void metadb_handle_list_helper::sort_by_relative_path_get_order(metadb_handle_list_cref p_list,t_size* order)
	const t_size count = p_list.get_count();
	t_size n;
	pfc::array_t<custom_sort_data> data;
	static_api_ptr_t<library_manager> api;
	pfc::string8_fastalloc temp;
		metadb_handle_ptr item;
		if (!api->get_relative_path(item,temp)) temp = "";
		data[n].index = n;
		data[n].text = makeSortString(temp);
		//data[n].subsong = item->get_subsong_index();

	//qsort(data.get_ptr(),count,sizeof(custom_sort_data),(int (__cdecl *)(const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ))custom_sort_compare);

		delete[] data[n].text;
Beispiel #2
	virtual void context_command(unsigned int p_index, metadb_handle_list_cref p_data, const GUID& p_caller) 
		if(p_index == 0 && p_data.get_count() == 1)
			AlsongLyricLinkDialog::OpenLyricLinkDialog(core_api::get_main_window(), p_data.get_item(0));
		else if(p_index == 1 && p_data.get_count() == 1)
			LyricSyncDialog::Open(p_data.get_item(0), core_api::get_main_window());
	virtual void
		unsigned int			index,
		metadb_handle_list_cref	tracks,
		const GUID&				/*caller*/
			case Items::GetArtistTopTracks:

			case Items::GetSimilarTracks:
				if(tracks.get_count() > 0)

double metadb_handle_list_helper::calc_total_duration(metadb_handle_list_cref p_list)
	double ret = 0;
	t_size n, m = p_list.get_count();
		double temp = p_list.get_item(n)->get_length();
		if (temp > 0) ret += temp;
	return ret;
Beispiel #5
bool playlist_manager::playlist_update_content(t_size playlist, metadb_handle_list_cref content, bool bUndoBackup) {
	metadb_handle_list old;
	playlist_get_all_items(playlist, old);
	if (old.get_size() == 0) {
		if (content.get_size() == 0) return false;
		if (bUndoBackup) playlist_undo_backup(playlist);
		playlist_add_items(playlist, content, bit_array_false());
		return true;
	pfc::avltree_t<metadb_handle::nnptr> itemsOld, itemsNew;

	for(t_size walk = 0; walk < old.get_size(); ++walk) itemsOld += old[walk];
	for(t_size walk = 0; walk < content.get_size(); ++walk) itemsNew += content[walk];
	bit_array_bittable removeMask(old.get_size());
	bit_array_bittable filterMask(content.get_size());
	bool gotNew = false, filterNew = false, gotRemove = false;
	for(t_size walk = 0; walk < content.get_size(); ++walk) {
		const bool state = !itemsOld.have_item(content[walk]);
		if (state) gotNew = true;
		else filterNew = true;
		filterMask.set(walk, state);
	for(t_size walk = 0; walk < old.get_size(); ++walk) {
		const bool state = !itemsNew.have_item(old[walk]);
		if (state) gotRemove = true;
		removeMask.set(walk, state);
	if (!gotNew && !gotRemove) return false;
	if (bUndoBackup) playlist_undo_backup(playlist);
	if (gotRemove) {
		playlist_remove_items(playlist, removeMask);
	if (gotNew) {
		if (filterNew) {
			metadb_handle_list temp(content);
			playlist_add_items(playlist, temp, bit_array_false());
		} else {
			playlist_add_items(playlist, content, bit_array_false());

		playlist_get_all_items(playlist, old);
		pfc::array_t<t_size> order;
		if (pfc::guess_reorder_pattern<pfc::list_base_const_t<metadb_handle_ptr> >(order, old, content)) {
			playlist_reorder_items(playlist, order.get_ptr(), order.get_size());
	return true;
Beispiel #6
	virtual bool context_get_display(unsigned int p_index, metadb_handle_list_cref p_data, pfc::string_base & p_out, unsigned & p_displayflags, const GUID & p_caller) 
		if(p_index == 0)
			p_out = EncodingFunc::ToUTF8(TEXT("알송 가사 추가/변경")).c_str();
			return p_data.get_count() == 1;
		else if(p_index == 1)
			p_out = EncodingFunc::ToUTF8(TEXT("가사 싱크 수정")).c_str();
			return p_data.get_count() == 1;
		return false;
	virtual bool
		unsigned int			index,
		metadb_handle_list_cref	tracks,
		pfc::string_base&		out,
		unsigned int&			/*displayflags*/,
		const GUID&				/*caller*/
			case Items::ReplaceWithBestVersion:
				out = "Replace with best version of track";

				if(tracks.get_count() > 1)

				return true;

