int main(int, char* [])
  using boost::format;
  using boost::str;

  using boost::wformat;
  wformat wfmter(L"%%##%%##%%1 %1%00");
  if(str( wfmter % L"Escaped OK" ) != L"%##%##%1 Escaped OK00")
      BOOST_ERROR("Basic w-parsing Failed");
  if(str( wformat(L"%%##%#x ##%%1 %s00") % 20 % L"Escaped OK" ) != L"%##0x14 ##%1 Escaped OK00")
      BOOST_ERROR("Basic wp-parsing Failed") ;

  // testcase for (for valgrind)
  wformat wfmt(L"%1$.1f");
  std::wstring ws = str(wfmt % 123.45f);
  BOOST_TEST_EQ("123.4"), 0);
  wformat wfmt2(L"%1$.0f %%");
  std::wstring ws2 = (wfmt2 % 123.45f).str();
  BOOST_TEST_EQ("123 %"), 0);

#endif // wformat tests

  return boost::report_errors();
void write_to_dimacs( const circuit& circ, const std::string& filename )
  using boost::format;
  using boost::str;

  std::vector<unsigned> line_to_var( circ.lines() );
  boost::iota( line_to_var, 1u );

  auto next_var = circ.lines() + 1u;

  std::ofstream os( filename.c_str() );

  for ( const auto& g : circ )
    assert( is_toffoli( g ) );
    const auto target = g.targets().front();

    switch ( g.controls().size() )
    case 0u:
      os << format( "x%d %d 0" ) % line_to_var[target] % next_var << std::endl;
      line_to_var[target] = next_var++;

    case 1u:
        const auto c = g.controls().front();
        os << format( "x%s%d %d -%d 0" ) % ( c.polarity() ? "" : "-" ) % line_to_var[c.line()] % line_to_var[target] % next_var << std::endl;
        line_to_var[target] = next_var++;

        std::string all;
        for ( const auto& c : g.controls() )
          os << format( "%s%d -%d 0" ) % ( c.polarity() ? "" : "-" ) % line_to_var[c.line()] % next_var << std::endl;
          all += str( format( "%s%d " ) % ( c.polarity() ? "-" : "" ) % line_to_var[c.line()] );
        os << format( "%s%d 0" ) % all % next_var << std::endl;
        os << format( "x%d %d -%d 0" ) % next_var % line_to_var[target] % ( next_var + 1 ) << std::endl;
        line_to_var[target] = next_var + 1;
        next_var += 2u;

  std::string ors;
  for ( auto i = 0u; i < circ.lines(); ++i )
    os << format( "x-%d %d %d 0" ) % ( next_var + i ) % ( i + 1 ) % line_to_var[i] << std::endl;
    ors += str( format( "%d " ) % ( next_var + i ) );
  os << ors << "0" << std::endl;

Beispiel #3
void writeData()
    std::string defs;
    fs::path defs_path = out_dir / (out_file_prepend + ".defs");

    print(format("write directory   = %s\n")     % out_dir);
    print(format("write file prefix = \"%s\"\n") % out_file_prepend);

    if(!dry_run) fs::create_directories(out_dir);

    for(int i = 0; i < packer.numSheets(); i++)
        Sheet *s         = packer.getSheet(i);
        fs::path dst     = out_dir / str(format("%s%03d.%s") % out_file_prepend % i % "png");

        print(format("writing sheet to %s\n") % dst);
        defs += getSheetDefinitions(dst, s);

    print(format("writing definitions to %s\n") % defs_path);
        fs::ofstream out(defs_path);
        out << defs;

            print(format("failed to write %s\n") % defs_path, VERBOSE);
Beispiel #4
std::string getSheetDefinitions(const fs::path &path, Sheet *s)
    std::string out;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < s->images.size(); i++)
        Image *img = s->images[i];

        for(size_t j = 0; j < img->names.size(); j++)
            out += str(format("%s\n") % img->names[j]);
            out += str(format("%s\n") % path.string());
            out += str(format("%d %d %d %d\n") % (img->sheet_x + img->source_x_offset) % (img->sheet_y + img->source_y_offset) % img->source_width % img->source_height);
            out += str(format("%f %f %f %f\n") % img->s0 % img->s1 % img->t0 % img->t1);

    return out;
Beispiel #5
    std::string Version::VersionString()
        using boost::format;
        using boost::str;

        std::string version = str(format("%d.%d.%d") % API_MAJOR % API_MINOR % API_PATCH);
#ifndef NDEBUG
        version += "-DEBUG";
#endif  // !NDEBUG
        return version;
Beispiel #6
FileWriter::FileWriter(std::wstring fileName, const std::shared_ptr<concurrent_queue<std::string>>& queue) :
    file_ = CreateFile(fileName.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
    if (file_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        throw new exception(str(format("Could not create file %1%") % string(fileName.begin(), fileName.end())).c_str());

    thread_ = unique_ptr<thread>(new thread(&FileWriter::ThreadFunc, this));
FloatVectorDataPtr ImageCompositeOp::getChannelData( ImagePrimitive * image, const std::string &channelName, bool mustExist )
	assert( image );

