Beispiel #1
void monster::debug(player &u)
    debugmsg("monster::debug %s has %d steps planned.", name().c_str(), plans.size());
    debugmsg("monster::debug %s Moves %d Speed %d HP %d",name().c_str(), moves, get_speed(), hp);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < plans.size(); i++) {
        const int digit = '0' + (i % 10);
        mvaddch(plans[i].y - SEEY + u.posy(), plans[i].x - SEEX + u.posx(), digit);
Beispiel #2
bool ma_requirements::is_valid_player(player &u)
    for( auto buff_id : req_buffs ) {

        if (!u.has_mabuff(buff_id)) {
            return false;

    //A technique is valid if it applies to unarmed strikes, if it applies generally
    //to all weapons (such as Ninjutsu sneak attacks or innate weapon techniques like RAPID)
    //or if the weapon is flagged as being compatible with the style. Some techniques have
    //further restrictions on required weapon properties (is_valid_weapon).
    bool cqb = u.has_active_bionic("bio_cqb");
    bool valid = ((unarmed_allowed && u.unarmed_attack()) ||
                  (melee_allowed && !u.unarmed_attack() && is_valid_weapon(u.weapon)) ||
                  (u.has_weapon() && martialarts[u.style_selected].has_weapon(u.weapon.type->id) &&
                   is_valid_weapon(u.weapon))) &&
                 ((u.skillLevel("melee") >= min_melee &&
                   u.skillLevel("unarmed") >= min_unarmed &&
                   u.skillLevel("bashing") >= min_bashing &&
                   u.skillLevel("cutting") >= min_cutting &&
                   u.skillLevel("stabbing") >= min_stabbing) || cqb);

    return valid;
void put_into_vehicle( player &p, const std::list<item> &items, vehicle &veh, int part )
    if( items.empty() ) {

    const tripoint where = veh.global_part_pos3( part );
    const std::string ter_name = g-> where );
    int fallen_count = 0;

    for( auto it : items ) { // cant use constant reference here because of the spill_contents()
        if( it.is_bucket_nonempty() && !it.spill_contents( p ) ) {
                _( "To avoid spilling its contents, you set your %1$s on the %2$s." ),
                _( "To avoid spilling its contents, <npcname> sets their %1$s on the %2$s." ),
                it.display_name().c_str(), ter_name.c_str()
            g->m.add_item_or_charges( where, it );
        if( !veh.add_item( part, it ) ) {
            if( it.count_by_charges() ) {
                // Maybe we can add a few charges in the trunk and the rest on the ground.
                it.mod_charges( -veh.add_charges( part, it ) );
            g->m.add_item_or_charges( where, it );

    const std::string part_name = veh.part_info( part ).name();

    if( same_type( items ) ) {
        const item &it = items.front();
        const int dropcount = items.size() * ( it.count_by_charges() ? it.charges : 1 );

            ngettext( "You put your %1$s in the %2$s's %3$s.",
                      "You put your %1$s in the %2$s's %3$s.", dropcount ),
            ngettext( "<npcname> puts their %1$s in the %2$s's %3$s.",
                      "<npcname> puts their %1$s in the %2$s's %3$s.", dropcount ),
            it.tname( dropcount ).c_str(),, part_name.c_str()
    } else {
            _( "You put several items in the %1$s's %2$s." ),
            _( "<npcname> puts several items in the %1$s's %2$s." ),
  , part_name.c_str()

    if( fallen_count > 0 ) {
        add_msg( m_warning, _( "The trunk is full, so some items fell to the %s." ), ter_name.c_str() );
Beispiel #4
int monster::hit(game *g, player &p, body_part &bp_hit)
 int numdice = type->melee_skill;
 if (dice(numdice, 10) <= dice(, 10) && !one_in(20)) {
  if (numdice > p.sklevel[sk_dodge])
   p.practice(sk_dodge, 10);
  return 0;	// We missed!
 p.practice(sk_dodge, 5);
 int ret = 0;
 int highest_hit;
 switch (type->size) {
 case MS_TINY:
  highest_hit = 3;
 case MS_SMALL:
  highest_hit = 12;
 case MS_MEDIUM:
  highest_hit = 20;
 case MS_LARGE:
  highest_hit = 28;
 case MS_HUGE:
  highest_hit = 35;

 if (has_flag(MF_DIGS))
  highest_hit -= 8;
 if (has_flag(MF_FLIES))
  highest_hit += 20;
 if (highest_hit <= 1)
  highest_hit = 2;
 if (highest_hit > 20)
  highest_hit = 20;

