Beispiel #1
void RecordFactory::PrintCurrency(ostream &os, double value)
    long double dv = value * 100; // stupid library! divides by 100 for some reason...
    // Construct a ostreamb12uf_iterator on cout
    typedef std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > Iter;
    Iter begin(os);
    // Get a money put facet
    const std::money_put<char, Iter> &mp =
        std::use_facet<std::money_put<char, Iter> >(std::locale());

    ios::fmtflags flgs = os.setf(ios_base::showbase|ios_base::internal);
    streamsize orig = os.width(5);
    mp.put(begin, false, os, '0', dv);
Beispiel #2
print(ostream& os)
	stringstream ss;
	string temp;
	os<<prob<<"   ";
	//	os<<"\t";
	os<<left<<" --> "<<right<<endl;
Beispiel #3
void numMatrix::print(ostream &out){
	for(int i=0; i<_n_rows; i++){
		out << "Row " << i << endl;
		for(int j=0; j<_n_cols; j++){
			out << _coeff[i][j];
			if((j+1)%6 == 0){
				out << endl;
		out << endl;	
		out << endl;	
void PrintParticleData(ostream &out, const Ipp32f particledata[][8], const int startrow,
					   const int endrow, const int framenumber, const int stacknumber)
	//totalrows is (basically) number of particles (one for each row); can be a very large number
	for(int j = startrow; j < endrow; j++) {
		out << stacknumber << "\t" << framenumber + 1 << "\t";
		out << particledata[j][1] << "\t";		//x-position
		out << particledata[j][2] << "\t";		//y-position
		out << particledata[j][5] << "\t";		//total mass
		out << sqrt(particledata[j][6]);				//radius of gyration
		out << endl;
void DataPoint::print(ostream& os) {
  os.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
  os.fill('0'); // Pad on left with '0'
  os << setw(2) << getTime().tm_mon << '\\'
     << setw(2) << getTime().tm_mday << '\\'
     << setw(2) << getTime().tm_year << ' '
     << setw(2) << getTime().tm_hour << ':'
     << setw(2) << getTime().tm_min << ':'
     << setw(2) << getTime().tm_sec;
  os.fill(' '); // Pad on left with ' '
  os << " Lat:" << setw(9) << getLatitude()
     << ", Long:" << setw(9) << getLongitude()
     << ", depth:" << setw(9) << getDepth()
     << ", temp:" << setw(9) << getTemperature()
     << endl;
} ///:~
Beispiel #6
void Dof::print(ostream &out) const{
	out << " EqnNum = ";
	out << _eqn_number;
	if (_active)
		out << " Active, ";
		out << " Not Active, ";
	out << " Value = ";
	out << _value;
//prints the results into readable form
void simplex::printSimplexTable(ostream& out, Data* data) {

    int row = data->system.size();
    int col = data->system[0].size();

    out << "Base";
    out << "Plan";
    for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
        out.width(N - 1);
        out << "x";
        out << j + 1;

    out << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
        out.width(N - 1);
        out << "x";
        out << data->base[i];
        out << data->freeMembers[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
            out << data->system[i][j];
        out << endl;

    out << "F";
    out <<data-> max;
    int a = data->coefficients.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
        out << data->coefficients[i];
    out << endl << endl;

Beispiel #8

    Class: Util

    Method: Print

    Description: Prints output to a stream.
    Parameters: ostream& out              : in : Stream where to write
                const string& aMsg        : in : Message to output
                const VerboseLevel aLevel : in : Verbose level of message
				const long aCode          : in : Possible error code if != 0

    Return Values: None

    Errors/Exceptions: None

void Util::Print(ostream& out,
				 const string& aMsg,
				 const VerboseLevel aLevel,
				 const long aCode)

	if (aLevel <= iVerbose)
		if (iTimestamp)
			char timestamp[128];
			char tmp[16];
			strcat(timestamp, " ");
			strcat(timestamp, tmp);
			struct _timeb tb;
			sprintf(tmp, ".%03d", tb.millitm);
			strcat(timestamp, tmp);
			out << "[" << timestamp << "] ";

		out << aMsg;
		//if (aLevel == debug)
		if (aCode != 0)
			out.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield);
			out << " (error: 0x" << aCode << ")";
		out << endl;
Beispiel #9
void process(istream &input, ostream &output)
    int bottles, level, n;
    input >> bottles >> level >> n;

    int row = 0;
    int first = 1;
    while (first + row + 1 <= n)
        first += row;


    double value = get_value(level, row, n - first, 750.0 * bottles);

    output.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);
    output << ' ' << min(250.0, value) << '\n';
Beispiel #10
void ImagerDoc::NavigationParameters(ostream & out){
  out.setf(std::ios::left | std::ios::showpoint | std::ios::fixed);

  out << std::setw(19)  << Iscan.imcStatus()               << "imc        " << "\tIMC status (1 == on)\n";
  out << std::setw(19)  << W_pix_of_frame                  << "x1         " << "\tWestern-most visible pixel in current frame\n";
  out << std::setw(19)  << E_pix_of_frame                  << "x2         " << "\tEastern-most visible pixel in current frame\n"; 
  out << std::setw(19)  << N_line_of_frame                 << "y1         " << "\tNorthern-most visible pixel in current frame\n";  
  out << std::setw(19)  << S_line_of_frame                 << "y2         " << "\tSouthern-most visible pixel in current frame\n";  
  out << std::setw(19)  << pix_of_zero_az                  << "x_zero     " << "\tpixel of zero azimuth\n"; 
  out << std::setw(19)  << line_of_zero_elev               << "y_zero     " << "\tline of zero elevation\n";  
  out << std::setw(19)  << (double)ReferenceLongitude      << "ref_lon    " << "\tReference Longitude (positive east, radians) \n";
  out << std::setw(19)  << (double)ReferenceRadialDistance << "ref_dist   " << "\tReference Radial Distance from nominal (kilometers [km]) \n";
  out << std::setw(19)  << (double)ReferenceLatitude       << "ref_lat    " << "\tReference Latitude (positive north, radians)\n";
  out << std::setw(19)  << (double)ReferenceOrbitYaw       << "ref_yaw    " << "\tReference Orbit Yaw (radians) \n";
  out << std::setw(19)  << (double)ReferenceAttitudeRoll   << "att_roll   " << "\tReference Attitude Roll (radians) \n";
  out << std::setw(19)  << (double)ReferenceAttitudePitch  << "att_pitch  " << "\tReference Attitude Pitch (radians) \n";
  out << std::setw(19)  << (double)ReferenceAttitudeYaw    << "att_yaw    " << "\tReference Attitude Yaw (radians) \n";

  out << "\n\n";
Beispiel #11
void PatternConverter::formatAndAppend(ostream& output, const InternalLoggingEvent& loggingEvent)
	string str;
	convert(str, loggingEvent);
	std::size_t len = str.length();

	if(len > _maxLen)
		output << str.substr(len - _maxLen);
	else if(static_cast<int>(len) < _minLen)
		std::ios_base::fmtflags const original_flags = output.flags();
		char const fill = output.fill(' ');
		output.setf(_leftAlign ? std::ios_base::left : std::ios_base::right,
		output << str;
		output << str;
Beispiel #12
   void CNavDataElement::timeDisplay( ostream & os, const CommonTime& t )
      os.setf(ios::dec, ios::basefield);
         // Convert to CommonTime struct from GPS wk,SOW to M/D/Y, H:M:S.
      GPSWeekSecond dummyTime;
      dummyTime = GPSWeekSecond(t);
      os << setw(4) << dummyTime.week << "(";
      os << setw(4) << (dummyTime.week & 0x03FF) << ")  ";
      os << setw(6) << setfill(' ') << dummyTime.sow << "   ";

