Beispiel #1
 void irecv_header()
     HPX_ASSERT(source_ != -1);
     HPX_ASSERT(source_ != util::mpi_environment::rank());
     MPI_Irecv(, // data pointer
         header_.data_size_,     // number of elements
         header_.type(), // MPI Datatype
         MPI_ANY_SOURCE,         // Source
         0,              // Tag
         communicator_,  // Communicator
         &request_);     // Request
Beispiel #2
 bool readpacket() // watch performance, if bad, optimize with chunk reading
     std::size_t offset = 0;
     if( !m_synchronized )
         bool first = true;
         while( offset < 4 ) // watch performance, if bad, optimize with chunk reading
             m_istream->read( &m_buf[offset], 1 );
             if( first && m_istream->eof() ) { return false; }
             first = false;
             if( m_istream->eof() || m_istream->bad() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to synchronize, bad stream" ); }
             unsigned char header_byte = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( m_header->data() )[offset];
             offset = header_byte == header::sentinel_value[offset] ? offset + 1 : 0;
         m_synchronized = true; // quick and dirty: synchronize once, should be enough
     m_istream->read( &m_buf[0] + offset, header::size - offset );
     if( m_istream->gcount() == 0 ) { return false; }
     if( m_istream->eof() || m_istream->bad() || m_istream->gcount() != static_cast< int >( header::size - offset ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to read packet header" ); }
     if( !m_header->valid() )
         m_synchronized = false;
         COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid header (stream from laser went out of sync)" );
     const std::size_t size = m_header->payload_size();
     if( m_buf.size() < size + header::size )
         m_buf.resize( size + header::size );
         m_header = reinterpret_cast< const header* >( &m_buf[0] );
         m_payload = &m_buf[0] + header::size;
     m_istream->read( m_payload, size ); // todo: check payload size so that it does not go crazy?
     if( m_istream->eof() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to read payload of size " << m_header->payload_size() << ", end of file" ); }
     if( m_istream->bad() || m_istream->gcount() != int( size ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to read payload of size " << m_header->payload_size() << ", bad stream" ); }
     if( m_header->type() == header::fault_type ) { m_fault = *( reinterpret_cast< fault* >( m_payload ) ); }
     return true;