Beispiel #1
mrs_realvec Delay::seconds2Samples (mrs_realvec seconds)
	for (mrs_natural i = 0; i < seconds.getSize (); ++i)
		seconds(i)	= seconds(i) * israte_;

	return seconds;
Beispiel #2
mrs_realvec Delay::samples2Seconds (mrs_realvec samples)
	for (mrs_natural i = 0; i < samples.getSize (); ++i)
		samples(i)	= samples(i)/ israte_;

	return samples;
void TimeFreqPeakConnectivity::InitMatrix (mrs_realvec &Matrix, unsigned char **traceback, mrs_natural rowIdx, mrs_natural colIdx)
	mrs_natural i,j,				
				numRows = Matrix.getRows (),
				numCols = Matrix.getCols ();
	mrs_natural iCol;

	traceback[rowIdx][colIdx]	= kFromLeft;

	// left of point of interest
	for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < colIdx; j++)
			Matrix(i,j)		= costInit;
			traceback[i][j]	= kFromLeft;
	//cout << Matrix << endl;
	//upper left corner
	for (i = 0; i < rowIdx; i++)
		iCol	= MyMin (rowIdx - i + colIdx, numCols);
		for (j = colIdx; j < iCol; j++)
			Matrix(i,j)		= costInit;
			traceback[i][j]	= kFromLeft;
	//cout << Matrix << endl;
	// lower left corner
	for (i = rowIdx + 1; i < numRows; i++)
		iCol	= MyMin (i - rowIdx + colIdx, numCols);
		for (j = colIdx; j < iCol; j++)
			Matrix(i,j)		= costInit;
			traceback[i][j]	= kFromLeft;
	//cout << Matrix << endl;
void PeakConvert2::ComputePeaker (mrs_realvec in, realvec& out)
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_real/peakStrength", 0.2);// to be set as a control [!]
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_real/peakStrengthRelMax" ,1e-2);
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_real/peakStrengthAbs",1e-10 );
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_real/peakStrengthTreshLpParam" ,0.95);
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_real/peakStrengthRelThresh" , 1.);

  peaker_->updControl("mrs_real/peakSpacing", 2e-3);   // 0
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/peakStart", downFrequency_);   // 0
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/peakEnd", upFrequency_);  // size_
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/inSamples", in.getCols());
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/inObservations", in.getRows());
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/onSamples", out.getCols());
  peaker_->updControl("mrs_natural/onObservations", out.getRows());

  peaker_->process(in, out);
void TimeFreqPeakConnectivity::CalcDp (mrs_realvec &Matrix, mrs_natural startr, mrs_natural startc, mrs_natural stopr, mrs_natural stopc)
	mrs_natural i,j,
		numRows = Matrix.getRows (),
		numCols = Matrix.getCols ();
	mrs_real prevCost[kNumDirections]	= {0,0,0};

	costMatrix_.stretch ( numRows, numCols);

	// initialize cost and traceback matrix
	// upper and lower left corner
	InitMatrix (costMatrix_, tracebackIdx_, startr, startc);
	costMatrix_(startr, startc)	= Matrix(startr, startc);

	// compute cost matrix
	for (j = startc+1; j <= stopc; j++)
		mrs_natural rowLoopStart	= MyMax (0, startr - (j - startc)),
					rowLoopStop		= MyMin (numRows, startr + (j-startc) + 1);
		for (i = rowLoopStart; i < rowLoopStop; i++)
			prevCost[kFromLeft]	= costMatrix_(i,j-1);
			prevCost[kFromUp]	= (i >= numRows-1) ? costInit : costMatrix_(i+1, j-1);			// the if isn't very nice here....
			prevCost[kFromDown]	= (i <= 0) ? costInit : costMatrix_(i-1, j-1);
			// assign cost
			costMatrix_(i,j)	= Matrix(i,j) + dtwFindMin (prevCost, tracebackIdx_[i][j]);

