Beispiel #1
	file_view file_view_pool::open_file(storage_index_t st, std::string const& p
		, file_index_t const file_index, file_storage const& fs
		, open_mode_t const m)
		// potentially used to hold a reference to a file object that's
		// about to be destructed. If we have such object we assign it to
		// this member to be destructed after we release the std::mutex. On some
		// operating systems (such as OSX) closing a file may take a long
		// time. We don't want to hold the std::mutex for that.
		std::shared_ptr<file_mapping> defer_destruction;

		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m_mutex);

		auto& key_view = m_files.get<0>();
		auto const i = key_view.find(file_id{st, file_index});
		if (i != key_view.end())
			key_view.modify(i, [&](file_entry& e)
				e.last_use = aux::time_now();

				// make sure the write bit is set if we asked for it
				// it's OK to use a read-write file if we just asked for read. But if
				// we asked for write, the file we serve back must be opened in write
				// mode
				if (!(e.mode & open_mode::write) && (m & open_mode::write))
					defer_destruction = std::move(e.mapping);
					e.mapping = std::make_shared<file_mapping>(
						file_handle(fs.file_path(file_index, p)
							, fs.file_size(file_index), m), m
						, fs.file_size(file_index));
					e.mode = m;

			auto& lru_view = m_files.get<1>();
			lru_view.relocate(m_files.project<1>(i), lru_view.begin());

			return i->mapping->view();

		if (int(m_files.size()) >= m_size - 1)
			// the file cache is at its maximum size, close
			// the least recently used file

		file_entry e({st, file_index}, fs.file_path(file_index, p), m
			, fs.file_size(file_index));
		auto ret = e.mapping->view();

		auto& key_view2 = m_files.get<0>();
		return ret;
Beispiel #2
	std::int64_t stat_cache::get_filesize(int const i, file_storage const& fs
		, std::string const& save_path, error_code& ec)
		TORRENT_ASSERT(i < int(fs.num_files()));
		if (i >= int(m_stat_cache.size())) m_stat_cache.resize(i + 1, not_in_cache);
		std::int64_t sz = m_stat_cache[i].file_size;
		if (sz < not_in_cache)
			ec = m_errors[-sz + file_error];
			return file_error;
		else if (sz == not_in_cache)
			// query the filesystem
			file_status s;
			std::string const file_path = fs.file_path(i, save_path);
			stat_file(file_path, &s, ec);
			if (ec)
				set_error(i, ec);
				sz = file_error;
				set_cache(i, s.file_size);
				sz = s.file_size;
		return sz;
Beispiel #3
		void add_files_impl(file_storage& fs, std::string const& p
			, std::string const& l, boost::function<bool(std::string)> pred, boost::uint32_t flags)
			std::string f = combine_path(p, l);
			if (!pred(f)) return;
			error_code ec;
			file_status s;
			stat_file(f, &s, ec, (flags & create_torrent::symlinks) ? dont_follow_links : 0);
			if (ec) return;

			// recurse into directories
			bool recurse = (s.mode & file_status::directory) != 0;

			// if the file is not a link or we're following links, and it's a directory
			// only then should we recurse
			if ((s.mode & file_status::link) && (flags & create_torrent::symlinks))
				recurse = false;

			if (recurse)
				fs.add_path(parent_path(combine_path(l, "x")), s.mode & 0777);
				for (directory i(f, ec); !i.done();
					std::string leaf = i.file();
					if (ignore_subdir(leaf)) continue;
					add_files_impl(fs, p, combine_path(l, leaf), pred, flags);
			else if (s.mode & (file_status::regular_file | file_status::link))
				// #error use the fields from s
				int file_flags = get_file_attributes(f, (flags & create_torrent::symlinks) ? dont_follow_links : 0);

				// mask all bits to check if the file is a symlink
				if ((file_flags & file_storage::attribute_symlink)
					&& (flags & create_torrent::symlinks)) 
					std::string sym_path = get_symlink_path(f);
					fs.add_file(l, 0, file_flags, s.mtime, sym_path, s.mode & 0777);
					fs.add_file(l, s.file_size, file_flags, s.mtime, "", s.mode & 0777);

			if (fs.num_files() == 0) 
Beispiel #4
    void transfer_info::remap_files(file_storage const& f)

