// helper function to perform an in-place split of a space-delimited string,
// and return an array of pointers for the beginning of each segment, i.e.,
// aOffset[0] is the first string, aOffset[1] is the second string, etc.
// Used to parse attributes like columnalign='left right', rowalign='top bottom'
static void
SplitString(nsString&    aString, // [IN/OUT]
            nsVoidArray& aOffset) // [OUT]
    static const PRUnichar kNullCh = PRUnichar('\0');

    aString.Append(kNullCh);  // put an extra null at the end

    PRUnichar* start = aString.BeginWriting();
    PRUnichar* end   = start;

    while (kNullCh != *start) {
        while ((kNullCh != *start) && nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*start)) {  // skip leading space
        end = start;

        while ((kNullCh != *end) && (PR_FALSE == nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*end))) { // look for space or end
        *end = kNullCh; // end string here

        if (start < end) {
            aOffset.AppendElement(start); // record the beginning of this segment

        start = ++end;
  void NormalizeFilePath() {
#if defined(XP_WIN)
    PRUnichar* cur = mPath.BeginWriting();
    PRUnichar* end = mPath.EndWriting();
    for (; cur < end; ++cur) {
      if (PRUnichar('\\') == *cur)
	*cur = PRUnichar('/');
Beispiel #3
AndroidGeckoEvent::ReadStringFromJString(nsString &aString, JNIEnv *jenv,
                                         jstring s)
    if (!s) {

    int len = jenv->GetStringLength(s);
    jenv->GetStringRegion(s, 0, len, reinterpret_cast<jchar*>(aString.BeginWriting()));
  wchar_t drvTemplate[] = L" :";
  NETRESOURCEW netRes = {0};
  netRes.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
  netRes.lpLocalName = drvTemplate;
  netRes.lpRemoteName = mRemoteUNCPath.BeginWriting();
  wchar_t driveLetter = L'D';
  DWORD result = NO_ERROR;
  do {
    drvTemplate[0] = driveLetter;
    result = WNetAddConnection2W(&netRes, nullptr, nullptr, CONNECT_TEMPORARY);
  } while (result == ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED && ++driveLetter <= L'Z');
  if (result != NO_ERROR) {
    return false;
  mDriveLetter = driveLetter;
  return true;
Beispiel #5
// Helper functions for structured cloning
inline bool
ReadString(JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader, nsString& aString)

  bool read;
  uint32_t nameLength, zero;
  read = JS_ReadUint32Pair(aReader, &nameLength, &zero);
  if (!read) {
    return false;
  MOZ_ASSERT(zero == 0);
  size_t charSize = sizeof(nsString::char_type);
  read = JS_ReadBytes(aReader, (void*) aString.BeginWriting(),
                      nameLength * charSize);
  if (!read) {
    return false;

  return true;

nsLinebreakConverter::ConvertStringLineBreaks(nsString& aIoString,
                                              ELinebreakType aSrcBreaks,
                                              ELinebreakType aDestBreaks)

  NS_ASSERTION(aDestBreaks != eLinebreakAny &&
               aSrcBreaks != eLinebreakSpace, "Invalid parameter");

  // nothing to do
  if (aIoString.IsEmpty()) {
    return NS_OK;

  nsresult rv;

  // remember the old buffer in case
  // we blow it away later
  nsString::char_iterator stringBuf;

  int32_t    newLen;

  rv = ConvertUnicharLineBreaksInSitu(&stringBuf,
                                      aSrcBreaks, aDestBreaks,
                                      aIoString.Length() + 1, &newLen);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  if (stringBuf != aIoString.get()) {

  return NS_OK;
Beispiel #7
/* static */ nsresult
nsScriptLoader::ConvertToUTF16(nsIChannel* aChannel, const PRUint8* aData,
                               PRUint32 aLength, const nsString& aHintCharset,
                               nsIDocument* aDocument, nsString& aString)
    if (!aLength) {
        return NS_OK;

    nsCAutoString characterSet;

    nsresult rv = NS_OK;
    if (aChannel) {
        rv = aChannel->GetContentCharset(characterSet);

