* return next girl in the sorted list
sGirl *cScreenGirlDetails::get_next_girl()
	sGirl *next_girl = 0;

	g_LogFile.write("Where is the girl??");

	if (g_Clinic.GetGirlsCurrentBrothel(selected_girl) != -1)
		g_LogFile.write("She is in the Clinic");
		next_girl = g_Clinic.GetGirl(0, g_Clinic.GetGirlPos(0, selected_girl) + 1);
	else if (g_Studios.GetGirlsCurrentBrothel(selected_girl) != -1)
		g_LogFile.write("She is in the Studio");
		next_girl = g_Studios.GetGirl(0, g_Studios.GetGirlPos(0, selected_girl) + 1);
	else if (g_Arena.GetGirlsCurrentBrothel(selected_girl) != -1)
		g_LogFile.write("She is in the Arena");
		next_girl = g_Arena.GetGirl(0, g_Arena.GetGirlPos(0, selected_girl) + 1);
	else if (g_Centre.GetGirlsCurrentBrothel(selected_girl) != -1)
		g_LogFile.write("She is in the Centre");
		next_girl = g_Centre.GetGirl(0, g_Centre.GetGirlPos(0, selected_girl) + 1);
	else if (g_House.GetGirlsCurrentBrothel(selected_girl) != -1)
		g_LogFile.write("She is in the House");
		next_girl = g_House.GetGirl(0, g_House.GetGirlPos(0, selected_girl) + 1);
	else if (g_Farm.GetGirlsCurrentBrothel(selected_girl) != -1)
		g_LogFile.write("She is in the Farm");
		next_girl = g_Farm.GetGirl(0, g_Farm.GetGirlPos(0, selected_girl) + 1);
		if (selected_girl->m_DayJob == JOB_INDUNGEON)
			g_LogFile.write("She is in the Dungeon");
			next_girl = g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->GetGirl(g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->GetGirlPos(selected_girl) + 1)->m_Girl;
			g_LogFile.write("She is in a Brothel");
			next_girl = g_Brothels.GetGirl(g_CurrBrothel, g_Brothels.GetGirlPos(g_CurrBrothel, selected_girl) + 1);

	return next_girl;
* the selected girl is to be removed from the current list; returns next selected girl
sGirl *cScreenGirlDetails::remove_selected_girl()
	sGirl *next_girl = 0;

	if (cycle_girls.size() == 0) {
		return 0;

	int cur_id = cycle_girls[cycle_pos];

	cycle_girls.erase(cycle_girls.begin() + cycle_pos);  // remove her

	if (cycle_pos >= (int)cycle_girls.size())
	{  // if this girl was the last in the list, move list position -1 if possible
		if (cycle_pos > 0)
		else  // or, maybe we have no more girls in the list
			return next_girl;

	if (selected_girl->m_DayJob == JOB_INDUNGEON) next_girl = g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->GetGirl(cycle_girls[cycle_pos])->m_Girl;
	else if (selected_girl->m_InHouse)	next_girl = g_House.GetGirl(0, cycle_girls[cycle_pos]);
	else if (selected_girl->m_InFarm)	next_girl = g_Farm.GetGirl(0, cycle_girls[cycle_pos]);
	else if (selected_girl->m_InClinic)	next_girl = g_Clinic.GetGirl(0, cycle_girls[cycle_pos]);
	else if (selected_girl->m_InCentre)	next_girl = g_Centre.GetGirl(0, cycle_girls[cycle_pos]);
	else if (selected_girl->m_InArena)	next_girl = g_Arena.GetGirl(0, cycle_girls[cycle_pos]);
	else if (selected_girl->m_InStudio)	next_girl = g_Studios.GetGirl(0, cycle_girls[cycle_pos]);
	else next_girl = g_Brothels.GetGirl(g_CurrBrothel, cycle_girls[cycle_pos]);

	for (int i = cycle_girls.size(); i--> 0;)
	{  // all girls with ID higher than removed girl need their ID reduced
		if (cycle_girls[i] > cur_id)

	return next_girl;
void cScreenTown::check_clinic(int ClinicNum)
{	// player clicked on one of the brothels
	if (g_Clinic.GetNumBrothels() == ClinicNum)
	{	// player doesn't own this brothel... can he buy it? 
		static_brothel_data *bck = clinic_data + ClinicNum;
		locale syslocale("");
		stringstream ss;

		if (!g_Gold.afford(bck->price) || g_Gangs.GetNumBusinessExtorted() < bck->business)
		{	// can't buy it
			ss << gettext("This building costs ") << bck->price << gettext(" gold and you need to control at least ") << bck->business << gettext(" businesses.");
			if (!g_Gold.afford(bck->price))
				ss << "\n" << gettext("You need ") << (bck->price - g_Gold.ival()) << gettext(" more gold to afford it.");
			if (g_Gangs.GetNumBusinessExtorted() < bck->business)
				ss << "\n" << gettext("You need to control ") << (bck->business - g_Gangs.GetNumBusinessExtorted()) << gettext(" more businesses.");
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), 0);
		{	// can buy it
			ss << gettext("Do you wish to purchase this building for ") << bck->price << gettext(" gold? It has ") << bck->rooms << gettext(" rooms.");
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), 2);
			g_ChoiceManager.CreateChoiceBox(224, 112, 352, 384, 0, 2, 32, 8);
			g_ChoiceManager.AddChoice(0, gettext("Buy It"), 0);
			g_ChoiceManager.AddChoice(0, gettext("Don't Buy It"), 1);
			BuyClinic = ClinicNum;
	{	// player owns this brothel... go to it
		g_Building = BUILDING_CLINIC;
		g_CurrClinic = ClinicNum;
		g_WinManager.push("Clinic Screen");
// `J` Job Clinic - Surgery
bool cJobManager::WorkPhysicalSurgery(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	// if she was not in surgery last turn, reset working days to 0 before proceding
	if (girl->m_YesterDayJob != JOB_PHYSICALSURGERY) { girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0; }

