int main() { //freopen("","r",stdin); //freopen("I.out","w",stdout); int T; scanf("%d", &T); for(int cas=1;cas<=T;cas++) { mst.clear(); int n, m, k, cnt = 0; long long num; scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &k); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { scanf("%lld", &num); if(num <= k) { mst.insert(num); } } while(true) { int sz = mst.size(); if(sz < 2) break; it1 = mst.end(); it1--; long long fst = *it1; mst.erase(it1); it2 = mst.lower_bound(min(fst, k - fst)); if(it2 == mst.end()) it2--; if(it2 == mst.begin() && *it2 > (k - fst)) continue; if(*it2 <= k - fst) { ans[cnt++] = fst * ( *it2); mst.erase(it2); } else { it2 --; ans[cnt++] = fst * (*it2); mst.erase(it2); } } sort(ans, ans + cnt, cmp); long long res = 0; for(int i = 0; i < min(m, cnt); ++i) { res += ans[i]; } printf("CASE #%d: %lld\n",cas,res); } return 0; }
/* Function: PerformInsert(int value, * multiset<int>& minSet, * multiset<int>& maxSet) * Usage: bool success = PerformInsert(value, minSet, maxSet); * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Inserts one instance of the specified value into the minset or the maxset, * according to the following logic: if the value exceeds the current maximum * value in the minset, then add the value to the maxset; otherwise, add the * value to the minset. The function returns true if the insert operation was * successful, and false otherwise. */ bool PerformInsert(int value, multiset<int>& minSet, multiset<int>& maxSet) { if (minSet.empty() || value <= *FindMaxElement(minSet)) minSet.insert(value); else maxSet.insert(value); /* Always return true. */ return true; }
Node AStar::getNodeFromSet( multiset<Node> l,Node n){ multiset<Node> ::iterator it; for(it = l.begin();it!=l.end();it++){ if( == (*it).id){ return *it; } } }
int main(){ int n;rit(n); for(int l,r;n;--n){ rit(l,r); auto it=st.upper_bound(r); if(it!=st.end())st.erase(it); st.insert(l); } printf("%d\n",st.size()); }
int update(int x){ int u=V.back(); int p=fa[u]; if (p) D[p].erase(D[p].find(faW[u]+tree[0].mxR)); ans.erase(ans.find(tree[0].mx)); update_tree(0,n-1,at[x],0); ans.insert(tree[0].mx); if (p) D[p].insert(faW[u]+tree[0].mxR); return p; }
void pushup() { if (this == EMPTY) return ; mxv = val; if (s.size()) mxv = max(mxv, *s.rbegin()); if (ch[0] != EMPTY) mxv = max(mxv, ch[0]->mxv); if (ch[1] != EMPTY) mxv = max(mxv, ch[1]->mxv); }
void inline cut(set<int> &s, multiset<int> &ss, int t) { s.insert(t); auto l = s.find(t), r = l; --l, ++r; int cur = *r - *l; //cout<<"cur: "<<cur<<endl; ss.erase(ss.find(cur)); ss.insert(*r - t); ss.insert(t - *l); }
void scan(int i, int n, int k, ll sum){ if(i>k){ mys.erase(mys.find(sum)); return; } for(int j=pos[i-1]; j<=n; ++j){ pos[i]=j; scan(i+1,n,k,sum+a[j]); } }
int main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cin >> t; while(t--){ S.clear(); cin >> n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ cin >> x; it = S.upper_bound(x); if(it==S.end()){ S.insert(x); } else{ S.erase(it); S.insert(x); //(*it) = x; } } cout << S.size() << " "; for(multiset<int>::iterator it=S.begin();it!=S.end();it++){ cout << (*it) << " "; } cout << endl; } return 0; }
int main() { freopen("", "r", stdin); while (~scanf("%d %lld", &n, &p)) { s.clear(); long long x; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%lld", &x); arr[i] = x; s.insert(x); } long long ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { long long now = arr[i]; set<long long>::iterator it = s.lower_bound(now); s.erase(it); it = s.lower_bound(p - now); if (it != s.begin()) it--; ans = max(ans, (now + *it) % p); it = s.lower_bound(p + p - now); if (it != s.begin()) it--; ans = max(ans, (now + *it) % p); s.insert(now); } cout << ans << endl; } return 0; }
int main() { int n,d,r; while(scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&d,&r)!=EOF&&n||d||r) { int k; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&k); s1.insert(k); } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&k); s2.insert(k); } int ans=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { int num=*s1.begin(); int index=d-num; __typeof(s2.begin()) it=s2.lower_bound(index); if(it==s2.end())it--; ans+=r*max(0,num+*it-d); s1.erase(s1.begin()); s2.erase(it); } printf("%d\n",ans); } return 0; }