	PrimitiveVariableMap::iterator it = image->variables.find( channelName );
	if( it==image->variables.end() )
		if ( mustExist )
			throw Exception( str( format( "ImageCompositeOp: Channel \"%s\" does not exist." ) % channelName ) );
			return 0;

	if( it->second.interpolation!=PrimitiveVariable::Vertex &&
		it->second.interpolation!=PrimitiveVariable::Varying &&
		it->second.interpolation!=PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying )
		throw Exception( str( format( "ImageCompositeOp: Primitive variable \"%s\" has inappropriate interpolation." ) % channelName ) );

	if( !it-> )
		throw Exception( str( format( "ImageCompositeOp: Primitive variable \"%s\" has no data." ) % channelName ) );

	ChannelConverter converter( channelName );

	return despatchTypedData<
		>( it->, converter );
void SslConnector::connected(const Socket&) {
    connector = 0;
    aio = AsynchIO::create(socket,
                           boost::bind(&SslConnector::readbuff, this, _1, _2),
                           boost::bind(&SslConnector::eof, this, _1),
                           boost::bind(&SslConnector::disconnected, this, _1),
                           boost::bind(&SslConnector::socketClosed, this, _1, _2),
                           0, // nobuffs
                           boost::bind(&SslConnector::writebuff, this, _1));

    identifier = str(format("[%1%]") % socket.getFullAddress());
    ProtocolInitiation init(version);
Beispiel #9
void utils::thumb_lightmap(Params params) {
  illum::GrayLightfield lightmap(params.alt_spacing);
    throw std::runtime_error("no lightmap directory specified");
  log("LOADING lightmap ...");
  for(double alt = 0; alt < 1000; alt += params.alt_spacing) {
    try {
      Mat raw_avg;
      lightmap.getAverage(raw_avg, alt);
      // now do a quick-and-dirty conversion to color
      Mat bgr_avg = demosaic_thumb_lq(raw_avg, params.bayer_pattern);
      // now convert to 8u
      bgr_avg *= 255.0 / 65535.0;
      fs::path p(params.lightmap_dir);
      p /= str(boost::format("thumb_slice_%.02f.jpg") % alt);
      log("SAVING thumbnail %s") % p.string();
      imwrite(p.string(), bgr_avg);
    } catch(std::exception const &e) {
      log_error("ERROR thumbnailing: %s") % e.what();
Beispiel #10
void LinkRegistry::notifyConnection(const std::string& key, amqp_0_10::Connection* c)
    // find a link that is attempting to connect to the remote, and
    // create a mapping from connection id to link
    QPID_LOG(debug, "LinkRegistry::notifyConnection(); key=" << key );
    std::string host;
    Link::shared_ptr link;
        Mutex::ScopedLock locker(lock);
        LinkMap::iterator l = pendingLinks.find(key);
        if (l != pendingLinks.end()) {
            link = l->second;
            connections[key] = link->getName();
            QPID_LOG(debug, "LinkRegistry:: found pending =" << link->getName());

    if (link) {
        c->setUserId(str(format("%1%@%2%") % link->getUsername() % realm));
Beispiel #11
 * Display the modal dialog and start the download.
 * This dialog is modal; it will block until the download is finished
 * or fails.
 * @param hinst The app instance handle.
 * @param parent The parent window handle.
 * @return @c true If the download was successful (the track is now
 *         available) or @c false if the download failed.
bool TrackDownloadDialog::ShowModal(HINSTANCE hinst, HWND parent)
    bufSize = 0;
    bufTotal = 0;
    cancel = false;

    // Ask to download the track.
    std::string msg =
        str(format(_("Would you like to download the track \"%s\" now?")) % name);
    std::ostringstream oss;
    if (MessageBoxW(parent, Str::UW(msg.c_str()), Str::UW(_("Track Download")), MB_YESNO) == IDNO) {
        return false;

    boost::thread thread(boost::bind(&TrackDownloadDialog::ThreadProc, this));

                                    parent, DlgFunc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this));
    if (dlgRetv == IDCANCEL) cancel = true;


    return !cancel;
Beispiel #12
void parseCmdLine(int argc, char *argv[])
    opts::options_description desc("Options");

        ("help,h", "Print this message.\n")

         "Path to prepend to all files written.\n")

         opts::value< std::vector<std::string> >(&input_paths),
         "Path a files or folder to pack. Multiple inputs can be specified as positional arguments.\n")

         "Read input paths from the standard input. Any paths read are appended to those specified by --input.\n")

         "Recurse into any directories specified.\n")

         str(format("Size of the packed images. This is a maximum size if --compact is specified and a minimum size if --power-of-two is specified. Default size is set to %s. Example: --image-size 1024x1024\n") % cmd_img_size).c_str())