	bool hasDoctor = (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(brothel->m_id, JOB_DOCTOR, true) > 0 || g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(brothel->m_id, JOB_DOCTOR, false) > 0);
	if (!hasDoctor)
		ss << " does nothing. You don't have any Doctors working. (require 1) ";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		return false;	// not refusing
	ss << " is in the Clinic to get general surgery.\n\n";

	int msgtype = Day0Night1;
	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for patient

	if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY)	// the Doctor works on her durring the day
	else	// and if there are nurses on duty, they take care of her at night
		if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, 1) > 0)
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, 10);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, 10);

	int numnurse = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1);

	if (girl->m_WorkingDay >= 5)
		ss << "The surgery is a success.\n";
		msgtype = EVENT_GOODNEWS;
		if (!g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Sexy Air"))
			girl->add_trait("Sexy Air", false);
			ss << "She gains Sexy Air trait.\n";
		else if (!g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Cute"))
			girl->add_trait("Cute", false);
			ss << "She gains Cute trait.\n";
		if (numnurse > 1)
			ss << "The Nurses kept her healthy and happy during her recovery.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, 5);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, 10);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, 15);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, 15);
		else if (numnurse > 0)
			ss << "The Nurse helped her during her recovery.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, -5);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, -10);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, -10);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, 12);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, 12);
			ss << "She is sad and has lost some health during the operation.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, -5);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, -15);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, -20);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, -20);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, 8);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, 8);

		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Fragile")){ g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, -5); }
		else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Tough")){ g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, 5); }
		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Pessimist")){ g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, -5); }
		else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Optimist")){ g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, 5); }

		girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0;
		girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		int wdays = (5 - girl->m_WorkingDay);
		if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, 1) > 0)
			if (wdays >= 3)		{ wdays = 3; }
			else if (wdays > 1)	{ wdays = 2; }
			else				{ wdays = 1; }
		ss << "The operation is in progress (" << wdays << " day remaining).\n";
		if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, 1) > 1)		{ ss << "The Nurses are taking care of her at night."; }
		else if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, 1) > 0){ ss << "The Nurse is taking care of her at night."; }
		else							{ ss << "Having a Nurse on duty will speed up her recovery."; }

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, msgtype);

	// Improve girl
	int libido = 1;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian"))		libido += numnurse;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "M*******t"))	libido += 1;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))	libido += 2;
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);
	if (g_Dice % 10 == 0)
		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, 1);	// `J` she watched what the doctors and nurses were doing

	return false;
Beispiel #5
// `J` Job Clinic - Surgery
bool cJobManager::WorkGetFertility(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	// if she was not in surgery last turn, reset working days to 0 before proceding
	if (girl->m_YesterDayJob != JOB_FERTILITY) { girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0; }
	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_FERTILITY;	// it is a full time job

	if (girl->is_pregnant() || g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Broodmother"))
		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Broodmother"))	ss << " is already as Fertile as she can be so she was sent to the waiting room.";
		else if (girl->is_pregnant())				ss << " is pregant.\nShe must either have her baby or get an abortion before She can get recieve any more fertility treatments.";
		if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY)	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_YesterDayJob = girl->m_YesterNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0;
		return false;	// not refusing
	bool hasDoctor = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_DOCTOR, Day0Night1) > 0;
	int numnurse = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1);
	if (!hasDoctor)
		ss << " does nothing. You don't have any Doctors working. (require 1) ";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		return false;	// not refusing
	ss << " is in the Clinic to get fertility treatment.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for patient
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Count the Days				//

	if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY)	// the Doctor works on her durring the day
	else	// and if there are nurses on duty, they take care of her at night
		if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, 1) > 0)
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, 10);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, 10);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, 10);

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	In Progress				//

	if (girl->m_WorkingDay < 5 || Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY)
		int wdays = (5 - girl->m_WorkingDay);
		if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, 1) > 0)
			if (wdays >= 3)		{ wdays = 3; }
			else if (wdays > 1)	{ wdays = 2; }
			else				{ wdays = 1; }
		ss << "The operation is in progress (" << wdays << " day remaining).\n";
		if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, 1) > 1)		{ ss << "The Nurses are taking care of her at night."; }
		else if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, 1) > 0){ ss << "The Nurse is taking care of her at night."; }
		else							{ ss << "Having a Nurse on duty will speed up her recovery."; }

