Beispiel #1
    @fn magma_copyvector_async( n, elemSize, dx_src, incx, dy_dst, incy, queue )

    Copy vector dx_src on GPU device to dy_dst on GPU device.
    Elements may be arbitrary size.
    Type-safe versions set elemSize appropriately.
    With CUDA unified addressing, dx and dy can be on different GPUs.

    This version is asynchronous: it may return before the transfer finishes.
    See magma_copyvector() for a synchronous version.

    n           Number of elements in vector.

    elemSize    Size of each element, e.g., sizeof(double).

    dx_src      Source array of dimension (1 + (n-1))*incx, on GPU device.

    incx        Increment between elements of hx_src. incx > 0.

    dy_dst      Destination array of dimension (1 + (n-1))*incy, on GPU device.

    incy        Increment between elements of dy_dst. incy > 0.

    queue       Queue to execute in.

    @ingroup magma_copyvector
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    magma_const_ptr dx_src, magma_int_t incx,
    magma_ptr       dy_dst, magma_int_t incy,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    // for backwards compatability, accepts NULL queue to mean NULL stream.
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    if ( queue != NULL ) {
        stream = queue->cuda_stream();
    else {
        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: %s got NULL queue\n", __func__ );
    if ( incx == 1 && incy == 1 ) {
        cudaError_t status;
        status = cudaMemcpyAsync(
            int(n*elemSize), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, stream );
        check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
    else {
            1, n, elemSize, dx_src, incx, dy_dst, incy, queue, func, file, line );
Beispiel #2
    @fn magma_copymatrix( m, n, elemSize, dA_src, ldda, dB_dst, lddb, queue )

    Copy all or part of matrix dA_src on GPU device to dB_dst on GPU device.
    Elements may be arbitrary size.
    Type-safe versions set elemSize appropriately.
    With CUDA unified addressing, dA and dB can be on different GPUs.

    This version synchronizes the queue after the transfer.
    See magma_copymatrix_async() for an asynchronous version.

    m           Number of rows of matrix A. m >= 0.

    n           Number of columns of matrix A. n >= 0.

    elemSize    Size of each element, e.g., sizeof(double).

    dA_src      Source array of dimension (ldda,n).

    ldda        Leading dimension of matrix A. ldda >= m.

    dB_dst      Destination array of dimension (lddb,n), on GPU device.

    lddb        Leading dimension of matrix B. lddb >= m.

    queue       Queue to execute in.

    @ingroup magma_copymatrix
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    magma_const_ptr dA_src, magma_int_t ldda,
    magma_ptr       dB_dst, magma_int_t lddb,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    assert( queue != NULL );
    cudaError_t status;
    status = cudaMemcpy2DAsync(
        dB_dst, int(lddb*elemSize),
        dA_src, int(ldda*elemSize),
        int(m*elemSize), int(n), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, queue->cuda_stream() );
    cudaStreamSynchronize( queue->cuda_stream() );
    check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
Beispiel #3
    @fn magma_getmatrix( m, n, elemSize, dA_src, ldda, hB_dst, ldb, queue )

    Copy all or part of matrix dA_src on GPU device to hB_dst on CPU host.
    Elements may be arbitrary size.
    Type-safe versions set elemSize appropriately.

    This version synchronizes the queue after the transfer.
    See magma_getmatrix_async() for an asynchronous version.

    m           Number of rows of matrix A. m >= 0.

    n           Number of columns of matrix A. n >= 0.

    elemSize    Size of each element, e.g., sizeof(double).

    dA_src      Source array of dimension (ldda,n), on GPU device.

    ldda        Leading dimension of matrix A. ldda >= m.

    hB_dst      Destination array of dimension (ldb,n), on CPU host.

    ldb         Leading dimension of matrix B. ldb >= m.

    queue       Queue to execute in.