         "Keep sheet sizes a power of two. If a dimension in --image-size is not a power of two it is rounded up to the nearst power.\n")

         "Number of pixels to extrude the edges of source images by. Example: --extrude 1. default = 0.\n")

         "Create sheets smaller than --image-size if possible.\n")

         "Origin to use when computing sprite texture coordinates. Either bottom-left or top-left.\n")

         "Don't write any files.\n")

         "Disables caching of image data and causes images to be loaded and unloaded on demand. Useful when packing more images than can fit into memory.\n")

         "Disables printing.\n")

         "Print detailed information.\n")

    opts::positional_options_description p;
    p.add("input", -1);

    opts::variables_map vars;

        opts::store(opts::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(p).run(), vars);

            print(format("%1%") % desc);

    catch(const opts::error &e)
        print(format("%1%\n\n") % e.what());
        fatal(format("%1%") % desc);

    std::vector<std::string> strs;
    boost::split(strs, cmd_img_size, boost::is_any_of("x"));

    if(strs.size() != 2)
        fatal("error parsing image-size\n");

        cmd_sheet_width  = boost::lexical_cast<int>(strs[0]);
        cmd_sheet_height = boost::lexical_cast<int>(strs[1]);
    catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast&)
        fatal("error parsing image-size\n");

    if(cmd_tex_coord_origin == "bottom-left")
        tex_coord_origin = BOTTOM_LEFT;
    else if(cmd_tex_coord_origin == "top-left")
        tex_coord_origin = TOP_LEFT;
Beispiel #13
DicomConfig::DicomConfig( const std::string &configFileName ):config_( new DcmQueryRetrieveConfig ) {
  if (config_->init( configFileName.c_str() )!=1) throw runtime_error( 
    str( format("error reading config file:%1%") % configFileName ) );
  readDBMap( config_, dbMap_ );
  maxPDU_ = config_->getMaxPDUSize();
int test_main(int, char* [])
    using namespace std;
    using boost::format;
    using boost::io::group;
    using boost::str;

    string s, s2;
    // special paddings 
    s = str( format("[%=6s] [%+6s] [%+6s] [% 6s] [%+6s]\n") 
                      % 123
                      % group(internal, setfill('W'), 234)
                      % group(internal, setfill('X'), -345)
                      % group(setfill('Y'), 456)
                      % group(setfill('Z'), -10 ) );

    if(s != "[  123 ] [+WW234] [-XX345] [YY 456] [ZZZ-10]\n" ) {
      cerr << s ;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (with special paddings)");

    s = str( format("[% 6.8s] [% 8.6s] [% 7.7s]\n") 
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), Rational(12345,54321))
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), Rational(123,45))
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), Rational(123,321))
    if(s != (s2="[ 12345/5] [ xx123/4] [ 123/32]\n" )) {
        cerr << s << s2;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (with special paddings)");

    s = str( format("[% 6.8s] [% 6.8s] [% 6.8s] [% 6.8s] [%6.8s]\n") 
                      % 1234567897
                      % group(setfill('x'), 12)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 12)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 1234567890)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 123456) 
    if(s != (s2="[ 1234567] [xxx 12] [ xxx12] [ 1234567] [123456]\n") ) {
        cerr << s << s2;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (with special paddings)");

    s = str( format("[% 8.6s] [% 6.4s] [% 6.4s] [% 8.6s] [% 8.6s]\n")
                      % 1234567897
                      % group(setfill('x'), 12)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 12)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 1234567890)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 12345) 
    if(s != (s2="[   12345] [xxx 12] [ xxx12] [ xx12345] [ xx12345]\n") ) {
        cerr << s << s2;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (with special paddings)");

    // nesting formats :
    s = str( format("%2$014x [%1%] %|2$05|\n") % (format("%05s / %s") % -18 % 7)
             %group(showbase, -100)
    if( s != "0x0000ffffff9c [-0018 / 7] -0100\n" ){
      cerr << s ;
      BOOST_ERROR("nesting did not work");

    // testcase for bug reported at 
    format f("%40t%1%");
    int x = 0;
    f.bind_arg(1, x);

    // testcase for bug reported at
    std::string l_param;
    std::string l_str = (boost::format("here is an empty string: %1%") % l_param).str(); 

    // testcase for SourceForge bug #1506914
    std::string arg; // empty string  
    s = str(format("%=8s") % arg);

    return 0;
Beispiel #15
int handle_request(const char* func_name, struct soap* soap,
        soap_request_t* soap_req, response_container_t* response_container,
        response_t** soap_resp)

    storm::logging_traits<request_t> logger;

    using boost::format;
    using boost::str;

    boost::posix_time::ptime const start_time =

    try {

        request_t request(soap, soap_req);

        logger.log_request(func_name, request);

        bool const request_is_blacklisted =

        if (request_is_blacklisted) {

            *soap_resp = storm::build_error_message_response<response_t>(soap,
                    "Request authorization error: user is blacklisted.");