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Surgery Finished			//

		ss << "The surgery is a success.\n";
		msgtype = EVENT_GOODNEWS;
		girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0;

		if (numnurse > 2)
			ss << "The Nurses kept her healthy and happy during her recovery.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(0, 20));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(0, 20));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice.bell(0, 2));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice.bell(0, 2));
		else if (numnurse > 0)
			ss << "The Nurse" << (numnurse > 1 ? "s" : "") << " helped her during her recovery.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(0, 5));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(0, 5));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice % 2);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice % 2);
			ss << "She is sad and has lost some health during the operation.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(-20, 2));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(-10, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(-5, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(-20, 3));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice.bell(-1, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice.bell(-1, 1));

		ss << g_Girls.AdjustTraitGroupFertility(girl, 1, false);
		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Broodmother"))
			ss << "\n\nShe has been released from the Clinic.";
			girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_YesterDayJob = girl->m_YesterNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, msgtype);

	// Improve girl
	int libido = 1;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian"))		libido += numnurse;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "M*******t"))	libido += 1;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))	libido += 2;
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);
	if (g_Dice % 10 == 0)
		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, 1);	// `J` she watched what the doctors and nurses were doing

#pragma endregion
	return false;
void cScreenGirlDetails::check_events()
	// no events means we can go home
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.GetNumEvents() == 0) return;

	// if it's the back button, pop the window off the stack and we're done
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(back_id))
		g_InitWin = true;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckSlider(houseperc_id))
		g_Girls.SetStat(selected_girl, STAT_HOUSE, SliderValue(houseperc_id));
		ss << gettext("House Percentage: ") << SliderValue(houseperc_id) << gettext("%");
		EditTextItem(ss.str(), housepercval_id);
		// Rebelliousness might have changed, so update details
		if (DetailLevel == 0)
			string detail = g_Girls.GetDetailsString(selected_girl);
			EditTextItem(detail, girldesc_id);
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(more_id))
		if (DetailLevel == 0)		{ DetailLevel = 1; EditTextItem(g_Girls.GetMoreDetailsString(selected_girl), girldesc_id); }
		else if (DetailLevel == 1)	{ DetailLevel = 2; EditTextItem(g_Girls.GetThirdDetailsString(selected_girl), girldesc_id); }
		else						{ DetailLevel = 0; EditTextItem(g_Girls.GetDetailsString(selected_girl), girldesc_id); }
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(day_id))
		DisableButton(day_id, true);
		DisableButton(night_id, false);
		g_InitWin = true;
		Day0Night1 = SHIFT_DAY;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(night_id))
		DisableButton(day_id, false);
		DisableButton(night_id, true);
		g_InitWin = true;
		Day0Night1 = SHIFT_NIGHT;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckCheckbox(antipreg_id))
		selected_girl->m_UseAntiPreg = (IsCheckboxOn(antipreg_id));
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(traitlist_id))
		int selection = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(traitlist_id);
		if (selection != -1)
			EditTextItem(selected_girl->m_Traits[selection]->m_Desc, traitdesc_id);
			EditTextItem("", traitdesc_id);
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(jobtypelist_id))
		SetJob = true;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(joblist_id))
		bool fulltime = g_CTRLDown;

		int selection = GetSelectedItemFromList(joblist_id);
		if (selection != -1)
			int old_job = (Day0Night1 ? selected_girl->m_NightJob : selected_girl->m_DayJob);
			// handle special job requirements and assign - if HandleSpecialJobs returns true, the job assignment was modified or cancelled
			if (g_Brothels.m_JobManager.HandleSpecialJobs(g_CurrBrothel, selected_girl, selection, old_job, Day0Night1, fulltime))
				selection = (Day0Night1 ? selected_girl->m_NightJob : selected_girl->m_DayJob);
				SetSelectedItemInList(joblist_id, selection, false);
			// refresh job worker counts for former job and current job
			if (old_job != selection)
				SetSelectedItemText(joblist_id, old_job, g_Brothels.m_JobManager.JobDescriptionCount(old_job, g_CurrBrothel, Day0Night1));
				SetSelectedItemText(joblist_id, selection, g_Brothels.m_JobManager.JobDescriptionCount(selection, g_CurrBrothel, Day0Night1));
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(inventory_id))
		if (selected_girl)
			if (GirlDead(selected_girl)) return;
			g_InitWin = true;
			g_AllTogle = true;
			g_WinManager.push("Item Management");
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(gallery_id))
		g_InitWin = true;

	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckSlider(accom_id))
		selected_girl->m_AccLevel = SliderValue(accom_id);
		SliderRange(accom_id, 0, 9, selected_girl->m_AccLevel, 1);
		if (accomval_id != -1)
			stringstream acc;
			acc << "Accommodation: " << g_Girls.Accommodation(SliderValue(accom_id));
			if (cfg.debug.log_extradetails())
				int val = SliderValue(accom_id) - g_Girls.PreferredAccom(selected_girl);
				if (val != 0) acc << "  ( " << (val > 0 ? "+" : "") << val << " )";
			EditTextItem(acc.str(), accomval_id);
		g_InitWin = true;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(accomup_id))
		if (selected_girl->m_AccLevel + 1 > 9)
			selected_girl->m_AccLevel = 9;
		if (accomval_id != -1) EditTextItem("Accommodation: " + g_Girls.Accommodation(selected_girl->m_AccLevel), accomval_id);

		g_InitWin = true;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(accomdown_id))
		if (selected_girl->m_AccLevel - 1 < 0)	selected_girl->m_AccLevel = 0;
		else									selected_girl->m_AccLevel--;
		if (accomval_id != -1) EditTextItem("Accommodation: " + g_Girls.Accommodation(selected_girl->m_AccLevel), accomval_id);

