1;

	if (cliprect.contains(x, y))
		bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(color);
Beispiel #11
uint32_t calcune_state::screen_update_calcune(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	const pen_t *paldata = m_palette->pens();

	for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
		uint32_t *dst = &bitmap.pix32(y);
		for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
			int pix;

			pix = m_vdp2->m_render_line_raw[x] & 0x3f;

			switch (pix & 0xc0)
			case 0x00:
				dst[x] = paldata[pix + 0x0000 + 0xc0];
			case 0x40:
			case 0x80:
				dst[x] = paldata[pix + 0x0040 + 0xc0];
			case 0xc0:
				dst[x] = paldata[pix + 0x0080 + 0xc0];


			if (m_vdp->m_render_line_raw[x] & 0x100)
				pix = m_vdp->m_render_line_raw[x] & 0x3f;
				if (pix & 0xf)
					switch (pix & 0xc0)
					case 0x00:
						dst[x] = paldata[pix + 0x0000];
					case 0x40:
					case 0x80:
						dst[x] = paldata[pix + 0x0040];
					case 0xc0:
						dst[x] = paldata[pix + 0x0080];

	return 0;
Beispiel #12
uint32_t mmagic_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	// draw playfield
	for (int y = 0; y < 192 / 12; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < 256 / 8; x++)
			uint8_t code = m_vram[(y * 32) + x] & 0x7f;

			// normal palette 00..7f, alternate palette 80..ff
			uint8_t color = m_colors[code | (BIT(m_color, 6) << 7)];

			// draw one tile
			for (int tx = 0; tx < 12; tx++)
				uint8_t gfx = m_tiles[(code << 4) + tx];

				bitmap.pix32(y * 12 + tx, x * 8 + 0) = BIT(gfx, 4) ? rgb_t::black() : m_palette->pen_color(color);
				bitmap.pix32(y * 12 + tx, x * 8 + 1) = BIT(gfx, 5) ? rgb_t::black() : m_palette->pen_color(color);
				bitmap.pix32(y * 12 + tx, x * 8 + 2) = BIT(gfx, 6) ? rgb_t::black() : m_palette->pen_color(color);
				bitmap.pix32(y * 12 + tx, x * 8 + 3) = BIT(gfx, 7) ? rgb_t::black() : m_palette->pen_color(color);

				bitmap.pix32(y * 12 + tx, x * 8 + 4) = BIT(gfx, 0) ? rgb_t::black() : m_palette->pen_color(color);
				bitmap.pix32(y * 12 + tx, x * 8 + 5) = BIT(gfx, 1) ? rgb_t::black() : m_palette->pen_color(color);
				bitmap.pix32(y * 12 + tx, x * 8 + 6) = BIT(gfx, 2) ? rgb_t::black() : m_palette->pen_color(color);
				bitmap.pix32(y * 12 + tx, x * 8 + 7) = BIT(gfx, 3) ? rgb_t::black() : m_palette->pen_color(color);

	// draw ball (if not disabled)
	if (m_ball_x != 0xff)
		static const int BALL_SIZE = 4;
		int ball_y = (m_ball_y >> 4) * 12 + (m_ball_y & 0x0f);
		bitmap.plot_box(m_ball_x - BALL_SIZE + 1, ball_y - BALL_SIZE + 1, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE, rgb_t::white());

	return 0;
Beispiel #13
UINT32 bingor_state::screen_update_bingor(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x,y,count;

	bitmap.fill(get_black_pen(machine()), cliprect);

	count = (0x2000/2);

			UINT32 color;

			color = (m_blit_ram[count] & 0xf000)>>12;

			if(cliprect.contains(x+3, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+3) = machine().pens[color];

			color = (m_blit_ram[count] & 0x0f00)>>8;

			if(cliprect.contains(x+2, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+2) = machine().pens[color];

			color = (m_blit_ram[count] & 0x00f0)>>4;

			if(cliprect.contains(x+1, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+1) = machine().pens[color];

			color = (m_blit_ram[count] & 0x000f)>>0;

			if(cliprect.contains(x+0, y))
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+0) = machine().pens[color];


	return 0;
Beispiel #14
UINT32 mw8080bw_state::screen_update_mw8080bw(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	UINT8 x = 0;
	UINT8 video_data = 0;

	while (1)
		/* plot the current pixel */
		pen_t pen = (video_data & 0x01) ? rgb_t::white : rgb_t::black;
		bitmap.pix32(y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK, x) = pen;