				// Nothing wants to customise the display of the item; let the regular name be displayed.
				get_item_name(index, out);
				return true;
void metadb_handle_list_helper::sort_by_format_get_order(metadb_handle_list_cref p_list,t_size* order,const service_ptr_t<titleformat_object> & p_script,titleformat_hook * p_hook,int p_direction)
//	pfc::hires_timer timer; timer.start();

	const t_size count = p_list.get_count();
	pfc::array_t<custom_sort_data> data; data.set_size(count);
		pfc::counter counter(0);
		pfc::array_t<pfc::rcptr_t<tfthread> > threads; threads.set_size(pfc::getOptimalWorkerThreadCountEx(p_list.get_count() / 128));
		PFC_ASSERT( threads.get_size() > 0 );
		for(t_size walk = 0; walk < threads.get_size(); ++walk) {
		for(t_size walk = 1; walk < threads.get_size(); ++walk) threads[walk]->start();
		for(t_size walk = 1; walk < threads.get_size(); ++walk) threads[walk]->waitTillDone();
//	console::formatter() << "metadb_handle sort: prepared in " << pfc::format_time_ex(timer.query(),6);

	pfc::sort_t(data, p_direction > 0 ? custom_sort_compare<1> : custom_sort_compare<-1>,count);
	//qsort(data.get_ptr(),count,sizeof(custom_sort_data),p_direction > 0 ? _custom_sort_compare<1> : _custom_sort_compare<-1>);

//	console::formatter() << "metadb_handle sort: sorted in " << pfc::format_time_ex(timer.query(),6);

	for(t_size n=0;n<count;n++)
		delete[] data[n].text;

//	console::formatter() << "metadb_handle sort: finished in " << pfc::format_time_ex(timer.query(),6);
Beispiel #9
	t_size file_list_from_metadb_handle_list::g_get_count(metadb_handle_list_cref data, t_size max) {
		pfc::avltree_t<const char*, metadb::path_comparator> content;
		const t_size inCount = data.get_size();
		for(t_size walk = 0; walk < inCount && content.get_count() < max; ++walk) {
			content += data[walk]->get_path();
		return content.get_count();
Beispiel #10
void playlist_manager::on_file_rechaptered(const char * path, metadb_handle_list_cref newItems) {
	if (newItems.get_size() == 0) return;

	const size_t numPlaylists = this->get_playlist_count();
	for( size_t walkPlaylist = 0; walkPlaylist < numPlaylists; ++ walkPlaylist ) {
		if (!playlist_lock_is_present(walkPlaylist)) {
			auto itemCount = [=] () -> unsigned {
				return this->playlist_get_item_count( walkPlaylist );
			auto itemHandle = [=] ( unsigned item ) -> metadb_handle_ptr {
				return this->playlist_get_item_handle( walkPlaylist, item );
			auto itemMatch = [=] ( unsigned item ) -> bool {
				return metadb::path_compare(path, itemHandle(item)->get_path()) == 0;
			auto itemMatch2 = [=] ( metadb_handle_ptr item ) -> bool {
				return metadb::path_compare(path, item->get_path() ) == 0;

			for( size_t walkItem = 0; walkItem < itemCount(); ) {

				if (itemMatch( walkItem )) {
					pfc::avltree_t<uint32_t> subsongs;
					unsigned base = walkItem;
					bool bSel = false;
					for( ++walkItem ; walkItem < itemCount() ; ++ walkItem ) {
						auto handle = itemHandle( walkItem );
						if (! itemMatch2( handle ) ) break;
						if (! subsongs.add_item_check(handle->get_subsong_index())) break;

						bSel = bSel || this->playlist_is_item_selected(walkPlaylist, walkItem);

					// REMOVE base ... walkItem range and insert newHandles at base
					this->playlist_remove_items( walkPlaylist, pfc::bit_array_range(base, walkItem-base) );
					this->playlist_insert_items( walkPlaylist, base, newItems, pfc::bit_array_val( bSel ) );
					walkItem = base + newItems.get_size();
				} else {
bool metadb_handle_list_helper::extract_single_path(metadb_handle_list_cref list, const char * &pathOut) {
	const t_size total = list.get_count();
	if (total == 0) return false;
	const char * path = list[0]->get_path();
	for(t_size walk = 1; walk < total; ++walk) {
		if (metadb::path_compare(path, list[walk]->get_path()) != 0) return false;
	pathOut	= path;
	return true;
Beispiel #12
void playlist_manager::on_files_rechaptered( metadb_handle_list_cref newHandles ) {
	pfc::map_t< const char*, metadb_handle_list, metadb::path_comparator > byPath;

	const size_t total = newHandles.get_count();
	for( size_t w = 0; w < total; ++w ) {
		auto handle = newHandles[w];
		byPath[ handle->get_path() ] += handle;