		g_InitWin = true;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(takegold_id))
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(reldungeon_id))
		if ((g_Brothels.GetBrothel(g_CurrBrothel)->m_NumRooms - g_Brothels.GetBrothel(g_CurrBrothel)->m_NumGirls) == 0)
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue(gettext("The current brothel has no more room.\nBuy a new one, get rid of some girls, or change the brothel you are currently managing."), 0);
			sGirl* nextGirl = remove_selected_girl();
			sGirl* tempGirl = g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->RemoveGirl(g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->GetGirl(g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->GetGirlPos(selected_girl)));
			g_Brothels.AddGirl(g_CurrBrothel, tempGirl);

			if (g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->GetNumGirls() == 0)
				selected_girl = 0;
				selected_girl = nextGirl;
		g_InitWin = true;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(senddungeon_id))
		g_Brothels.GetGirlPos(g_CurrBrothel, selected_girl);

		// does she decide to fight back
		if (g_Brothels.FightsBack(selected_girl))
			bool win = true;
			sGang* gang = g_Gangs.GetGangOnMission(MISS_GUARDING);
			int count = 8;
			while (gang && win && count >= 0)
				win = (g_Gangs.GangCombat(selected_girl, gang));
				if (gang->m_Num == 0) gang = g_Gangs.GetGangOnMission(MISS_GUARDING);
				if (count<0) win = true;
			// Calculate combat between goons and girl if she decides to fight back
			if (win)
				ss << gettext("She puts up a fight");
				if (gang && gang->m_Num == 0) ss << gettext(", and the gang is completely wiped out");
				ss << ". ";

				if (g_Brothels.PlayerCombat(selected_girl))				// fight with the player
					// If girl wins she escapes and leaves the brothel
					ss << gettext("After defeating you as well, she escapes to the outside.\n");
					ss << gettext("She will escape for good in 6 weeks if you don't send someone after her.");

					sGirl* nextGirl = remove_selected_girl();
					sGirl* temp = selected_girl;
					if (selected_girl->m_DayJob == JOB_INDUNGEON)	temp = g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->RemoveGirl(selected_girl);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InHouse)	g_House.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InFarm)	g_Farm.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InClinic)	g_Clinic.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InCentre)	g_Centre.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InArena)	g_Arena.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InStudio)	g_Studios.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else g_Brothels.RemoveGirl(selected_girl->where_is_she, selected_girl, false);

					temp->m_RunAway = 6;
					temp->m_NightJob = temp->m_DayJob = JOB_RUNAWAY;

					stringstream smess;
					smess << temp->m_Realname << gettext(" has run away");
					g_MessageQue.AddToQue(smess.str(), 1);

					selected_girl = nextGirl;
					if (selected_girl == 0) g_WinManager.Pop();
				else	// otherwise put her in the dungeon
					int reason = (selected_girl->m_Spotted ? DUNGEON_GIRLSTEAL : DUNGEON_GIRLWHIM);
					sGirl* nextGirl = remove_selected_girl();
					selected_girl->m_DayJob = selected_girl->m_NightJob = JOB_INDUNGEON;

					/* */if (selected_girl->m_InHouse)	g_House.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InFarm)	g_Farm.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InClinic)	g_Clinic.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InCentre)	g_Centre.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InArena)	g_Arena.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else if (selected_girl->m_InStudio)	g_Studios.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
					else g_Brothels.RemoveGirl(selected_girl->where_is_she, selected_girl, false);

					g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->AddGirl(selected_girl, reason);
					ss << gettext("However, you manage to defeat her yourself and place her unconscious body in the dungeon.");

					bool pop = false;
					/* */if (selected_girl->m_InHouse)	if (g_House.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
					else if (selected_girl->m_InFarm)	if (g_Farm.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)		pop = true;
					else if (selected_girl->m_InClinic)	if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
					else if (selected_girl->m_InCentre)	if (g_Centre.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
					else if (selected_girl->m_InArena)	if (g_Arena.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
					else if (selected_girl->m_InStudio)	if (g_Studios.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
					else if (g_Brothels.GetNumGirls(selected_girl->where_is_she) == 0)		pop = true;

					if (pop)	{ selected_girl = 0; g_WinManager.Pop(); }
					else		selected_girl = nextGirl;
			else	// otherwise put her in the dungeon
				ss << gettext("She puts up a fight ");
				if (gang && gang->m_Num == 0)	ss << gettext("and the gang is wiped out, ");

				ss << gettext("but your goons manage to drag her unconscious to the dungeon.");
				int reason = (selected_girl->m_Spotted ? DUNGEON_GIRLSTEAL : DUNGEON_GIRLWHIM);
				sGirl* nextGirl = remove_selected_girl();

