Beispiel #1
Layer::SnapTransformTranslation(const gfx3DMatrix& aTransform,
                                gfxMatrix* aResidualTransform)
  if (aResidualTransform) {
    *aResidualTransform = gfxMatrix();

  gfxMatrix matrix2D;
  gfx3DMatrix result;
      mManager->IsSnappingEffectiveTransforms() &&
      aTransform.Is2D(&matrix2D) &&
      !matrix2D.HasNonTranslation() &&
      matrix2D.HasNonIntegerTranslation()) {
    gfxPoint snappedTranslation(matrix2D.GetTranslation());
    gfxMatrix snappedMatrix = gfxMatrix().Translate(snappedTranslation);
    result = gfx3DMatrix::From2D(snappedMatrix);
    if (aResidualTransform) {
      // set aResidualTransform so that aResidual * snappedMatrix == matrix2D.
      // (I.e., appying snappedMatrix after aResidualTransform gives the
      // ideal transform.)
      *aResidualTransform =
        gfxMatrix().Translate(matrix2D.GetTranslation() - snappedTranslation);
  } else {
    result = aTransform;
  return result;
gfx3DMatrix::operator*(const gfx3DMatrix &aMatrix) const
  if (Is2D() && aMatrix.Is2D()) {
    return Multiply2D(aMatrix);

  gfx3DMatrix matrix;

  matrix._11 = _11 * aMatrix._11 + _12 * aMatrix._21 + _13 * aMatrix._31 + _14 * aMatrix._41;
  matrix._21 = _21 * aMatrix._11 + _22 * aMatrix._21 + _23 * aMatrix._31 + _24 * aMatrix._41;
  matrix._31 = _31 * aMatrix._11 + _32 * aMatrix._21 + _33 * aMatrix._31 + _34 * aMatrix._41;
  matrix._41 = _41 * aMatrix._11 + _42 * aMatrix._21 + _43 * aMatrix._31 + _44 * aMatrix._41;
  matrix._12 = _11 * aMatrix._12 + _12 * aMatrix._22 + _13 * aMatrix._32 + _14 * aMatrix._42;
  matrix._22 = _21 * aMatrix._12 + _22 * aMatrix._22 + _23 * aMatrix._32 + _24 * aMatrix._42;
  matrix._32 = _31 * aMatrix._12 + _32 * aMatrix._22 + _33 * aMatrix._32 + _34 * aMatrix._42;
  matrix._42 = _41 * aMatrix._12 + _42 * aMatrix._22 + _43 * aMatrix._32 + _44 * aMatrix._42;
  matrix._13 = _11 * aMatrix._13 + _12 * aMatrix._23 + _13 * aMatrix._33 + _14 * aMatrix._43;
  matrix._23 = _21 * aMatrix._13 + _22 * aMatrix._23 + _23 * aMatrix._33 + _24 * aMatrix._43;
  matrix._33 = _31 * aMatrix._13 + _32 * aMatrix._23 + _33 * aMatrix._33 + _34 * aMatrix._43;
  matrix._43 = _41 * aMatrix._13 + _42 * aMatrix._23 + _43 * aMatrix._33 + _44 * aMatrix._43;
  matrix._14 = _11 * aMatrix._14 + _12 * aMatrix._24 + _13 * aMatrix._34 + _14 * aMatrix._44;
  matrix._24 = _21 * aMatrix._14 + _22 * aMatrix._24 + _23 * aMatrix._34 + _24 * aMatrix._44;
  matrix._34 = _31 * aMatrix._14 + _32 * aMatrix._24 + _33 * aMatrix._34 + _34 * aMatrix._44;
  matrix._44 = _41 * aMatrix._14 + _42 * aMatrix._24 + _43 * aMatrix._34 + _44 * aMatrix._44;

  return matrix;
Beispiel #3
Layer::SnapTransform(const gfx3DMatrix& aTransform,
                     const gfxRect& aSnapRect,
                     gfxMatrix* aResidualTransform)
  if (aResidualTransform) {
    *aResidualTransform = gfxMatrix();

  gfxMatrix matrix2D;
  gfx3DMatrix result;
  if (mManager->IsSnappingEffectiveTransforms() &&
      aTransform.Is2D(&matrix2D) &&
      matrix2D.HasNonIntegerTranslation() &&
      !matrix2D.IsSingular() &&
      !matrix2D.HasNonAxisAlignedTransform()) {
    gfxMatrix snappedMatrix;
    gfxPoint topLeft = matrix2D.Transform(aSnapRect.TopLeft());
    // first compute scale factors that scale aSnapRect to the snapped rect
    if (aSnapRect.IsEmpty()) {
      snappedMatrix.xx = matrix2D.xx;
      snappedMatrix.yy = matrix2D.yy;
    } else {
      gfxPoint bottomRight = matrix2D.Transform(aSnapRect.BottomRight());
      snappedMatrix.xx = (bottomRight.x - topLeft.x)/aSnapRect.Width();
      snappedMatrix.yy = (bottomRight.y - topLeft.y)/aSnapRect.Height();
    // compute translation factors that will move aSnapRect to the snapped rect
    // given those scale factors
    snappedMatrix.x0 = topLeft.x - aSnapRect.X()*snappedMatrix.xx;
    snappedMatrix.y0 = topLeft.y - aSnapRect.Y()*snappedMatrix.yy;
    result = gfx3DMatrix::From2D(snappedMatrix);
    if (aResidualTransform && !snappedMatrix.IsSingular()) {
      // set aResidualTransform so that aResidual * snappedMatrix == matrix2D.
      // (i.e., appying snappedMatrix after aResidualTransform gives the
      // ideal transform.
      gfxMatrix snappedMatrixInverse = snappedMatrix;
      *aResidualTransform = matrix2D * snappedMatrixInverse;
  } else {
    result = aTransform;
  return result;
Beispiel #4
Layer::SnapTransform(const gfx3DMatrix& aTransform,
                     const gfxRect& aSnapRect,
                     gfxMatrix* aResidualTransform)
  if (aResidualTransform) {
    *aResidualTransform = gfxMatrix();