      switch (dummyTime.getDayOfWeek())
         case 0: os << "Sun-0"; break;
         case 1: os << "Mon-1"; break;
         case 2: os << "Tue-2"; break;
         case 3: os << "Wed-3"; break;
         case 4: os << "Thu-4"; break;
         case 5: os << "Fri-5"; break;
         case 6: os << "Sat-6"; break;
         default: break;
      os << printTime(t,"   %3j   %5.0s   %02m/%02d/%04Y   %02H:%02M:%02S");
Beispiel #13
void CNAVEphemeris :: dump(ostream& s) const
    s.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
    s.setf(ios::right, ios::adjustfield);
    s.fill(' ');

    s << "****************************************************************"
      << "************" << endl
      << "CNAV Message Types 10 and 11" << endl
      << endl
      << "PRN : " << setw(2) << PRNID << "      "
      << "System : " << satSys << "      "
      << "Carrier: " << ObsID::cbDesc[] << "      "
      << "Code: " << ObsID::tcDesc[obsID.code] << endl << endl;

    s << "                  Week        SOW     DOW   UTD     SOD"
      << "   MM/DD/YYYY   HH:MM:SS\n";
    s << "Transmit Time:  ";

    timeDisplay(s, getTransmitTime());
    s << endl;
    s << "Time of Predict:";
    timeDisplay(s, getTimeOfPrediction());
    s << endl;

    s << endl
      << "          ACCURACY PARAMETERS"
      << endl
      << endl
      << "URAoe index:  " << setw(4) << orbit.getURAoe() << endl;

    s.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);

    s << endl
      << "           SIGNAL PARAMETERS"
      << endl
      << endl
      << "L1 Health bit:  " << setw(2) << L1Health << endl
      << "L2 Health bit:  " << setw(2) << L2Health << endl
      << "L5 Health bit:  " << setw(2) << L5Health << endl
      << setfill(' ') << endl;

    s << endl
      << "           ORBIT PARAMETERS"
      << endl
      << endl
      << "Semi-major axis:       " << setw(18) << orbit.getAhalf()  << " m**.5" << endl
      << "Motion correction:     " << setw(18) << orbit.getDn()     << " rad/sec"
      << endl
      << "Eccentricity:          " << setw(18) << orbit.getEcc()    << endl
      << "Arg of perigee:        " << setw(18) << orbit.getW()      << " rad" << endl
      << "Mean anomaly at epoch: " << setw(18) << orbit.getM0()     << " rad" << endl
      << "Right ascension:       " << setw(18) << orbit.getOmega0() << " rad    "
      << setw(18) << orbit.getOmegaDot() << " rad/sec" << endl
      << "Inclination:           " << setw(18) << orbit.getI0()     << " rad    "
      << setw(18) << orbit.getIDot()     << " rad/sec" << endl;

    s << endl
      << "           HARMONIC CORRECTIONS"
      << endl
      << endl
      << "Radial        Sine: " << setw(18) << orbit.getCrs() << " m    Cosine: "
      << setw(18) << orbit.getCrc() << " m" << endl
      << "Inclination   Sine: " << setw(18) << orbit.getCis() << " rad  Cosine: "
      << setw(18) << orbit.getCic() << " rad" << endl
      << "In-track      Sine: " << setw(18) << orbit.getCus() << " rad  Cosine: "
      << setw(18) << orbit.getCuc() << " rad" << endl;

    s << "****************************************************************"
      << "************" << endl;

} // end of CNAVEphemeris::dump()
Beispiel #14
	// =======================================================
	// * Generate a listing of cartesian coordinates for a
	//   cell propogated through (i,j,k) translations.  The
	//   coordinates are centered on the origin.
		unsigned		i,
		unsigned		j,
		unsigned		k,
		ostream&		os,
		unsigned		opts
    TVector3D             xform = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 };
    TPoint3D              pt;
    unsigned              li,lj,lk,bb;
    ios_base::fmtflags    savedFlags = os.flags();
    ANSRDB*               periodicTable = ANSRDB::DefaultANSRDB();
    //  Vector-transform to be used on each point such
    //  that we center the generated lattice at the
    //  origin:
    if (opts ==  kCrystalCellPropogateCentered) {
    //  Simply loop and generate points:
    for ( li = 0 ; li < i ; li++ ) {
      for ( lj = 0 ; lj < j ; lj++ ) {
        for ( lk = 0 ; lk < k ; lk++ ) {
          for ( bb = 0 ; bb < basisCount ; bb++ ) {
            pt = basis[bb].atomPosition;
            if (li) pt.x += (double)li;
            if (lj) pt.y += (double)lj;
            if (lk) pt.z += (double)lk;
            pt = FractionalToCartesian(pt);
            TElementSymbol		symbol = periodicTable->LookupSymbolForNumber(basis[bb].atomicNumber);
            if (symbol == kANSRInvalidSymbol) {
              os << "  " << setw(3) << basis[bb].atomicNumber << "  ";
              os << setprecision(6) << setw(12) << pt.x << ' ';
              os << setprecision(6) << setw(12) << pt.y << ' ';
              os << setprecision(6) << setw(12) << pt.z << endl;
            } else {
              os << "  " << setw(3) << (char*)&symbol << "  ";
              os << setprecision(6) << setw(12) << pt.x << ' ';
              os << setprecision(6) << setw(12) << pt.y << ' ';
              os << setprecision(6) << setw(12) << pt.z << endl;
Beispiel #15
void Agent::streamData(ostream& out,
                       std::set<string> &aFilter,
                       bool current,
                       unsigned int aInterval,
                       uint64_t start,
                       unsigned int count,
                       unsigned int aHeartbeat
    // Create header
    string boundary = md5(intToString(time(NULL)));

    ofstream log;
    if (mLogStreamData)
        string filename = "Stream_" + getCurrentTime(LOCAL) + "_" +
                          int64ToString((uint64_t) dlib::get_thread_id()) + ".log";;

    out << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
        "Date: " << getCurrentTime(HUM_READ) << "\r\n"
        "Server: MTConnectAgent\r\n"
        "Expires: -1\r\n"
        "Connection: close\r\n"
        "Cache-Control: private, max-age=0\r\n"
        "Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=" << boundary << "\r\n"
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n";

    // This object will automatically clean up all the observer from the
    // signalers in an exception proof manor.
    ChangeObserver observer;

    // Add observers
    std::set<string>::iterator iter;
    for (iter = aFilter.begin(); iter != aFilter.end(); ++iter)

    uint64_t interMicros = aInterval * 1000;
    uint64_t firstSeq = getFirstSequence();
    if (start < firstSeq)
        start = firstSeq;

    try {
        // Loop until the user closes the connection
        timestamper ts;
        while (out.good())
            // Remember when we started this grab...
            uint64_t last = ts.get_timestamp();

            // Fetch sample data now resets the observer while holding the sequence
            // mutex to make sure that a new event will be recorded in the observer
            // when it returns.
            string content;
            uint64_t end;
            bool endOfBuffer = true;
            if (current) {
                content = fetchCurrentData(aFilter, NO_START);
            } else {
                // Check if we're falling too far behind. If we are, generate an
                // MTConnectError and return.
                if (start < getFirstSequence()) {
                    sLogger << LWARN << "Client fell too far behind, disconnecting";
                    throw ParameterError("OUT_OF_RANGE", "Client can't keep up with event stream, disconnecting");
                } else {
                    // end and endOfBuffer are set during the fetch sample data while the
                    // mutex is held. This removed the race to check if we are at the end of
                    // the bufffer and setting the next start to the last sequence number
                    // sent.
                    content = fetchSampleData(aFilter, start, count, end,
                                              endOfBuffer, &observer);

                if (mLogStreamData)
                    log << content << endl;

            ostringstream str;

            // Make sure we're terminated with a <cr><nl>
            out.setf(ios::dec, ios::basefield);
            str << "--" << boundary << "\r\n"
                "Content-type: text/xml\r\n"
                "Content-length: " << content.length() << "\r\n\r\n"
                << content;

            string chunk = str.str();
            out.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);
            out << chunk.length() << "\r\n";
            out << chunk << "\r\n";

            // Wait for up to frequency ms for something to arrive... Don't wait if
            // we are not at the end of the buffer. Just put the next set after aInterval
            // has elapsed. Check also if in the intervening time between the last fetch
            // and now. If so, we just spin through and wait the next interval.