        // the new specified file storage must have the exact
        // same size as the current file storage
        LIBED2K_ASSERT(m_files.total_size() == f.total_size());

        if (m_files.total_size() != f.total_size()) return;
        m_files = f;
Beispiel #5
	void file_pool::mark_deleted(file_storage const& fs)
		mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex);
		m_deleted_storages.push_back(std::make_pair(, (void const*)&fs));
		if(m_deleted_storages.size() > 100)
Beispiel #6
	void file_pool::mark_deleted(file_storage const& fs)
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m_mutex);
			, static_cast<void const*>(&fs)));
		if(m_deleted_storages.size() > 100)
	// update the file progress now that we just completed downloading piece
	// 'index'
	void file_progress::update(file_storage const& fs, int const index
		, alert_manager* alerts, torrent_handle const& h)
		if (m_file_progress.empty()) return;

		// if this assert fires, we've told the file_progress object that we have
		// a piece twice. That violates its precondition and will cause incorect
		// accounting
		TORRENT_ASSERT(m_have_pieces.get_bit(index) == false);

		int const piece_size = fs.piece_length();
		std::int64_t off = std::int64_t(index) * piece_size;
		int file_index = fs.file_index_at_offset(off);
		int size = fs.piece_size(index);
		for (; size > 0; ++file_index)
			std::int64_t file_offset = off - fs.file_offset(file_index);
			TORRENT_ASSERT(file_index != fs.num_files());
			TORRENT_ASSERT(file_offset <= fs.file_size(file_index));
			int add = (std::min)(fs.file_size(file_index)
				- file_offset, std::int64_t(size));
			m_file_progress[file_index] += add;

					<= fs.file_size(file_index));

			// TODO: it would be nice to not depend on alert_manager here
			if (m_file_progress[file_index] >= fs.file_size(file_index) && alerts)
				if (!fs.pad_file_at(file_index))
					if (alerts->should_post<file_completed_alert>())
						// this file just completed, post alert
						alerts->emplace_alert<file_completed_alert>(h, file_index);
			size -= add;
			off += add;
			TORRENT_ASSERT(size >= 0);
Beispiel #8
QString StaticHelpers::GetBaseSuffix(const file_storage& storrage)
	QString base_suffix;
	int maxSuffix = 0;
	QMap<QString, int> suffixesCount;

	for(int i = 0; i < storrage.num_files(); i++)
		QFileInfo curfile(QString::fromUtf8(storrage.file_path(i).c_str()));

			base_suffix = curfile.suffix();

			base_suffix = curfile.suffix();

			suffixesCount.insert(curfile.suffix(), 1);

		if(suffixesCount[curfile.suffix()] > maxSuffix)
			maxSuffix = suffixesCount[curfile.suffix()];
			base_suffix = curfile.suffix();

	return base_suffix;
	// root_dir is the name of the torrent, unless this is a single file
	// torrent, in which case it's empty.
	bool extract_files(bdecode_node const& list, file_storage& target
		, std::string const& root_dir, ptrdiff_t info_ptr_diff, error_code& ec)
		if (list.type() != bdecode_node::list_t)
			ec = errors::torrent_file_parse_failed;
			return false;

		// this is the counter used to name pad files
		int pad_file_cnt = 0;
		for (int i = 0, end(list.list_size()); i < end; ++i)
			if (!extract_single_file(list.list_at(i), target, root_dir
				, info_ptr_diff, false, pad_file_cnt, ec))
				return false;
		return true;
void setup_test_storage(file_storage& st)
	st.add_file(combine_path("test", "a"), 10000);
	st.add_file(combine_path("test", "b"), 20000);
	st.add_file(combine_path("test", combine_path("c", "a")), 30000);
	st.add_file(combine_path("test", combine_path("c", "b")), 40000);

	st.set_num_pieces((int(st.total_size()) + st.piece_length() - 1) / 0x4000);

	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_name(0), "a");
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_name(1), "b");
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_name(2), "a");
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_name(3), "b");
	TEST_EQUAL(, "test");

	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_path(0), combine_path("test", "a"));
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_path(1), combine_path("test", "b"));
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_path(2), combine_path("test", combine_path("c", "a")));
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_path(3), combine_path("test", combine_path("c", "b")));

	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_size(0), 10000);
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_size(1), 20000);
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_size(2), 30000);
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_size(3), 40000);

	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_offset(0), 0);
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_offset(1), 10000);
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_offset(2), 30000);
	TEST_EQUAL(st.file_offset(3), 60000);