    @ingroup magma_getmatrix
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    magma_const_ptr dA_src, magma_int_t ldda,
    void*           hB_dst, magma_int_t ldb,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    assert( queue != NULL );
    cublasStatus_t status;
    status = cublasGetMatrixAsync(
        int(m), int(n), int(elemSize),
        dA_src, int(ldda),
        hB_dst, int(ldb), queue->cuda_stream() );
    cudaStreamSynchronize( queue->cuda_stream() );
    check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
Beispiel #4
// TODO compare performance with cublasZcopy BLAS function.
// But this implementation can handle any element size, not just [sdcz] precisions.
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    magma_const_ptr dx_src, magma_int_t incx,
    magma_ptr       dy_dst, magma_int_t incy,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    assert( queue != NULL );
    if ( incx == 1 && incy == 1 ) {
        cudaError_t status;
        status = cudaMemcpyAsync(
            int(n*elemSize), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, queue->cuda_stream() );
        cudaStreamSynchronize( queue->cuda_stream() );
        check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
    else {
            1, n, elemSize, dx_src, incx, dy_dst, incy, queue, func, file, line );
Beispiel #5
    @fn magma_getvector( n, elemSize, dx_src, incx, hy_dst, incy, queue )

    Copy vector dx_src on GPU device to hy_dst on CPU host.
    Elements may be arbitrary size.
    Type-safe versions set elemSize appropriately.

    This version synchronizes the queue after the transfer.
    See magma_getvector_async() for an asynchronous version.

    n           Number of elements in vector.

    elemSize    Size of each element, e.g., sizeof(double).

    dx_src      Source array of dimension (1 + (n-1))*incx, on GPU device.

    incx        Increment between elements of hx_src. incx > 0.

    hy_dst      Destination array of dimension (1 + (n-1))*incy, on CPU host.

    incy        Increment between elements of dy_dst. incy > 0.

    queue       Queue to execute in.

    @ingroup magma_getvector
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    magma_const_ptr dx_src, magma_int_t incx,
    void*           hy_dst, magma_int_t incy,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    cublasStatus_t status;
    status = cublasGetVectorAsync(
        int(n), int(elemSize),
        dx_src, int(incx),
        hy_dst, int(incy), queue->cuda_stream() );
    cudaStreamSynchronize( queue->cuda_stream() );
    check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
Beispiel #6
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_matrix b,
    magma_d_matrix *x,
    magma_d_preconditioner *precond,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrU=NULL;
    double one = MAGMA_D_MAKE( 1.0, 0.0);

    // CUSPARSE context //
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &cusparseHandle ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( cusparseHandle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrU ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrU, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrU, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrU, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_solve( cusparseHandle,
                            precond->UT.num_rows ));

    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrU );
    cusparseDestroy( cusparseHandle );
    return info; 
Beispiel #7
    @fn magma_getmatrix_async( m, n, elemSize, dA_src, ldda, hB_dst, ldb, queue )

    Copy all or part of matrix dA_src on GPU device to hB_dst on CPU host.
    Elements may be arbitrary size.
    Type-safe versions set elemSize appropriately.

    This version is asynchronous: it may return before the transfer finishes,
    if hB_dst is pinned CPU memory.
    See magma_getmatrix() for a synchronous version.

    m           Number of rows of matrix A. m >= 0.

    n           Number of columns of matrix A. n >= 0.

    elemSize    Size of each element, e.g., sizeof(double).

    dA_src      Source array of dimension (ldda,n), on GPU device.

    ldda        Leading dimension of matrix A. ldda >= m.

    hB_dst      Destination array of dimension (ldb,n), on CPU host.

    ldb         Leading dimension of matrix B. ldb >= m.

    queue       Queue to execute in.

    @ingroup magma_getmatrix
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    magma_const_ptr dA_src, magma_int_t ldda,
    void*           hB_dst, magma_int_t ldb,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    if ( queue != NULL ) {
        stream = queue->cuda_stream();
    else {
        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: %s got NULL queue\n", __func__ );
    cublasStatus_t status;
    status = cublasGetMatrixAsync(
        int(m), int(n), int(elemSize),
        dA_src, int(ldda),
        hB_dst, int(ldb), stream );
    check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
Beispiel #8
    @fn magma_getvector_async( n, elemSize, dx_src, incx, hy_dst, incy, queue )

    Copy vector dx_src on GPU device to hy_dst on CPU host.
    Elements may be arbitrary size.
    Type-safe versions set elemSize appropriately.

    This version is asynchronous: it may return before the transfer finishes,
    if hy_dst is pinned CPU memory.
    See magma_getvector() for a synchronous version.

    n           Number of elements in vector.

    elemSize    Size of each element, e.g., sizeof(double).

    dx_src      Source array of dimension (1 + (n-1))*incx, on GPU device.

    incx        Increment between elements of hx_src. incx > 0.

    hy_dst      Destination array of dimension (1 + (n-1))*incy, on CPU host.

    incy        Increment between elements of dy_dst. incy > 0.

    queue       Queue to execute in.