				/* */if (selected_girl->m_InHouse)	g_House.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
				else if (selected_girl->m_InFarm)	g_Farm.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
				else if (selected_girl->m_InClinic)	g_Clinic.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
				else if (selected_girl->m_InCentre)	g_Centre.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
				else if (selected_girl->m_InArena)	g_Arena.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
				else if (selected_girl->m_InStudio)	g_Studios.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
				else g_Brothels.RemoveGirl(selected_girl->where_is_she, selected_girl, false);
				g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->AddGirl(selected_girl, reason);

				bool pop = false;
				/* */if (selected_girl->m_InHouse)	if (g_House.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
				else if (selected_girl->m_InFarm)	if (g_Farm.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)		pop = true;
				else if (selected_girl->m_InClinic)	if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
				else if (selected_girl->m_InCentre)	if (g_Centre.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
				else if (selected_girl->m_InArena)	if (g_Arena.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
				else if (selected_girl->m_InStudio)	if (g_Studios.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
				else if (g_Brothels.GetNumGirls(selected_girl->where_is_she) == 0)		pop = true;

				if (pop)	{ selected_girl = 0; g_WinManager.Pop(); }
				else		selected_girl = nextGirl;
			int reason = (selected_girl->m_Spotted ? DUNGEON_GIRLSTEAL : DUNGEON_GIRLWHIM);
			sGirl* nextGirl = remove_selected_girl();

			/* */if (selected_girl->m_InHouse)	g_House.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
			else if (selected_girl->m_InFarm)	g_Farm.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
			else if (selected_girl->m_InClinic)	g_Clinic.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
			else if (selected_girl->m_InCentre)	g_Centre.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
			else if (selected_girl->m_InArena)	g_Arena.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
			else if (selected_girl->m_InStudio)	g_Studios.RemoveGirl(0, selected_girl, false);
			else g_Brothels.RemoveGirl(selected_girl->where_is_she, selected_girl, false);

			g_Brothels.GetDungeon()->AddGirl(selected_girl, reason);
			ss << gettext("She goes quietly with a sullen look on her face.");

			bool pop = false;
			/* */if (selected_girl->m_InHouse)	if (g_House.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
			else if (selected_girl->m_InFarm)	if (g_Farm.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)		pop = true;
			else if (selected_girl->m_InClinic)	if (g_Clinic.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
			else if (selected_girl->m_InCentre)	if (g_Centre.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
			else if (selected_girl->m_InArena)	if (g_Arena.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
			else if (selected_girl->m_InStudio)	if (g_Studios.GetNumGirls(0) == 0)	pop = true;
			else if (g_Brothels.GetNumGirls(g_CurrBrothel) == 0) /*              */	pop = true;

			if (pop)	{ selected_girl = 0; g_WinManager.Pop(); }
			else		selected_girl = nextGirl;
		g_InitWin = true;
		g_MessageQue.AddToQue(ss.str(), 0);
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(interact_id))
		if (g_TalkCount > 0)
			DirPath dp;
			eventrunning = true;
			if (selected_girl->m_DayJob != JOB_INDUNGEON)
				int v[2] = { 1, -1 };
				cTrigger* trig = 0;
				if (!(trig = selected_girl->m_Triggers.CheckForScript(TRIGGER_TALK, false, v)))	// trigger any girl specific talk script
					// no, so trigger the default one
					dp = dp << "Resources" << "Scripts" << "DefaultInteractDetails.script";
					// yes, so use that instead
					dp = DirPath(cfg.folders.characters().c_str()) << selected_girl->m_Name << trig->m_Script;
				int v[2] = { 0, -1 };
				cTrigger* trig = 0;
				if (!(trig = selected_girl->m_Triggers.CheckForScript(TRIGGER_TALK, false, v)))	// trigger any girl specific talk script
					// no, so trigger the default one
					dp = dp << "Resources" << "Scripts" << "DefaultInteractDungeon.script";
						dp = DirPath(cfg.folders.characters().c_str()) << selected_girl->m_Name << trig->m_Script;
			cScriptManager script_manager;
			script_manager.Load(dp, selected_girl);
			if (!g_Cheats)
		g_InitWin = true;
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(next_id))
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(prev_id))
Beispiel #7
// `J` Job Clinic - Staff
bool cJobManager::WorkMechanic(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKMECHANIC;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a mechanic.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!
	double wages = 25, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0, fame = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_PROFILE;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = JP_Mechanic(girl, false);

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		wages += 155;
		ss << "She must be the perfect mechanic patients go on and on about her and always come to see her when she works.\n\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		wages += 95;
		ss << "She's unbelievable at this and is always getting praised by the patients for her work.\n\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 135)
		wages += 55;
		ss << "She's good at this job and gets praised by the patients often.\n\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 85)
		wages += 15;
		ss << "She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.\n\n";
	else if (jobperformance >= 65)
		wages -= 5;
		ss << "She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.\n\n";
		wages -= 15;
		ss << "She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.\n\n";

