Beispiel #1
 void Resolver::makeParamSlot(gc<Pattern> param)
   VariablePattern* variable = param->asVariablePattern();
   if (variable != NULL && *variable->name() != "_")
     // It's a variable, so create a named local for it and resolve the
     // variable.
     variable->setResolved(makeLocal(param->pos(), variable->name()));
     // Note that we do *not* resolve the variable's inner pattern here. We
     // do that after all param slots are resolved so that we can ensure the
     // param slots are contiguous.
     // We don't have a variable for this parameter, but the argument
     // will still be on the stack, so make an unnamed slot for it.
     makeLocal(param->pos(), String::format("(%d)", unnamedSlotId_++));
Beispiel #2
  void ExprCompiler::compile(Module* module, int maxLocals,
                             gc<Pattern> leftParam, gc<Pattern> rightParam,
                             gc<Pattern> valueParam, gc<Expr> body)
    currentFile_ = chunk_->addFile(module->source());
    module_ = module;
    // Reserve slots up front for all of the locals. This ensures that
    // temps will always be after locals.
    // TODO(bob): Using max here isn't optimal. Ideally a given temp only
    // needs to be after the locals that are in scope during the duration
    // of that temp. But calculating that is a bit hairy. For now, until we
    // have a more advanced compiler, this is a simple solution.
    numLocals_ = maxLocals;
    maxSlots_ = MAX(maxSlots_, numLocals_);

    PatternCompiler compiler(*this, true);

    // Track the slots used for the arguments and result. This code here
    // must be kept carefully in sync with the similar prelude code in
    // Resolver.
    int numParamSlots = 0;

    // Evaluate the method's parameter patterns.
    compileParam(compiler, leftParam, numParamSlots);
    compileParam(compiler, rightParam, numParamSlots);
    compileParam(compiler, valueParam, numParamSlots);

    // The result slot is just after the param slots.
    compile(body, numParamSlots);

    write(body->pos(), OP_RETURN, numParamSlots);

    ASSERT(numTemps_ == 0, "Should not have any temps left.");