  gfxMatrix matrix2D;
  gfx3DMatrix result;
      mManager->IsSnappingEffectiveTransforms() &&
      aTransform.Is2D(&matrix2D) &&
      gfxSize(1.0, 1.0) <= aSnapRect.Size() &&
      matrix2D.PreservesAxisAlignedRectangles()) {
    gfxPoint transformedTopLeft = matrix2D.Transform(aSnapRect.TopLeft());
    gfxPoint transformedTopRight = matrix2D.Transform(aSnapRect.TopRight());
    gfxPoint transformedBottomRight = matrix2D.Transform(aSnapRect.BottomRight());

    gfxMatrix snappedMatrix = gfxUtils::TransformRectToRect(aSnapRect,
      transformedTopLeft, transformedTopRight, transformedBottomRight);

    result = gfx3DMatrix::From2D(snappedMatrix);
    if (aResidualTransform && !snappedMatrix.IsSingular()) {
      // set aResidualTransform so that aResidual * snappedMatrix == matrix2D.
      // (i.e., appying snappedMatrix after aResidualTransform gives the
      // ideal transform.
      gfxMatrix snappedMatrixInverse = snappedMatrix;
      *aResidualTransform = matrix2D * snappedMatrixInverse;
  } else {
    result = aTransform;
  return result;
AsyncCompositionManager::AlignFixedLayersForAnchorPoint(Layer* aLayer,
                                                        Layer* aTransformedSubtreeRoot,
                                                        const gfx3DMatrix& aPreviousTransformForRoot,
                                                        const LayerMargin& aFixedLayerMargins)
  if (aLayer != aTransformedSubtreeRoot && aLayer->GetIsFixedPosition() &&
      !aLayer->GetParent()->GetIsFixedPosition()) {
    // Insert a translation so that the position of the anchor point is the same
    // before and after the change to the transform of aTransformedSubtreeRoot.
    // This currently only works for fixed layers with 2D transforms.

    // Accumulate the transforms between this layer and the subtree root layer.
    gfxMatrix ancestorTransform;
    if (!AccumulateLayerTransforms2D(aLayer->GetParent(), aTransformedSubtreeRoot,
                                     ancestorTransform)) {

    gfxMatrix oldRootTransform;
    gfxMatrix newRootTransform;
    if (!aPreviousTransformForRoot.Is2D(&oldRootTransform) ||
        !aTransformedSubtreeRoot->GetLocalTransform().Is2D(&newRootTransform)) {

    // Calculate the cumulative transforms between the subtree root with the
    // old transform and the current transform.
    gfxMatrix oldCumulativeTransform = ancestorTransform * oldRootTransform;
    gfxMatrix newCumulativeTransform = ancestorTransform * newRootTransform;
    if (newCumulativeTransform.IsSingular()) {
    gfxMatrix newCumulativeTransformInverse = newCumulativeTransform;

    // Now work out the translation necessary to make sure the layer doesn't
    // move given the new sub-tree root transform.
    gfxMatrix layerTransform;
    if (!GetBaseTransform2D(aLayer, &layerTransform)) {

    // Calculate any offset necessary, in previous transform sub-tree root
    // space. This is used to make sure fixed position content respects
    // content document fixed position margins.
    LayerPoint offsetInOldSubtreeLayerSpace = GetLayerFixedMarginsOffset(aLayer, aFixedLayerMargins);

    // Add the above offset to the anchor point so we can offset the layer by
    // and amount that's specified in old subtree layer space.
    const LayerPoint& anchorInOldSubtreeLayerSpace = aLayer->GetFixedPositionAnchor();
    LayerPoint offsetAnchorInOldSubtreeLayerSpace = anchorInOldSubtreeLayerSpace + offsetInOldSubtreeLayerSpace;

    // Add the local layer transform to the two points to make the equation
    // below this section more convenient.
    gfxPoint anchor(anchorInOldSubtreeLayerSpace.x, anchorInOldSubtreeLayerSpace.y);
    gfxPoint offsetAnchor(offsetAnchorInOldSubtreeLayerSpace.x, offsetAnchorInOldSubtreeLayerSpace.y);
    gfxPoint locallyTransformedAnchor = layerTransform.Transform(anchor);
    gfxPoint locallyTransformedOffsetAnchor = layerTransform.Transform(offsetAnchor);

    // Transforming the locallyTransformedAnchor by oldCumulativeTransform
    // returns the layer's anchor point relative to the parent of
    // aTransformedSubtreeRoot, before the new transform was applied.
    // Then, applying newCumulativeTransformInverse maps that point relative
    // to the layer's parent, which is the same coordinate space as
    // locallyTransformedAnchor again, allowing us to subtract them and find
    // out the offset necessary to make sure the layer stays stationary.
    gfxPoint oldAnchorPositionInNewSpace =
    gfxPoint translation = oldAnchorPositionInNewSpace - locallyTransformedAnchor;

    // Finally, apply the 2D translation to the layer transform.
    TranslateShadowLayer2D(aLayer, translation);

    // The transform has now been applied, so there's no need to iterate over
    // child layers.

  for (Layer* child = aLayer->GetFirstChild();
       child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
    AlignFixedLayersForAnchorPoint(child, aTransformedSubtreeRoot,
                                   aPreviousTransformForRoot, aFixedLayerMargins);