	//try and add randomness here
	if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY) > 85 && g_Dice.percent(20))
		wages += 25;
		ss << " Stunned by her beauty a patient left her a great tip.\n\n";
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Construct") && g_Dice.percent(15))
		wages += 15;
		ss << " Seeing a kindred spirit, the mechanical patient left her a great tip.\n";
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Half-Construct") && g_Dice.percent(15))
		wages += 15;
		ss << " Seeing a kindred spirit, the mechanical patient left her a great tip.\n";
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Clumsy") && g_Dice.percent(15))
		wages -= 15;
		ss << " Her clumsy nature caused her to drop parts everywhere.\n";
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Pessimist") && g_Dice.percent(5))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			wages -= 10;
			ss << " Her pessimistic mood depressed the patients making them tip less.\n";
			wages += 10;
			ss << girlName << " was in a poor mood so the patients gave her a bigger tip to try and cheer her up.\n";
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Optimist") && g_Dice.percent(5))
		if (jobperformance < 125)
			wages -= 10;
			ss << girlName << " was in a cheerful mood but the patients thought she needed to work more on her services.\n";
			wages += 10;
			ss << " Her optimistic mood made patients cheer up increasing the amount they tip.\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll_a <= 5)
		ss << "\nSome of the patrons abused her during the shift.";
		enjoy -= 1;
	else if (roll_a <= 25)
		ss << "\nShe had a pleasant time working.";
		enjoy += 3;
		ss << "\nOtherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
		enjoy += 1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, Day0Night1);
	int roll_max = (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE) + g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE));
	roll_max /= 4;
	wages += 10 + g_Dice%roll_max;
	wages += 5 * g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_GETREPAIRS, Day0Night1);	// `J` pay her 5 for each patient you send to her		
	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 10, libido = 1, skill = 2;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }
	if (girl->fame() < 10 && jobperformance >= 70)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 20 && jobperformance >= 100)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 40 && jobperformance >= 145)		{ fame += 1; }
	if (girl->fame() < 50 && jobperformance >= 185)		{ fame += 1; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_FAME, fame);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, xp);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, g_Dice%skill + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, g_Dice%skill);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	//gain traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Charismatic", 60, actiontype, "Dealing with patients and talking with them about their problems has made " + girl->m_Realname + " more Charismatic.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Strong", 60, actiontype, "Handling heavy parts and working with heavy tools has made " + girl->m_Realname + " much Stronger.", Day0Night1);

	//lose traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Nervous", 20, actiontype, girl->m_Realname + " seems to finally be getting over her shyness. She's not always so Nervous anymore.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Elegant", 40, actiontype, " Working with dirty, greasy equipment has damaged " + girl->m_Realname + "'s hair, skin and nails making her less Elegant.", Day0Night1);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
void cClinicScreen::process()
	*	we need to make sure the ID variables are set
	if (!ids_set) set_ids();

	if (g_InitWin)
		EditTextItem(g_Clinic.GetBrothelString(0), clinicdetails_id);
		g_InitWin = false;
	*	no events means we can go home
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.GetNumEvents() == 0) return;

	*	otherwise, compare event IDs
	*	if it's the back button, pop the window off the stack
	*	and we're done
	if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(back_id))
		g_InitWin = true;
	else if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(walk_id))
		g_InitWin = true;
		g_WinManager.push("Clinic Try");
	else if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(girls_id))
		g_InitWin = true;
	else if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(staff_id))
		g_InitWin = true;
	else if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(turns_id))
		g_InitWin = true;
	else if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(setup_id))
		g_Building = BUILDING_CLINIC;
		g_InitWin = true;
		g_WinManager.push("Building Setup");
	else if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(dungeon_id))
		g_InitWin = true;
	else if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(weeks_id))
		g_InitWin = true;
		if (!g_CTRLDown) { g_CTRLDown = false; AutoSaveGame(); }
// `J` Job Clinic - Surgery
bool cJobManager::WorkBreastReduction(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	// if she was not in surgery last turn, reset working days to 0 before proceding
	if (girl->m_YesterDayJob != JOB_BREASTREDUCTION) { girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0; }
	girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_BREASTREDUCTION;	// it is a full time job

	if (girl->has_trait( "Flat Chest"))
		ss << " already has a Flat Chest so she was sent to the waiting room.";
		if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY)	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_YesterDayJob = girl->m_YesterNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0;
		return false;	// not refusing
	bool hasDoctor = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_DOCTOR, Day0Night1) > 0;
	int numnurse = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1);
	if (!hasDoctor)
		ss << " does nothing. You don't have any Doctors working. (require 1) ";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		return false;	// not refusing
	ss << " is in the Clinic to get her breasts reduced.\n\n";

	int msgtype = Day0Night1;
	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for patient

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Count the Days				//

	if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY)	// the Doctor works on her durring the day
	else	// and if there are nurses on duty, they take care of her at night
		girl->m_WorkingDay = girl->m_PrevWorkingDay = 0;
		ss << "The surgery is a success.\n";
		msgtype = EVENT_GOODNEWS;

		ss << g_Girls.AdjustTraitGroupBreastSize(girl, -1, false) << "\n\n";

		if (numnurse > 2)
			ss << "The Nurses kept her healthy and happy during her recovery.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(0, 20));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(0, 20));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice.bell(0, 2));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice.bell(0, 2));
		else if (numnurse > 0)
			ss << "The Nurse" << (numnurse > 1 ? "s" : "") << " helped her during her recovery.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(0, 5));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(0, 5));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(0, 10));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice % 2);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice % 2);
			ss << "She is sad and has lost some health during the operation.\n";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, g_Dice.bell(-20, 2));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, g_Dice.bell(-10, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_SPIRIT, g_Dice.bell(-5, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, g_Dice.bell(-20, 3));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_BEAUTY, g_Dice.bell(-1, 1));
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA, g_Dice.bell(-1, 1));

		if (girl->has_trait( "Flat Chest"))
			ss << girlName << "'s breasts are as small as they can get so she was sent to the waiting room.";
			girl->m_PrevDayJob = girl->m_PrevNightJob = girl->m_YesterDayJob = girl->m_YesterNightJob = girl->m_DayJob = girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, msgtype);

