// Create a softlink. dst should not exist. Returns true if successful.
bool Foam::ln(const fileName& src, const fileName& dst)
    if (POSIX::debug)
        Info<< "Create softlink from : " << src << " to " << dst
            << endl;

    if (exists(dst))
        WarningIn("ln(const fileName&, const fileName&)")
            << "destination " << dst << " already exists. Not linking."
            << endl;
        return false;

    if (!exists(src))
        WarningIn("ln(const fileName&, const fileName&)")
            << "source " << src << " does not exist." << endl;
        return false;

    if (symlink(src.c_str(), dst.c_str()) == 0)
        return true;
        WarningIn("ln(const fileName&, const fileName&)")
            << "symlink from " << src << " to " << dst << " failed." << endl;
        return false;
Beispiel #2
void writePointSet
    const bool binary,
    const vtkMesh& vMesh,
    const pointSet& set,
    const fileName& fileName
    std::ofstream ostr(fileName.c_str());


    ostr<< "DATASET POLYDATA" << std::endl;

    // Write topology

    // Write points

    ostr<< "POINTS " << set.size() << " float" << std::endl;

    DynamicList<floatScalar> ptField(3*set.size());

        UIndirectList<point>(vMesh.mesh().points(), set.toc())(),

    writeFuns::write(ostr, binary, ptField);

    // Write data

    // Write faceID

        << "POINT_DATA " << set.size() << std::endl
        << "FIELD attributes 1" << std::endl;

    // Cell ids first
    ostr<< "pointID 1 " << set.size() << " int" << std::endl;

    labelList pointIDs(set.toc());

    writeFuns::write(ostr, binary, pointIDs);
//- Rename to a corresponding backup file
//  If the backup file already exists, attempt with "01" .. "99" index
bool Foam::mvBak(const fileName& src, const std::string& ext)
    if (POSIX::debug)
        Info<< "mvBak : " << src << " to extension " << ext << endl;

    if (exists(src, false))
        const int maxIndex = 99;
        char index[3];

        for (int n = 0; n <= maxIndex; n++)
            fileName dstName(src + "." + ext);
            if (n)
                sprintf(index, "%02d", n);
                dstName += index;

            // avoid overwriting existing files, except for the last
            // possible index where we have no choice
            if (!exists(dstName, false) || n == maxIndex)
                return rename(src.c_str(), dstName.c_str()) == 0;


    // fall-through: nothing to do
    return false;
Beispiel #4
Foam::IFstreamAllocator::IFstreamAllocator(const fileName& pathname)
    if (pathname.empty())
        if (IFstream::debug)
            Info<< "IFstreamAllocator::IFstreamAllocator(const fileName&) : "
                    "cannot open null file " << endl;

    ifPtr_ = new ifstream(pathname.c_str());

    // If the file is compressed, decompress it before reading.
    if (!ifPtr_->good() && isFile(pathname + ".gz", false))
        if (IFstream::debug)
            Info<< "IFstreamAllocator::IFstreamAllocator(const fileName&) : "
                    "decompressing " << pathname + ".gz" << endl;

        delete ifPtr_;

        ifPtr_ = new igzstream((pathname + ".gz").c_str());

        if (ifPtr_->good())
            compression_ = IOstream::COMPRESSED;
// Does the directory exist
bool isDir(const fileName& name)
    const DWORD attrs = ::GetFileAttributes(name.c_str());
    bool success = (attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) &&
                   (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);

    return success;
// Does the name exist in the filing system?
bool exists(const fileName& name, const bool checkGzip)
    const DWORD attrs = ::GetFileAttributes(name.c_str());
    const bool success = (attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) ||
                         (checkGzip && isGzFile(name));

    return success;
// Does the file exist
bool isFile(const fileName& name, const bool checkGzip)
    const DWORD attrs = ::GetFileAttributes(name.c_str());
    const bool success = ((attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) &&
                          !(attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) ||
                         (checkGzip && isGzFile(name));

    return success;
// Rename srcFile destFile
bool mv(const fileName& srcFile, const fileName& destFile)
    if (MSwindows::debug)
        Info<< "Move : " << srcFile << " to " << destFile << endl;