int main() { int n, m, a; while ( scanf("%d", &n), n ) { long long ans = 0LL; urn.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%d", &m); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { scanf("%d", &a); urn.insert( a ); } ans += *urn.rbegin() - *urn.begin(); urn.erase( urn.begin() ); urn.erase( urn.find(*urn.rbegin()) ); } printf("%lld\n", ans); } return 0; }
int main() { srand(time(NULL)); for(int i=6; i<21; ++i) { char fin[55],out[55]; sprintf(fin,"teste/",i); sprintf(out,"teste/grader_test%d.ok",i); ofstream in(fin); ofstream g(out); n=rand()%DN+1;k=rand()%n+1; in<<n<<' '<<k<<'\n'; for(int i=1; i<=n; ++i) { p[i]=rand()%DK+1; c[i]=rand()%DK+1; in<<p[i]<<' '<<c[i]<<'\n'; } pt=0; rst.clear(); sol.clear(); ssol=0; rez=0; for(int i=1; i<=k; ++i) { pt+=p[i]; rst.insert(p[i]+c[i]); } rez=max(rez,pt); for(int i=k+1; i<=n; ++i) { pt+=p[i]; rst.insert(p[i]+c[i]); ssol+=*rst.begin(); sol.insert(*rst.begin()); rst.erase(rst.begin()); bst[i]=pt-ssol; rez=max(rez,bst[i]); } g<<rez; } return 0; }
multiset<Node,NodeCompare>::iterator FindNode(const multiset<Node, NodeCompare>& nodes, int i, int j) { for (set<Node, NodeCompare>::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) { if (it->x == i && it->y == j) { return it; } } return nodes.end(); }
inline void modify(int u) { col[u] ^= true; sum += col[u] ? -1 : 1; while(u) { d[u] = getD(u); if(!col[u]) d[u] = make_pair(max(0, d[u].first), max(0, d[u].second)); int val = tree[root[pathR[u]]].opt;ans.erase(ans.lower_bound(-val)); modify(root[pathR[u]], pos[pathR[u]], pos[pathR[u]]+csz[pathR[u]]-1, u); adjust(pathR[u]), ans.insert(-tree[root[pathR[u]]].opt), u = fa[pathR[u]]; } }
void rec(int m, int idx, int at, long long sum) { if (at == k - 1) { s.erase(s.find(sum)); } else { rec(m, idx, at + 1, sum + a[idx]); if (idx + 1 < m) { rec(m, idx + 1, at, sum); } } }
int main(){ int n;cin>>n; while(n--){ int l,r;cin>>l>>r; auto it=st.upper_bound(r); if(it!=st.end())st.erase(it); st.insert(l); } cout<<st.size()<<endl; return 0; }
void median_ele() { //cout<<*s1.rbegin()<<endl; //printf("%d\n",(*s1.rbegin())); dint(*s1.rbegin()); s1.erase(s1.find(*s1.rbegin())); if(s1.size()<s2.size()) { s1.insert(*s2.begin()); s2.erase(s2.begin()); } }
bool AStar::findInSet( multiset<Node> l,Node n){ multiset<Node> ::iterator it; for(it = l.begin();it!=l.end();it++){ if( == (*it).id){ return true; } } return false; }
int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); cin >> n >> m; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cin >> a[i]; uf[i] = i; ms.emplace(a[i], i); } for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { int u, v; ll w; cin >> u >> v >> w; --u; --v; edges[i] = make_tuple(w, u, v); } sort(edges, edges + m); ll ans = 0LL; int cc = n; int ptr = 0; while (cc > 1) { ll ax, ay; int comp_a, comp_b; // find the two minimum as tie(ax, comp_a) = *ms.begin(); tie(ay, comp_b) = *next(ms.begin()); ll tot_comp = ax + ay; while (ptr < m and get<0>(edges[ptr]) <= tot_comp) { ll w; int u, v; tie(w, u, v) = edges[ptr]; if (merge(u, v)) { --cc; ans += w; } ++ptr; } if (merge(comp_a, comp_b)) { --cc; ans += tot_comp; } } cout << ans << '\n'; return 0; }
int main() { multiset<int>::iterator it; while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF) { while (!S.empty()) S.pop(); lef.clear(); righ.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { scanf("%s", buf); if (strcmp(buf, "Pop") == 0) { if (S.empty()) { printf("Invalid\n"); continue; } int u =; S.pop(); if (u <= med) { it = lef.find(u); lef.erase(it); } else { it = righ.find(u); righ.erase(it); } adjust(); printf("%d\n", u); } else if (strcmp(buf, "PeekMedian") == 0) { if (S.empty()) { printf("Invalid\n"); continue; } printf("%d\n", med); } else if (strcmp(buf, "Push") == 0) { int u; scanf("%d", &u); if (S.empty()) { med = u; lef.insert(u); } else if (u > med) { righ.insert(u); } else { lef.insert(u); } S.push(u); adjust(); } else printf("Invalid\n"); } } return 0; }