            // Even if we are at the end of the buffer, or within range. If we are filtering,
            // we will need to make sure we are not spinning when there are no valid events
            // to be reported. we will waste cycles spinning on the end of the buffer when
            // we should be in a heartbeat wait as well.
            if (!endOfBuffer) {
                // If we're not at the end of the buffer, move to the end of the previous set and
                // begin filtering from where we left off.
                start = end;

                // For replaying of events, we will stream as fast as we can with a 1ms sleep
                // to allow other threads to run.
            } else {
                uint64 delta;

                if (!current) {
                    // Busy wait to make sure the signal was actually signaled. We have observed that
                    // a signal can occur in rare conditions where there are multiple threads listening
                    // on separate condition variables and this pops out too soon. This will make sure
                    // observer was actually signaled and instead of throwing an error will wait again
                    // for the remaining hartbeat interval.
                    delta = (ts.get_timestamp() - last) / 1000;
                    while (delta < aHeartbeat &&
                            observer.wait(aHeartbeat - delta) &&
                            !observer.wasSignaled()) {
                        delta = (ts.get_timestamp() - last) / 1000;

                        dlib::auto_mutex lock(*mSequenceLock);

                        // Make sure the observer was signaled!
                        if (!observer.wasSignaled()) {
                            // If nothing came out during the last wait, we may have still have advanced
                            // the sequence number. We should reset the start to something closer to the
                            // current sequence. If we lock the sequence lock, we can check if the observer
                            // was signaled between the time the wait timed out and the mutex was locked.
                            // Otherwise, nothing has arrived and we set to the next sequence number to
                            // the next sequence number to be allocated and continue.
                            start = mSequence;
                        } else {
                            // Get the sequence # signaled in the observer when the earliest event arrived.
                            // This will allow the next set of data to be pulled. Any later events will have
                            // greater sequence numbers, so this should not cause a problem. Also, signaled
                            // sequence numbers can only decrease, never increase.
                            start = observer.getSequence();

                // Now wait the remainder if we triggered before the timer was up.
                delta = ts.get_timestamp() - last;
                if (delta < interMicros) {
                    // Sleep the remainder
                    dlib::sleep((interMicros - delta) / 1000);
    catch (ParameterError &aError)
        sLogger << LINFO << "Caught a parameter error.";
        if (out.good()) {
            ostringstream str;
            string content = printError(aError.mCode, aError.mMessage);
            str << "--" << boundary << "\r\n"
                "Content-type: text/xml\r\n"
                "Content-length: " << content.length() << "\r\n\r\n"
                << content;

            string chunk = str.str();
            out.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);
            out << chunk.length() << "\r\n";
            out << chunk << "\r\n";

    catch (...)
        sLogger << LWARN << "Error occurred during streaming data";
        if (out.good()) {
            ostringstream str;
            string content = printError("INTERNAL_ERROR", "Unknown error occurred during streaming");
            str << "--" << boundary << "\r\n"
                "Content-type: text/xml\r\n"
                "Content-length: " << content.length() << "\r\n\r\n"
                << content;

            string chunk = str.str();
            out.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);
            out << chunk.length() << "\r\n";
            out << chunk;

    // Observer is auto removed from signalers
Beispiel #16
void generate_inp(const IO_Header& io, ostream& out)
    out << io.spectrum_identifier << endl;
    out << io.sample_identifier << endl;
    out << io.project << endl;
    out << io.sample_location << endl;    
    out << io.latitude << endl;
    out << io.latitude_unit << endl;
    out << io.longitude << endl;
    out << io.longitude_unit << endl;
    out << io.sample_height << endl;
    out << io.sample_weight << endl;
    out << io.sample_density << endl;
    out << io.sample_volume << endl;
    out << io.sample_quantity << endl;
	out << io.sample_uncertainty << endl;
    out << io.sample_unit << endl;
    out << io.detector_identifier << endl;
    out << io.year << endl;
    out << io.beaker_identifier << endl;
    out << io.sampling_start << endl;
    out << io.sampling_stop << endl;
    out << io.reference_time << endl;
    out << io.measurement_start << endl;
    out << io.measurement_stop << endl;
    out << io.real_time << endl;
    out << io.live_time << endl;
    out << io.measurement_time << endl;        
    out << io.dead_time << endl;        
    out << io.nuclide_library << endl;	
    out << io.lim_file << endl;
    out << io.channel_count << endl;
    out << io.format << endl;
    out << io.record_length << endl;                
    out << io.FWHMPS << endl;
    out << io.FWHMAN << endl;
    out << io.THRESH << endl;
    out << io.BSTF << endl;
    out << io.ETOL << endl;
    out << io.LOCH << endl;
    out << io.ICA << endl;
    out << io.energy_file << endl;
    out << io.pef_file << endl;
    out << io.tef_file << endl;
    out << io.background_file << endl;
    out << io.PA1 << endl;
    out << io.PA2 << endl;
    out << io.PA3 << endl;
    out << io.PA4 << endl;
    out << io.PA5 << endl;
    out << io.PA6 << endl;
    out << io.print_out << endl;
    out << io.plot_out << endl;
    out << io.disk_out << endl;
    out << io.ex_print_out << endl;
    out << io.ex_disk_out << endl;
    out << io.PO1 << endl;
    out << io.PO2 << endl;
    out << io.PO3 << endl;
    out << io.PO4 << endl;
    out << io.PO5 << endl;
    out << io.PO6 << endl;
    out << io.complete << endl;
    out << io.analysed << endl;
    out << io.ST1 << endl;
    out << io.ST2 << endl;
    out << io.ST3 << endl;
    out << io.ST4 << endl;
    out << io.ST5 << endl;
    out << io.ST6 << endl;
Beispiel #17
void ImagerDoc::NavigationFiles(ostream & out1, ostream & out2){

  out1.setf(std::ios::left | std::ios::showpoint | std::ios::fixed);

  out1 << std::setw(19) <<                         NW_lat_of_frame             << "DLAT       INPUT LATITUDE\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) <<                         NW_lon_of_frame             << "DLON       INPUT LONGITUDE\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << std::setprecision(2) << float(N_line_of_frame)      << "L(1)       INPUT LINE FOR IMAGER\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << std::setprecision(2) << float(477)        << "L(2)       INPUT LINE FOR SOUNDER\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << std::setprecision(4) << float(W_pix_of_frame)      << "IP(1)      INPUT PIXEL FOR IMAGER\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << std::setprecision(4) << float(910)        << "IP(2)      INPUT PIXEL FOR SOUNDER\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) <<                         2                 << "KEY        1-LAT/LONG-->LINE/PIX  2-LINE/PIX-->LAT/LONG\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) <<                         Iscan.imcStatus() << "IMC        0-ON, 1-OFF(COMPUTE CHANGES IN ORBIT)\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) <<                         1                 << "INSTR      1-IMAGER, 2-SOUNDER\n\n";

