Beispiel #1
	void cross(graphics& graph, int x, int y, uint32_t size, uint32_t thickness, nana::color_t color)
		if(thickness + 2 <= size)
			int gap = (size - thickness) / 2;

			nana::point ps[12];
			ps[0].x = x + gap;
			ps[1].x = ps[0].x + thickness - 1;
			ps[1].y = ps[0].y = y;

			ps[2].x = ps[1].x;
			ps[2].y = y + gap;

			ps[3].x = ps[2].x + gap;
			ps[3].y = ps[2].y;

			ps[4].x = ps[3].x;
			ps[4].y = ps[3].y + thickness - 1;

			ps[5].x = ps[1].x;
			ps[5].y = ps[4].y;

			ps[6].x = ps[5].x;
			ps[6].y = ps[5].y + gap;

			ps[7].x = x + gap;
			ps[7].y = ps[6].y;

			ps[8].x = ps[7].x;
			ps[8].y = ps[4].y;

			ps[9].x = x;
			ps[9].y = ps[4].y;

			ps[10].x = x;
			ps[10].y = y + gap;

			ps[11].x = x + gap;
			ps[11].y = y + gap;

			nana::color_t dkcolor = graph.mix(color, 0x0, 0.5);
			for(int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
				graph.line(ps[i], ps[i + 1], dkcolor);
			graph.line(ps[11], ps[0], dkcolor);

			graph.rectangle(ps[10].x + 1, ps[10].y + 1, (gap << 1) + thickness - 2, thickness - 2, color, true);
			graph.rectangle(ps[0].x + 1, ps[0].y + 1, thickness - 2, (gap << 1) + thickness - 2, color, true);

Beispiel #2
    // canvas::draw overridable
    virtual void draw( HELEMENT he, graphics& gx, UINT width, UINT height )
      if( !data.is_array() )
        draw_message( gx, width, height, const_wchars(L"Data not found") );

      color black(0,0,0);

       // x axis
      gx.line( 0.5, height - 0.5, width - 0.5, height - 0.5 ); // 0.5 - to draw line in the middle of the pixel

      for( int n = 0; n < data.length(); ++n )
        json::value bar_def = data[n];
        json::value color_v = bar_def.k2v(L"color"); 
        json::value value_v = bar_def.k2v(L"value");
        if( color_v.is_undefined() || value_v.is_undefined())
          draw_message( gx, width, height, const_wchars(L"Bad data structure") );
        draw_bar(gx, width, height, n, data.length(), color(color_v.get(0)), value_v.get(1.0));
    void draw_clock_hand( HELEMENT he, graphics& gx, UINT sx, UINT sy, double angle_degree, int hand )
       dom::element self(he);
       color c(255,0,0,0);
       int   hand_width_px;

       double radians = (2.0 * PI * (angle_degree - 90.0)) / 360.0 ;
       int radius = min( sy, sx ) / 2 - 16;

        case 0: // hours
           radius -= 24 ; 
           c = self.attribute("-hand-hours", c);
           if(c.transparent()) return;
           hand_width_px = self.attribute("-hand-hours-width", 5);
           gx.line_width( hand_width_px );
        case 1: // minutes
           radius -= 12 ; 
           c = self.attribute("-hand-minutes", c);
           if(c.transparent()) return;
           hand_width_px = self.attribute("-hand-minutes-width", 3);
           gx.line_width( hand_width_px  );
        case 2: // seconds
           c = self.attribute("-hand-seconds", c);
           if(c.transparent()) return;
           hand_width_px = self.attribute("-hand-seconds-width", 1);
           gx.line_color( c );
           gx.line_width( hand_width_px );

       double y = (sy / 2) + 0.5; // + 0.5 is to move it to the center of the pixel.
       double x = (sy / 2) + 0.5;

       double xe = x + int(cos(radians) * radius) + 0.5;
       double ye = y + int(sin(radians) * radius) + 0.5;

       gx.line( x, y, xe, ye );
       if( hand == 2 )
         // circle on the end of seconds hand
           int w = pimage->width();
           int h = pimage->height();
           gx.draw_image(pimage,xe - double(w)/2,ye - double(h)/2,w,h,0,0,w,h);
         else // no image
  xe, ye, 4 );