    @ingroup magma_getvector
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    magma_const_ptr dx_src, magma_int_t incx,
    void*           hy_dst, magma_int_t incy,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    // for backwards compatability, accepts NULL queue to mean NULL stream.
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    if ( queue != NULL ) {
        stream = queue->cuda_stream();
    else {
        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: %s got NULL queue\n", __func__ );
    cublasStatus_t status;
    status = cublasGetVectorAsync(
        int(n), int(elemSize),
        dx_src, int(incx),
        hy_dst, int(incy), stream );
    check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
Beispiel #9
    @fn magma_setmatrix_async( m, n, elemSize, hA_src, lda, dB_dst, lddb, queue )

    Copy all or part of matrix hA_src on CPU host to dB_dst on GPU device.
    Elements may be arbitrary size.
    Type-safe versions set elemSize appropriately.

    This version is asynchronous: it may return before the transfer finishes,
    if hA_src is pinned CPU memory.
    See magma_setmatrix() for a synchronous version.

    m           Number of rows of matrix A. m >= 0.

    n           Number of columns of matrix A. n >= 0.

    elemSize    Size of each element, e.g., sizeof(double).

    hA_src      Source array of dimension (lda,n), on CPU host.

    lda         Leading dimension of matrix A. lda >= m.

    dB_dst      Destination array of dimension (lddb,n), on GPU device.

    lddb        Leading dimension of matrix B. lddb >= m.

    queue       Queue to execute in.

    @ingroup magma_setmatrix
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    void const* hA_src, magma_int_t lda,
    magma_ptr   dB_dst, magma_int_t lddb,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    // for backwards compatability, accepts NULL queue to mean NULL stream.
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    if ( queue != NULL ) {
        stream = queue->cuda_stream();
    else {
        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: %s got NULL queue\n", __func__ );
    cublasStatus_t status;
    status = cublasSetMatrixAsync(
        int(m), int(n), int(elemSize),
        hA_src, int(lda),
        dB_dst, int(lddb), stream );
    check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
Beispiel #10
    @fn magma_copymatrix_async( m, n, elemSize, dA_src, ldda, dB_dst, lddb, queue )

    Copy all or part of matrix dA_src on GPU device to dB_dst on GPU device.
    Elements may be arbitrary size.
    Type-safe versions set elemSize appropriately.
    With CUDA unified addressing, dA and dB can be on different GPUs.

    This version is asynchronous: it may return before the transfer finishes.
    See magma_copyvector() for a synchronous version.

    m           Number of rows of matrix A. m >= 0.

    n           Number of columns of matrix A. n >= 0.

    elemSize    Size of each element, e.g., sizeof(double).

    dA_src      Source array of dimension (ldda,n), on GPU device.

    ldda        Leading dimension of matrix A. ldda >= m.

    dB_dst      Destination array of dimension (lddb,n), on GPU device.

    lddb        Leading dimension of matrix B. lddb >= m.

    queue       Queue to execute in.

    @ingroup magma_copymatrix
extern "C" void
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t elemSize,
    magma_const_ptr dA_src, magma_int_t ldda,
    magma_ptr       dB_dst, magma_int_t lddb,
    magma_queue_t queue,
    const char* func, const char* file, int line )
    // for backwards compatability, accepts NULL queue to mean NULL stream.
    cudaStream_t stream = NULL;
    if ( queue != NULL ) {
        stream = queue->cuda_stream();
    else {
        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: %s got NULL queue\n", __func__ );
    cudaError_t status;
    status = cudaMemcpy2DAsync(
        dB_dst, int(lddb*elemSize),
        dA_src, int(ldda*elemSize),
        int(m*elemSize), int(n), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, stream );
    check_xerror( status, func, file, line );
Beispiel #11
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_preconditioner *precond,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrL=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrU=NULL;
    // CUSPARSE context //
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &cusparseHandle ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( cusparseHandle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrL ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrL, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrL, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrL, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &precond->cuinfoL ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
        CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, precond->M.num_rows,
        precond->M.nnz, descrL,
        precond->M.dval, precond->M.drow, precond->M.dcol, precond->cuinfoL ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrU ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrU, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrU, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrU, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &precond->cuinfoU ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
        CUSPARSE_OPERATION_TRANSPOSE, precond->M.num_rows,
        precond->M.nnz, descrU,
        precond->M.dval, precond->M.drow, precond->M.dcol, precond->cuinfoU ));

