// Calculate global faces per pp edge.
Foam::labelListList Foam::addPatchCellLayer::calcGlobalEdgeFaces
    const polyMesh& mesh,
    const globalIndex& globalFaces,
    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
    const labelList& meshEdges
    //// Determine coupled edges just so we don't have to have storage
    //// for all non-coupled edges.
    //PackedBoolList isCoupledEdge(mesh.nEdges());
    //const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
    //forAll(patches, patchI)
    //    const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];
    //    if (pp.coupled())
    //    {
    //        const labelList& meshEdges = pp.meshEdges();
    //        forAll(meshEdges, i)
    //        {
    //            isCoupledEdge.set(meshEdges[i], 1);
    //        }
    //    }

    // From mesh edge to global face labels. Sized only for pp edges.
    labelListList globalEdgeFaces(mesh.nEdges());

    const labelListList& edgeFaces = pp.edgeFaces();

    forAll(edgeFaces, edgeI)
        label meshEdgeI = meshEdges[edgeI];

        //if (isCoupledEdge.get(meshEdgeI) == 1)
            const labelList& eFaces = edgeFaces[edgeI];

            // Store face and processor as unique tag.
            labelList& globalEFaces = globalEdgeFaces[meshEdgeI];
            forAll(eFaces, i)
                globalEFaces[i] =
void Foam::AMIInterpolation<SourcePatch, TargetPatch>::distributePatches
    const mapDistribute& map,
    const TargetPatch& pp,
    const globalIndex& gi,
    List<faceList>& faces,
    List<pointField>& points,
    List<labelList>& faceIDs
) const
    PstreamBuffers pBufs(Pstream::nonBlocking);

    for (label domain = 0; domain < Pstream::nProcs(); domain++)
        const labelList& sendElems = map.subMap()[domain];

        if (domain != Pstream::myProcNo() && sendElems.size())
            labelList globalElems(sendElems.size());
            forAll(sendElems, i)
                globalElems[i] = gi.toGlobal(sendElems[i]);

            faceList subFaces(UIndirectList<face>(pp, sendElems));
            primitivePatch subPatch
                SubList<face>(subFaces, subFaces.size()),

            if (debug & 2)
                Pout<< "distributePatches: to processor " << domain
                    << " sending faces " << subPatch.faceCentres() << endl;

            UOPstream toDomain(domain, pBufs);
                << subPatch.localFaces() << subPatch.localPoints()
                << globalElems;
triSurface triangulate
    const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh,
    const labelHashSet& includePatches,
    const labelListIOList& finalAgglom,
    labelList& triSurfaceToAgglom,
    const globalIndex& globalNumbering,
    const polyBoundaryMesh& coarsePatches
    const polyMesh& mesh = bMesh.mesh();

    // Storage for surfaceMesh. Size estimate.
    DynamicList<labelledTri> triangles
        mesh.nFaces() - mesh.nInternalFaces()

    label newPatchI = 0;
    label localTriFaceI = 0;

    forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, includePatches, iter)
        const label patchI = iter.key();
        const polyPatch& patch = bMesh[patchI];
        const pointField& points = patch.points();

        label nTriTotal = 0;

        forAll(patch, patchFaceI)
            const face& f = patch[patchFaceI];

            faceList triFaces(f.nTriangles(points));

            label nTri = 0;

            f.triangles(points, nTri, triFaces);

            forAll(triFaces, triFaceI)
                const face& f = triFaces[triFaceI];

                triangles.append(labelledTri(f[0], f[1], f[2], newPatchI));


                triSurfaceToAgglom[localTriFaceI++] = globalNumbering.toGlobal
                  + coarsePatches[patchI].start()




    // Create globally numbered tri surface
    triSurface rawSurface(triangles, mesh.points());

    // Create locally numbered tri surface
    triSurface surface

    // Add patch names to surface

    newPatchI = 0;

    forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, includePatches, iter)
        const label patchI = iter.key();
        const polyPatch& patch = bMesh[patchI];

        surface.patches()[newPatchI].index() = patchI;
        surface.patches()[newPatchI].name() = patch.name();
        surface.patches()[newPatchI].geometricType() = patch.type();


    return surface;