	TEST_EQUAL(st.total_size(), 100000);
	TEST_EQUAL(st.piece_length(), 0x4000);
	printf("%d\n", st.num_pieces());
	TEST_EQUAL(st.num_pieces(), (100000 + 0x3fff) / 0x4000);
Beispiel #11
	file_handle file_pool::open_file(void* st, std::string const& p
		, int file_index, file_storage const& fs, int m, error_code& ec)
		// potentially used to hold a reference to a file object that's
		// about to be destructed. If we have such object we assign it to
		// this member to be destructed after we release the mutex. On some
		// operating systems (such as OSX) closing a file may take a long
		// time. We don't want to hold the mutex for that.
		file_handle defer_destruction;

		mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex);

		// we're not allowed to open a file
		// from a deleted storage!
		TORRENT_ASSERT(std::find(m_deleted_storages.begin(), m_deleted_storages.end(), std::make_pair(, (void const*)&fs))
			== m_deleted_storages.end());

		TORRENT_ASSERT(st != 0);
		TORRENT_ASSERT((m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_only
			|| (m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_write);
		file_set::iterator i = m_files.find(std::make_pair(st, file_index));
		if (i != m_files.end())
			lru_file_entry& e = i->second;
			e.last_use = aux::time_now();

			if (e.key != st && ((e.mode & file::rw_mask) != file::read_only
				|| (m & file::rw_mask) != file::read_only))
				// this means that another instance of the storage
				// is using the exact same file.
				ec = errors::file_collision;
				return file_handle();

			e.key = st;
			// if we asked for a file in write mode,
			// and the cached file is is not opened in
			// write mode, re-open it
			if ((((e.mode & file::rw_mask) != file::read_write)
				&& ((m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_write))
				|| (e.mode & file::random_access) != (m & file::random_access))
				// close the file before we open it with
				// the new read/write privilages, since windows may
				// file opening a file twice. However, since there may
				// be outstanding operations on it, we can't close the
				// file, we can only delete our reference to it.
				// if this is the only reference to the file, it will be closed
				defer_destruction = e.file_ptr;
				e.file_ptr = boost::make_shared<file>();

				std::string full_path = fs.file_path(file_index, p);
				if (!e.file_ptr->open(full_path, m, ec))
					return file_handle();
				if (m_low_prio_io)

				e.mode = m;
			return e.file_ptr;

		lru_file_entry e;
		e.file_ptr = boost::make_shared<file>();
		if (!e.file_ptr)
			ec = error_code(ENOMEM, get_posix_category());
			return e.file_ptr;
		std::string full_path = fs.file_path(file_index, p);
		if (!e.file_ptr->open(full_path, m, ec))
			return file_handle();
		if (m_low_prio_io)
		e.mode = m;
		e.key = st;
		m_files.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(st, file_index), e));

		file_handle file_ptr = e.file_ptr;

		// the file is not in our cache
		if ((int)m_files.size() >= m_size)
			// the file cache is at its maximum size, close
			// the least recently used (lru) file from it
		return file_ptr;
Beispiel #12
	boost::intrusive_ptr<file> file_pool::open_file(void* st, std::string const& p
		, file_storage::iterator fe, file_storage const& fs, int m, error_code& ec)
		TORRENT_ASSERT(st != 0);
		TORRENT_ASSERT((m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_only
			|| (m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_write);
		mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex);
		file_set::iterator i = m_files.find(std::make_pair(st, fs.file_index(*fe)));
		if (i != m_files.end())
			lru_file_entry& e = i->second;
			e.last_use = time_now();

			if (e.key != st && ((e.mode & file::rw_mask) != file::read_only
				|| (m & file::rw_mask) != file::read_only))
				// this means that another instance of the storage
				// is using the exact same file.
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 103500
				ec = errors::file_collision;
				return boost::intrusive_ptr<file>();

			e.key = st;
			// if we asked for a file in write mode,
			// and the cached file is is not opened in
			// write mode, re-open it
			if ((((e.mode & file::rw_mask) != file::read_write)
				&& ((m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_write))
				|| (e.mode & file::no_buffer) != (m & file::no_buffer)
				|| (e.mode & file::random_access) != (m & file::random_access))
				// close the file before we open it with
				// the new read/write privilages
				TORRENT_ASSERT(e.file_ptr->refcount() == 1);