 int bp_rand = rng(0, highest_hit - 1);
      if (bp_rand <=  2)
  bp_hit = bp_legs;
 else if (bp_rand <= 10)
  bp_hit = bp_torso;
 else if (bp_rand <= 14)
  bp_hit = bp_arms;
 else if (bp_rand <= 16)
  bp_hit = bp_mouth;
 else if (bp_rand == 17)
  bp_hit = bp_eyes;
  bp_hit = bp_head;
 ret += dice(type->melee_dice, type->melee_sides);
 return ret;
Beispiel #5
bool player_can_build( player &p, const inventory &pinv, const construction &con )
    if( p.has_trait( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) {
        return true;

    if( p.get_skill_level( con.skill ) < con.difficulty ) {
        return false;
    return con.requirements->can_make_with_inventory( pinv );
item_location game::get_item_from_inventory( player &p, const std::string &title )
    const std::string msg = p.is_npc() ? string_format( _( "%s's inventory is empty." ),
                   ) :
                            std::string( _( "Your inventory is empty." ) );

    return inv_internal( p,
    inventory_filter_preset( convert_filter( [ &p ]( const item & it ) {
        return !p.is_worn( it ) && &p.weapon != &it;
    } ) ), title, -1, msg );
void test_consumable_ammo( player &p, std::string &itemname, bool when_empty, bool when_full )
    item it = item( itemname, 0, 0 ) ;

    INFO( "consume \'" + it.tname() + "\' with " + std::to_string( it.ammo_remaining() ) + " charges" );
    REQUIRE( p.can_consume( it ) == when_empty );

    it.ammo_set( it.ammo_type()->default_ammotype(), -1 ); // -1 -> full
    INFO( "consume \'" + it.tname() + "\' with " + std::to_string( it.ammo_remaining() ) + " charges" );
    REQUIRE( p.can_consume( it ) == when_full );
Beispiel #8
void pick_up_from_feet( player &p, int pos ) {
    auto size_before = g->m.i_at( p.pos() ).size();
    REQUIRE( size_before > pos );
    p.moves = 100;
    p.assign_activity( activity_id( "ACT_PICKUP" ) );
    p.activity.placement = tripoint(0, 0, 0);
    p.activity.values.push_back( false );   // not from vehicle
    p.activity.values.push_back( pos );     // index of item to pick up
    p.activity.values.push_back( 0 );
    p.activity.do_turn( p );
    REQUIRE( g->m.i_at( p.pos() ).size() == size_before - 1 );
int fs2netd_get_pilot_info(const char *callsign, player *out_plr, bool first_call)
	if ( !Logged_in ) {
		return -2;

	if ( (out_plr == NULL) || (callsign == NULL) || !(strlen(callsign)) ) {
		return -2;

	static player new_plr;

	if (first_call) {
		strncpy( new_plr.callsign, callsign, CALLSIGN_LEN );

		// initialize the stats to default values
		init_scoring_element( &new_plr.stats );


		Local_timeout = timer_get_seconds() + 30;

		In_process = true;

		ml_printf("FS2NetD MSG: Requesting pilot stats for '%s' ...", callsign);

	int rc = FS2NetD_GetPlayerData(callsign, &new_plr, false, first_call);

	// some sort of failure
	if (rc > 0) {
		In_process = false;
		Local_timeout = -1;
		return -2;

	// if timeout passes then bail on failure
	if ( timer_get_seconds() > Local_timeout ) {
		In_process = false;
		Local_timeout = -1;
		return -2;

	if (rc == 0) {
		memcpy( out_plr, &new_plr, sizeof(player) );
		In_process = false;
		Local_timeout = -1;