	// Improve girl
	int libido = 1;
	if (girl->has_trait( "Lesbian"))		libido += numnurse;
	if (girl->has_trait( "M*******t"))	libido += 1;
	if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))	libido += 2;
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);
	if (g_Dice % 10 == 0)
		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, 1);	// `J` she watched what the doctors and nurses were doing

#pragma endregion
	return false;
Beispiel #10
// `J` Job Clinic - Surgery
bool cJobManager::WorkRepairShop(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_GENERAL;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// not for patients

	if (!g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Construct") && !g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Half-Construct"))
		ss << girlName << " has no artificial parts so she was sent to the Healing center.";
		if (Day0Night1 == SHIFT_DAY) girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_WARNING);
		if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)	girl->m_DayJob = JOB_GETHEALING;
		if (girl->m_NightJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)	girl->m_NightJob = JOB_GETHEALING;
		return false;	// not refusing

	int nummecs = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_MECHANIC, Day0Night1);
	int numnurse = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(0, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1);

	// `J` base recovery copied freetime recovery
	int health = 10 + (girl->constitution() / 10);
	int tiredness = 10 + g_Dice % 21;	// build up as positive then apply as negative
	int happy = 10 + g_Dice % 11;
	int mana = 5 + (girl->magic() / 5);
	int libido = (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac") ? 15 : 5);

	if (nummecs + numnurse < 1)
		ss << "You don't have any Mechanics or Nurses on duty so " << girlName << " just rests in a hospital bed.";
		ss << girlName << " does nothing while ";
	if (nummecs > 0)
		ss << "the Mechanic" << (nummecs > 1 ? "s" : "");
		if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Half-Construct") && girl->m_DayJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS && girl->m_NightJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)
		{	// if fixed by Mechanic for both shifts.
			health += 20;	// Total 40 healing per day, heals less because Mechanic does not fix living tissue.
			health += 30;
	if (nummecs > 0 && numnurse > 0) { ss << " and"; }
	if (numnurse > 0)
		ss << " the Nurse" << (numnurse > 1 ? "s" : "");
		health += 10;
		tiredness += 10;
		happy += 10;
		mana += (girl->magic() / 5);
	if (nummecs + numnurse >= 4 && g_Dice.percent(50))	// lots of people making sure she is in good working order
		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, 1);
	ss << (((nummecs > 1 && numnurse < 1) || numnurse > 1) ? " take" : " takes") << " care of her.";

	// Improve girl
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Lesbian"))		libido += numnurse;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "M*******t"))	libido += 1;
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))	libido += 2;

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, health, false);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, -tiredness, false);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, happy);
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_MANA, mana);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);
	if (g_Dice % 10 == 0) g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, 1);	// `J` she watched what the doctors and nurses were doing

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, 1);   // Just because!

	// send her to the waiting room when she is healthy
	if (girl->health() > 90 && girl->tiredness() < 10)
		if (nummecs + numnurse < 1)	ss << "\n\nShe wanders out of the Clinic when she is feeling better.";
		else						ss << "\n\nShe has been released from the Clinic.";
		if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_GETHEALING)	girl->m_DayJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		if (girl->m_NightJob == JOB_GETHEALING)	girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		if (girl->m_DayJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)	girl->m_DayJob = JOB_CLINICREST;
		if (girl->m_NightJob == JOB_GETREPAIRS)	girl->m_NightJob = JOB_CLINICREST;

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	return false;
Beispiel #11
void cScreenTown::init()
	if (BuyClinic != -1)
		(g_ChoiceManager.GetChoice(0) == 0 ? GetClinic = true : BuyClinic = -1);
	if (GetClinic)
		static_brothel_data *bpt = clinic_data + BuyClinic;
		g_Clinic.NewBrothel(bpt->rooms, bpt->maxrooms);
		g_Clinic.SetName(0, gettext("Clinic"));
		GetClinic = false;
		BuyClinic = -1;
	if (BuyCentre != -1)
		(g_ChoiceManager.GetChoice(0) == 0 ? GetCentre = true : BuyCentre = -1);
	if (GetCentre)
		static_brothel_data *bpt = centre_data + BuyCentre;
		g_Centre.NewBrothel(bpt->rooms, bpt->maxrooms);
		g_Centre.SetName(0, gettext("Centre"));
		GetCentre = false;
		BuyCentre = -1;
	if (BuyArena != -1)
		(g_ChoiceManager.GetChoice(0) == 0 ? GetArena = true : BuyArena = -1);
	if (GetArena)
		static_brothel_data *bpt = arena_data + BuyArena;

		g_Arena.NewBrothel(bpt->rooms, bpt->maxrooms);
		g_Arena.SetName(0, gettext("Arena"));