                    SRM_USCOREAUTHORIZATION_USCOREFAILURE, start_time,
                    "Request authorization error: user is blacklisted.\n");

            return SOAP_OK;

        // Request is authorized, handle it
        int const soap_return_value = request.performXmlRpcCall(response_container);


        storm::log_request_outcome(func_name, request);

        return soap_return_value;

    } catch (storm::invalid_request& e) {

        *soap_resp = storm::build_error_message_response<response_t>(soap,
                SRM_USCOREINVALID_USCOREREQUEST, e.what());

                SRM_USCOREINVALID_USCOREREQUEST, start_time,
                str(format("%s\n") % e.what()));

        return SOAP_OK;

    } catch (storm::authorization_error& e) {

        *soap_resp = storm::build_error_message_response<response_t>(soap,
                SRM_USCOREFAILURE, e.what());

        storm::request::register_request_error<request_t>(func_name, SRM_USCOREFAILURE,
                str(format("Error authorizing request: %s\n") % e.what()));

        return SOAP_OK;

Beispiel #16
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    std::string environment_uri;
    std::string robot_name;
    std::string plugin_name;
    size_t num_trials;
    bool self = false;
    bool profile = false;

    // Parse arguments.
    po::options_description desc("Profile OpenRAVE's memory usage.");
        ("num-samples", po::value<size_t>(&num_trials)->default_value(10000),
            "number of samples to run")
        ("self", po::value<bool>(&self)->zero_tokens(),
            "run self-collision checks")
        ("profile", po::value<bool>(&profile)->zero_tokens(),
            "remove objects from environment")
            "number of samples to run")
        ("robot", po::value<std::string>(&robot_name)->required(),
            "collision checker name")
            "print usage information")

    po::positional_options_description pd;
    pd.add("environment_uri", 1);
    pd.add("robot", 1);
    pd.add("collision_checker", 1);

    po::variables_map vm;
        po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)

    if (vm.count("help")) {
        std::cout << desc << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Create the OpenRAVE environment.

    EnvironmentBasePtr const env = RaveCreateEnvironment();
    CollisionCheckerBasePtr const collision_checker
            = RaveCreateCollisionChecker(env, plugin_name);


    // "/usr/share/openrave-0.9/data/wamtest1.env.xml"
    KinBodyPtr const body = env->GetKinBody(robot_name);

    // Generate random configuations.
    std::vector<OpenRAVE::dReal> lower;
    std::vector<OpenRAVE::dReal> upper;
    body->GetDOFLimits(lower, upper);
	std::vector<std::vector<double> > data;
    data = benchmarks::DataUtils::GenerateRandomConfigurations(
            num_trials, lower, upper);

    RAVELOG_INFO("Running %d collision checks.\n", num_trials);

    boost::timer const timer;
    if (profile) {
        std::string const prof_name = str(
                format("") %  plugin_name);
        RAVELOG_INFO("Writing gperftools information to '%s'.\n",


    size_t num_collision = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_trials; ++i) {

        bool is_collision;
        if (self) {
            is_collision = body->CheckSelfCollision();
        } else {
            is_collision = env->CheckCollision(body);
        num_collision += !!is_collision;

    if (profile) {

    double const duration = timer.elapsed();
        "Ran %d collision checks (%d in collision) in %f seconds (%f checks per second).\n",
        num_trials, num_collision, duration, num_trials / duration

    return 0;
Beispiel #17
void FBasisSetLibraryImpl::ImportMolproLib(std::string const &FileName, std::ostream *pxout)
   // how this files look:
   //   Note: Lines with * are comments.
      // He s STO-3G STO3G : 3 1 1.3
      // STO-3G
      // 6.3624214 1.158923 0.31364979 0.15432897 0.53532814 0.44463454
      // Li s STO-3G STO3G : 6 2 1.3 4.6
      // STO-3G
      // 16.119575 2.9362007 0.7946505 0.6362897 0.1478601 0.0480887 0.15432897
      // 0.53532814 0.44463454 -0.09996723 0.39951283 0.70011547
      // Li p STO-3G STO3G : 3 1 1.3
      // STO-3G
      // 0.6362897 0.1478601 0.0480887 0.15591627 0.60768372 0.39195739
      // B s cc-pVDZ VDZ : 9 3 1.9 1.9 9.9
      // cc-pVDZ
      // 4570 685.9 156.5 44.47 14.48 5.131 1.898 0.3329 0.1043 0.000696
      // 0.005353 0.027134 0.10138 0.272055 0.448403 0.290123 0.014322 -0.003486
      // -0.000139 -0.001097 -0.005444 -0.021916 -0.059751 -0.138732 -0.131482
      // 0.539526 0.580774 1
   // interpretation: First Line:
   //      ElementName OrbitalType N*[AlternativeNameI] :
   //            #PrimOrbitals #OrbitalsTheyAreContractedTo N*[ContractFrom.ContractTo]
   //      Any string, usually reference to be cited for the basis set
   //      M*[PrimitiveOrbitalExponents] L*[PrimitiveOrbitalCoefficients]
   //   for each contraction contraction length coefficients are supplied.
   // and data sets like this are also seen:
      // H  P 6-311G2P :   2  0
      // G92 6-311G polarization
      //    .15000000D+01   .37500000D+00
      // H  P 6-311G3P :   3  0
      // G92 6-311G polarization
      //    .30000000D+01   .75000000D+00   .18750000D+00
      // H  S 6-31G** 6-31G* 6-31G :   4  1      1.3
      // G92 6-31G**
       // .18731137D+02   .28253944D+01   .64012169D+00   .16127776D+00   .33494604D-01
      // .23472695D+00   .81375733D+00
   // all/some primitive orbitals are probably left uncontracted. Therefore no
   // contraction coefficients are supplied for these (only exponents).

