Beispiel #1
 void resize(Mat& img, float fx) {
     Mat dst;
     int inter = (fx > 1.0) ? CV_INTER_CUBIC : CV_INTER_AREA;
     cv::resize(img, dst, Size(), fx, 1.0, inter);
     assert(img.rows == dst.rows);
     if (img.cols > dst.cols) {
         dst.copyTo(img(Range::all(), Range(0, dst.cols)));
         img(Range::all(), Range(dst.cols, img.cols)) = cv::Scalar::all(0);
     } else {
         dst(Range::all(), Range(0, img.cols)).copyTo(img);
Beispiel #2
// These can all be static
void specgram::wav_to_specgram(const Mat& wav_col_mat,
                               const int frame_length_tn,
                               const int frame_stride_tn,
                               const int max_time_steps,
                               const Mat& window,
                               Mat& specgram)
    // const Mat& wav_mat = wav.get_data();
    // Read as a row vector
    Mat wav_mat = wav_col_mat.reshape(1, 1);

    // TODO: support more sample formats
    if (wav_mat.elemSize1() != 2) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
                "Unsupported number of bytes per sample: " + std::to_string(wav_mat.elemSize1()));

    // Go from time domain to strided signal
    Mat wav_frames;
        int num_frames = ((wav_mat.cols - frame_length_tn) / frame_stride_tn) + 1;
        num_frames = std::min(num_frames, max_time_steps);
        // ensure that there is enough data for at least one frame
        assert(num_frames >= 0);

        wav_frames.create(num_frames, frame_length_tn, wav_mat.type());
        for (int frame = 0; frame < num_frames; frame++) {
            int start = frame * frame_stride_tn;
            int end   = start + frame_length_tn;
            wav_mat.colRange(start, end).copyTo(wav_frames.row(frame));

    // Prepare for DFT by converting to float
    Mat input;
    wav_frames.convertTo(input, CV_32FC1);

    // Apply window if it has been created
    if (window.cols == frame_length_tn) {
        input = input.mul(cv::repeat(window, input.rows, 1));

    Mat planes[] = {input, Mat::zeros(input.size(), CV_32FC1)};
    Mat compx;
    cv::merge(planes, 2, compx);
    cv::dft(compx, compx, cv::DFT_ROWS);
    compx = compx(Range::all(), Range(0, frame_length_tn / 2  + 1));

    cv::split(compx, planes);
    cv::magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);

    // NOTE: at this point we are returning the specgram representation in
    // (time_steps, freq_steps) shape order.

    specgram = planes[0];

Beispiel #3
    int generate(RawMedia* raw, char* buf, int bufSize) {
        // TODO: get rid of this assumption
        assert(raw->sampleSize() == 2);
        assert(_timeSteps * _height == bufSize);
        int rows = stridedSignal(raw);
        assert(rows <= _timeSteps);
        Mat signal(rows, _windowSize, CV_16SC1, (short*) _buf);
        Mat input;
        signal.convertTo(input, CV_32FC1);

        Mat planes[] = {input, Mat::zeros(input.size(), CV_32FC1)};
        Mat compx;
        cv::merge(planes, 2, compx);

        cv::dft(compx, compx, cv::DFT_ROWS);
        compx = compx(Range::all(), Range(0, _numFreqs));

        cv::split(compx, planes);
        cv::magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);
        Mat mag;
        if (_feature == SPECGRAM) {
            mag = planes[0];
        } else {
            extractFeatures(planes[0], mag);

        Mat feats;
        // Rotate by 90 degrees.
        cv::transpose(mag, feats);
        cv::flip(feats, feats, 0);

        cv::normalize(feats, feats, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);
        Mat result(feats.rows, _timeSteps, CV_8UC1, buf);
        feats.copyTo(result(Range::all(), Range(0, feats.cols)));

        // Pad the rest with zeros.
        result(Range::all(), Range(feats.cols, result.cols)) = cv::Scalar::all(0);

        // Return the percentage of valid columns.
        return feats.cols * 100 / result.cols;
double Calibration::getExtrinsics(const Mat& Tr)
	// set/create various parameters
	Mat rvec;
	Mat w(;
	Mat p(views.pixel.front());

	Mat& A = intrinsic_params.A;
	Mat& k = intrinsic_params.k;
	Mat& R = extrinsic_params.R;
	Mat& t = extrinsic_params.t;

	// get extrinsic parameters
	cv::solvePnP(w, p, A, k, rvec, t, solve_pnp.useExtGuess);
	cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R);
	// convert default coordinate system to new one
	if(!Tr.empty()) {
		CV_Assert(Tr.rows == 3 && Tr.cols == 4);
		Mat T_Tr = Mat(Tr, Range(0, 3), Range(3, 4));
		Mat R_Tr = Mat(Tr, Range(0, 3), Range(0, 3));

		t += R*T_Tr;
		R *= R_Tr;
	/*std::cout << "you are printing modified R" << std::endl;
	for(int i = 0; i < R.rows; i++) {
		for(int j = 0; j < R.cols; j++) {
			std::cout <<<double>(i,j) << " ";
		std::cout << std::endl;


	return 0.;
Beispiel #5
 void extractFeatures(Mat& spectrogram, Mat& features) {
       Mat powspec = spectrogram.mul(spectrogram);
       powspec *= 1.0 / _windowSize;
       Mat cepsgram = powspec*_fbank;
       log(cepsgram, cepsgram);
       if (_feature == MFSC) {
           features = cepsgram;
       int pad_cols = cepsgram.cols;
       int pad_rows = cepsgram.rows;
       if (cepsgram.cols % 2 != 0) {
           pad_cols = 1 + cepsgram.cols;
       if (cepsgram.rows % 2 != 0) {
           pad_rows = 1 + cepsgram.rows;
       Mat padcepsgram = Mat::zeros(pad_rows, pad_cols, CV_32F);
       cepsgram.copyTo(padcepsgram(Range(0, cepsgram.rows), Range(0, cepsgram.cols)));
       dct(padcepsgram, padcepsgram, cv::DFT_ROWS);
       cepsgram = padcepsgram(Range(0, cepsgram.rows), Range(0, cepsgram.cols));
       features = cepsgram(Range::all(), Range(0, _numCepstra));
Beispiel #6
void specgram::cepsgram_to_mfcc(const Mat& cepsgram,
                                const int num_cepstra,
                                Mat& mfcc)
    assert(num_cepstra <= cepsgram.cols);
    Mat padcepsgram;
    if (cepsgram.cols % 2 == 0) {
        padcepsgram = cepsgram;
    } else {
        cv::copyMakeBorder(cepsgram, padcepsgram, 0, 0, 0, 1, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(0));
    cv::dct(padcepsgram, padcepsgram, cv::DCT_ROWS);
    mfcc = padcepsgram(Range::all(), Range(0, num_cepstra));