				mutex::scoped_lock l(m_closer_mutex);
				e.file_ptr = new file;
				std::string full_path = combine_path(p, fs.file_path(*fe));
				if (!e.file_ptr->open(full_path, m, ec))
					return boost::intrusive_ptr<file>();
// file prio is supported on vista and up
#if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600
				if (m_low_prio_io)
					// TODO: load this function dynamically from Kernel32.dll
					priorityHint.PriorityHint = IoPriorityHintLow;
						FileIoPriorityHintInfo, &priorityHint, sizeof(PriorityHint));
				e.mode = m;
			TORRENT_ASSERT((e.mode & file::no_buffer) == (m & file::no_buffer));
			return e.file_ptr;
		// the file is not in our cache
		if ((int)m_files.size() >= m_size)
			// the file cache is at its maximum size, close
			// the least recently used (lru) file from it
		lru_file_entry e;
		e.file_ptr.reset(new (std::nothrow)file);
		if (!e.file_ptr)
			ec = error_code(ENOMEM, get_posix_category());
			return e.file_ptr;
		std::string full_path = combine_path(p, fs.file_path(*fe));
		if (!e.file_ptr->open(full_path, m, ec))
			return boost::intrusive_ptr<file>();
		e.mode = m;
		e.key = st;
		m_files.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(st, fs.file_index(*fe)), e));
		return e.file_ptr;
Beispiel #13
	void file_progress::init(piece_picker const& picker, file_storage const& fs)

		if (!m_file_progress.empty()) return;

		int const num_pieces = fs.num_pieces();
		int const num_files = fs.num_files();

		m_have_pieces.resize(num_pieces, false);
		for (int i = 0; i < num_files; ++i)

		m_file_progress.resize(num_files, 0);
		std::fill(m_file_progress.begin(), m_file_progress.end(), 0);

		// initialize the progress of each file

		int const piece_size = fs.piece_length();
		std::uint64_t off = 0;
		std::uint64_t const total_size = fs.total_size();
		int file_index = 0;
		for (int piece = 0; piece < num_pieces; ++piece, off += piece_size)
			TORRENT_ASSERT(file_index < fs.num_files());
			std::int64_t file_offset = off - fs.file_offset(file_index);
			TORRENT_ASSERT(file_offset >= 0);
			while (file_offset >= fs.file_size(file_index))
				TORRENT_ASSERT(file_index < fs.num_files());
				file_offset = off - fs.file_offset(file_index);
				TORRENT_ASSERT(file_offset >= 0);
			TORRENT_ASSERT(file_offset <= fs.file_size(file_index));

			if (!picker.have_piece(piece)) continue;


			int size = (std::min)(std::uint64_t(piece_size), total_size - off);
			TORRENT_ASSERT(size >= 0);

			while (size)
				int add = (std::min)(std::int64_t(size), fs.file_size(file_index) - file_offset);
				TORRENT_ASSERT(add >= 0);
				m_file_progress[file_index] += add;

					<= fs.file_size(file_index));

				size -= add;
				TORRENT_ASSERT(size >= 0);
				if (size > 0)
					TORRENT_ASSERT(file_index < fs.num_files());
					file_offset = 0;
Beispiel #14
	file_handle file_pool::open_file(storage_index_t st, std::string const& p
		, file_index_t const file_index, file_storage const& fs, int m, error_code& ec)
		// potentially used to hold a reference to a file object that's
		// about to be destructed. If we have such object we assign it to
		// this member to be destructed after we release the std::mutex. On some
		// operating systems (such as OSX) closing a file may take a long
		// time. We don't want to hold the std::mutex for that.
		file_handle defer_destruction;

		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m_mutex);

		// we're not allowed to open a file
		// from a deleted storage!
		TORRENT_ASSERT(std::find(m_deleted_storages.begin(), m_deleted_storages.end()
			, std::make_pair(, static_cast<void const*>(&fs)))
			== m_deleted_storages.end());

		TORRENT_ASSERT((m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_only
			|| (m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_write);
		auto const i = m_files.find(std::make_pair(st, file_index));
		if (i != m_files.end())
			lru_file_entry& e = i->second;
			e.last_use = aux::time_now();

			// if we asked for a file in write mode,
			// and the cached file is is not opened in
			// write mode, re-open it
			if ((((e.mode & file::rw_mask) != file::read_write)
				&& ((m & file::rw_mask) == file::read_write))
				|| (e.mode & file::random_access) != (m & file::random_access))
				file_handle new_file = std::make_shared<file>();

				std::string full_path = fs.file_path(file_index, p);
				if (!new_file->open(full_path, m, ec))
					return file_handle();
				if (m_low_prio_io)

				defer_destruction = std::move(e.file_ptr);
				e.file_ptr = std::move(new_file);
				e.mode = m;
			return e.file_ptr;