  out1 << std::setfill('0');

  out1 << std::setw(4)  <<                          EpochDate.year()                                << "               NYE        EPOCH YEAR\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(3)  <<                                                 << "                NDE        EPOCH DAY\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(2)  <<                          EpochDate.hrs()                                 << "                 NHE        EPOCH HOUR\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(2)  <<                          EpochDate.min()                                 << "                 NME        EPOCH MINUTES\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(6)  << std::setprecision(3) << (float)EpochDate.sec() + EpochDate.msec()/1000.0 << "             SE         EPOCH SECONDS\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(4)  <<                          T_current_header.year()                                    << "               NY         CURRENT YEAR\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(3)  <<                                                     << "                ND         CURRENT DAY\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(2)  <<                          T_current_header.hrs()                                     << "                 NH         CURRENT HOUR\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(2)  <<                          T_current_header.min()                                     << "                 NM         CURRENT MINUTES\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(6)  << std::setprecision(3) << (float)T_current_header.sec() + T_current_header.msec()/1000.0         << "             S          CURRENT SECONDS\n\n";

  out1.setf(std::ios::left | std::ios::showpoint | std::ios::fixed);
  out1 << std::setfill(' ');

  out1 << std::setw(19) << (uint)ew_cycles   << "IEW_NAD_CY  IMAGER  EW NADIR POSITION (CYCLES PORTION)\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << ew_incr         << "IEW_NAD_INC IMAGER  EW NADIR POSITION (INCREMENTS PORTION)\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << (uint)ns_cycles   << "INS_NAD_CY  IMAGER  NS NADIR POSITION (CYCLES PORTION)\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << ns_incr         << "INS_NAD_INC IMAGER  NS NADIR POSITION (INCREMENTS PORTION)\n\n";

  out1 << std::setw(19) << 2             << "SEW_NAD_CY  SOUNDER EW NADIR POSITION (CYCLES PORTION)\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << 1293          << "SEW_NAD_INC SOUNDER EW NADIR POSITION (INCREMENTS PORTION)\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << 4             << "SNS_NAD_CY  SOUNDER NS NADIR POSITION (CYCLES PORTION)\n\n";
  out1 << std::setw(19) << 868           << "SNS_NAD_INC SOUNDER NS NADIR POSITION (INCREMENTS PORTION)\n\n";                                  

  out2 << "\tEpoch Time\n";
  out2 << "\tMost Recent Header Time\n";
  out2 << "\tCurrent SPS Time\n";

  out2.setf(std::ios::left | std::ios::showpoint | std::ios::fixed);
  out2 << std::setfill(' ');

  out2 << std::setw(24) << (uint)instrument() << "Instrument\n";

  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ReferenceLongitude            << "Reference Longitude\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ReferenceRadialDistance       << "Reference Radial Distance\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ReferenceLatitude             << "Reference Radial Latitude\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ReferenceOrbitYaw             << "Reference Orbit Yaw\n";

  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ReferenceAttitudeRoll         << "ReferenceAttitudeRoll\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ReferenceAttitudePitch        << "Reference Attitude Pitch\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ReferenceAttitudeYaw          << "ReferenceAttitudeYaw\n";

  out2 << std::setw(24) << EpochDate.ieeea()                     << "Epoch Date\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << EpochDate.ieeeb()                     << "Epoch Date\n";

  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)IMCenableFromEpoch            << "IMC enable from epoch\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)CompensationRoll              << "CompensationRoll\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)CompensationPitch             << "Compensation Pitch\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)CompensationYaw               << "Compensation Yaw\n";

  for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++){
    out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ChangeLongitude[i]          << "Change Longitude "<< i << "\n";
  for (int j=0; j < 11 ; j++){
    out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ChangeRadialDistance[j]     << "Change Radial Distance " << j << "\n";
  for(int k=0; k < 9; k++){
    out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)SineGeocentricLatitude[k]   << "Change Geocentric Latitude " << k << "\n";
  for(int k=0; k < 9; k++){
    out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)SineOrbitYaw[k]             << "Sine Orbit Yaw " << k << "\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)DailySolarRate                << "Daily Solar Rate\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << (double)ExponentialStartFromEpoch     << "Exponential Start From Epoch\n";
  //  out2 << "\nRoll Angle\n";
  out2 << RollAngle;

  //out2 <<"\nPitch Angle\n";
  out2 << PitchAngle;
  //out2 << "\nYaw Angle\n";
  out2 << YawAngle;
  //out2 << "\nRoll Misalignment\n";
  out2 << RollMisalignment;
  //out2 << "\nPitch Misalignment\n";
  out2 << PitchMisalignment;

  // these aren't actually needed for gimloc
  out2 << std::setw(24) << N_Line_In_Scan  << "Northern-most visible detector scan line in current scan\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << W_pix_of_frame  << "Western-most visible pixel in current frame\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << E_pix_of_frame  << "Eastern-most visible pixel in current frame\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << N_line_of_frame  <<"Northern-most visible pixel in current frame\n";
  out2 << std::setw(24) << S_line_of_frame  <<"Southern-most visible pixel in current frame\n";  
  for ( int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
    out2 << Imc_identifier[l];
  out2 << "                    IMC identifier \n";

  out2 << "\n\n";
Beispiel #18
   void OrbSysGpsC_30::dumpBody(ostream& s) const
      throw( InvalidRequest )
      if (!dataLoadedFlag)
         InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");

      s << endl
        << "           GROUP DELAY CORRECTIONS"
        << endl
        << "Parameter    Avail?     Value" << endl;

      s.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
      s.setf(ios::right, ios::adjustfield);
      s.fill(' ');

      s << "Tgd            ";
      if (avail_Tgd)
         s << "Y       " << setw(16) << Tgd << endl;
         s << "N" << endl;

      s << "ISC(L1CA)      ";
      if (avail_L1CA)
         s << "Y       " << setw(16) << ISC_L1CA << endl;
         s << "N" << endl;

      s << "ISC(L2C)       ";
      if (avail_L2C)
         s << "Y       " << setw(16) << ISC_L2C << endl;
         s << "N" << endl;

      s << "ISC(L5I5)      ";
      if (avail_L5I5)
         s << "Y       " << setw(16) << ISC_L5I5 << endl;
         s << "N" << endl;

      s << "ISC(L5Q5)      ";
      if (avail_L5Q5)
         s << "Y       " << setw(16) << ISC_L5Q5 << endl;
         s << "N" << endl;

      s << endl
        << "           IONOSPHERIC PARAMETERS"
        << endl;
      s << "  Alpha 0: " << setw(16) << alpha[0] << " sec       "
        << "   Beta 0: " << setw(16) << beta[0]  << " sec       " << endl;
      s << "  Alpha 1: " << setw(16) << alpha[1] << " sec/rad   "
        << "   Beta 1: " << setw(16) << beta[1]  << " sec/rad   " << endl;
      s << "  Alpha 2: " << setw(16) << alpha[2] << " sec/rad**2"
        << "   Beta 2: " << setw(16) << beta[2]  << " sec/rad**2" << endl;
      s << "  Alpha 3: " << setw(16) << alpha[3] << " sec/rad**3"
        << "   Beta 3: " << setw(16) << beta[3]  << " sec/rad**3" << endl;
   } // end of dumpBody()   
Beispiel #19
void OrbElemRinex::dumpHeader(ostream& s) const
throw( InvalidRequest )
    if (!dataLoaded())
        InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored.");

    /*   s << "Source : " << getNameLong() << endl;