   // Also I originally tought that the names of the basis set after the first
   // one were alternative Names of the set (like cc-pVDZ = VDZ). This is
   // however not how it works, at least not in all cases: It seems that names
   // which are supplied actually mean that the currently described elements
   // have to be inserted into the basis sets of ALL names provided, which
   // may or may not be identical basis sets (for example, for the s and p
   // orbitals of the 931G basis set, also the starred names are listed, which
   // means that these basis sets share these orbitals, altough in general they
   // are different).

   // so.. let's begin the mess.
   // read the entire file into a stringstream object (we need to modify it).
   if (!LoadFileIntoMemory(pFileContent, FileName))
      throw std::runtime_error( "FBasisSetLibraryImpl: Failed to open file '"+FileName+"' for basis library import." );

   // okay, now this is very bad. This FORTRAN stuff (sometimes) denotes
   // exponents in scientific notation not as "23423e-3" but as "23423D-03". We
   // do a lame attempt to convert that. This might break in some situations.
   // FIXME: correct this somehow.
   for (uint i = 0; i < pFileContent.size() - 2; ++i) {
      if (pFileContent[i]=='D' &&
          (pFileContent[i+1]=='+' || pFileContent[i+1]=='-') &&
         pFileContent[i] = 'E';

      str(&pFileContent[0], std::stringstream::in);
   // ^- NOTE: "in" means from stream, into local data, not
   // into stream (file naming convention)

   try {
         // clear exception mask, now stream will not throw() when something
         // unexpected happens.
         std::getline( str, s );
         if (s.size() == 0 || s[0] == '*' || s[0] == '!')
            // empty or comment line, throw it away and go on with the next
         if (!str.good()) // eof, bad etc.
         // ^- when something fails, throw an exception. this will happen
         // if the actual file format does not match the one I had in mind
         // when coding this.

         // expected format: ElementName[w]OrbitalType[w]AlternativeNames[w] :
         // using namespace std;
         // cout << "** read line: '" << s << "'" << endl;
            line(s, std::stringstream::in);
         line.exceptions(std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit);
            Element, Type;
         line >> Element >> Type;
         if ( Type.size() != 1 )
            throw std::runtime_error( "Parsing error, cannot interpret orbital type '" + Type + "'" );

         std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >
            cAngMom = ::tolower(Type[0]);
         for (AngMom = 0; AngMom < 9; ++ AngMom)
            if (cAngMom == "spdfghikl"[AngMom])
         if (AngMom == 9)
            throw std::runtime_error((format("Failed to understand angular momentum '%s'.") % cAngMom).str());
//          std::cout << "Element " << Element << " Type " << Type << std::endl;

            BasisNames; // all names of basis sets in which the
                     // current entry is to be inserted.
         for (line >> s; s != ":"; line >> s) {
//             std::cout << "Alternative Name:" << s << std::endl;
            BasisNames.push_back( tolower(stripwhitespace(s)) );

         // expected format: #prim orbitals #contractions (#contr.)*[a.b]
         // denoting indices of begin and end of a contraction with the
         // following exponents/contraction coefficients.
            nCoeff(0), // total number of contraction coefficients to read (in all contractions).
            nHighestExpInCo(0); // 1-based index.
         line >> nExp >> nCo;
//          std::cout << "#Prim " << nExp << " #Co " << nCo << std::endl;
         for (int i = 0; i < nCo; ++ i){
            char Dot;
            line >> iCo.first >> Dot >> iCo.second;
            iCo.first -= 1; // convert to 0-based [begin,end).
            if (Dot != '.')
               throw std::runtime_error("GTO-Contraction read format error.");
//             std::cout << "  Co: #" << iCo.first << "-#" << iCo.second << std::endl;
            if (iCo.second <= iCo.first || iCo.second > nExp)
               throw std::runtime_error("GTO-Contraction logical error.");
            nCoeff += iCo.second - iCo.first;
            nHighestExpInCo = std::max(nHighestExpInCo, iCo.second);

         do{ // read name, maybe skip comments.
            getline(str, EntryComment);
         } while (EntryComment.size() != 0 && EntryComment[0] == '*');
         // cout << "Entry Comment: " << EntryComment << endl;

