void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::absDiff( ofxCvGrayscaleImage& mom,
                                   ofxCvGrayscaleImage& dad ) {

	if( !mom.bAllocated ){
		ofLogError("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "absDiff(): first source image (mom) not allocated";
	if( !dad.bAllocated ){
		ofLogError("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "absDiff(): second source image (dad) not allocated";
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLogNotice("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "absDiff(): allocating to match dimensions: "
			<< mom.getWidth() << " " << mom.getHeight();
		allocate(mom.getWidth(), mom.getHeight());
    ofRectangle roi = getROI();
    ofRectangle momRoi = mom.getROI();
    ofRectangle dadRoi = dad.getROI();
    if( (momRoi.width == roi.width && momRoi.height == roi.height ) &&
        (dadRoi.width == roi.width && dadRoi.height == roi.height ) )
        cvAbsDiff( mom.getCvImage(), dad.getCvImage(), cvImage );
    } else {
        ofLogError("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "absDiff(): source image size mismatch between first (mom) & second (dad) image";
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::absDiff( ofxCvGrayscaleImage& mom,
                                   ofxCvGrayscaleImage& dad ) {

	if( !mom.bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in absDiff, mom needs to be allocated");	
	if( !dad.bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in absDiff, dad needs to be allocated");	
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE, "in absDiff, allocating to match dimensions");			
		allocate(mom.getWidth(), mom.getHeight());
    ofRectangle roi = getROI();
    ofRectangle momRoi = mom.getROI();
    ofRectangle dadRoi = dad.getROI();
    if( (momRoi.width == roi.width && momRoi.height == roi.height ) &&
        (dadRoi.width == roi.width && dadRoi.height == roi.height ) )
        cvAbsDiff( mom.getCvImage(), dad.getCvImage(), cvImage );
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in absDiff, images are different sizes");

void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::absDiff( ofxCvGrayscaleImage& mom ){
	if( !mom.bAllocated ){
		ofLogError("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "absDiff(): source image not allocated";
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLogNotice("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "absDiff(): allocating to match dimensions: "
			<< mom.getWidth() << " " << mom.getHeight();
		allocate(mom.getWidth(), mom.getHeight());

    if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
        cvAbsDiff( cvImage, mom.getCvImage(), cvImageTemp );
    } else {
        ofLogError("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "absDiff(): region of interest mismatch";
Beispiel #4
void testApp::resetRoiMask(ofxCvGrayscaleImage img){
    int w = img.getWidth();
    int h = img.getHeight();

    roiMask[0] = ofPoint(0,0);
    roiMask[1] = ofPoint(w-1,0);
    roiMask[2] = ofPoint(w-1,h-1);
    roiMask[3] = ofPoint(0,h-1);
Beispiel #5
void testApp::draw(){
    ofSetColor(255, 255, 255);
    colorImg.draw(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight());
    glScalef(ofGetWidth() / (float)greyImageSmall.getWidth(), ofGetHeight() / (float)greyImageSmall.getHeight(), 1);
//    haarTracker.draw(0, 0);
	for(int i = 0; i < haarFinder.blobs.size(); i++) {
		ofRectangle cur = haarFinder.blobs[i].boundingRect;
//		ofRect(cur.x, cur.y, cur.width, cur.height);
        int iw = cur.width * 1.4;
        img.draw(haarFinder.blobs[i].centroid, iw, iw * img.getHeight() / img.getWidth());

void ofxCvFloatImage::addWeighted( ofxCvGrayscaleImage& mom, float f ) {
	if( mom.getWidth() == 0 || mom.getHeight() == 0 ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in addWeighted, mom width or height is 0");	
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in addWeighted, image is not allocated");		
	if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
        convertGrayToFloat(mom.getCvImage(), cvImageTemp);
        cvAddWeighted( cvImageTemp, f, cvImage, 1.0f-f,0, cvImage );
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in addWeighted, ROI mismatch");
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::absDiff( ofxCvGrayscaleImage& mom ){
	if( !mom.bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in absDiff, mom needs to be allocated");	
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE, "in absDiff, allocating to match dimensions");			
		allocate(mom.getWidth(), mom.getHeight());