    // to enable also the block-asynchronous iteration for the triangular solves
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( precond->M, &hA, Magma_DEV, Magma_CPU, queue ));
    hA.storage_type = Magma_CSR;

    CHECK( magma_dcsrsplit( 256, hA, &hD, &hR, queue ));

    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hD, &precond->LD, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hR, &precond->L, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));

    magma_dmfree(&hD, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hR, queue );

    CHECK( magma_d_cucsrtranspose(   hA, &hAt, queue ));

    CHECK( magma_dcsrsplit( 256, hAt, &hD, &hR, queue ));

    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hD, &precond->UD, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hR, &precond->U, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    magma_dmfree(&hD, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hR, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hA, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hAt, queue );

    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrL );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrU );
    cusparseDestroy( cusparseHandle );
    return info;
Beispiel #12
extern "C" magma_int_t
    double alpha,
    magma_d_matrix A,
    magma_d_matrix x,
    double beta,
    magma_d_matrix y,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;

    magma_d_matrix x2={Magma_CSR};

    cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle = 0;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descr = 0;
    // make sure RHS is a dense matrix
    if ( x.storage_type != Magma_DENSE ) {
         printf("error: only dense vectors are supported for SpMV.\n");
         info = MAGMA_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
         goto cleanup;

    if ( A.memory_location != x.memory_location ||
                            x.memory_location != y.memory_location ) {
        printf("error: linear algebra objects are not located in same memory!\n");
        printf("memory locations are: %d   %d   %d\n",
                        A.memory_location, x.memory_location, y.memory_location );
        info = MAGMA_ERR_INVALID_PTR;
        goto cleanup;

    // DEV case
    if ( A.memory_location == Magma_DEV ) {
        if ( A.num_cols == x.num_rows && x.num_cols == 1 ) {
             if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR || A.storage_type == Magma_CUCSR
                            || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRL
                            || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRU ) {
              CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &cusparseHandle ));
              CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( cusparseHandle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
              CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descr ));
              CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descr, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
              CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descr, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
              cusparseDcsrmv( cusparseHandle,CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE,
                            A.num_rows, A.num_cols, A.nnz, &alpha, descr,
                            A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol, x.dval, &beta, y.dval );
             else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELL ) {
                 //printf("using ELLPACKT kernel for SpMV: ");
                 CHECK( magma_dgeelltmv( MagmaNoTrans, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                    A.max_nnz_row, alpha, A.dval, A.dcol, x.dval, beta,
                    y.dval, queue ));
             else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLPACKT ) {
                 //printf("using ELL kernel for SpMV: ");
                 CHECK( magma_dgeellmv( MagmaNoTrans, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                    A.max_nnz_row, alpha, A.dval, A.dcol, x.dval, beta,
                    y.dval, queue ));
             else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLRT ) {
                 //printf("using ELLRT kernel for SpMV: ");
                 CHECK( magma_dgeellrtmv( MagmaNoTrans, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                            A.max_nnz_row, alpha, A.dval, A.dcol, A.drow, x.dval,
                         beta, y.dval, A.alignment, A.blocksize, queue ));
             else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_SELLP ) {
                 //printf("using SELLP kernel for SpMV: ");
                 CHECK( magma_dgesellpmv( MagmaNoTrans, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                    A.blocksize, A.numblocks, A.alignment,
                    alpha, A.dval, A.dcol, A.drow, x.dval, beta, y.dval, queue ));

             else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_DENSE ) {
                 //printf("using DENSE kernel for SpMV: ");
                 magmablas_dgemv( MagmaNoTrans, A.num_rows, A.num_cols, alpha,
                                A.dval, A.num_rows, x.dval, 1, beta,  y.dval,
                                1, queue );
             else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_SPMVFUNCTION ) {
                 //printf("using DENSE kernel for SpMV: ");
                 CHECK( magma_dcustomspmv( alpha, x, beta, y, queue ));
             else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_BCSR ) {
                 //printf("using CUSPARSE BCSR kernel for SpMV: ");
                // CUSPARSE context //
                cusparseDirection_t dirA = CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW;
                int mb = magma_ceildiv( A.num_rows, A.blocksize );
                int nb = magma_ceildiv( A.num_cols, A.blocksize );
                CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &cusparseHandle ));
                CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( cusparseHandle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
                CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descr ));
                cusparseDbsrmv( cusparseHandle, dirA,
                    CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, mb, nb, A.numblocks,
                    &alpha, descr, A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol, A.blocksize, x.dval,
                    &beta, y.dval );
             else {
                 printf("error: format not supported.\n");
                 info = MAGMA_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; 
        else if ( A.num_cols < x.num_rows || x.num_cols > 1 ) {
            magma_int_t num_vecs = x.num_rows / A.num_cols * x.num_cols;
            if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR ) {
                CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &cusparseHandle ));
                CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( cusparseHandle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
                CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descr ));
                CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descr, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
                CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descr, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));