		/* next pixel */
		video_data = video_data >> 1;
		x = x + 1;

		/* end of line? */
		if (x == 0)
			/* yes, flush out the shift register */
			int i;

			for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				pen = (video_data & 0x01) ? rgb_t::white : rgb_t::black;
				bitmap.pix32(y - MW8080BW_VCOUNTER_START_NO_VBLANK, 256 + i) = pen;

				video_data = video_data >> 1;

			/* next row, video_data is now 0, so the next line will start
			   with 4 blank pixels */
			y = y + 1;

			/* end of screen? */
			if (y == 0)
		/* the video RAM is read at every 8 pixels starting with pixel 4 */
		else if ((x & 0x07) == 0x04)
Beispiel #15
uint32_t vixen_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	const pen_t *pen = m_palette->pens();
	uint8_t x, y, chr, gfx, inv, ra;

	for (y = 0; y < 26; y++)
		for (ra = 0; ra < 10; ra++)
			for (x = 0; x < 128; x++)
				uint16_t sync_addr = ((y+1) << 7) + x + 1; // it's out by a row and a column
				uint8_t sync_data = m_sync_rom[sync_addr & 0xfff];
				bool blank = BIT(sync_data, 4);
				int clrchadr = BIT(sync_data, 7);
				int hsync = BIT(sync_data, 6);
				int clrtxadr = BIT(sync_data, 5);
				int vsync = BIT(sync_data, 3);
				int comp_sync = BIT(sync_data, 2);

				logerror("SYNC %03x:%02x TXADR %u SCAN %u CHADR %u : COMPSYNC %u VSYNC %u BLANK %u CLRTXADR %u HSYNC %u CLRCHADR %u\n",

				chr = m_video_ram[(y<<7) + x];

				if (m_256)
					gfx = m_char_rom[(BIT(chr, 7) << 11) | (ra << 7) | (chr & 0x7f)];
					inv = m_alt ? 0xff : 0;
					gfx = m_char_rom[(ra << 7) | (chr & 0x7f)];
					inv = BIT(chr, 7) ? 0xff : 0;

				gfx = (blank) ? 0 : (gfx ^ inv);

				for (int b = 0; b < 8; b++)
					int color = BIT(gfx, 7 - b);

					bitmap.pix32((y * 10) + ra, (x * 8) + b) = pen[color];

	return 0;
Beispiel #16

* Video hardware                                     *

void uzebox_state::line_update()
	uint32_t cycles = (uint32_t)(m_maincpu->get_elapsed_cycles() - m_line_start_cycles) / 2;
	rgb_t color = rgb_t(pal3bit(m_port_c >> 0), pal3bit(m_port_c >> 3), pal2bit(m_port_c >> 6));

	for (uint32_t x = m_line_pos_cycles; x < cycles; x++)
		if (m_bitmap.cliprect().contains(x, m_vpos))
			m_bitmap.pix32(m_vpos, x) = color;
			if (m_bitmap.cliprect().contains(x, m_vpos + 1))
				m_bitmap.pix32(m_vpos + 1, x) = color;

	m_line_pos_cycles = cycles;
Beispiel #17
void sliver_state::plot_pixel_pal(int x, int y, int addr)
	UINT32 r,g,b;

	if (y < 0 || x < 0 || x > 383 || y > 255)

	b=(m_colorram[addr] << 2) | (m_colorram[addr] & 0x3);
	g=(m_colorram[addr+0x100] << 2) | (m_colorram[addr+0x100] & 3);
	r=(m_colorram[addr+0x200] << 2) | (m_colorram[addr+0x200] & 3);