		lru_file_entry e;
		e.file_ptr = std::make_shared<file>();
		if (!e.file_ptr)
			ec = error_code(boost::system::errc::not_enough_memory, generic_category());
			return file_handle();
		std::string full_path = fs.file_path(file_index, p);
		if (!e.file_ptr->open(full_path, m, ec))
			return file_handle();
		if (m_low_prio_io)
		e.mode = m;
		file_handle file_ptr = e.file_ptr;
		m_files.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(st, file_index), e));

		if (int(m_files.size()) >= m_size)
			// the file cache is at its maximum size, close
			// the least recently used (lru) file from it
		return file_ptr;
	// 'top_level' is extracting the file for a single-file torrent. The
	// distinction is that the filename is found in "name" rather than
	// "path"
	// root_dir is the name of the torrent, unless this is a single file
	// torrent, in which case it's empty.
	bool extract_single_file(bdecode_node const& dict, file_storage& files
		, std::string const& root_dir, ptrdiff_t info_ptr_diff, bool top_level
		, int& pad_file_cnt, error_code& ec)
		if (dict.type() != bdecode_node::dict_t) return false;

		boost::uint32_t file_flags = get_file_attributes(dict);

		// symlinks have an implied "size" of zero. i.e. they use up 0 bytes of
		// the torrent payload space
		boost::int64_t const file_size = (file_flags & file_storage::flag_symlink)
			? 0
			: dict.dict_find_int_value("length", -1);
		if (file_size < 0 )
			ec = errors::torrent_invalid_length;
			return false;

		boost::int64_t const mtime = dict.dict_find_int_value("mtime", 0);

		std::string path = root_dir;
		std::string path_element;
		char const* filename = NULL;
		int filename_len = 0;

		if (top_level)
			// prefer the name.utf-8 because if it exists, it is more likely to be
			// correctly encoded
			bdecode_node p = dict.dict_find_string("name.utf-8");
			if (!p) p = dict.dict_find_string("name");
			if (!p || p.string_length() == 0)
				ec = errors::torrent_missing_name;
				return false;

			filename = p.string_ptr() + info_ptr_diff;
			filename_len = p.string_length();
			while (filename_len > 0 && filename[0] == TORRENT_SEPARATOR)
				filename += 1;
				filename_len -= 1;
			sanitize_append_path_element(path, p.string_ptr(), p.string_length());
			bdecode_node p = dict.dict_find_list("path.utf-8");
			if (!p) p = dict.dict_find_list("path");

			if (p && p.list_size() > 0)
				std::size_t const orig_path_len = path.size();
				int const preallocate = path.size() + path_length(p, ec);
				if (ec) return false;

				for (int i = 0, end(p.list_size()); i < end; ++i)
					bdecode_node e = p.list_at(i);
					if (i == end - 1)
						filename = e.string_ptr() + info_ptr_diff;
						filename_len = e.string_length();
					while (filename_len > 0 && filename[0] == TORRENT_SEPARATOR)
						filename += 1;
						filename_len -= 1;
					sanitize_append_path_element(path, e.string_ptr(), e.string_length());

				// if all path elements were sanitized away, we need to use another
				// name instead
				if (path.size() == orig_path_len)
					path += "_";
			else if (file_flags & file_storage::flag_pad_file)
				// pad files don't need a path element, we'll just store them
				// under the .pad directory
				char cnt[10];
				snprintf(cnt, sizeof(cnt), "%d", pad_file_cnt);
				path = combine_path(".pad", cnt);
				ec = errors::torrent_missing_name;
				return false;

		// bitcomet pad file
		if (path.find("_____padding_file_") != std::string::npos)
			file_flags = file_storage::flag_pad_file;

		bdecode_node fh = dict.dict_find_string("sha1");
		char const* filehash = NULL;
		if (fh && fh.string_length() == 20)
			filehash = fh.string_ptr() + info_ptr_diff;

		std::string symlink_path;
		if (file_flags & file_storage::flag_symlink)
			if (bdecode_node s_p = dict.dict_find_list("symlink path"))
				int const preallocate = path_length(s_p, ec);
				if (ec) return false;
				for (int i = 0, end(s_p.list_size()); i < end; ++i)
					bdecode_node const& n = s_p.list_at(i);
					sanitize_append_path_element(symlink_path, n.string_ptr()
						, n.string_length());
			file_flags &= ~file_storage::flag_symlink;

		if (filename_len > path.length()
			|| - filename_len, filename_len, filename
				, filename_len) != 0)
			// if the filename was sanitized and differ, clear it to just use path
			filename = NULL;
			filename_len = 0;

		files.add_file_borrow(filename, filename_len, path, file_size, file_flags, filehash
			, mtime, symlink_path);
		return true;