         // now read exponents and contraction coefficients;
         // (this will break if comments are present in between)
            Coeffs(nCoeff, 0);
         for ( int i = 0; i < nExp; ++ i ){
            str >> Exps[i];
            // cout << "Exp: " << Exps.back() << endl;

         // read in contraction coefficients.
         if ( nCo != 0 )
            for ( int i = 0; i < nCoeff; ++ i ){
               double Coeff;
               str >> Coeff;
               // cout << "Coeff: " << Coeff << endl;
               Coeffs[i] = Coeff;
         // copy over the contraction coefficients to the contractions.
            CoMatrix(Exps.size() * nCo, 0.);
            iCoeff = 0;
         for ( int i = 0; i < nCo; ++ i ){
            for (int j = Cos[i].first; j != Cos[i].second; ++ j)
               CoMatrix[j + i*Exps.size()] = Coeffs[iCoeff + j - Cos[i].first];
            iCoeff += (Cos[i].second - Cos[i].first);

         // in some files some primitive orbitals are left uncontracted.
         // but these are not stored as 1-GTO contractions but the
         // coefficients for these are just not present in the file.
         // Make 1-GTO contractions for them.
            nAdditionalCo = nExp - nHighestExpInCo;
         if (0 != nAdditionalCo)
         {   // generate 1-GTO-each contractions manually.
            int nCoExplicit = nCo;
            nCo += nAdditionalCo;
            CoMatrix.resize(Exps.size() * nCo, 0.);
               iStart = nHighestExpInCo;
               // ^- 0 based index, the rhs one is 1-based.
            for ( int i = 0; i < nAdditionalCo; ++ i ) {
               int iCo = i + nCoExplicit;
               CoMatrix[(i + iStart) + Exps.size() * iCo] = 1.;

         // import all names of the basis function
         _for_each(itName, BasisNames)

         // make the actual basis function and link it to all the names.
            pBfn(new FAtomShell(AngMom, &Exps[0], Exps.size(), &CoMatrix[0],
            iElement = ElementNumberFromName(Element);
         _for_each(itName, BasisNames)
            m_BasisFns.insert( FBasisFnMap::value_type(MakeKey(*itName, iElement), pBfn) );

         // chew the EOL marker if present, leave loop otherwise.
         str.ignore(0xbad, '\n');
   } catch (std::ios_base::failure &e){
      // this is not exactly something i would usually
      // call "error handling" but i really hate this string-
      // fiddling stuff and we can't really do anything better
      // about it anyway.
      std::cerr << "PARSER EXCEPTION:" << e.what() << std::endl;
      throw std::runtime_error( "Parsing of LIBMOL file FAILED because the actual syntax did not match the expected one. Last entry successfully processed: ");
   } catch (std::exception &e){
      std::cerr << "Exception during LibmolFile parsing: " << e.what() << std::endl;

   // if provided, write some imporant looking comments about what
   // we loaded to the standard output.
   if (pxout) {
         &xout = *pxout;
         iDirSep = FileName.rfind('/');
      if ( iDirSep == std::string::npos )
         iDirSep = 0;
         iDirSep += 1;
      xout << format(" LOADED %-25s") % FileName.substr(iDirSep);
      if ( 1 ) {
         xout << "[";
            nLen = 0;
         _for_each(itSet, AllBasisNames) {
            if ( nLen >= 40 ) {
               xout << ",...";

            if (itSet != AllBasisNames.begin())
               xout << ", ";
            xout << *itSet;
            nLen += itSet->size();
         xout << "]";
      xout << std::endl;
Beispiel #18
int main(int, char* [])
    using namespace std;
    using boost::format;
    using boost::io::group;
    using boost::str;

    Rational r(16,9);
    const Rational cr(9,16);

    string s;
    s = str(format("%5%. %5$=6s . %1% format %5%, c'%3% %1% %2%.\n")
            % "le" % "bonheur" % "est" % "trop" % group(setfill('_'), "bref") );

    if(s  != "bref. _bref_ . le format bref, c'est le bonheur.\n") {
      cerr << s;
      BOOST_ERROR("centered alignement : formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("%+8d %-8d\n") % r % cr );
    if(s  != "  +16/+9 9/16    \n") {
      cerr << s;
      BOOST_ERROR("(user-type) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("[%0+4d %0+8d %-08d]\n") % 8 % r % r);
    if(s  != "[+008 +0016/+9 16/9    ]\n") {
      cerr << s;
      BOOST_ERROR("(zero-padded user-type) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str( format("%1%, %20T_ (%|2$5|,%|3$5|)\n") % "98765" % 1326 % 88 ) ;
    if( s != "98765, _____________ ( 1326,   88)\n" )
            BOOST_ERROR("(tabulation) formatting result incorrect");
    s = str( format("%s, %|20t|=") % 88 ) ;
    if( s != "88,                 =" ) {
      cout << s << endl;
      BOOST_ERROR("(tabulation) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("%.2s %8c.\n") % "root" % "user" );
    if(s  != "ro        u.\n") {
      cerr << s;
      BOOST_ERROR("(truncation) formatting result incorrect");