	m_bitmap_fg.pix32(y, x) = r | (g<<8) | (b<<16);
Beispiel #18
void dassault_state::mixdassaultlayer(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, bitmap_ind16* sprite_bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, uint16_t pri, uint16_t primask, uint16_t penbase, uint8_t alpha)
	int y, x;
	const pen_t *paldata = &m_palette->pen(0);

	uint16_t* srcline;
	uint32_t* dstline;

	for (;y<=cliprect.bottom();y++)

		for (x=cliprect.left();x<=cliprect.right();x++)
			uint16_t pix = srcline[x];

			if ((pix & primask) != pri)

			if (pix&0xf)
				uint16_t pen = pix&0x1ff;
				if (pix & 0x800) pen += 0x200;

				if (alpha!=0xff)
					if (pix&0x400) // TODO, Additive/Subtractive Blending?
						uint32_t base = dstline[x];
						dstline[x] = alpha_blend_r32(base, paldata[pen+penbase], alpha);
					else if (pix&0x200)
						uint32_t base = dstline[x];
						dstline[x] = alpha_blend_r32(base, paldata[pen+penbase], alpha);
						dstline[x] = paldata[pen+penbase];
					dstline[x] = paldata[pen+penbase];
Beispiel #19
uint32_t monty_state::lcd_update(screen_device& screen, bitmap_rgb32& bitmap, const rectangle& cliprect)
	if (!m_dirty)
		return 1;

	uint8_t x,y,z;
	m_dirty = false;
	for (y = 0; y < 32; y++)
		for (z = 0; z < 8; z++)
			for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
				bitmap.pix32(y, x+z*6) = m_pixels[y*42 + z*5 + x];
			bitmap.pix32(y, 5+z*6) = 0; // space between letters
		bitmap.pix32(y, 48) = m_pixels[y*42 + 40];
		bitmap.pix32(y, 49) = m_pixels[y*42 + 41];

	return 0;
Beispiel #20
UINT32 toobin_state::screen_update_toobin(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	bitmap_ind8 &priority_bitmap = machine().priority_bitmap;
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_adjusted(machine().palette);
	atarimo_rect_list rectlist;
	bitmap_ind16 *mobitmap;
	int x, y;

	/* draw the playfield */
	priority_bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);
	m_playfield_tilemap->draw(m_pfbitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
	m_playfield_tilemap->draw(m_pfbitmap, cliprect, 1, 1);
	m_playfield_tilemap->draw(m_pfbitmap, cliprect, 2, 2);
	m_playfield_tilemap->draw(m_pfbitmap, cliprect, 3, 3);

	/* draw and merge the MO */
	mobitmap = atarimo_render(0, cliprect, &rectlist);
	for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
		UINT32 *dest = &bitmap.pix32(y);
		UINT16 *mo = &mobitmap->pix16(y);
		UINT16 *pf = &m_pfbitmap.pix16(y);
		UINT8 *pri = &priority_bitmap.pix8(y);
		for (x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
			UINT16 pix = pf[x];
			if (mo[x])
				/* not verified: logic is all controlled in a PAL

				   factors: LBPRI1-0, LBPIX3, ANPIX1-0, PFPIX3, PFPRI1-0,
				            (~LBPIX3 & ~LBPIX2 & ~LBPIX1 & ~LBPIX0)

				/* only draw if not high priority PF */
				if (!pri[x] || !(pix & 8))
					pix = mo[x];

				/* erase behind ourselves */
				mo[x] = 0;
			dest[x] = palette[pix];

	/* add the alpha on top */
	m_alpha_tilemap->draw(bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
	return 0;
Beispiel #21
UINT32 gf4500_device::screen_update(screen_device &device, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	UINT16 *vram = (UINT16 *)(m_data + GF4500_FRAMEBUF_OFFSET / 4);
	int x, y;
	for (y = 0; y < 240; y++)
		UINT32 *scanline = &bitmap.pix32(y);
		for (x = 0; x < 320; x++)
			*scanline++ = gf4500_get_color_16(*vram++);
		vram += 1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #22
uint32_t kontest_state::screen_update( screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	int x,y;
	int xi,yi;
	uint16_t tile;
	uint8_t attr;

			tile =  m_ram[(x+y*64)|0x800];
			attr =  m_ram[(x+((y >> 1)*64))|0x000] & 7;
			tile *= 0x10;
			tile += 0x1000;