		GetArena = false;
		BuyArena = -1;
	if (BuyStudio != -1)
		(g_ChoiceManager.GetChoice(0) == 0 ? GetStudio = true : BuyStudio = -1);
	if (GetStudio)
		static_brothel_data *bpt = studio_data + BuyStudio;
		g_Studios.NewBrothel(bpt->rooms, bpt->maxrooms);
		g_Studios.SetName(0, gettext("Studio"));
		GetStudio = false;
		BuyStudio = -1;
	if (BuyFarm != -1)
		(g_ChoiceManager.GetChoice(0) == 0 ? GetFarm = true : BuyFarm = -1);
	if (GetFarm)
		static_brothel_data *bpt = farm_data + BuyFarm;
		g_Farm.NewBrothel(bpt->rooms, bpt->maxrooms);
		g_Farm.SetName(0, gettext("Farm"));
		GetFarm = false;
		BuyFarm = -1;
	if (GetName)
		if (g_ReturnText != "")
			if (g_Brothels.GetObjective() && g_Brothels.GetObjective()->m_Objective == OBJECTIVE_GETNEXTBROTHEL) 
			static_brothel_data *bpt = brothel_data + BuyBrothel;
			g_Brothels.NewBrothel(bpt->rooms, bpt->maxrooms);
			g_Brothels.SetName(g_Brothels.GetNumBrothels() - 1, g_ReturnText);
			g_InitWin = true;
		GetName = false;
		BuyBrothel = -1;
	if (BuyBrothel != -1)
		if (g_ChoiceManager.GetChoice(0) == 0)
			g_MessageQue.AddToQue("Enter a name for your new brothel.", 0);
			GetName = true;
			g_InitWin = true;
			g_WinManager.Push(GetString, &g_GetString);
		else BuyBrothel = -1;
		if (!GetName) BuyBrothel = -1;
	g_CurrentScreen = SCREEN_TOWN;
	if (!g_InitWin) return;

	g_InitWin = false;

	// buttons enable/disable
	DisableButton(walk_id, g_WalkAround);

	HideButton(brothel2_id, (g_Brothels.GetBrothel(1) == 0));
	HideButton(brothel3_id, (g_Brothels.GetBrothel(2) == 0));
	HideButton(brothel4_id, (g_Brothels.GetBrothel(3) == 0));
	HideButton(brothel5_id, (g_Brothels.GetBrothel(4) == 0));
	HideButton(brothel6_id, (g_Brothels.GetBrothel(5) == 0));

	string brothel = "Current Brothel: ";
	brothel += g_Brothels.GetName(g_CurrBrothel);
	EditTextItem(brothel, curbrothel_id);
// `J` Job Clinic - Staff - job_is_cleaning
bool cJobManager::WorkJanitor(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKCLEANING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (roll_a <= 50 && g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))
		ss << " refused to clean the Clinic.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked cleaning the Clinic.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away

	double CleanAmt = JP_Janitor(girl, false);
	int enjoy = 0;
	int wages = 0;
	int tips = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_MAID;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;
	bool playtime = false;

	if (roll_a <= 10)
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		CleanAmt *= 0.8;
		if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She spilled a bucket of something unpleasant all over herself.";
		else				ss << "She did not like cleaning the Clinic today.";
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		CleanAmt *= 1.1;
		if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She cleaned the building while humming a pleasant tune.";
		else				ss << "She had a great time working today.";
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "The shift passed uneventfully.";
	ss << "\n\n";

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		CleanAmt *= 0.9;
		wages = 0;
		wages = min(30, int(30 + (CleanAmt / 10))); // `J` Pay her based on how much she cleaned

	// `J` if she can clean more than is needed, she has a little free time after her shift
	if (brothel->m_Filthiness < CleanAmt / 2) playtime = true;
	ss << "\n\nCleanliness rating improved by " << (int)CleanAmt;
	if (playtime)	// `J` needs more variation
		ss << "\n\n" << girlName << " finished her cleaning early so she ";
		if (girl->is_pregnant() && girl->health() < 90)
			ss << "got a quick checkup and made sure her unborn baby was doing OK.";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, 10);
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, (g_Dice % 4) + 2);
		else if (girl->health() < 80)
			ss << "got a quick checkup.";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HEALTH, 10);
		else if (girl->is_pregnant() || g_Dice.percent(40))
			ss << "hung out in the maternity ward watching the babies.";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, (g_Dice % 6) - 2);
		else if (girl->tiredness() > 50 && brothel->free_rooms() > 10)
			ss << "found an empty room and took a nap.";
			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, -((g_Dice % 10) + 5));
			int d = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(brothel->m_id, JOB_DOCTOR, Day0Night1);
			int n = g_Clinic.GetNumGirlsOnJob(brothel->m_id, JOB_NURSE, Day0Night1);
			ss << "watched the ";
			if (d + n < 1)
				ss << "people wander about the Clinic.";
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_HAPPINESS, (g_Dice % 3) - 1);
				if (d > 0)			ss << "doctor" << (d > 1 ? "s" : "");
				if (d > 0 && n > 0)	ss << " and ";
				if (n > 0)			ss << "nurse" << (n > 1 ? "s" : "");
				ss << " do their job" << (d + n > 1 ? "s" : "");
				g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MEDICINE, (g_Dice % 2));

	// do all the output
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_MAID, Day0Night1);
	brothel->m_Filthiness -= (int)CleanAmt;
	// Money
	girl->m_Tips = max(0, tips);
	girl->m_Pay = max(0, wages);

	// Improve girl
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;
	if (enjoy > 1)										{ xp += 1; skill += 1; }
	if (girl->has_trait( "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (girl->has_trait( "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 2);
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_SERVICE, (g_Dice % skill) + 2);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	// Gain Traits
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->service()))
		g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Maid", 70, actiontype, girlName + " has cleaned enough that she could work professionally as a Maid anywhere.", Day0Night1);
	// Lose Traits
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->service()))
		g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Clumsy", 30, actiontype, "It took her spilling hundreds of buckets, and just as many reprimands, but " + girl->m_Realname + " has finally stopped being so Clumsy.", Day0Night1);

	return false;