    const fileName destName =
        ((destFile.type() == fileName::DIRECTORY)
         && (srcFile.type() != fileName::DIRECTORY)) ?
        destFile/srcFile.name() :

    const bool success =
        (0 == std::rename(srcFile.c_str(), destName.c_str()));

    return success;
// Rename srcFile dstFile
bool Foam::mv(const fileName& src, const fileName& dst)
    if (POSIX::debug)
        Info<< "Move : " << src << " to " << dst << endl;

        dst.type() == fileName::DIRECTORY
     && src.type() != fileName::DIRECTORY
        const fileName dstName(dst/src.name());

        return rename(src.c_str(), dstName.c_str()) == 0;
        return rename(src.c_str(), dst.c_str()) == 0;
// Return the file type: FILE or DIRECTORY
fileName::Type type(const fileName& name)
    fileName::Type fileType = fileName::UNDEFINED;
    const DWORD attrs = ::GetFileAttributes(name.c_str());

        fileType = (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ?
                   fileName::DIRECTORY :

    return fileType;
bool mkDir(const fileName& pathName, const mode_t mode)
    if (pathName.empty())
        return false;

    bool success = ::CreateDirectory(pathName.c_str(), NULL);

    if (success)
        chMod(pathName, mode);
        const DWORD error = ::GetLastError();

        switch (error)
            success = true;
        case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND:
            // Part of the path does not exist so try to create it
            const fileName& parentName = pathName.path();

            if (parentName.size() && mkDir(parentName, mode))
                success = mkDir(pathName, mode);


        if (!success)
            FatalErrorIn("mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "Couldn't create directory: " << pathName
                    << " " << MSwindows::getLastError()
                    << exit(FatalError);

    return success;
Foam::fileName Foam::findEtcFile(const fileName& name, bool mandatory)
    // Search user files: deprecated.  HJ, 11/Dec/2013

    // Search site files:
    fileName searchDir = getEnv("WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR");
    if (isDir(searchDir))
        // Check for site file in $WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR/site/VERSION
        fileName fullName = searchDir/"site"/FOAMversion/name;
        if (isFile(fullName))
            return fullName;

        // Check for version-independent site file in $WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR/site
        fullName = searchDir/"site"/name;
        if (isFile(fullName))
            return fullName;

    // Search installation files:
    searchDir = getEnv("WM_PROJECT_DIR");
    if (isDir(searchDir))
        // Check for shipped FOAM file in $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc
        fileName fullName = searchDir/"etc"/name;
        if (isFile(fullName))
            return fullName;

    // Not found
    // abort if the file is mandatory, otherwise return null
    if (mandatory)
        cerr<< "--> FOAM FATAL ERROR in Foam::findEtcFile() :"
               " could not find mandatory file\n    '"
            << name.c_str() << "'\n\n" << std::endl;

    // Return null-constructed fileName rather than fileName::null
    // to avoid cyclic dependencies in the construction of globals
    return fileName();
Beispiel #13
// Construct from components
    const vtkMesh& vMesh,
    const bool binary,
    const bool nearCellValue,
    const fileName& fName,
    const labelList& patchIDs
    const fvMesh& mesh = vMesh_.mesh();
    const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();

    // Write header
    if (patchIDs_.size() == 1)
        writeFuns::writeHeader(os_, binary_, patches[patchIDs_[0]].name());
        writeFuns::writeHeader(os_, binary_, "patches");
    os_ << "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID" << std::endl;

    // Write topology
    nPoints_ = 0;
    nFaces_ = 0;
    label nFaceVerts = 0;

    forAll(patchIDs_, i)
        const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchIDs_[i]];

        nPoints_ += pp.nPoints();
        nFaces_ += pp.size();

        forAll(pp, faceI)
            nFaceVerts += pp[faceI].size() + 1;
// Remove a file, returning true if successful otherwise false
bool Foam::rm(const fileName& file)
    if (POSIX::debug)
        Info<< "Removing : " << file << endl;

    // Try returning plain file name; if not there, try with .gz
    if (remove(file.c_str()) == 0)
        return true;
        return remove(string(file + ".gz").c_str()) == 0;
// Remove a file returning true if successful otherwise false
bool rm(const fileName& file)
    if (MSwindows::debug)
        Info<< "Removing : " << file << endl;

    bool success = (0 == std::remove(file.c_str()));