                if ( x.major == MagmaColMajor) {
                    A.num_rows,   num_vecs, A.num_cols, A.nnz,
                    &alpha, descr, A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol,
                    x.dval, A.num_cols, &beta, y.dval, A.num_cols);
                } else if ( x.major == MagmaRowMajor) {
                    A.num_rows,   num_vecs, A.num_cols, A.nnz,
                    &alpha, descr, A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol,
                    x.dval, A.num_cols, &beta, y.dval, A.num_cols);
             } else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_SELLP ) {
                if ( x.major == MagmaRowMajor) {
                 CHECK( magma_dmgesellpmv( MagmaNoTrans, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                    num_vecs, A.blocksize, A.numblocks, A.alignment,
                    alpha, A.dval, A.dcol, A.drow, x.dval, beta, y.dval, queue ));
                else if ( x.major == MagmaColMajor) {
                    // transpose first to row major
                    CHECK( magma_dvtranspose( x, &x2, queue ));
                    CHECK( magma_dmgesellpmv( MagmaNoTrans, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                    num_vecs, A.blocksize, A.numblocks, A.alignment,
                    alpha, A.dval, A.dcol, A.drow, x2.dval, beta, y.dval, queue ));
             /*if ( A.storage_type == Magma_DENSE ) {
                 //printf("using DENSE kernel for SpMV: ");
                 magmablas_dmgemv( MagmaNoTrans, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                            num_vecs, alpha, A.dval, A.num_rows, x.dval, 1,
                            beta,  y.dval, 1 );
             else {
                 printf("error: format not supported.\n");
                 info = MAGMA_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    // CPU case missing!
    else {
        printf("error: CPU not yet supported.\n");

    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descr );
    cusparseDestroy( cusparseHandle );
    cusparseHandle = 0;
    descr = 0;
    magma_dmfree(&x2, queue );
    return info;
Beispiel #13
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_matrix A,
    magma_d_preconditioner *precond,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrA=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrL=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrU=NULL;
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 7000
    csric02Info_t info_M=NULL;
    void *pBuffer = NULL;
    magma_d_matrix hA={Magma_CSR}, hACSR={Magma_CSR}, U={Magma_CSR};
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( A, &hA, A.memory_location, Magma_CPU, queue ));
    U.diagorder_type = Magma_VALUE;
    CHECK( magma_dmconvert( hA, &hACSR, hA.storage_type, Magma_CSR, queue ));

    // in case using fill-in
    if( precond->levels > 0 ){
            magma_d_matrix hAL={Magma_CSR}, hAUt={Magma_CSR};
            CHECK( magma_dsymbilu( &hACSR, precond->levels, &hAL, &hAUt,  queue ));
            magma_dmfree(&hAL, queue);
            magma_dmfree(&hAUt, queue);

    CHECK( magma_dmconvert( hACSR, &U, Magma_CSR, Magma_CSRL, queue ));
    magma_dmfree( &hACSR, queue );
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer(U, &(precond->M), Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));

    // CUSPARSE context //
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &cusparseHandle ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( cusparseHandle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrA ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &(precond->cuinfo) ));
    // use kernel to manually check for zeros n the diagonal
    CHECK( magma_ddiagcheck( precond->M, queue ) );
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 7000
    // this version has the bug fixed where a zero on the diagonal causes a crash
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateCsric02Info(&info_M) );
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrA, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    int buffersize;
    int structural_zero;
    int numerical_zero;
    cusparseDcsric02_bufferSize( cusparseHandle,
                         precond->M.num_rows, precond->M.nnz, descrA,
                         precond->M.dval, precond->M.drow, precond->M.dcol,
                         &buffersize ) );
    CHECK( magma_malloc((void**)&pBuffer, buffersize) );