void add(ll x){ bool odd = is_odd(); s.insert(x); if (s.size() == 1) median = s.begin(); else if (*median == x) recalc(); else { bool right = is_right(x); if (odd && !right) median--; if (!odd && right) median++; } print(); }
void debug() { multiset<pair<int,int> > ::iterator it; puts("- - - - - - - - - -debug begin-- - - - - - - - - - - - "); for(it=apple.begin();it!=apple.end();++it) { cout<<(*it).first<<" "<<(*it).second<<endl; } puts("- - - - - - - - - -debug end-- - - - - - - - - - - - "); }
Node AStar::getMinimumNode( multiset<Node> l){ if(l.size()>=1){ multiset<Node>::iterator it = l.begin(); #if DEBUG printf("Minimum f_score node is %lld \n", (*it).id); #endif return *it; } else{ printf("Set is empty, no nodes left to expand"); //exit(0); } }
bool TSP::is_BiASGS_goal( const search_node& s, const multiset<search_node, less<search_node> >& frontier ) { multiset<search_node>::iterator it; for ( it = frontier.begin(); it != frontier.end(); it++ ) { if ( s.get_state() == (*it).get_state() ) { return true; } } return false; }
double Greedy01(const multiset<Elemento> & objetos, const double pesoM){ double pesoact = 0, beneficio = 0; multiset<Elemento>::const_reverse_iterator it; for(it = objetos.rbegin(); it != objetos.rend() && pesoact < pesoM; ++it) if((pesoact + (*it).peso) <= pesoM){ beneficio += (*it).beneficio; pesoact += (*it).peso; } return beneficio; }
int two_array(multiset<int> &a, multiset<int> &b, int k) { for(int i : a) { multiset<int>::iterator it = b.lower_bound(k-i); if(it == b.end()) return 0; b.erase(it); } return 1; }
inline void Process(int l, int r) { top = 0; for (int i = l; i <= r; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j <= r; j++) { Intersect(a[i], a[j], i, j); } } for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) { if (c[i].tl <= l && c[i].tr >= r) { stack[++top].type = 1, stack[top].id = i, stack[top].w = c[i].l; stack[++top].type = 1, stack[top].id = i, stack[top].w = c[i].r; } } stack[++top].type = 0; stack[top].w = inf; stack[++top].type = 0; stack[top].w = -inf; sort(stack + 1, stack + top + 1); assert(stack[1].w == -inf); assert(stack[top].w == inf); // Sweep NOW = -inf; S.clear(); for (int i = l; i <= r; i++) fim[i] = S.insert(Para(a[i].a, a[i].b, a[i].c, i)); int next = 1; for (int i = 2; i < top;) { while (sgn(stack[next].w - stack[i].w) < 1) next++; T.clear(); for (int j = i; j < next; j++) if (stack[j].type == 0) { T.insert(stack[j].x); T.insert(stack[j].y); } for (set<int>::iterator it = T.begin(); it != T.end(); ++it) S.erase(fim[*it]); NOW = (stack[i].w + stack[next].w) / 2.0; for (set<int>::iterator it = T.begin(); it != T.end(); ++it) fim[*it] = S.insert(Para(a[*it].a, a[*it].b, a[*it].c, *it)); fim[0] = S.end(); fim[0]--; double tmp = fim[0]->getVal(stack[i].w); for (int j = i; j < next; j++) if (stack[j].type == 1) { Ans[stack[j].id] = max(Ans[stack[j].id], tmp); } i = next; } // Segmetn Tree data = POOL; root = Build(0, L); for (int i = l; i <= r; i++) root->Insert(a[i].w, a[i].top); for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) if (c[i].tl <= l && c[i]. tr >= r) { double tmp = root->Cal(c[i].l, c[i].r); Ans[i] = max(Ans[i], tmp); } }
int main() { int num; while(cin>>num&&num) { int key; vec.clear(); for(int i=0;i<num;i++) { cin>>key; vec.insert(key); } int sum=0; int x,y,s; while(vec.size()>=2) { multiset<int>::iterator it1=vec.begin(); x=*it1; vec.erase(it1); multiset<int>::iterator it2=vec.begin(); y=*it2; vec.erase(it2); sum=sum+x+y; vec.insert(x+y); } cout<<sum<<endl; } return 0; }
void solve(int idx) { if(flag) puts(""); flag=1; scanf("%d",&N); printf("Case #%d:\n", idx); Ms.clear(); while(N--) { int L,R; scanf("%d %d",&L,&R); Point tmp; tmp.L=L;tmp.R=R; it=Ms.lower_bound(tmp); if(it==Ms.begin()||(--it)->R>R) { Ms.insert(tmp); it=Ms.upper_bound(tmp); while(it!=Ms.end()&&it->R>=tmp.R) { Ms.erase(it++); } } printf("%d\n",Ms.size()); } }