    // If deleting plain file name failed try with .gz
    if (!success)
        const std::string fileGz = file + ".gz";
        success = (0 == std::remove(fileGz.c_str()));

    return success;
Beispiel #16
// Construct from components
    const vtkMesh& vMesh,
    const bool binary,
    const fileName& fName,
    const word& cloudName,
    const bool dummyCloud
    const fvMesh& mesh = vMesh_.mesh();

    // Write header
    writeFuns::writeHeader(os_, binary_, mesh.time().caseName());
    os_ << "DATASET POLYDATA" << std::endl;

    if (dummyCloud)
        nParcels_ = 0;

        os_ << "POINTS " << nParcels_ << " float" << std::endl;
        Cloud<passiveParticle> parcels(mesh, cloudName_, false);

        nParcels_ = parcels.size();

        os_ << "POINTS " << nParcels_ << " float" << std::endl;

        DynamicList<floatScalar> partField(3*parcels.size());

        forAllConstIter(Cloud<passiveParticle>, parcels, elmnt)
            writeFuns::insert(elmnt().position(), partField);
        writeFuns::write(os_, binary_, partField);
// Construct from components
    const vtkMesh& vMesh,
    const bool binary,
    const fileName& fName
    const fvMesh& mesh = vMesh_.mesh();
    const vtkTopo& topo = vMesh_.topo();

    // Write header
    writeFuns::writeHeader(os_, binary_, mesh.time().caseName());
    os_ << "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID" << std::endl;

    // Write topology

    const labelList& addPointCellLabels = topo.addPointCellLabels();
    const label nTotPoints = mesh.nPoints() + addPointCellLabels.size();

    os_ << "POINTS " << nTotPoints
        << " float" << std::endl;

    DynamicList<floatScalar> ptField(3*nTotPoints);

    writeFuns::insert(mesh.points(), ptField);

    const pointField& ctrs = mesh.cellCentres();
    forAll(addPointCellLabels, api)
        writeFuns::insert(ctrs[addPointCellLabels[api]], ptField);
Beispiel #18
void Foam::writeFaceSet
    const bool binary,
    const vtkMesh& vMesh,
    const faceSet& set,
    const fileName& fileName
    const faceList& faces = vMesh.mesh().faces();

    std::ofstream ostr(fileName.c_str());


    ostr<< "DATASET POLYDATA" << std::endl;

    // Write topology

    // Construct primitivePatch of faces in faceSet.

    faceList setFaces(set.size());
    labelList setFaceLabels(set.size());
    label setFacei = 0;

    forAllConstIter(faceSet, set, iter)
        setFaceLabels[setFacei] = iter.key();
        setFaces[setFacei] = faces[iter.key()];
Beispiel #19
Foam::fileStat::fileStat(const fileName& fName, const unsigned int maxTime)
    // Work on volatile
    volatile bool locIsValid = false;

    timer myTimer(maxTime);

    if (!timedOut(myTimer))
        if (::stat(fName.c_str(), &status_) != 0)
            locIsValid = false;
            locIsValid = true;

    // Copy into (non-volatile, possible register based) member var
    isValid_ = locIsValid;
Beispiel #20
    const fileName& pathname,
    ios_base::openmode mode,
    IOstream::compressionType compression
    if (pathname.empty())
        if (OFstream::debug)
            Info<< "OFstreamAllocator::OFstreamAllocator(const fileName&) : "
                   "cannot open null file " << endl;

    if (compression == IOstream::COMPRESSED)
        // get identically named uncompressed version out of the way
        if (isFile(pathname, false))

        ofPtr_ = new ogzstream((pathname + ".gz").c_str());
        // get identically named compressed version out of the way
        if (isFile(pathname + ".gz", false))
            rm(pathname + ".gz");

        ofPtr_ = new ofstream(pathname.c_str());
// Construct from components
    const faMesh& aMesh,
    const bool binary,
    const fileName& fName
    // Write header
    writeFuns::writeHeader(os_, binary_, faMesh::typeName);
    os_ << "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID" << std::endl;