    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsric02_analysis( cusparseHandle,
            precond->M.num_rows, precond->M.nnz, descrA,
            precond->M.dval, precond->M.drow, precond->M.dcol,
            info_M, CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, pBuffer ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseXcsric02_zeroPivot( cusparseHandle, info_M, &numerical_zero ) );
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseXcsric02_zeroPivot( cusparseHandle, info_M, &structural_zero ) );

    cusparseDcsric02( cusparseHandle,
                         precond->M.num_rows, precond->M.nnz, descrA,
                         precond->M.dval, precond->M.drow, precond->M.dcol,
                         info_M, CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL, pBuffer) );    

    // this version contains the bug but is needed for backward compability
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrA, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrA, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrA, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
                precond->M.num_rows, precond->M.nnz, descrA,
                precond->M.dval, precond->M.drow, precond->M.dcol,
                precond->cuinfo ));
                      precond->M.num_rows, descrA,
                      precond->cuinfo ));

    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrL ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrL, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrL, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrL, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &precond->cuinfoL ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
        CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, precond->M.num_rows,
        precond->M.nnz, descrL,
        precond->M.dval, precond->M.drow, precond->M.dcol, precond->cuinfoL ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrU ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrU, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrU, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrU, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &precond->cuinfoU ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
        CUSPARSE_OPERATION_TRANSPOSE, precond->M.num_rows,
        precond->M.nnz, descrU,
        precond->M.dval, precond->M.drow, precond->M.dcol, precond->cuinfoU ));

    if( precond->maxiter < 50 ){
        //prepare for iterative solves
        // copy the matrix to precond->L and (transposed) to precond->U
        CHECK( magma_dmtransfer(precond->M, &(precond->L), Magma_DEV, Magma_DEV, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_dmtranspose( precond->L, &(precond->U), queue ));
        // extract the diagonal of L into precond->d
        CHECK( magma_djacobisetup_diagscal( precond->L, &precond->d, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_dvinit( &precond->work1, Magma_DEV, hA.num_rows, 1, MAGMA_D_ZERO, queue ));
        // extract the diagonal of U into precond->d2
        CHECK( magma_djacobisetup_diagscal( precond->U, &precond->d2, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_dvinit( &precond->work2, Magma_DEV, hA.num_rows, 1, MAGMA_D_ZERO, queue ));

    // to enable also the block-asynchronous iteration for the triangular solves
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( precond->M, &hA, Magma_DEV, Magma_CPU, queue ));
    hA.storage_type = Magma_CSR;

    magma_d_matrix hD, hR, hAt

    CHECK( magma_dcsrsplit( 256, hA, &hD, &hR, queue ));

    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hD, &precond->LD, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hR, &precond->L, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));

    magma_dmfree(&hD, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hR, queue );

    CHECK( magma_d_cucsrtranspose(   hA, &hAt, queue ));

    CHECK( magma_dcsrsplit( 256, hAt, &hD, &hR, queue ));

    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hD, &precond->UD, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hR, &precond->U, Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    magma_dmfree(&hD, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hR, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hA, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hAt, queue );

#if CUDA_VERSION >= 7000
    magma_free( pBuffer );
    cusparseDestroyCsric02Info( info_M );
    cusparseDestroySolveAnalysisInfo( precond->cuinfo );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrL );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrU );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrA );
    cusparseDestroy( cusparseHandle );
    magma_dmfree(&U, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&hA, queue );

    return info;
Beispiel #14
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_z_matrix A, magma_z_matrix B,
    magma_z_matrix *AB,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    magma_z_matrix C={Magma_CSR};
    C.num_rows = A.num_rows;
    C.num_cols = B.num_cols;
    C.storage_type = A.storage_type;
    C.memory_location = A.memory_location;
    C.fill_mode = MagmaFull;
    C.val = NULL;
    C.col = NULL;
    C.row = NULL;
    C.rowidx = NULL;
    C.blockinfo = NULL;
    C.diag = NULL;
    C.dval = NULL;
    C.dcol = NULL;
    C.drow = NULL;
    C.drowidx = NULL;
    C.ddiag = NULL;
    magma_index_t base_t, nnz_t, baseC;
    cusparseHandle_t handle=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrA=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrB=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrC=NULL;
    if (    A.memory_location == Magma_DEV
        && B.memory_location == Magma_DEV
        && ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR ||
             A.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO )
        && ( B.storage_type == Magma_CSR ||
             B.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO ) )
        // CUSPARSE context /
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &handle ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( handle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrA ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrB ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrC ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descrA, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descrB, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descrC, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrA, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrB, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrC, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));

        // nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory
        magma_index_t *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = (magma_index_t*) &C.nnz;
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetPointerMode( handle, CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST ));
        CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &C.drow, (A.num_rows + 1) ));
                                    A.num_rows, B.num_cols, A.num_cols,
                                    descrA, A.nnz, A.drow, A.dcol,
                                    descrB, B.nnz, B.drow, B.dcol,
                                    descrC, C.drow, nnzTotalDevHostPtr ));
        if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr) {
            C.nnz = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
        } else {
            // workaround as nnz and base C are magma_int_t
            magma_index_getvector( 1, C.drow+C.num_rows, 1, &nnz_t, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( 1, C.drow,   1, &base_t,    1, queue );
            C.nnz = (magma_int_t) nnz_t;
            baseC = (magma_int_t) base_t;
            C.nnz -= baseC;
        CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &C.dcol, C.nnz ));
        CHECK( magma_zmalloc( &C.dval, C.nnz ));
                        A.num_rows, B.num_cols, A.num_cols,
                        descrA, A.nnz,
                        A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol,
                        descrB, B.nnz,
                        B.dval, B.drow, B.dcol,
                        C.dval, C.drow, C.dcol ));
        // end CUSPARSE context //
        magma_queue_sync( queue );
        CHECK( magma_zmtransfer( C, AB, Magma_DEV, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    else {
        info = MAGMA_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; 
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrA );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrB );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrC );
    cusparseDestroy( handle );
    magma_zmfree( &C, queue );
    return info;
Beispiel #15
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_preconditioner *precond,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrL=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrU=NULL;
    magma_d_matrix hA={Magma_CSR}, hL={Magma_CSR}, hU={Magma_CSR};
    if (precond->L.memory_location != Magma_DEV ){
        CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( precond->M, &hA,
        precond->M.memory_location, Magma_CPU, queue ));

        hL.diagorder_type = Magma_UNITY;
        CHECK( magma_dmconvert( hA, &hL , Magma_CSR, Magma_CSRL, queue ));
        hU.diagorder_type = Magma_VALUE;
        CHECK( magma_dmconvert( hA, &hU , Magma_CSR, Magma_CSRU, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hL, &(precond->L), Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_dmtransfer( hU, &(precond->U), Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue ));
        magma_dmfree(&hA, queue );
        magma_dmfree(&hL, queue );
        magma_dmfree(&hU, queue );
    // CUSPARSE context //
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &cusparseHandle ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( cusparseHandle, queue->cuda_stream() ));

    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrL ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrL, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrL, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrL, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &precond->cuinfoL ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
        CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, precond->L.num_rows,
        precond->L.nnz, descrL,
        precond->L.dval, precond->L.drow, precond->L.dcol, precond->cuinfoL ));

    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrU ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrU, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrU, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrU, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_UPPER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &precond->cuinfoU ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
        CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, precond->U.num_rows,
        precond->U.nnz, descrU,
        precond->U.dval, precond->U.drow, precond->U.dcol, precond->cuinfoU ));

    if( precond->maxiter < 50 ){
        //prepare for iterative solves

        // extract the diagonal of L into precond->d
        CHECK( magma_djacobisetup_diagscal( precond->L, &precond->d, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_dvinit( &precond->work1, Magma_DEV, precond->U.num_rows, 1, MAGMA_D_ZERO, queue ));
        // extract the diagonal of U into precond->d2
        CHECK( magma_djacobisetup_diagscal( precond->U, &precond->d2, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_dvinit( &precond->work2, Magma_DEV, precond->U.num_rows, 1, MAGMA_D_ZERO, queue ));
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrL );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrU );
    cusparseDestroy( cusparseHandle );
    return info;
Beispiel #16
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_matrix A,
    magma_d_preconditioner *precond,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    magma_d_matrix Ah1={Magma_CSR}, Ah2={Magma_CSR};
    cusparseHandle_t cusparseHandle=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrLT=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrUT=NULL;
    // CUSPARSE context //
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &cusparseHandle ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( cusparseHandle, queue->cuda_stream() ));