       SVNumXRef svNumXRef;
       int NAVSTARNum = 0;

       s << endl;
       s << "PRN : " << setw(2) << << " / "
         << "SVN : " << setw(2);
    NAVSTARNum = svNumXRef.getNAVSTAR(, ctToe );
         s << NAVSTARNum << "  ";
    s << "XX";

       s << endl
         << endl */
    s	<< "           SUBFRAME OVERHEAD"
        << endl
        << endl
        << "               SOW    DOW:HH:MM:SS     IOD\n";

    s << "   "
      << " HOW:   " << setw(7) << HOWtime
      << "  ";

    shortcut( s, HOWtime);
    s << "   ";

    s << "0x" << setfill('0') << hex;

    s << setw(3) << IODC;

    s << dec << "      " << setfill(' ');

    s << endl;

    s << endl
      << "           SV STATUS"
      << endl
      << endl
      << "Health bits         :      0x" << setfill('0') << hex << setw(2)
      << health << dec << ", " << health;
    s << endl
      << "Fit duration (Hrs)  :         " << setw(1) << fitDuration << " hrs";
    s << endl
      << "Accuracy(m)         :      " << setfill(' ')
      << setw(4) << accuracyValue << " m" << endl
      << "Code on L2          :   ";

    switch (codeflags)
    case 0:
        s << "reserved ";

    case 1:
        s << " P only  ";

    case 2:
        s << " C/A only";

    case 3:
        s << " P & C/A ";


    s << endl
      <<"L2 P Nav data       :        ";
    if (L2Pdata!=0)
        s << "off";
        s << "on";

    s << endl;
    s << "Tgd                 : " << setw(13) << setprecision(6) << scientific << Tgd << " sec";
    s << endl;
} // end of dumpHeader()
void VirtualGenome::print(ostream &sout) {
  sout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
  sout << w << endl;
Beispiel #21
void Benchmark::run(
		shared_ptr<LabeledImageSource> source, shared_ptr<FeatureExtractor> extractor, shared_ptr<TrainableProbabilisticClassifier> classifier,
		float confidenceThreshold, size_t negatives, size_t initialNegatives, ostream& frameOut, ostream& resultOut) const {

	uint32_t frameCount = 0;
	uint64_t extractedPatchCountSum = 0; // total amount of extracted patches
	uint64_t classifiedPatchCountSum = 0; // total amount of classified patches
	uint64_t negativePatchCountSum = 0; // amount of negative patches of all frames except the first ones (where classifier is not usable)
	uint32_t positivePatchCountSum = 0;
	uint64_t updateTimeSum = 0;
	uint64_t extractTimeSum = 0;
	uint64_t falseRejectionsSum = 0;
	uint64_t falseAcceptancesSum = 0;
	uint64_t classifyTimeSum = 0;
	double locationAccuracySum = 0;
	float worstLocationAccuracy = 1;
	uint32_t positiveTrainingCountSum = 0;
	uint32_t negativeTrainingCountSum = 0;
	uint64_t trainingTimeSum = 0;
	cv::Size patchSize;

	bool initialized = false;
	float aspectRatio = 1;
	while (source->next()) {
		Mat image = source->getImage();
		const LandmarkCollection landmarks = source->getLandmarks();
		if (landmarks.isEmpty())
		const shared_ptr<Landmark> landmark = landmarks.getLandmark();
		bool hasGroundTruth = landmark->isVisible();
		if (!hasGroundTruth && !initialized)

		Rect_<float> groundTruth;
		if (hasGroundTruth) {
			groundTruth = landmark->getRect();
			aspectRatio = groundTruth.width / groundTruth.height;
			if (!initialized) {
				DirectPyramidFeatureExtractor* pyramidExtractor = dynamic_cast<DirectPyramidFeatureExtractor*>(extractor.get());
				if (pyramidExtractor != nullptr) {
					patchSize = pyramidExtractor->getPatchSize();
					double dimension = patchSize.width * patchSize.height;
					double patchHeight = sqrt(dimension / aspectRatio);
					double patchWidth = aspectRatio * patchHeight;
					pyramidExtractor->setPatchSize(cvRound(patchWidth), cvRound(patchHeight));
				initialized = true;

		steady_clock::time_point extractionStart = steady_clock::now();
		steady_clock::time_point extractionBetween = steady_clock::now();
		shared_ptr<Patch> positivePatch;
		if (hasGroundTruth) {
			positivePatch = extractor->extract(
					cvRound(groundTruth.x + 0.5f * groundTruth.width),
					cvRound(groundTruth.y + 0.5f * groundTruth.height),
			if (!positivePatch)
		vector<shared_ptr<Patch>> negativePatches;
		vector<shared_ptr<Patch>> neutralPatches;
		int patchCount = hasGroundTruth ? 1 : 0;
		for (float size = sizeMin; size <= sizeMax; size *= sizeScale) {
			float realHeight = size * image.rows;
			float realWidth = aspectRatio * realHeight;
			int width = cvRound(realWidth);
			int height = cvRound(realHeight);
			int minX = width / 2;
			int minY = height / 2;
			int maxX = image.cols - width + width / 2;
			int maxY = image.rows - height + height / 2;
			float stepX = std::max(1.f, step * realWidth);
			float stepY = std::max(1.f, step * realHeight);
			for (float x = minX; cvRound(x) < maxX; x += stepX) {
				for (float y = minY; cvRound(y) < maxY; y += stepY) {
					shared_ptr<Patch> patch = extractor->extract(cvRound(x), cvRound(y), width, height);
					if (patch) {
						if (!hasGroundTruth || computeOverlap(groundTruth, patch->getBounds()) <= allowedOverlap)
		steady_clock::time_point extractionEnd = steady_clock::now();
		milliseconds updateDuration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(extractionBetween - extractionStart);
		milliseconds extractDuration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(extractionEnd - extractionBetween);

		frameOut << source->getName().filename().generic_string() << ": " << updateDuration.count() << "ms " << patchCount << " " << extractDuration.count() << "ms";
		extractedPatchCountSum += patchCount;
		updateTimeSum += updateDuration.count();
		extractTimeSum += extractDuration.count();

		if (classifier->isUsable()) {
			classifiedPatchCountSum += patchCount;
			if (hasGroundTruth)
				positivePatchCountSum++; // amount needed for false acceptance rate, therefore only positive patches that are tested
			negativePatchCountSum += negativePatches.size(); // amount needed for false acceptance rate, therefore only negative patches that are tested

			steady_clock::time_point classificationStart = steady_clock::now();
			// positive patch
			shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch> classifiedPositivePatch;
			if (hasGroundTruth)
				classifiedPositivePatch = make_shared<ClassifiedPatch>(positivePatch, classifier->classify(positivePatch->getData()));
			// negative patches
			vector<shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>> classifiedNegativePatches;
			for (const shared_ptr<Patch>& patch : negativePatches)
				classifiedNegativePatches.push_back(make_shared<ClassifiedPatch>(patch, classifier->classify(patch->getData())));
			// neutral patches
			vector<shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>> classifiedNeutralPatches;
			for (const shared_ptr<Patch>& patch : neutralPatches)
				classifiedNeutralPatches.push_back(make_shared<ClassifiedPatch>(patch, classifier->classify(patch->getData())));
			steady_clock::time_point classificationEnd = steady_clock::now();
			milliseconds classificationDuration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(classificationEnd - classificationStart);

			int falseRejections = !hasGroundTruth || classifiedPositivePatch->isPositive() ? 0 : 1;
			int falseAcceptances = std::count_if(classifiedNegativePatches.begin(), classifiedNegativePatches.end(), [](shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& patch) {
				return patch->isPositive();