   // width in format-string is overridden by setw manipulator :
    s = str( format("%|1$4| %|1$|") % group(setfill('0'), setw(6), 1) );
    if( s!= "000001 000001")
      BOOST_ERROR("width in format VS in argument misbehaved");

    s = str( format("%|=s|") % group(setfill('_'), setw(6), r) );
    if( s!= "_16/9_") {
      cerr << s << endl;
      BOOST_ERROR("width in group context is not handled correctly");

    // options that uses internal alignment : + 0 #
    s = str( format("%+6d %0#6x %s\n")  % 342 % 33 % "ok" );
    if( s !="  +342 0x0021 ok\n")
      BOOST_ERROR("(flags +, 0, or #) formatting result incorrect");

    // flags in the format string are not sticky
    // and hex in argument overrrides type-char d (->decimal) :
    s = str( format("%2$#4d %|1$4| %|2$#4| %|3$|")
             % 101
             % group(setfill('_'), hex, 2)
             % 103 );
    if(s != "_0x2  101 _0x2 103")
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (not-restoring state ?)");

    // flag '0' is tricky .
    // left-align cancels '0':
    s = str( format("%2$0#12X %2$0#-12d %1$0#10d \n") % -20 % 10 );
    if( s != "0X000000000A 10           -000000020 \n"){
      cerr << s;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (flag 0)");

    // actually testing floating point output is implementation
    // specific so we're just going to do minimal checking...
    double dbl = 1234567.890123f;

#if (__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_MAJOR(BOOST_COMP_MSVC) >= 12)
    // msvc-12.0 and later have support for hexfloat but do not set __cplusplus to a C++11 value
    BOOST_TEST(boost::starts_with((boost::format("%A") % dbl).str(), "0X"));
    BOOST_TEST(boost::starts_with((boost::format("%a") % dbl).str(), "0x"));

    BOOST_TEST(boost::contains((boost::format("%E") % dbl).str(), "E"));
    BOOST_TEST(boost::contains((boost::format("%e") % dbl).str(), "e"));
    BOOST_TEST(boost::contains((boost::format("%F") % dbl).str(), "."));
    BOOST_TEST(boost::contains((boost::format("%f") % dbl).str(), "."));
    BOOST_TEST(!(boost::format("%G") % dbl).str().empty());
    BOOST_TEST(!(boost::format("%g") % dbl).str().empty());

    // testing argument type parsing - remember argument types are ignored
    // because operator % presents the argument type.
    unsigned int value = 456;
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%hhu") % value).str(), "456");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%hu") % value).str(), "456");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%lu") % value).str(), "456");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%llu") % value).str(), "456");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%ju") % value).str(), "456");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%zu") % value).str(), "456");
    BOOST_TEST(boost::starts_with((boost::format("%Lf") % value).str(), "456"));

#if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
    // boolalpha support
    std::locale loc;
    const std::numpunct<char>& punk(std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char> >(loc));

    // Demonstrates how to modify the default string to something else
    std::locale custom(std::locale(), new custom_tf);
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%b") % false).str(), "NEGATIVE");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%b") % true).str(), "POSITIVE");

    // restore system default
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%b") % false).str(), punk.falsename());
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%b") % true).str(), punk.truename());

    // Support for microsoft argument type specifiers: 'w' (same as 'l'), I, I32, I64
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%wc") % '5').str(), "5");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%Id") % 123).str(), "123");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%I32d") % 456).str(), "456");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%I64d") % 789).str(), "789");

    // issue-36 volatile (and const) keyword
    volatile int vint = 1234567;
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%1%") % vint).str(), "1234567");
    volatile const int vcint = 7654321;
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%1%") % vcint).str(), "7654321");

    // skip width if '*'
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%*d") % vint).str(), "1234567");

    // internal ios flag
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%_6d") % -77).str(), "-   77");

    // combining some flags
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%+05.5d"  ) %  77).str(), "+0077");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%+ 5.5d"  ) %  77).str(), "  +77");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%+_ 5.5d" ) %  77).str(), "+  77");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%+- 5.5d" ) %  77).str(), "+77  ");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%+05.5d"  ) % -77).str(), "-0077");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%+ 5.5d"  ) % -77).str(), "  -77");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%+_ 5.5d" ) % -77).str(), "-  77");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%+- 5.5d" ) % -77).str(), "-77  ");

    // reuse state and reset format flags
    std::string mystr("abcdefghijklmnop");
    BOOST_TEST_EQ((boost::format("%2.2s %-4.4s % 8.8s")
        % mystr % mystr % mystr).str(), "ab abcd  abcdefg");

