GlobalActionManager::copyPlaylistToClipboard( const dynplaylist_ptr& playlist )
    QUrl link( QString( "%1/%2/create/" ).arg( hostname() ).arg( playlist->mode() == OnDemand ? "station" : "autoplaylist" ) );

    if ( playlist->generator()->type() != "echonest" )
        tLog() << "Only echonest generators are supported";
        return QString();

    link.addEncodedQueryItem( "type", "echonest" );
    link.addQueryItem( "title", playlist->title() );

    QList< dyncontrol_ptr > controls = playlist->generator()->controls();
    foreach ( const dyncontrol_ptr& c, controls )
        if ( c->selectedType() == "Artist" )
            if ( c->match().toInt() == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistType )
                link.addQueryItem( "artist_limitto", c->input() );
                link.addQueryItem( "artist", c->input() );
        else if ( c->selectedType() == "Artist Description" )
            link.addQueryItem( "description", c->input() );
            QString name = c->selectedType().toLower().replace( " ", "_" );
            Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam p = static_cast< Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam >( c->match().toInt() );
            // if it is a max, set that too
            if ( p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxTempo || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxDuration || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxLoudness
               || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxDanceability || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxEnergy || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxFamiliarity
               || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxHotttnesss || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SongMaxHotttnesss || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxLatitude
               || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxLongitude )
                name += "_max";

            link.addQueryItem( name, c->input() );

    QClipboard* cb = QApplication::clipboard();
    QByteArray data = link.toEncoded();
    data.replace( "'", "%27" ); // QUrl doesn't encode ', which it doesn't have to. Some apps don't like ' though, and want %27. Both are valid.
    cb->setText( data );

    return link.toString();
GlobalActionManager::copyPlaylistToClipboard( const dynplaylist_ptr& playlist )
    QUrl link( QString( "%1/%2/create/" ).arg( hostname() ).arg( playlist->mode() == OnDemand ? "station" : "autoplaylist" ) );

    if ( playlist->generator()->type() != "echonest" )
        tLog() << "Only echonest generators are supported";
        return QString();

    TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "type", "echonest" );
    TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "title", playlist->title() );

    QList< dyncontrol_ptr > controls = playlist->generator()->controls();
    foreach ( const dyncontrol_ptr& c, controls )
        if ( c->selectedType() == "Artist" )
            if ( c->match().toInt() == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistType )
                TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "artist_limitto", c->input() );
                TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "artist", c->input() );
        else if ( c->selectedType() == "Artist Description" )
            TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "description", c->input() );
            QString name = c->selectedType().toLower().replace( " ", "_" );
            Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam p = static_cast< Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam >( c->match().toInt() );
            // if it is a max, set that too
            if ( p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxTempo || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxDuration || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxLoudness
               || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxDanceability || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxEnergy || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxFamiliarity
               || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxHotttnesss || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SongMaxHotttnesss || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxLatitude
               || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxLongitude )
                name += "_max";

            TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, name, c->input() );

    QClipboard* cb = QApplication::clipboard();
    QByteArray data = percentEncode( link );
    cb->setText( data );

    return link.toString();
Beispiel #3
Collection::deleteStation( const dynplaylist_ptr& s )
    QList<dynplaylist_ptr> todelete;
    todelete << s;
    m_stations.remove( s->guid() );

/*    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Collection name" << name()
                            << "from source id" << source()->id()
                            << "numplaylists:" << m_playlists.count();*/
    emit stationsDeleted( todelete );
Beispiel #4
Collection::addStation( const dynplaylist_ptr& s )
    QList<dynplaylist_ptr> toadd;
    toadd << s;
    m_stations.insert( s->guid(), s );

/*    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Collection name" << name()
                            << "from source id" << source()->id()
                            << "numplaylists:" << m_playlists.count();*/
    emit stationsAdded( toadd );