    if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
        cvAbsDiff( cvImage, mom.getCvImage(), cvImageTemp );
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in *=, ROI mismatch");
void ofxCvColorImage::setFromGrayscalePlanarImages( ofxCvGrayscaleImage& red, ofxCvGrayscaleImage& green, ofxCvGrayscaleImage& blue){
	ofRectangle roi = getROI();
    ofRectangle redRoi = red.getROI();
    ofRectangle greenRoi = green.getROI();
    ofRectangle blueRoi = blue.getROI();
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLogNotice("ofxCvColorImage") << "setFromGrayscalePlanarImages(): allocating to match dimensions";		
		allocate(red.getWidth(), red.getHeight());
    if( redRoi.width == roi.width && redRoi.height == roi.height &&
        greenRoi.width == roi.width && greenRoi.height == roi.height &&
        blueRoi.width == roi.width && blueRoi.height == roi.height )
         cvCvtPlaneToPix(red.getCvImage(), green.getCvImage(), blue.getCvImage(),NULL, cvImage);
	} else {
        ofLogError("ofxCvColorImage") << "setFromGrayscalePlanarImages(): image size or region of interest mismatch";
void pointCloudStitcher::mergeGrayImages(ofxCvGrayscaleImage imgOne, ofxCvGrayscaleImage imgTwo, float ** adj){
    ofPoint tempPointCurrent;
    ofPixelsRef imgOnePix = imgOne.getPixelsRef();
    ofPixelsRef imgTwoPix = imgTwo.getPixelsRef();
    int offset;
    int brightnessOne, brightness;
    for(int y = 0; y < imgTwo.getHeight(); ++y) {
        for(int x = 0; x < imgTwo.getWidth(); ++x) {
            brightnessOne = imgTwoPix.getColor(x, y).getBrightness();
            if(brightnessOne>0) {
                offset = int(x * adj[x][y]);
                if(offset < imgOne.getWidth() && offset > 0) {
                    if( (brightness = imgOnePix.getColor(offset, y+kinectDistanceY).r) < brightnessOne ){
                        imgOnePix.setColor(offset, y+kinectDistanceY, imgTwoPix.getColor(x, y));
    patchedImageCv.setFromPixels(imgOnePix.getPixels(), imgOne.width, imgOne.height);
Beispiel #10
void testApp::draw(){
	// Display background
	ofSetColor(255, 255, 255, 50);
	img.draw(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight());
	// Draw ball
	ofSetColor(255, 150, 0);
	ofCircle(ballPositionX, ballPositionY, 10);
	/************ DRAW PARTICLE SYSTEM ***********************/
	ofSetColor(251, 236, 93, lineOpacity);
	// apply per-particle forces
	for(int i = 0; i < particleSystem.size(); i++) {
		Particle& cur = particleSystem[i];
		// global force on other particles
		particleSystem.addRepulsionForce(cur, particleNeighborhood, particleRepulsion);
		// forces on this particle
		cur.bounceOffWalls(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight());
	// Apply attraction to selected points
	for (int i=0; i < attractPts.size(); i++) {
		particleSystem.addAttractionForce(attractPts[i]->x, attractPts[i]->y, ofGetWidth(), centerAttraction);
	// Add repulsion force by mouse click
		particleSystem.addRepulsionForce(mouseX, mouseY, 100, 10);
	// Set the ball to repulse
	particleSystem.addRepulsionForce(ballPositionX, ballPositionY, 25, 10);
	ofSetColor(255, 255, 255, pointOpacity);
	ofSetColor(255, 255, 255);
	//ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(kParticles) + "k particles", 32, 32);
	//ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString((int) ofGetFrameRate()) + " fps", 32, 52);
	// draw depth and color view
	//kinect.drawDepth(10, 10, 200, 150);
	//kinect.draw(220, 10, 200, 150);
	//colorImg.mirror(false, true);
	/************ DRAW POINT CLOUD ***********************/
	// draw point cloud
	pointCloudX = 800;
	pointCloudY = 800;
	ofSetColor(0, 0, 0);
	ofTranslate(pointCloudX, pointCloudY);
	// Make attraction with point
	/*for (int i=0; i < cloudPts.size(); i++) {
		particleSystem.addAttractionForce(cloudPts[i]->x + 800, cloudPts[i]->y + 650, 25, 1);
		//printf("Point Clouds: %f %f \n", cloudPts[i]->x, cloudPts[i]->y);
	} */


	// Rotate drawing
	if(depthContours.blobs.size() == 2) {
		ofxVec2f center = depthContours.blobs[0].centroid + depthContours.blobs[1].centroid;
		ofxVec2f targetViewRot;
		targetViewRot.x = ofMap(center.x, 0, ofGetWidth(), -360, 360);
		targetViewRot.y = ofMap(center.y, 0, ofGetHeight(), 360, -360);
		viewRot += (targetViewRot - viewRot) * 0.05;
	} else {
		viewRot -= viewRot * 0.05;
	ofxVec3f camToWorld(ofGetWidth()/depthOrig.getWidth(), ofGetHeight()/depthOrig.getHeight(), 1);
	ofxVec3f up(0, 1, 0);

	/********** Calculate 2D Coordinate from 3D Space ********/
	GLdouble screenX = 0;
	GLdouble screenY = 0;
	GLdouble screenZ = 0;
	GLint viewport[4];
	GLdouble mvmatrix[16], projmatrix[16];
	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mvmatrix);
	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projmatrix);
	gluProject(pointCloudX, pointCloudY, -3000,
			   mvmatrix, projmatrix, viewport,
			   &screenX, &screenY, &screenZ);
	screenY = ofGetHeight() - screenY;
	// Draws contours on the screen
	depthContours.draw(screenX, screenY, 640, 480);
Beispiel #11
void testApp::update(){
	/************ UPDATE BALL ***********************/

	//Update ball position
	ballPositionX += ballVelocityX;
	ballPositionY += ballVelocityY;
	if(ballPositionX < 0 || ballPositionX > ofGetWidth()) {
		ballVelocityX *= -1;
	if (ballPositionY < 0 || ballPositionY > ofGetHeight()) {
		ballVelocityY *= -1;
	/************ UPDATE KINECT ***********************/

