Beispiel #1
global func AddCyclopsAI(object clonk) // somewhat hacky, but it works
	var effect_name = "IntCyclopsAI";
	var fx = GetEffect(effect_name, clonk);
	if (!fx) fx = AddEffect(effect_name, clonk, 1, 2);
	if (!fx || !clonk) return nil; = fx;

	// bin inventory
	var cnt = clonk->ContentsCount();
	fx.bound_weapons = CreateArray(cnt);
	for (var i=0; i<cnt; ++i) fx.bound_weapons[i] = clonk->Contents(i);

	// set home
	fx.home_x = clonk->GetX();
	fx.home_y = clonk->GetY();
	fx.home_dir = DIR_Left;

	// set guard range
	fx.guard_range = {
                      x = fx.home_x-AI_DefGuardRangeX,
                      y = fx.home_y-AI_DefGuardRangeY,
                      wdt = AI_DefGuardRangeX*2,
                      hgt =  AI_DefGuardRangeY*2};

	fx.spray_old = {time = 0, v0 = 0, v1 = 0, reach = 0};
	fx.spray_cur = {time = 0, v0 = 0, v1 = 0, reach = 0};

	AI->SetMaxAggroDistance(clonk, AI_DefMaxAggroDistance);
	return fx;
Beispiel #2
// Set the current inventory to be removed when the clonk dies. Only works if clonk has an AI.
func BindInventory(object clonk)
	var fx = GetEffect("S2AI", clonk);
	if (!fx || !clonk) return false;
	var cnt = clonk->ContentsCount();
	fx.bound_weapons = CreateArray(cnt);
	for (var i=0; i<cnt; ++i) fx.bound_weapons[i] = clonk->Contents(i);
	clonk->Call(, fx);
	return true;
Beispiel #3
func FxAttack_PanicStart(object c, proplist fx, int temp)
	if (temp) return;
	// high walk speed
	c.ActMap = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap, Walk = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap.Walk } };
	c.ActMap.Walk.Speed = c.ActMap.Walk.Speed * 3 / 2;
	// drop heavy stuff
	var item = c->Contents();
	if (item && item->~IsBarrel()) item->Exit();
	// start running
	FxAttack_PanicTimer(c, fx, 0);
	return FX_OK;