	// compute path
	i = stopr;
	for (j = stopc; j >= startc; j--)
		path_[j-startc]	= i;
		i				-= (kFromLeft - tracebackIdx_[i][j]); // note: does work only for kFromUp, kFromLeft, kFromDown
static void FreqSmear (mrs_realvec &spectrum)
  mrs_natural length = spectrum.getSize ();
  mrs_real buf[3]		= {0,0,0},
                      coeff[3]	= {.25, .5, .25};

  spectrum(0) = spectrum(length-1) = 0;

  for (mrs_natural i = 0; i < length-1; i++)
    buf[(i+1)%3]	= spectrum(i+1);
    spectrum(i)		= coeff[0]*buf[(i-1+3)%3] + coeff[1]*buf[(i)%3] + coeff[2]*buf[(i+1)%3];

Beispiel #7
void Peaker::compLpThresh (const mrs_realvec input, mrs_realvec &output)
  mrs_natural i,
              len = input.getCols ();
  mrs_real	buf = input(0);
  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
    buf			= input(i) + lpCoeff_ * (buf - input(i));
    output(i)	= buf;
  // do reverse filtering to ensure zero group delay
  for (i = len-1; i >= 0; i--)
    buf			= output(i) + lpCoeff_ * (buf - output(i));
    output(i)	= buf;
Beispiel #8
// used inside myProcess
HarmonicStrength::quadratic_interpolation(mrs_real best_bin,
    mrs_realvec& in, mrs_natural t)
  if ((best_bin == 0) || (best_bin == in.getRows()-1))
    // don't try to interpolate using data that's
    // outside of the spectogram
    // TODO: find some convincing DSP thing to do in this case
    return in( (mrs_natural)best_bin, t);
  // a = alpha, b = beta, g = gamma
  mrs_real a = in( (mrs_natural)best_bin - 1, t);
  mrs_real b = in( (mrs_natural)best_bin + 0, t);
  mrs_real g = in( (mrs_natural)best_bin + 1, t);

  mrs_real p = 0.5 * (a-g)/(a-2*b+g);
  // avoid some NaNs
  if ((p < -0.5) || (p > 0.5))
    return b;
  mrs_real yp = b - 0.25*(a-g)*p;
  // avoid all NaNs
  if (yp < b)
    // I think this happens because the search window doesn't
    // encompass the entire spectrum, so the "highest" bin
    // might not actually be the highest one, if it was on the
    // edge of search window.
    // TODO: find some convincing DSP thing to do in this case
    return b;
  return yp;
Beispiel #9
PeakDistanceHorizontality::myProcess(realvec& in, realvec& out)
    mrs_natural i;
    const mrs_natural	numInputs	= getctrl ("mrs_natural/numInputs")->to<mrs_natural>();
    const mrs_realvec	isHoriz		= ctrl_horizvert_->to<mrs_realvec>();
    const mrs_real		range[2]	= {ctrl_rangeX_->to<mrs_real>(), ctrl_rangeY_->to<mrs_real>()};

    out = in;

    MRSASSERT(range[0] > 0 && range[1] > 0);
    if (isHoriz.getSize () != numInputs)
        MRSWARN("PeakDistanceHorizontality: dimension mismatch");

    if (getctrl("mrs_bool/bypass")->to<mrs_bool>())
        setctrl ("mrs_realvec/weights", weights_);

    for (i = 0; i < inSamples_; i++)
        for (mrs_natural j = i; j < inSamples_; j++)
            mrs_natural k;
            mrs_real	horizontality	= ComputeHorizontality (	std::abs(in(1,i)-in(1,j))/range[0],
                                          norm			= 0;

            for (k = 0; k < numInputs; k++)
                mrs_real weight = horizontality;

                if (abs(isHoriz(k) - 2) < kIdentityThresh)
                    weight	= .5;			// input is both horizontal and vertical
                else if (abs(isHoriz(k)) < kIdentityThresh)
                    weight	= 1.-weight;	// input is vertical