    if (!aHintCharset.IsEmpty() && (NS_FAILED(rv) || characterSet.IsEmpty())) {
        // charset name is always ASCII.
        LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(aHintCharset, characterSet);

    if (NS_FAILED(rv) || characterSet.IsEmpty()) {
        DetectByteOrderMark(aData, aLength, characterSet);

    if (characterSet.IsEmpty()) {
        // charset from document default
        characterSet = aDocument->GetDocumentCharacterSet();

    if (characterSet.IsEmpty()) {
        // fall back to ISO-8859-1, see bug 118404

    nsCOMPtr<nsICharsetConverterManager> charsetConv =

    nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeDecoder> unicodeDecoder;

    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && charsetConv) {
        rv = charsetConv->GetUnicodeDecoder(characterSet.get(),
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            // fall back to ISO-8859-1 if charset is not supported. (bug 230104)
            rv = charsetConv->GetUnicodeDecoderRaw("ISO-8859-1",

    // converts from the charset to unicode
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        PRInt32 unicodeLength = 0;

        rv = unicodeDecoder->GetMaxLength(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aData),
                                          aLength, &unicodeLength);
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
            if (!EnsureStringLength(aString, unicodeLength))
                return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

            PRUnichar *ustr = aString.BeginWriting();

            PRInt32 consumedLength = 0;
            PRInt32 originalLength = aLength;
            PRInt32 convertedLength = 0;
            PRInt32 bufferLength = unicodeLength;
            do {
                rv = unicodeDecoder->Convert(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aData),
                                             (PRInt32 *) &aLength, ustr,
                if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
                    // if we failed, we consume one byte, replace it with U+FFFD
                    // and try the conversion again.
                    ustr[unicodeLength++] = (PRUnichar)0xFFFD;
                    ustr += unicodeLength;

                aData += ++aLength;
                consumedLength += aLength;
                aLength = originalLength - consumedLength;
                convertedLength += unicodeLength;
                unicodeLength = bufferLength - convertedLength;
            } while (NS_FAILED(rv) && (originalLength > consumedLength) && (bufferLength > convertedLength));
    return rv;
static bool
SetOperator(OperatorData*   aOperatorData,
            nsOperatorFlags aForm,
            const nsCString& aOperator,
            nsString&        aAttributes)

  static const char16_t kNullCh = char16_t('\0');

  // aOperator is in the expanded format \uNNNN\uNNNN ...
  // First compress these Unicode points to the internal nsString format
  int32_t i = 0;
  nsAutoString name, value;
  int32_t len = aOperator.Length();
  char16_t c = aOperator[i++];
  uint32_t state  = 0;
  char16_t uchar = 0;
  while (i <= len) {
    if (0 == state) {
      if (c != '\\')
        return false;
      if (i < len)
        c = aOperator[i];
      if (('u' != c) && ('U' != c))
        return false;
      if (i < len)
        c = aOperator[i];
    else {
      if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9'))
         uchar = (uchar << 4) | (c - '0');
      else if (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'f'))
         uchar = (uchar << 4) | (c - 'a' + 0x0a);
      else if (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'F'))
         uchar = (uchar << 4) | (c - 'A' + 0x0a);
      else return false;
      if (i < len)
        c = aOperator[i];
      if (5 == state) {
        uchar = 0;
        state = 0;
  if (0 != state) return false;

  // Quick return when the caller doesn't care about the attributes and just wants
  // to know if this is a valid operator (this is the case at the first pass of the
  // parsing of the dictionary in InitOperators())
  if (!aForm) return true;

  // Add operator to hash table
  aOperatorData->mFlags |= aForm;
  value.AppendInt(aForm, 10);
  gOperatorTable->Put(value, aOperatorData);