	// get color pixels
	colorImageRGB			= kinect.getPixels();
	// get depth pixels
	depthOrig = kinect.getDepthPixels();
	// save original depth, and do some preprocessing
	depthProcessed = depthOrig;
	if(invert) depthProcessed.invert();
	if(mirror) {
		depthOrig.mirror(false, true);
		depthProcessed.mirror(false, true);
		colorImageRGB.mirror(false, true);
	if(preBlur) cvSmooth(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), CV_BLUR , preBlur*2+1);
	if(topThreshold) cvThreshold(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), topThreshold * 255, 255, CV_THRESH_TRUNC);
	if(bottomThreshold) cvThreshold(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), bottomThreshold * 255, 255, CV_THRESH_TOZERO);
	if(dilateBeforeErode) {
		if(dilateAmount) cvDilate(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, dilateAmount);
		if(erodeAmount) cvErode(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, erodeAmount);
	} else {
		if(erodeAmount) cvErode(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, erodeAmount);
		if(dilateAmount) cvDilate(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, dilateAmount);
	// find contours
							   minBlobSize * minBlobSize * depthProcessed.getWidth() * depthProcessed.getHeight(),
							   maxBlobSize * maxBlobSize * depthProcessed.getWidth() * depthProcessed.getHeight(),
							   maxNumBlobs, findHoles, useApproximation);
	// Clear old attraction points
	// Find centroid point for each blob area and add an attraction force to it
	for (int i=0; i<depthContours.blobs.size(); i++) {
		attractPts.push_back(new ofPoint(depthContours.blobs[i].centroid));
		//printf("Blob %d: %f %f \n", i, depthContours.blobs[i].centroid.x, depthContours.blobs[i].centroid.y);
	// if one blob found, find nearest point in blob area
	static ofxVec3f newPoint;
	if(depthContours.blobs.size() == 1) {
		ofxCvBlob &blob = depthContours.blobs[0];
		double minValue, maxValue;
		CvPoint minLoc, maxLoc;
		cvMinMaxLoc(depthOrig.getCvImage(), &minValue, &maxValue, &minLoc, &maxLoc, NULL);
		newPoint.x = maxLoc.x + blob.boundingRect.x;
		newPoint.y = maxLoc.y + blob.boundingRect.y;
		//		newPoint.z = (maxValue + offset) * depthScale;	// read from depth map
		//printf("Min: %f %f Max: %f %f \n", minLoc.x, minLoc.y, maxLoc.x, maxLoc.y);
		// read directly from distance (in cm)
		// this doesn't seem to work, need to look into it
		newPoint.z = (kinect.getDistanceAt(newPoint) + depthOffset) * depthScale;
		// apply kalman filtering
		if(doKalman) {
			newPoint.x = updateKalman(0, newPoint.x);
			newPoint.y = updateKalman(1, newPoint.y);
			newPoint.z = updateKalman(2, newPoint.z);

	} else {
	pointHead = (pointHead + 1) % kNumPoints;
	curPoint += (newPoint - curPoint) * lerpSpeed;
	points[pointHead] = curPoint;
Beispiel #12
void testApp::drawRoiMask(ofxCvGrayscaleImage &img){
    int nPts = 4;
    int c = 0;
    int w = img.getWidth();
    int h = img.getHeight();
    CvPoint* pts = new CvPoint[nPts];
    pts[0].x = 0;
    pts[0].y = 0;
    pts[1].x = w - 1;
    pts[1].y = 0;
    pts[2].x = roiMask[1].x;
    pts[2].y = roiMask[1].y;
    pts[3].x = roiMask[0].x;
    pts[3].y = roiMask[0].y;
    cvFillPoly( img.getCvImage(), &pts, &nPts, 1,
               CV_RGB(c,c,c) );
    pts[0].x = 0;
    pts[0].y = 0;
    pts[1].x = roiMask[0].x;
    pts[1].y = roiMask[0].y;
    pts[2].x = roiMask[3].x;
    pts[2].y = roiMask[3].y;
    pts[3].x = 0;
    pts[3].y = h - 1;
    cvFillPoly( img.getCvImage(), &pts, &nPts, 1,
               CV_RGB(c,c,c) );
    pts[0].x = w - 1;
    pts[0].y = 0;
    pts[1].x = w - 1;
    pts[1].y = h - 1;
    pts[2].x = roiMask[2].x;
    pts[2].y = roiMask[2].y;
    pts[3].x = roiMask[1].x;
    pts[3].y = roiMask[1].y;
    cvFillPoly( img.getCvImage(), &pts, &nPts, 1,
               CV_RGB(c,c,c) );
    pts[0].x = w - 1;
    pts[0].y = w - 1;
    pts[1].x = 0;
    pts[1].y = h - 1;
    pts[2].x = roiMask[3].x;
    pts[2].y = roiMask[3].y;
    pts[3].x = roiMask[2].x;
    pts[3].y = roiMask[2].y;
    cvFillPoly( img.getCvImage(), &pts, &nPts, 1,
               CV_RGB(c,c,c) );