			frameOut << " " << falseRejections << "/" << (hasGroundTruth ? "1 " : "0 ") << falseAcceptances << "/" << negativePatches.size() << " " << classificationDuration.count() << "ms";
			falseRejectionsSum += falseRejections;
			falseAcceptancesSum += falseAcceptances;
			classifyTimeSum += classificationDuration.count();

			if (hasGroundTruth) {
				shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch> bestNegativePatch = *std::max_element(classifiedNegativePatches.begin(), classifiedNegativePatches.end(), [](shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& a, shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& b) {
					return a->getProbability() > b->getProbability();
				shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch> bestNeutralPatch = *std::max_element(classifiedNeutralPatches.begin(), classifiedNeutralPatches.end(), [](shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& a, shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& b) {
					return a->getProbability() > b->getProbability();
				float overlap = 0;
				if (classifiedPositivePatch->getProbability() >= bestNeutralPatch->getProbability() && classifiedPositivePatch->getProbability() >= bestNegativePatch->getProbability())
					overlap = computeOverlap(groundTruth, classifiedPositivePatch->getPatch()->getBounds());
				else if (bestNeutralPatch->getProbability() >= bestNegativePatch->getProbability())
					overlap = computeOverlap(groundTruth, bestNeutralPatch->getPatch()->getBounds());
					overlap = computeOverlap(groundTruth, bestNegativePatch->getPatch()->getBounds());

				frameOut << " " << cvRound(100 * overlap) << "%";
				locationAccuracySum += overlap;
				worstLocationAccuracy = std::min(worstLocationAccuracy, overlap);

			vector<shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>> negativeTrainingCandidates;
			for (shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& patch : classifiedNegativePatches) {
				if (patch->isPositive() || patch->getProbability() > 1 - confidenceThreshold)
			if (negativeTrainingCandidates.size() > negatives) {
				std::partial_sort(negativeTrainingCandidates.begin(), negativeTrainingCandidates.begin() + negatives, negativeTrainingCandidates.end(), [](shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& a, shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& b) {
					return a->getProbability() > b->getProbability();
			vector<Mat> negativeTrainingExamples;
			for (const shared_ptr<ClassifiedPatch>& patch : negativeTrainingCandidates)
			vector<Mat> positiveTrainingExamples;
			if (hasGroundTruth && (!classifiedPositivePatch->isPositive() || classifiedPositivePatch->getProbability() < confidenceThreshold))

			steady_clock::time_point trainingStart = steady_clock::now();
			classifier->retrain(positiveTrainingExamples, negativeTrainingExamples);
			steady_clock::time_point trainingEnd = steady_clock::now();
			milliseconds trainingDuration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(trainingEnd - trainingStart);

			frameOut << " " << positiveTrainingExamples.size() << "+" << negativeTrainingExamples.size() << " " << trainingDuration.count() << "ms";
			positiveTrainingCountSum += positiveTrainingExamples.size();
			negativeTrainingCountSum += negativeTrainingExamples.size();
			trainingTimeSum += trainingDuration.count();
		} else {
			int step = negativePatches.size() / initialNegatives;
			int first = step / 2;
			vector<Mat> negativeTrainingExamples;
			for (size_t i = first; i < negativePatches.size(); i += step)
			vector<Mat> positiveTrainingExamples;
			if (hasGroundTruth)

			steady_clock::time_point trainingStart = steady_clock::now();
			classifier->retrain(positiveTrainingExamples, negativeTrainingExamples);
			steady_clock::time_point trainingEnd = steady_clock::now();
			milliseconds trainingDuration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(trainingEnd - trainingStart);

			frameOut << " " << positiveTrainingExamples.size() << "+" << negativeTrainingExamples.size() << " " << trainingDuration.count() << "ms";
			positiveTrainingCountSum += positiveTrainingExamples.size();
			negativeTrainingCountSum += negativeTrainingExamples.size();
			trainingTimeSum += trainingDuration.count();
		frameOut << endl;

	DirectPyramidFeatureExtractor* pyramidExtractor = dynamic_cast<DirectPyramidFeatureExtractor*>(extractor.get());
	if (pyramidExtractor != nullptr) {
		pyramidExtractor->setPatchSize(patchSize.width, patchSize.height);

	if (frameCount == 0) {
		frameOut << "no valid frames" << endl;
		resultOut << "no valid frames" << endl;
	} else if (frameCount == 1 || positivePatchCountSum < 1) {
		frameOut << "too few valid frames" << endl;
		resultOut << "too few valid frames" << endl;
	} else if (extractedPatchCountSum == 0) {
		frameOut << "no valid patches" << endl;
		resultOut << "no valid patches" << endl;
	} else if (negativePatchCountSum == 0) {
		frameOut << "no valid negative patches" << endl;
		resultOut << "no valid negative patches" << endl;
	} else {
		frameOut << frameCount << " " << extractedPatchCountSum << " " << classifiedPatchCountSum << " " << negativePatchCountSum << " " << positivePatchCountSum << " "
				<< updateTimeSum << "ms " << extractTimeSum << "ms " << falseRejectionsSum << " " << falseAcceptancesSum << " "
				<< classifyTimeSum << "ms " << cvRound(100 * locationAccuracySum / positivePatchCountSum) << "% " << cvRound(100 * worstLocationAccuracy) << "% "
				<< positiveTrainingCountSum << " " << negativeTrainingCountSum << " " << trainingTimeSum << "ms" << endl;

		float falseRejectionRate = static_cast<float>(falseRejectionsSum) / static_cast<float>(frameCount - 1);
		float falseAcceptanceRate = static_cast<float>(falseRejectionsSum) / static_cast<float>(negativePatchCountSum);
		float avgPositiveTrainingCount = static_cast<float>(positiveTrainingCountSum) / static_cast<float>(frameCount);
		float avgNegativeTrainingCount = static_cast<float>(negativeTrainingCountSum) / static_cast<float>(frameCount);
		uint64_t normalizedExtractionTime = updateTimeSum / frameCount + (1000 * extractTimeSum) / extractedPatchCountSum;
		uint64_t normalizedClassificationTime = (1000 * classifyTimeSum) / classifiedPatchCountSum;
		uint64_t normalizedTrainingTime = trainingTimeSum / frameCount;
		uint64_t normalizedFrameTime = normalizedExtractionTime + normalizedClassificationTime + normalizedTrainingTime;
		resultOut << falseRejectionRate << " " << falseAcceptanceRate << " "
				<< cvRound(100 * locationAccuracySum / positivePatchCountSum) << "% " << cvRound(100 * worstLocationAccuracy) << "% "
				<< avgPositiveTrainingCount << " " << avgNegativeTrainingCount << " "
				<< normalizedFrameTime << "ms (" << normalizedExtractionTime << "ms " << normalizedClassificationTime << "ms " << normalizedTrainingTime << "ms)" << endl;
Beispiel #22
int real_tdmrg(ostream& fout, vector<ZTensor<3> >& mpsts, bool restart,
               int L, int M, double J, double Jz, double h, double f, int N, double dt)
  fout << "====================  LATTICE INFO  ====================" << endl;
  fout << "\tL =" << setw(4) << L << ", M ="  << setw(4) << M
       << ", J =" << setw(7) << J << ", Jz =" << setw(7) << Jz << endl;