    // coverage, operator =
    format fmt("%1%%2%%3%");
    fmt = fmt;

    return boost::report_errors();
Beispiel #19
int test_main(int, char* [])
    using namespace std;
    using boost::format;
    using boost::io::group;
    using boost::str;

    string s, s2;
    // special paddings 
    s = str( format("[%=6s] [%+6s] [%+6s] [% 6s] [%+6s]\n") 
                      % 123
                      % group(internal, setfill('W'), 234)
                      % group(internal, setfill('X'), -345)
                      % group(setfill('Y'), 456)
                      % group(setfill('Z'), -10 ) );

    if(s != "[  123 ] [+WW234] [-XX345] [YY 456] [ZZZ-10]\n" ) {
      cerr << s ;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (with special paddings)");

    s = str( format("[% 6.8s] [% 8.6s] [% 7.7s]\n") 
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), Rational(12345,54321))
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), Rational(123,45))
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), Rational(123,321))
    if(s != (s2="[ 12345/5] [ xx123/4] [ 123/32]\n" )) {
        cerr << s << s2;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (with special paddings)");

    s = str( format("[% 6.8s] [% 6.8s] [% 6.8s] [% 6.8s] [%6.8s]\n") 
                      % 1234567897
                      % group(setfill('x'), 12)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 12)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 1234567890)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 123456) 
    if(s != (s2="[ 1234567] [xxx 12] [ xxx12] [ 1234567] [123456]\n") ) {
        cerr << s << s2;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (with special paddings)");

    s = str( format("[% 8.6s] [% 6.4s] [% 6.4s] [% 8.6s] [% 8.6s]\n")
                      % 1234567897
                      % group(setfill('x'), 12)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 12)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 1234567890)
                      % group(internal, setfill('x'), 12345) 
    if(s != (s2="[   12345] [xxx 12] [ xxx12] [ xx12345] [ xx12345]\n") ) {
        cerr << s << s2;
      BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (with special paddings)");

    // nesting formats :
    s = str( format("%2$014x [%1%] %|2$05|\n") % (format("%05s / %s") % -18 % 7)
             %group(showbase, -100)
    if( s != "0x0000ffffff9c [-0018 / 7] -0100\n" ){
      cerr << s ;
      BOOST_ERROR("nesting did not work");
    return 0;
Beispiel #20
int test_main(int, char* [])
    using namespace std;
    using boost::format;
    using boost::io::group;
    using boost::str;

    Rational r(16,9);

    string s;
    s = str(format("%5%. %5$=6s . %1% format %5%, c'%3% %1% %2%.\n")
            % "le" % "bonheur" % "est" % "trop" % group(setfill('_'), "bref") );

    if(s  != "bref. _bref_ . le format bref, c'est le bonheur.\n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("centered alignement : formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("%+8d %-8d\n") % r % r );
    if(s  != "  +16/+9 16/9    \n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("(user-type) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("[%0+4d %0+8d %-08d]\n") % 8 % r % r);
    if(s  != "[+008 +0016/+9 16/9    ]\n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("(zero-padded user-type) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str( format("%1%, %20T_ (%|2$5|,%|3$5|)\n") % "98765" % 1326 % 88 ) ;
    if( s != "98765, _____________ ( 1326,   88)\n" )
        BOOST_ERROR("(tabulation) formatting result incorrect");
    s = str( format("%s, %|20t|=") % 88 ) ;
    if( s != "88,                 =" ) {
        cout << s << endl;
        BOOST_ERROR("(tabulation) formatting result incorrect");

    s = str(format("%.2s %8c.\n") % "root" % "user" );
    if(s  != "ro        u.\n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("(truncation) formatting result incorrect");

    // width in format-string is overridden by setw manipulator :
    s = str( format("%|1$4| %|1$|") % group(setfill('0'), setw(6), 1) );
    if( s!= "000001 000001")
        BOOST_ERROR("width in format VS in argument misbehaved");

    s = str( format("%|=s|") % group(setfill('_'), setw(6), r) );
    if( s!= "_16/9_") {
        cerr << s << endl;
        BOOST_ERROR("width in group context is not handled correctly");

    // options that uses internal alignment : + 0 #
    s = str( format("%+6d %0#6x %s\n")  % 342 % 33 % "ok" );
    if( s !="  +342 0x0021 ok\n")
        BOOST_ERROR("(flags +, 0, or #) formatting result incorrect");

    // flags in the format string are not sticky
    // and hex in argument overrrides type-char d (->decimal) :
    s = str( format("%2$#4d %|1$4| %|2$#4| %|3$|")
             % 101
             % group(setfill('_'), hex, 2)
             % 103 );
    if(s != "_0x2  101 _0x2 103")
        BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (not-restoring state ?)");

    // flag '0' is tricky .
    // left-align cancels '0':
    s = str( format("%2$0#12X %2$0#-12d %1$0#10d \n") % -20 % 10 );
    if( s != "0X000000000A 10           -000000020 \n") {
        cerr << s;
        BOOST_ERROR("formatting error. (flag 0)");

    return 0;