#ifdef DEBUG
  NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII str(aAttributes);
  // Loop over the space-delimited list of attributes to get the name:value pairs
  aAttributes.Append(kNullCh);  // put an extra null at the end
  char16_t* start = aAttributes.BeginWriting();
  char16_t* end   = start;
  while ((kNullCh != *start) && (kDashCh != *start)) {
    // skip leading space, the dash amounts to the end of the line
    while ((kNullCh!=*start) && (kDashCh!=*start) && nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*start)) {
    end = start;
    // look for ':'
    while ((kNullCh!=*end) && (kDashCh!=*end) && !nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*end) &&
           (kColonCh!=*end)) {
    // If ':' is not found, then it's a boolean property
    bool IsBooleanProperty = (kColonCh != *end);
    *end = kNullCh; // end segment here
    // this segment is the name
    if (start < end) {
    if (IsBooleanProperty) {
      SetBooleanProperty(aOperatorData, name);
    } else {
      start = ++end;
      // look for space or end of line
      while ((kNullCh!=*end) && (kDashCh!=*end) &&
             !nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*end)) {
      *end = kNullCh; // end segment here
      if (start < end) {
        // this segment is the value
      SetProperty(aOperatorData, name, value);
    start = ++end;
  return true;
SetOperator(OperatorData*   aOperatorData,
            nsOperatorFlags aForm,
            const nsCString& aOperator,
            nsString&        aAttributes)

  // aOperator is in the expanded format \uNNNN\uNNNN ...
  // First compress these Unicode points to the internal nsString format
  PRInt32 i = 0;
  nsAutoString name, value;
  PRInt32 len = aOperator.Length();
  PRUnichar c = aOperator[i++];
  PRUint32 state  = 0;
  PRUnichar uchar = 0;
  while (i <= len) {
    if (0 == state) {
      if (c != '\\')
        return PR_FALSE;
      if (i < len)
        c = aOperator[i];
      if (('u' != c) && ('U' != c))
        return PR_FALSE;
      if (i < len)
        c = aOperator[i];
    else {
      if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9'))
         uchar = (uchar << 4) | (c - '0');
      else if (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'f'))
         uchar = (uchar << 4) | (c - 'a' + 0x0a);
      else if (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'F'))
         uchar = (uchar << 4) | (c - 'A' + 0x0a);
      else return PR_FALSE;
      if (i < len)
        c = aOperator[i];
      if (5 == state) {
        uchar = 0;
        state = 0;
  if (0 != state) return PR_FALSE;

  // Quick return when the caller doesn't care about the attributes and just wants
  // to know if this is a valid operator (this is the case at the first pass of the
  // parsing of the dictionary in InitOperators())
  if (!aForm) return PR_TRUE;

  // Add operator to hash table (symmetric="true" by default for all operators)
  aOperatorData->mFlags |= aForm | NS_MATHML_OPERATOR_SYMMETRIC;
  value.AppendInt(aForm, 10);
  nsStringKey key(value);
  gOperatorTable->Put(&key, aOperatorData);

#ifdef NS_DEBUG
  NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII str(aAttributes);
  // Loop over the space-delimited list of attributes to get the name:value pairs
  aAttributes.Append(kNullCh);  // put an extra null at the end
  PRUnichar* start = aAttributes.BeginWriting();
  PRUnichar* end   = start;
  while ((kNullCh != *start) && (kDashCh != *start)) {
    // skip leading space, the dash amounts to the end of the line
    while ((kNullCh!=*start) && (kDashCh!=*start) && nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*start)) {
    end = start;
    // look for ':' or '='
    while ((kNullCh!=*end) && (kDashCh!=*end) && (kColonCh!=*end) && (kEqualCh!=*end)) {
    if ((kColonCh!=*end) && (kEqualCh!=*end)) {
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
      printf("Bad MathML operator: %s\n", str.get());
      return PR_TRUE;
    *end = kNullCh; // end segment here
    // this segment is the name
    if (start < end) {
    start = ++end;
    // look for space or end of line
    while ((kNullCh!=*end) && (kDashCh!=*start) && !nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*end)) {
    *end = kNullCh; // end segment here
    // this segment is the value
    if (start < end) {
    SetProperty(aOperatorData, name, value);
    start = ++end;
  return PR_TRUE;
static void
ZapString(nsString &s)
  ZapBuf(s.BeginWriting(), s.Length() * 2);