                norm							+= weight;
                weights_(k*inSamples_ + i, j)	= weight;
                weights_(k*inSamples_ + j, i)	= weight;	// symmetry
            if (norm != 0)
                norm	= 1./norm;
            for (k = 0; k < numInputs; k++)
                weights_(k*inSamples_ + i, j)	*= norm;
                if (i != j)
                    weights_(k*inSamples_ + j, i)	*= norm;	// symmetry
    setctrl ("mrs_realvec/weights", weights_);
    MATLAB_PUT(weights_, "weights");
Beispiel #10
SimulMaskingFft::CalcSpreading (mrs_realvec &bandLevels, mrs_realvec &result)
  // this is level dependent adapted from ITU-R BS.1387

  mrs_natural    iBarkj,                 // Masker
                 iBarkk;                 // Maskee

  mrs_real  fTmp1,
            fScale      = sqrt(8./3.),
            fBRes       = barkRes_,//hertz2bark (.5*audiosrate_, h2bIdx)/numBands_,
            *pfEnPowTmp = processBuff_.getData (),
             *pfSlopeUp  = helpBuff_.getData ();
  mrs_real  *pfSlope    = slopeSpread_.getData (),
             *pfNorm     = normSpread_.getData ();

  // initialize pfResult

  fSlope                      = exp ( -fBRes * 2.7 * 2.302585092994045684017991454684364207601101488628772976033);
  fTmp2						= 1.0 / (1.0 - fSlope);
  for (iBarkj = 0; iBarkj < numBands_; iBarkj++)
    pfSlopeUp[iBarkj]       = pfSlope[iBarkj] * pow (bandLevels(iBarkj)*fScale,  .2 * fBRes);
    fTmp1    				= (1.0 - IntPow (fSlope, iBarkj+1)) * fTmp2;
    fTmp2    			    = (1.0 - IntPow(pfSlopeUp[iBarkj], numBands_ - iBarkj)) / (1.0 - pfSlopeUp[iBarkj]);
    if (bandLevels(iBarkj) < 1e-20)
      pfSlopeUp[iBarkj]   = 0;
      pfEnPowTmp[iBarkj]  = 0;
    pfSlopeUp[iBarkj]       = exp (0.4 * log (pfSlopeUp[iBarkj]));
    pfEnPowTmp[iBarkj]      = exp (0.4 * log (bandLevels(iBarkj)/(fTmp1 + fTmp2 -1)));
  fSlope                      = exp ( 0.4 * log (fSlope));

  // lower slope
  result(numBands_-1)     = pfEnPowTmp[numBands_-1];
  for (iBarkk = numBands_-2; iBarkk >= 0; iBarkk--)
    result(iBarkk)        = pfEnPowTmp[iBarkk] + result(iBarkk + 1) * fSlope;

  // upper slope
  for (iBarkj = 0; iBarkj < numBands_-1; iBarkj++)
    fSlope                  = pfSlopeUp[iBarkj];
    fTmp1                   = pfEnPowTmp[iBarkj];
    for (iBarkk = iBarkj+1; iBarkk < numBands_; iBarkk++)
      mrs_real  dTmp1       = fTmp1 * fSlope;
      fTmp1               = (dTmp1 < 1e-30)? 0 : (mrs_real)dTmp1;
      result(iBarkk)   += fTmp1;

  // normalization
  for (iBarkk = 0; iBarkk < numBands_; iBarkk++)
    mrs_real  dTmp      = result(iBarkk);
    result(iBarkk)		= sqrt(dTmp) * dTmp * dTmp *pfNorm[iBarkk];
    //result(iBarkk)        = sqrt (result(iBarkk));
    //result(iBarkk)       *= result(iBarkk)*result(iBarkk)*result(iBarkk)*result(iBarkk);
    //result(iBarkk)       *= pfNorm[iBarkk];