					uint8_t color,pen[2];
					uint8_t x_step;
					int res_x,res_y;

					x_step = xi >> 2;

					pen[0] =   m_ram[(x_step+yi*2)|(tile)];
					pen[0] >>= 3-((xi & 3));
					pen[0]  &= 1;
					pen[1] =   m_ram[(x_step+yi*2)|(tile)];
					pen[1] >>= 7-((xi & 3));
					pen[1]  &= 1;

					color = pen[0];
					color|= pen[1]<<1;

					res_x = x*8+xi-256;
					res_y = y*8+yi;

					if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y))
						bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = m_palette->pen(color|attr*4);

	return 0;
Beispiel #23
static UINT32 update_screen(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int index)
    vcombat_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<vcombat_state>();
    int y;
    const rgb_t *const pens = tlc34076_get_pens(screen.machine().device("tlc34076"));

    UINT16 *m68k_buf = state->m_m68k_framebuffer[(*state->m_framebuffer_ctrl & 0x20) ? 1 : 0];
    UINT16 *i860_buf = state->m_i860_framebuffer[index][0];

    /* TODO: It looks like the leftmost chunk of the ground should really be on the right side? */
    /*       But the i860 draws the background correctly, so it may be an original game issue. */
    /*       There's also some garbage in the upper-left corner. Might be related to this 'wraparound'. */
    /*       Or maybe it's related to the 68k's alpha?  It might come from the 68k side of the house.  */

    for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; ++y)
        int x;
        int src_addr = 256/2 * y;
        const UINT16 *m68k_src = &m68k_buf[src_addr];
        const UINT16 *i860_src = &i860_buf[src_addr];
        UINT32 *dst = &bitmap.pix32(y, cliprect.min_x);

        for (x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x += 2)
            int i;
            UINT16 m68k_pix = *m68k_src++;
            UINT16 i860_pix = *i860_src++;

            /* Draw two pixels */
            for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                /* Vcombat's screen renders 'flopped' - very likely because VR headset displays may reflect off mirrors.
                Shadfgtr isn't flopped, so it's not a constant feature of the hardware. */

                /* Combine the two layers */
                if ((m68k_pix & 0xff) == 0)
                    *dst++ = pens[i860_pix & 0xff];
                    *dst++ = pens[m68k_pix & 0xff];

                m68k_pix >>= 8;
                i860_pix >>= 8;

    return 0;
Beispiel #24
static void cirrus_update_8bpp(running_machine &machine, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	UINT32 *line;
	const UINT8 *vram;
	int y, x;

	vram = (const UINT8 *) pc_vga_memory();

	for (y = 0; y < 480; y++)
		line = &bitmap.pix32(y);

		for (x = 0; x < 640; x++)
			*line++ = machine.pens[*vram++];
Beispiel #25
static void skeetsht_scanline_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, int scanline, const tms34010_display_params *params)
	skeetsht_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<skeetsht_state>();
	const rgb_t *const pens = tlc34076_get_pens(screen.machine().device("tlc34076"));
	UINT16 *vram = &state->m_tms_vram[(params->rowaddr << 8) & 0x3ff00];
	UINT32 *dest = &bitmap.pix32(scanline);
	int coladdr = params->coladdr;
	int x;

	for (x = params->heblnk; x < params->hsblnk; x += 2)
		UINT16 pixels = vram[coladdr++ & 0xff];
		dest[x + 0] = pens[pixels & 0xff];
		dest[x + 1] = pens[pixels >> 8];
Beispiel #26
// apply shadowing to underlying layers
// TODO: it might mix up with the lower palette bank instead (color bank 0x1400?)
void tatsumi_state::apply_shadow_bitmap(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, bitmap_ind8 &shadow_bitmap, uint8_t xor_output)
	for(int y=cliprect.min_y;y<cliprect.max_y;y++)
		for(int x=cliprect.min_x;x<cliprect.max_x;x++)
			uint8_t shadow = shadow_bitmap.pix8(y, x);
			// xor_output is enabled during Chen boss fight (where shadows have more brightness than everything else)
			// TODO: transition before fighting him should also black out all the background tilemaps too!?
			//       (more evidence that we need to mix with color bank 0x1400 instead of doing true RGB mixing).
			if(shadow ^ xor_output)
				rgb_t shadow_pen = bitmap.pix32(y, x);
				bitmap.pix32(y, x) = rgb_t(shadow_pen.r() >> 1,shadow_pen.g() >> 1, shadow_pen.b() >> 1);
Beispiel #27
UINT32 gameplan_state::screen_update_gameplan(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	pen_t pens[GAMEPLAN_NUM_PENS];
	offs_t offs;