	for( auto iter = byPath.first(); iter.is_valid(); ++ iter ) {
		this->on_file_rechaptered( iter->m_key, iter->m_value );
void RunCalculatePeak(metadb_handle_list_cref data) {
	try {
		if (data.get_count() == 0) throw pfc::exception_invalid_params();
		service_ptr_t<threaded_process_callback> cb = new service_impl_t<calculate_hash>(data);
			threaded_process::flag_show_progress_dual | threaded_process::flag_show_item | threaded_process::flag_show_abort,
			"Calculating audio data hashes...");
	} catch(std::exception const & e) {
		popup_message::g_complain("Could not start audio hashing process", e);
t_filesize metadb_handle_list_helper::calc_total_size(metadb_handle_list_cref p_list, bool skipUnknown) {
	pfc::avltree_t< const char*, metadb::path_comparator > beenHere;
//	metadb_handle_list list(p_list);
//	list.sort_t(metadb::path_compare_metadb_handle);

	t_filesize ret = 0;
	t_size n, m = p_list.get_count();
	for(n=0;n<m;n++) {
		bool isNew;
		metadb_handle_ptr h; p_list.get_item_ex(h, n);
		beenHere.add_ex( h->get_path(), isNew);
		if (isNew) {
			t_filesize t = h->get_filesize();
			if (t == filesize_invalid) {
				if (!skipUnknown) return filesize_invalid;
			} else {
				ret += t;
	return ret;
void nonautoregister_callbacks::on_selection_changed(metadb_handle_list_cref p_selection)
	if (p_selection.get_count() > 0)
		simple_callback_data<metadb_handle_ptr>* on_selection_changed_data
			= new simple_callback_data<metadb_handle_ptr>(p_selection[0]);

		panel_manager::instance().post_msg_to_all_pointer(CALLBACK_UWM_ON_SELECTION_CHANGED, on_selection_changed_data);
Beispiel #16
void selection_properties_t::on_changed_sorted(metadb_handle_list_cref p_items_sorted, bool p_fromhook)
	if (!p_fromhook)
		bool b_refresh = false;
		t_size i, count = m_handles.get_count();
		for (i=0; i<count && !b_refresh; i++)
			t_size index = pfc_infinite;
			if (p_items_sorted.bsearch_t(pfc::compare_t<metadb_handle_ptr, metadb_handle_ptr>, m_handles[i], index))
				b_refresh = true;
		if (b_refresh)
std::string getMainArtist(metadb_handle_list_cref tracks)
	// Don't look at too many tracks - this method should be quick but won't be if we don't limit ourselves.
	static const t_size maxNumberOfTracksToConsider = 100;

	// Keep track of the number of each artist name we encounter.
	std::map<const char*, t_size> artists;

	// For each track, increment the number of occurrences of its artist.
	for(t_size i = 0; i < tracks.get_count() && i < maxNumberOfTracksToConsider; i++)
		service_ptr_t<metadb_info_container> outInfo;
			const file_info& fileInfo = outInfo->info();
			const bool has_artist_tag = fileInfo.meta_exists("artist");
			const bool has_album_artist_tag = fileInfo.meta_exists("album artist");
			if(has_artist_tag || has_album_artist_tag)
				const char * artist = has_artist_tag ? fileInfo.meta_get("artist", 0) : fileInfo.meta_get("album artist", 0);

	// Find the artist that occurred the most.
	t_size maxCount = 0;
	const char* maxArtist = "";
	for(auto iter = artists.begin(); iter != artists.end(); iter++)
		if((iter->second) > maxCount)
			maxCount = iter->second;
			maxArtist = iter->first;

	// We've kept the database locked this whole time because we're just storing char* in the map, not copying the strings.
	return maxArtist;
	virtual bool
		unsigned int			index,
		metadb_handle_list_cref	tracks,
		pfc::string_base&		out,
		unsigned int&			displayflags,
		const GUID&				/*caller*/
			case Items::GetArtistTopTracks:
				const auto& mainArtist = getMainArtist(tracks);

				const t_size stringLength = mainArtist.length();

				if(stringLength > 0)
					// We have found a main artist; set the display of the item to be of the form:
					// "Artist's top tracks".
					out = mainArtist.c_str();

					// Grammar alert! Artists ending with "s" get just a "'" rather than "'s".
					if(out[stringLength - 1] == 's')
						out.add_string("' top tracks");
						out.add_string("'s top tracks");
					// Failed to find a main artist; return the normal, non-custom name for the item.
					get_item_name(index, out);

				return true;

			case Items::GetSimilarTracks:
				if(tracks.get_count() == 0)
					displayflags = FLAG_DISABLED_GRAYED;
					get_item_name(index, out);
					out = "Get tracks similar to ";

				return true;

				// Nothing wants to customise the display of the item; let the regular name be displayed.
				get_item_name(index, out);
				return true;
t_size metadb_handle_list_helper::bsearch_by_pointer(metadb_handle_list_cref p_list,const metadb_handle_ptr & val)
	t_size blah;
	if (p_list.bsearch_t(pfc::compare_t<metadb_handle_ptr,metadb_handle_ptr>,val,blah)) return blah;
	else return ~0;