  // initialize mpstates
  // create anti-parallel spins state : ababab...
  // and this will always be kept as right-canonical
  if(!restart) {
    int M0 = 1;
    mpsts[0](0,0,0) = 1.0;
    for(int i = 1; i < L-1; ++i) {
      if(i & 1) mpsts[i](0,1,0) = Complx( 1.0, 0.0);
      else      mpsts[i](0,0,0) = Complx( 1.0, 0.0);
    if(L & 1) mpsts[L-1](0,0,0) = Complx( 1.0, 0.0);
    else      mpsts[L-1](0,1,0) = Complx( 1.0, 0.0);
  // mpo's
  vector< ZTensor<4> > mpops;
    // [ 0  JS+  JS-  JzSz  I ]
    ZTensor<4> mpo0(1,5,2,2);
    mpo0 = Complx( 0.0, 0.0);
    mpo0(0,1,0,1) = Complx( J /2, 0.0); // S+
    mpo0(0,2,1,0) = Complx( J /2, 0.0); // S-
    mpo0(0,3,0,0) = Complx( Jz/2, 0.0); // Sz(a)
    mpo0(0,3,1,1) = Complx(-Jz/2, 0.0); // Sz(b)
    mpo0(0,4,0,0) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // I(a)
    mpo0(0,4,1,1) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // I(b)
  for(int i = 1; i < L-1; ++i) {
    // [ I   0    0    0    0 ]
    // [ S-  0    0    0    0 ]
    // [ S+  0    0    0    0 ]
    // [ Sz  0    0    0    0 ]
    // [ 0  JS+  JS-  JzSz  I ]
    ZTensor<4> mpoI(5,5,2,2);
    mpoI = Complx( 0.0, 0.0);
    mpoI(0,0,0,0) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // I(a)
    mpoI(0,0,1,1) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // I(b)
    mpoI(1,0,1,0) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // S-
    mpoI(2,0,0,1) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // S+
    mpoI(3,0,0,0) = Complx( 0.50, 0.0); // Sz(a)
    mpoI(3,0,1,1) = Complx(-0.50, 0.0); // Sz(b)
    mpoI(4,1,0,1) = Complx( J /2, 0.0); // S+
    mpoI(4,2,1,0) = Complx( J /2, 0.0); // S-
    mpoI(4,3,0,0) = Complx( Jz/2, 0.0); // Sz(a)
    mpoI(4,3,1,1) = Complx(-Jz/2, 0.0); // Sz(b)
    mpoI(4,4,0,0) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // I(a)
    mpoI(4,4,1,1) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // I(b)
    // [ I  ]
    // [ S- ]
    // [ S+ ]
    // [ Sz ]
    // [ 0  ]
    ZTensor<4> mpoN(5,1,2,2);
    mpoN = Complx( 0.0, 0.0);
    mpoN(0,0,0,0) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // I(a)
    mpoN(0,0,1,1) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // I(b)
    mpoN(1,0,1,0) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // S-
    mpoN(2,0,0,1) = Complx( 1.00, 0.0); // S+
    mpoN(3,0,0,0) = Complx( 0.50, 0.0); // Sz(a)
    mpoN(3,0,1,1) = Complx(-0.50, 0.0); // Sz(b)

  int nodd  = L/2;
  int neven = L/2; if(L%2 == 0) --neven;
  // time-evolution
  fout << "==================== TIME-EVOLUTION ====================" << endl;
  double e   = 0.0;
  double t   = 0.0;
  int    itr = 0;
  bool   fwd = true;

// free-field propagator : exp(-iHt) = exp(-iEt)
// ZTensor<4> hodd (propagator(J, Jz, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, dt/2));
// ZTensor<4> heven(propagator(J, Jz, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, dt  ));

  while(itr < N) {
    if(itr % 100 == 0) {
      e = compute_energy(fwd,mpsts,mpops);
      fout << "\tt = " << setw(8) << t;
      fout << " : E = " << setw(20) << e << endl;
    // time-evolution
    ZTensor<4> hodd (propagator(J, Jz, h, f, t, dt/2));
    ZTensor<4> heven(propagator(J, Jz, h, f, t, dt  ));
    t += dt; ++itr;
  e = compute_energy(fwd,mpsts,mpops);
  fout << "\tt = " << setw(8) << t;
  fout << " : E = " << setw(20) << e << endl;
  fout << "==================== FINISHED STEPS ====================" << endl;

  return 0;
Beispiel #23
IRPrinter::IRPrinter(ostream &s) : stream(s), indent(0) {
    s.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
Beispiel #24
int dmrg(ostream& fout, vector<DTensor<3> >& mpsts, bool restart, int L, int M, double J, double Jz)
    fout << "====================  LATTICE INFO  ====================" << endl;
    fout << "\tL =" << setw(4) << L << ", M ="  << setw(4) << M
         << ", J =" << setw(7) << J << ", Jz =" << setw(7) << Jz << endl;

    DTensor<4> mpo0(1,5,2,2);
    DTensor<4> mpoI(5,5,2,2);
    DTensor<4> mpoN(5,1,2,2);

    // [ 0  JS+  JS-  JzSz  I ]
    mpo0 = 0.0;
    mpo0(0,1,0,1) = J /2; // S+
    mpo0(0,2,1,0) = J /2; // S-
    mpo0(0,3,0,0) = Jz/2; // Sz(a)
    mpo0(0,3,1,1) =-Jz/2; // Sz(b)
    mpo0(0,4,0,0) = 1.00; // I(a)
    mpo0(0,4,1,1) = 1.00; // I(b)

    // [ I   0    0    0    0 ]
    // [ S-  0    0    0    0 ]
    // [ S+  0    0    0    0 ]
    // [ Sz  0    0    0    0 ]
    // [ 0  JS+  JS-  JzSz  I ]
    mpoI = 0.0;
    mpoI(0,0,0,0) = 1.00; // I(a)
    mpoI(0,0,1,1) = 1.00; // I(b)
    mpoI(1,0,1,0) = 1.00; // S-
    mpoI(2,0,0,1) = 1.00; // S+
    mpoI(3,0,0,0) = 0.50; // Sz(a)
    mpoI(3,0,1,1) =-0.50; // Sz(b)
    mpoI(4,1,0,1) = J /2; // S+
    mpoI(4,2,1,0) = J /2; // S-
    mpoI(4,3,0,0) = Jz/2; // Sz(a)
    mpoI(4,3,1,1) =-Jz/2; // Sz(b)
    mpoI(4,4,0,0) = 1.00; // I(a)
    mpoI(4,4,1,1) = 1.00; // I(b)

    // [ I  ]
    // [ S- ]
    // [ S+ ]
    // [ Sz ]
    // [ 0  ]
    mpoN = 0.0;
    mpoN(0,0,0,0) = 1.00; // I(a)
    mpoN(0,0,1,1) = 1.00; // I(b)
    mpoN(1,0,1,0) = 1.00; // S-
    mpoN(2,0,0,1) = 1.00; // S+
    mpoN(3,0,0,0) = 0.50; // Sz(a)
    mpoN(3,0,1,1) =-0.50; // Sz(b)

    // dummy storage
    DTensor<3> stdum(1,1,1);
    stdum = 1.0;

    // initialize mpsts
    if(!restart) {
        for(int i = 1; i < L-1; ++i) {

        for(int i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
            for(DTensor<3>::iterator it = mpsts[i].begin(); it != mpsts[i].end(); ++it) {
                *it = 2.0 * ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5);
    // initialize storages
    vector< DTensor<3> > storages;
    // set thermodynamic limit mps and backward canonicalization
    for(int i = L-1; i > 0; --i) {
        DTensor<2> res;
        DTensor<3> guess;
        if(i == L-1) {
        else {