    // Write topology
    label nFaceVerts = 0;

    const faceList& pp = aMesh.faces();

    forAll(pp, faceI)
        nFaceVerts += pp[faceI].size() + 1;
bool Foam::chDir(const fileName& dir)
    return chdir(dir.c_str()) != 0;
Beispiel #23
void writePointSet
    const bool binary,
    const vtkMesh& vMesh,
    const pointSet& set,
    const fileName& fileName
    std::ofstream pStream(fileName.c_str());

        << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl
        << set.name() << std::endl;
    if (binary)
        pStream << "BINARY" << std::endl;
        pStream << "ASCII" << std::endl;
    pStream << "DATASET POLYDATA" << std::endl;

    // Write topology

    // Write points

    pStream << "POINTS " << set.size() << " float" << std::endl;

    DynamicList<floatScalar> ptField(3*set.size());

        UIndirectList<point>(vMesh.mesh().points(), set.toc())(),

    writeFuns::write(pStream, binary, ptField);

    // Write data

    // Write faceID

        << "POINT_DATA " << set.size() << std::endl
        << "FIELD attributes 1" << std::endl;

    // Cell ids first
    pStream << "pointID 1 " << set.size() << " int" << std::endl;

    labelList pointIDs(set.toc());

    writeFuns::write(pStream, binary, pointIDs);
// Remove a dirctory and its contents
bool Foam::rmDir(const fileName& directory)
    if (POSIX::debug)
        Info<< "rmDir(const fileName&) : "
            << "removing directory " << directory << endl;

    // Pointers to the directory entries
    DIR *source;
    struct dirent *list;

    // Attempt to open directory and set the structure pointer
    if ((source = opendir(directory.c_str())) == NULL)
        WarningIn("rmDir(const fileName&)")
            << "cannot open directory " << directory << endl;

        return false;
        // Read and parse all the entries in the directory
        while ((list = readdir(source)) != NULL)
            fileName fName(list->d_name);

            if (fName != "." && fName != "..")
                fileName path = directory/fName;

                if (path.type() == fileName::DIRECTORY)
                    if (!rmDir(path))
                        WarningIn("rmDir(const fileName&)")
                            << "failed to remove directory " << fName
                            << " while removing directory " << directory
                            << endl;


                        return false;
                    if (!rm(path))
                        WarningIn("rmDir(const fileName&)")
                            << "failed to remove file " << fName
                            << " while removing directory " << directory
                            << endl;


                        return false;


        if (!rm(directory))
            WarningIn("rmDir(const fileName&)")
                << "failed to remove directory " << directory << endl;


            return false;


        return true;
bool chDir(const fileName& dir)
    const bool success = ::SetCurrentDirectory(dir.c_str());
    return success;
// Set the file mode
bool chMod(const fileName& name, const mode_t m)
    const int success = _chmod(name.c_str(), m);
    return success;
// Copy, recursively if necessary, the source to the destination
bool Foam::cp(const fileName& src, const fileName& dest)
    // Make sure source exists.
    if (!exists(src))
        return false;

    fileName destFile(dest);

    // Check type of source file.
    if (src.type() == fileName::FILE)
        // If dest is a directory, create the destination file name.
        if (destFile.type() == fileName::DIRECTORY)
            destFile = destFile/src.name();

        // Make sure the destination directory exists.
        if (!isDir(destFile.path()) && !mkDir(destFile.path()))
            return false;

        // Open and check streams.
        std::ifstream srcStream(src.c_str());
        if (!srcStream)
            return false;

        std::ofstream destStream(destFile.c_str());
        if (!destStream)
            return false;

        // Copy character data.
        char ch;
        while (srcStream.get(ch))

        // Final check.
        if (!srcStream.eof() || !destStream)
            return false;
    else if (src.type() == fileName::DIRECTORY)
        // If dest is a directory, create the destination file name.
        if (destFile.type() == fileName::DIRECTORY)
            destFile = destFile/src.component(src.components().size() -1);

        // Make sure the destination directory exists.
        if (!isDir(destFile) && !mkDir(destFile))
            return false;

        // Copy files
        fileNameList contents = readDir(src, fileName::FILE, false);
        forAll(contents, i)
            if (POSIX::debug)
                Info<< "Copying : " << src/contents[i]
                    << " to " << destFile/contents[i] << endl;