	for (offs = 0; offs < m_videoram_size; offs++)
		UINT8 y = offs >> 8;
		UINT8 x = offs & 0xff;

		bitmap.pix32(y, x) = pens[m_videoram[offs] & 0x07];

	return 0;
Beispiel #28
uint32_t stuntcyc_state::screen_update_stuntcyc(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	m_last_hpos = 0;
	m_last_vpos = 0;

	uint32_t pixindex = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < SC_VTOTAL; y++)
		uint32_t *scanline = &bitmap.pix32(y);
		pixindex = y * SC_HTOTAL;
		for (int x = 0; x < SC_HTOTAL; x++)
			*scanline++ = 0xff000000 | (m_probe_data[pixindex++] * 0x010101);
			//*scanline++ = 0xff000000 | (uint8_t(m_screen_buf[pixindex++] * 63.0) * 0x010101);

	return 0;
Beispiel #29
static void gfxset_draw_item(running_machine &machine, gfx_element &gfx, int index, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, int dstx, int dsty, int color, int rotate, device_palette_interface *dpalette)
	int width = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx.height() : gfx.width();
	int height = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx.width() : gfx.height();
	const rgb_t *palette = dpalette->palette()->entry_list_raw() + gfx.colorbase() + color * gfx.granularity();

	int x, y;

	// loop over rows in the cell
	for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
		uint32_t *dest = &bitmap.pix32(dsty + y, dstx);
		const uint8_t *src = gfx.get_data(index);

		// loop over columns in the cell
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
			int effx = x, effy = y;
			const uint8_t *s;

			// compute effective x,y values after rotation
			if (!(rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY))
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx.width() - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx.height() - 1 - effy;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx.height() - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx.width() - 1 - effy;
				std::swap(effx, effy);

			// get a pointer to the start of this source row
			s = src + effy * gfx.rowbytes();

			// extract the pixel
			*dest++ = 0xff000000 | palette[s[effx]];
Beispiel #30
uint32_t toobin_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	// start drawing

	/* draw the playfield */
	bitmap_ind8 &priority_bitmap = screen.priority();
	priority_bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);
	m_playfield_tilemap->draw(screen, m_pfbitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
	m_playfield_tilemap->draw(screen, m_pfbitmap, cliprect, 1, 1);
	m_playfield_tilemap->draw(screen, m_pfbitmap, cliprect, 2, 2);
	m_playfield_tilemap->draw(screen, m_pfbitmap, cliprect, 3, 3);

	/* draw and merge the MO */
	bitmap_ind16 &mobitmap = m_mob->bitmap();
	const pen_t *palette = m_palette->pens();
	for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
		uint32_t *dest = &bitmap.pix32(y);
		uint16_t *mo = &mobitmap.pix16(y);
		uint16_t *pf = &m_pfbitmap.pix16(y);
		uint8_t *pri = &priority_bitmap.pix8(y);
		for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
			uint16_t pix = pf[x];
			if (mo[x] != 0xffff)
				/* not verified: logic is all controlled in a PAL

				   factors: LBPRI1-0, LBPIX3, ANPIX1-0, PFPIX3, PFPRI1-0,
				            (~LBPIX3 & ~LBPIX2 & ~LBPIX1 & ~LBPIX0)

				/* only draw if not high priority PF */
				if (!pri[x] || !(pix & 8))
					pix = mo[x];
			dest[x] = palette[pix];

	/* add the alpha on top */
	m_alpha_tilemap->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
	return 0;