    // transpose the matrix
    magma_dmtransfer( precond->L, &Ah1, Magma_DEV, Magma_CPU, queue );
    magma_dmconvert( Ah1, &Ah2, A.storage_type, Magma_CSR, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah1, queue );
    magma_dmtransposeconjugate( Ah2, &Ah1, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah2, queue );
    Ah2.blocksize = A.blocksize;
    Ah2.alignment = A.alignment;
    magma_dmconvert( Ah1, &Ah2, Magma_CSR, A.storage_type, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah1, queue );
    magma_dmtransfer( Ah2, &(precond->LT), Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah2, queue );
    magma_dmtransfer( precond->U, &Ah1, Magma_DEV, Magma_CPU, queue );
    magma_dmconvert( Ah1, &Ah2, A.storage_type, Magma_CSR, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah1, queue );
    magma_dmtransposeconjugate( Ah2, &Ah1, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah2, queue );
    Ah2.blocksize = A.blocksize;
    Ah2.alignment = A.alignment;
    magma_dmconvert( Ah1, &Ah2, Magma_CSR, A.storage_type, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah1, queue );
    magma_dmtransfer( Ah2, &(precond->UT), Magma_CPU, Magma_DEV, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah2, queue );
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrLT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrLT, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrLT, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrLT, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_UPPER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &precond->cuinfoLT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
        CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, precond->LT.num_rows,
        precond->LT.nnz, descrLT,
        precond->LT.dval, precond->LT.drow, precond->LT.dcol, precond->cuinfoLT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrUT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatDiagType( descrUT, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrUT, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatFillMode( descrUT, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo( &precond->cuinfoUT ));
    CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseDcsrsm_analysis( cusparseHandle,
        CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, precond->UT.num_rows,
        precond->UT.nnz, descrUT,
        precond->UT.dval, precond->UT.drow, precond->UT.dcol, precond->cuinfoUT ));
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrLT );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrUT );
    cusparseDestroy( cusparseHandle );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah1, queue );
    magma_dmfree(&Ah2, queue );

    return info;
Beispiel #17
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_c_matrix A,
    magma_c_matrix *B,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    // for symmetric matrices: convert to csc using cusparse
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    cusparseHandle_t handle=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrA=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrB=NULL;
    magma_c_matrix ACSR={Magma_CSR}, BCSR={Magma_CSR};
    magma_c_matrix A_d={Magma_CSR}, B_d={Magma_CSR};

    if( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR && A.memory_location == Magma_DEV ) {
        // fill in information for B
        B->storage_type    = A.storage_type;
        B->diagorder_type  = A.diagorder_type;
        B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
        B->num_rows        = A.num_cols;  // transposed
        B->num_cols        = A.num_rows;  // transposed
        B->nnz             = A.nnz;
        B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
        if ( A.fill_mode == MagmaFull ) {
            B->fill_mode = MagmaFull;
        else if ( A.fill_mode == MagmaLower ) {
            B->fill_mode = MagmaUpper;
        else if ( A.fill_mode == MagmaUpper ) {
            B->fill_mode = MagmaLower;
        B->dval = NULL;
        B->drow = NULL;
        B->dcol = NULL;
        // memory allocation
        CHECK( magma_cmalloc( &B->dval, B->nnz ));
        CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, B->num_rows + 1 ));
        CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, B->nnz ));
        // CUSPARSE context //
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &handle ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( handle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrA ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrB ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descrA, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descrB, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrA, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrB, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
        cusparseCcsr2csc( handle, A.num_rows, A.num_cols, A.nnz,
                          A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol, B->dval, B->dcol, B->drow,
                          CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO) );
        CHECK( magma_cmconjugate( B, queue ));
    } else if ( A.memory_location == Magma_CPU ){
        CHECK( magma_cmtransfer( A, &A_d, A.memory_location, Magma_DEV, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_cmtransposeconjugate( A_d, &B_d, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_cmtransfer( B_d, B, Magma_DEV, A.memory_location, queue ));
    } else {
        CHECK( magma_cmconvert( A, &ACSR, A.storage_type, Magma_CSR, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_cmtransposeconjugate( ACSR, &BCSR, queue ));
        CHECK( magma_cmconvert( BCSR, B, Magma_CSR, A.storage_type, queue ));
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrA );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrB );
    cusparseDestroy( handle );
    magma_cmfree( &A_d, queue );
    magma_cmfree( &B_d, queue );
    magma_cmfree( &ACSR, queue );
    magma_cmfree( &BCSR, queue );
    if( info != 0 ){
        magma_cmfree( B, queue );
    return info;