            // File to file.
            cp(src/contents[i], destFile/contents[i]);

        // Copy sub directories.
        fileNameList subdirs = readDir(src, fileName::DIRECTORY);
        forAll(subdirs, i)
            if (POSIX::debug)
                Info<< "Copying : " << src/subdirs[i]
                    << " to " << destFile << endl;

            // Dir to Dir.
            cp(src/subdirs[i], destFile);

    return true;
// Read a directory and return the entries as a string list
Foam::fileNameList Foam::readDir
    const fileName& directory,
    const fileName::Type type,
    const bool filtergz
    // Initial filename list size
    // also used as increment if initial size found to be insufficient
    static const int maxNnames = 100;

    if (POSIX::debug)
        Info<< "readDir(const fileName&, const fileType, const bool filtergz)"
            << " : reading directory " << directory << endl;

    // Setup empty string list MAXTVALUES long
    fileNameList dirEntries(maxNnames);

    // Pointers to the directory entries
    DIR *source;
    struct dirent *list;

    // Temporary variables and counters
    label nEntries = 0;

    // Attempt to open directory and set the structure pointer
    if ((source = opendir(directory.c_str())) == NULL)

        if (POSIX::debug)
            Info<< "readDir(const fileName&, const fileType, "
                   "const bool filtergz) : cannot open directory "
                << directory << endl;
        // Read and parse all the entries in the directory
        while ((list = readdir(source)) != NULL)
            fileName fName(list->d_name);

            // Ignore files begining with ., i.e. '.', '..' and '.*'
            if (fName.size() && fName[0] != '.')
                word fExt = fName.ext();

                    (type == fileName::DIRECTORY)
                        type == fileName::FILE
                     && fName[fName.size() - 1] != '~'
                     && fExt != "vtk"
                     && fExt != "bak"
                     && fExt != "BAK"
                     && fExt != "old"
                     && fExt != "save"
                    if ((directory/fName).type() == type)
                        if (nEntries >= dirEntries.size())
                            dirEntries.setSize(dirEntries.size() + maxNnames);

                        if (filtergz && fExt == "gz")
                            dirEntries[nEntries++] = fName.lessExt();
                            dirEntries[nEntries++] = fName;

        // Reset the length of the entries list


    return dirEntries;
// Set the file mode
bool Foam::chMod(const fileName& name, const mode_t m)
    return ::chmod(name.c_str(), m) == 0;
bool Foam::mkDir(const fileName& pathName, mode_t mode)
    // empty names are meaningless
    if (pathName.empty())
        return false;

    // Construct instance path directory if does not exist
    if (::mkdir(pathName.c_str(), mode) == 0)
        // Directory made OK so return true
        return true;
        switch (errno)
            case EPERM:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "The filesystem containing " << pathName
                    << " does not support the creation of directories."
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

            case EEXIST:
                // Directory already exists so simply return true
                return true;

            case EFAULT:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "" << pathName
                    << " points outside your accessible address space."
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

            case EACCES:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "The parent directory does not allow write "
                       "permission to the process,"<< nl
                    << "or one of the directories in " << pathName
                    << " did not allow search (execute) permission."
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

            case ENAMETOOLONG:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "" << pathName << " is too long."
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

            case ENOENT:
                // Part of the path does not exist so try to create it
                if (pathName.path().size() && mkDir(pathName.path(), mode))
                    return mkDir(pathName, mode);
                    FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                        << "Couldn't create directory " << pathName
                        << exit(FatalError);

                    return false;

            case ENOTDIR:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "A component used as a directory in " << pathName
                    << " is not, in fact, a directory."
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

            case ENOMEM:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "Insufficient kernel memory was available to make "
                       "directory " << pathName << '.'
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

            case EROFS:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "" << pathName
                    << " refers to a file on a read-only filesystem."
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

            case ELOOP:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving "
                    << pathName << '.'
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

            case ENOSPC:
                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "The device containing " << pathName
                    << " has no room for the new directory or "
                    << "the user's disk quota is exhausted."
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;

                FatalErrorIn("Foam::mkDir(const fileName&, mode_t)")
                    << "Couldn't create directory " << pathName
                    << exit(FatalError);

                return false;