Beispiel #1
void psCharAppearance::ProcessAttach(csRef<iMeshWrapper> meshWrap, csRef<iSpriteCal3DSocket> socket)
    const char* socketName = socket->GetName();

    // Given a socket name of "righthand", we're looking for a key in the form of "socket_righthand"
    csString keyName = "socket_";
    keyName += socketName;

    // Variables for transform to be specified
    float trans_x = 0, trans_y = 0.0, trans_z = 0, rot_x = -PI/2, rot_y = 0, rot_z = 0;
    csRef<iObjectIterator> it = meshWrap->GetFactory()->QueryObject()->GetIterator();

    while ( it->HasNext() )
        csRef<iKeyValuePair> key ( scfQueryInterface<iKeyValuePair> (it->Next()));
        if (key && keyName == key->GetKey())

    meshWrap->QuerySceneNode()->SetParent( baseMesh->QuerySceneNode ());
    socket->SetMeshWrapper( meshWrap );
    socket->SetTransform( csTransform(csZRotMatrix3(rot_z)*csYRotMatrix3(rot_y)*csXRotMatrix3(rot_x), csVector3(trans_x,trans_y,trans_z)) );

Beispiel #2
bool PawsManager::PlaySound(csRef<iSndSysData> sounddata)
        return true;

    // If there is no sound loader or renderer, sound loading and playing will not be performed
    if (!sounddata.IsValid() || !soundrenderer.IsValid() )
        return false;

    // Create a stream for this sound
    csRef<iSndSysStream> sndstream=soundrenderer->CreateStream(sounddata,CS_SND3D_DISABLE);
    if (!sndstream.IsValid())
      return false;

    // This stream should unregister (and all sources) automatically when it's done playing

    // Create a source just for this sound.
    csRef<iSndSysSource> source=soundrenderer->CreateSource(sndstream);
    if (!source.IsValid())
      return false;


    // Although we lose the reference, the CS sound renderer holds a reference to the source until playback is complete
    return true;
Beispiel #3
void G2DTestSystemDriver::BlitTest ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);
  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*8, white, -1, "BLIT() TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (0,-16*7, black, dsteel, "This will test whether iGraphics2D->Blit() works correctly");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*6, black, dsteel, "on this canvas.");

  WriteCentered (0,-16*4, black, dsteel, "You should see an image of an arrow and the word %s.",
		 CS::Quote::Double ("up"));
  WriteCentered (0,-16*3, black, dsteel, "It is surrounded by a green rectangle, and the image");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*2, black, dsteel, "itself has a black border. No red should be visible");
  WriteCentered (0,-16*1, black, dsteel, "and the border has to be complete, too.");

  if (blitTestImage.IsValid ())
    const int imW = blitTestImage->GetWidth ();
    const int imH = blitTestImage->GetHeight ();
    const int bx = (w - imW) / 2;
    const int by = h / 2;
    DrawClipRect (bx, by, imW + 1, imH + 1);
    myG2D->Blit (bx + 1, by + 1, imW, imH, 
      (unsigned char*)blitTestImage->GetImageData ());
Beispiel #4
void G2DTestSystemDriver::DrawAlphaTestScreen ()
  int w = myG2D->GetWidth ();
  int h = myG2D->GetHeight ();
  myG2D->DrawBox(0,0,w,h, dsteel);

  SetFont (fontItalic);
  WriteCentered (1, 1, white, -1, "ALPHA COLOR TEST");

  SetFont (fontLarge);
  WriteCentered (1, 16*2, black, -1, "If your current canvas is in 32-bit mode, you should");
  WriteCentered (1, 16*3, black, -1, "see various text and geometry at various transparencies.");

  myG2D->DrawBox (190, 80, 50, 100, black);
  myG2D->DrawBox (20, 100, 150, 75, myG2D->FindRGB (205, 0, 125, 200));
  myG2D->DrawBox (120, 100, 100, 50, myG2D->FindRGB (120, 50, 50, 100));
  myG2D->DrawLine (30, 110, 120, 60, myG2D->FindRGB (255, 128, 128, 128));
  myG2D->DrawLine (120, 60, 70, 120, myG2D->FindRGB (128, 255, 128, 128));
  myG2D->DrawLine (70, 120, 30, 110, myG2D->FindRGB (128, 128, 255, 128));

  if (alphaBlitImage.IsValid ())
    myG2D->Blit (20, 160, alphaBlitImage->GetWidth (), alphaBlitImage->GetHeight (), 
      (unsigned char*)alphaBlitImage->GetImageData ());

  myG2D->Write (font, 50, 140, myG2D->FindRGB (255, 255, 255, 100), -1,
    L"Here is some partially transparent text");
  myG2D->Write (font, 50, 150, myG2D->FindRGB (0, 0, 255, 150), -1,
    L"overlaying partially transparent boxes.");

  csString str;
  int i;
  int y = 140;
  int tw, th;
  font->GetMaxSize (tw, th);
  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    const uint8 alpha = (i * 51);
    str.Format ("FG has alpha %" PRIu8 , alpha);
    myG2D->Write (font, 320, y, MakeColor (255, 255, 255, alpha), 
      black, str);
    y += th;
    str.Format ("BG has alpha %" PRIu8, alpha);
    myG2D->Write (font, 320, y, white, MakeColor (0, 0, 0, alpha), 
    y += th;
Beispiel #5
csRef<iString> csGetPluginMetadata (const char* fullPath, 
				    csRef<iDocument>& metadata)
  // @@@ There's a small inefficiency here.  This function, when given a
  // filename of <blah>.dll or <blah>.csplugin, first checks <blah>.dll for
  // embedded metadata and then for the existence of a <blah>.csplugin file.
  // However, the csScanPluginDir() function already emits a <blah>.csplugin
  // file name when such a file was found, <blah>.dll otherwise.  This
  // information can probably be reused.

  CS_ALLOC_STACK_ARRAY (char, dllPath, strlen (fullPath) + 5);
  strcpy (dllPath, fullPath);
  char* dot = strrchr (dllPath, '.');

  bool isCsPlugin = (dot && (strcasecmp (dot, ".csplugin") == 0));
  if (!dot || isCsPlugin || strcasecmp (dot, ".dll") != 0)
    if (isCsPlugin)
      strcpy (dot, ".dll");
      strcat (dllPath, ".dll");

  csRef<iString> result;
  metadata = 0;

  result = InternalGetPluginMetadata (dllPath, metadata);

  // Check whether a .csplugin file exists as well
  // @@@ This makes the assumption that such might only exists if this function
  // was called with a <blah>.csplugin filename.
  if (isCsPlugin)
    csPhysicalFile file (fullPath, "rb");

    if (file.GetStatus() == VFS_STATUS_OK)
      if (metadata.IsValid())
	csString errstr;
	errstr.Format ("'%s' contains embedded metadata, "
	  "but external '%s' exists as well. Ignoring the latter.",
	  dllPath, fullPath);
	result.AttachNew (new scfString (errstr));
        csRef<iDocumentSystem> docsys =
	  csPtr<iDocumentSystem>(new csTinyDocumentSystem ());
	csRef<iDocument> doc = docsys->CreateDocument();

	char const* errmsg = doc->Parse (&file, true);
	if (errmsg == 0)	// Parse successful.
	  metadata = doc;
	else			// Parse failed.
	  csString errstr;
	  errstr.Format ("Error parsing metadata from '%s': %s",
	    fullPath, errmsg);
	  result.AttachNew (new scfString (errstr));

  return result;