    // starting sweep optimization
    double energy = 0.0;
    double radius = 1.0;
    int iter = 0;
    while(iter < 100 && radius > 1.0e-8) {
        fout << "==================== SWEEP ITER[" << setw(2) << iter << "] ====================" << endl;
        double energy_save = energy;
        vector<double> sweep_energy;
        // forward sweep
        fout << "++++++++++++++++++++ FORWARD  SWEEP ++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < L-1; ++i) {
            double esite;
            if(i == 0) {
                esite = optimize(mpsts[i],mpo0,stdum,storages[i+1]);
                DTensor<2> res;
                DTensor<3> guess;
            else {
                esite = optimize(mpsts[i],mpoI,storages[i-1],storages[i+1]);
                DTensor<2> res;
                DTensor<3> guess;
            fout << "\tENERGY @ SITE[" << setw(3) << i << "] = " << setw(20) << esite << endl;
        // backward sweep
        fout << "++++++++++++++++++++ BACKWARD SWEEP ++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
        for(int i = L-1; i > 0; --i) {
            double esite;
            if(i == L-1) {
                esite = optimize(mpsts[i],mpoN,storages[i-1],stdum);
                DTensor<2> res;
                DTensor<3> guess;
            else {
                esite = optimize(mpsts[i],mpoI,storages[i-1],storages[i+1]);
                DTensor<2> res;
                DTensor<3> guess;
            fout << "\tENERGY @ SITE[" << setw(3) << i << "] = " << setw(20) << esite << endl;
        energy = *min_element(sweep_energy.begin(),sweep_energy.end());
        radius = fabs(energy-energy_save);
    fout << "==================== FINISHED SWEEP ====================" << endl;

    return 0;
void CompactionConstraintGraphBase::writeGML(ostream &os, NodeArray<bool> one) const
	const Graph &G = *this;

	NodeArray<int> id(*this);
	int nextId = 0;


	os << "Creator \"ogdf::CompactionConstraintGraphBase::writeGML\"\n";
	os << "graph [\n";
	os << "  directed 1\n";

	for(node v : G.nodes) {
		os << "  node [\n";

		os << "    id " << (id[v] = nextId++) << "\n";

		os << "    graphics [\n";
		os << "      x 0.0\n";
		os << "      y 0.0\n";
		os << "      w 30.0\n";
		os << "      h 30.0\n";
		if ((one[v])) {
			os << "      fill \"#FF0F0F\"\n";
		} else {
			os << "      fill \"#FFFF00\"\n";
		os << "    ]\n"; // graphics

		os << "  ]\n"; // node

	for(edge e : G.edges) {
		os << "  edge [\n";

		os << "    source " << id[e->source()] << "\n";
		os << "    target " << id[e->target()] << "\n";

#if 0
		// show edge lengths as edge lables (not yet supported)
		os << "    label \"";
		os << "\"\n";

		os << "    graphics [\n";

		os << "      type \"line\"\n";
		os << "      arrow \"last\"\n";
		case cetBasicArc: // red
			os << "      fill \"#FF0000\"\n";
		case cetVertexSizeArc: // blue
			os << "      fill \"#0000FF\"\n";
		case cetVisibilityArc: // green
			os <<       "fill \"#00FF00\"\n";
		case cetReducibleArc: // rose
			os << "      fill \"#FF00FF\"\n";
		case cetFixToZeroArc: //violett
			os << "      fill \"#3F00FF\"\n";

		os << "    ]\n"; // graphics

#if 0
		os << "    LabelGraphics [\n";
		os << "      type \"text\"\n";
		os << "      fill \"#000000\"\n";
		os << "      anchor \"w\"\n";
		os << "    ]\n";

		os << "  ]\n"; // edge

	os << "]\n"; // graph
Beispiel #26
void PlanRep::writeGML(ostream &os, const OrthoRep &OR, const GridLayout &drawing)
	const Graph &G = *this;

	NodeArray<int> id(*this);
	int nextId = 0;


	os << "Creator \"ogdf::GraphAttributes::writeGML\"\n";
	os << "graph [\n";
	os << "  directed 1\n";

	for(node v : G.nodes) {
		os << "  node [\n";

		os << "    id " << (id[v] = nextId++) << "\n";

		os << "    label \"" << v->index() << "\"\n";

		os << "    graphics [\n";
		os << "      x " << ((double) drawing.x(v)) << "\n";
		os << "      y " << ((double) drawing.y(v)) << "\n";
		os << "      w " << 3.0 << "\n";
		os << "      h " << 3.0 << "\n";
		os << "      type \"rectangle\"\n";
		os << "      width 1.0\n";
		if (typeOf(v) == Graph::generalizationMerger) {
			os << "      type \"oval\"\n";
			os << "      fill \"#0000A0\"\n";
		else if (typeOf(v) == Graph::generalizationExpander) {
			os << "      type \"oval\"\n";
			os << "      fill \"#00FF00\"\n";
		else if (typeOf(v) == Graph::highDegreeExpander ||
			typeOf(v) == Graph::lowDegreeExpander)
			os << "      fill \"#FFFF00\"\n";
		else if (typeOf(v) == Graph::dummy)
			os << "      type \"oval\"\n";

		else if (v->degree() > 4)
			os << "      fill \"#FFFF00\"\n";

			os << "      fill \"#000000\"\n";

		os << "    ]\n"; // graphics

		os << "  ]\n"; // node

	for (node v : nodes)
		if (expandAdj(v) != nullptr && (typeOf(v) == Graph::highDegreeExpander ||
			typeOf(v) == Graph::lowDegreeExpander))
			node vOrig = original(v);
			const OrthoRep::VertexInfoUML &vi = *OR.cageInfo(v);
			node ll = vi.m_corner[odNorth]->theNode();
			node ur = vi.m_corner[odSouth]->theNode();

			os << "  node [\n";
			os << "    id " << nextId++ << "\n";

			if (m_pGraphAttributes->attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeLabel) {
				os << "    label \"" << m_pGraphAttributes->label(vOrig) << "\"\n";

			os << "    graphics [\n";
			os << "      x " << 0.5 * (drawing.x(ur) + drawing.x(ll)) << "\n";
			os << "      y " << 0.5 * (drawing.y(ur) + drawing.y(ll)) << "\n";
			os << "      w " << widthOrig(vOrig) << "\n";
			os << "      h " << heightOrig(vOrig) << "\n";
			os << "      type \"rectangle\"\n";
			os << "      width 1.0\n";
			os << "      fill \"#FFFF00\"\n";

			os << "    ]\n"; // graphics
			os << "  ]\n"; // node

	for(edge e : G.edges)
		os << "  edge [\n";

		os << "    source " << id[e->source()] << "\n";
		os << "    target " << id[e->target()] << "\n";

		os << "    generalization " << typeOf(e) << "\n";

		os << "    graphics [\n";

		os << "      type \"line\"\n";

		if (typeOf(e) == Graph::generalization)
			if (typeOf(e->target()) == Graph::generalizationExpander)
				os << "      arrow \"none\"\n";
				os << "      arrow \"last\"\n";

			os << "      fill \"#FF0000\"\n";
			os << "      width 2.0\n";
			if (typeOf(e->source()) == Graph::generalizationExpander ||
			    typeOf(e->source()) == Graph::generalizationMerger ||
			    typeOf(e->target()) == Graph::generalizationExpander ||
			    typeOf(e->target()) == Graph::generalizationMerger)
				os << "      arrow \"none\"\n";
				os << "      fill \"#FF0000\"\n";
			else if (original(e) == nullptr)
				os << "      arrow \"none\"\n";
				os << "      fill \"#AFAFAF\"\n";
				os << "      arrow \"none\"\n";
			if (isBrother(e))
				os << "      fill \"#00AF0F\"\n";
			if (isHalfBrother(e))
				os << "      fill \"#0F00AF\"\n";
			os << "      width 1.0\n";
		}//else generalization

		os << "    ]\n"; // graphics

		os << "  ]\n"; // edge

	os << "]\n"; // graph