	// we should only be returning -1 (processing) or 0 (got data successfully)
	return rc;
Beispiel #10
//initialize player - more to come, for now just animations
void setPlayerSprites()
    if (mainPlayer.getCharName().compare("Flu") == 0)
        mainPlayer.getSprites()[0] = SOIL_load_OGL_texture("Textures/Flu.png", SOIL_LOAD_AUTO, SOIL_CREATE_NEW_ID, SOIL_FLAG_INVERT_Y);
        mainPlayer.getSprites()[1] = SOIL_load_OGL_texture("Textures/Fluattack1.png", SOIL_LOAD_AUTO, SOIL_CREATE_NEW_ID, SOIL_FLAG_INVERT_Y);
        mainPlayer.getSprites()[2] = SOIL_load_OGL_texture("Textures/Fluattack2.png", SOIL_LOAD_AUTO, SOIL_CREATE_NEW_ID, SOIL_FLAG_INVERT_Y);
        mainPlayer.getSprites()[3] = SOIL_load_OGL_texture("Textures/Fluattack3.png", SOIL_LOAD_AUTO, SOIL_CREATE_NEW_ID, SOIL_FLAG_INVERT_Y);
        mainPlayer.getSprites()[4] = SOIL_load_OGL_texture("Textures/Fluattack4.png", SOIL_LOAD_AUTO, SOIL_CREATE_NEW_ID, SOIL_FLAG_INVERT_Y);
        mainPlayer.getSprites()[5] = SOIL_load_OGL_texture("Textures/Fluattack5.png", SOIL_LOAD_AUTO, SOIL_CREATE_NEW_ID, SOIL_FLAG_INVERT_Y);
        comestible_inventory_preset( const player &p ) : inventory_selector_preset(), p( p ) {

            append_cell( [ p, this ]( const item_location & loc ) {
                return good_bad_none( p.nutrition_for( get_comestible_item( loc ) ) );
            }, _( "NUTRITION" ) );

            append_cell( [ this ]( const item_location & loc ) {
                return good_bad_none( get_edible_comestible( loc ).quench );
            }, _( "QUENCH" ) );

            append_cell( [ p, this ]( const item_location & loc ) {
                return good_bad_none( p.fun_for( get_comestible_item( loc ) ).first );
            }, _( "JOY" ) );

            append_cell( [ this ]( const item_location & loc ) {
                const int spoils = get_edible_comestible( loc ).spoils;
                if( spoils > 0 ) {
                    return to_string_clipped( time_duration::from_turns( spoils ) );
                return std::string();
            }, _( "SPOILS IN" ) );

            append_cell( [ this, &p ]( const item_location & loc ) {
                std::string cbm_name;

                switch( p.get_cbm_rechargeable_with( get_comestible_item( loc ) ) ) {
                    case rechargeable_cbm::none:
                    case rechargeable_cbm::battery:
                        cbm_name = _( "Battery" );
                    case rechargeable_cbm::reactor:
                        cbm_name = _( "Reactor" );
                    case rechargeable_cbm::furnace:
                        cbm_name = _( "Furnace" );

                if( !cbm_name.empty() ) {
                    return string_format( "<color_cyan>%s</color>", cbm_name.c_str() );

                return std::string();
            }, _( "CBM" ) );

            append_cell( [ this, &p ]( const item_location & loc ) {
                return good_bad_none( p.get_acquirable_energy( get_comestible_item( loc ) ) );
            }, _( "ENERGY" ) );
Beispiel #12
static bool crafting_allowed( const player &p, const recipe &rec )
    if( !p.has_morale_to_craft() ) {
        add_msg( m_info, _( "Your morale is too low to craft..." ) );
        return false;

    if( p.lighting_craft_speed_multiplier( rec ) <= 0.0f ) {
        add_msg( m_info, _( "You can't see to craft!" ) );
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #13
double calculate_missed_by(player &p, int trange, item* weapon)
    // No type for gunmods,so use player weapon.
    it_gun* firing = dynamic_cast<it_gun*>(p.weapon.type);
    // Calculate deviation from intended target (assuming we shoot for the head)
    double deviation = 0.; // Measured in quarter-degrees.
    // Up to 0.75 degrees for each skill point < 8.
    if (p.skillLevel(firing->skill_used) < 8) {
        deviation += rng(0, 3 * (8 - p.skillLevel(firing->skill_used)));

    // Up to 0.25 deg per each skill point < 9.
    if (p.skillLevel("gun") < 9) { deviation += rng(0, 9 - p.skillLevel("gun")); }

    deviation += rng(0, p.ranged_dex_mod());
    deviation += rng(0, p.ranged_per_mod());

    deviation += rng(0, 2 * p.encumb(bp_arms)) + rng(0, 4 * p.encumb(bp_eyes));

    deviation += rng(0, weapon->curammo->dispersion);
    // item::dispersion() doesn't support gunmods.
    deviation += rng(0, p.weapon.dispersion());
    int adj_recoil = p.recoil + p.driving_recoil;
    deviation += rng(int(adj_recoil / 4), adj_recoil);

    if (deviation < 0) { return 0; }
    // .013 * trange is a computationally cheap version of finding the tangent.
    // (note that .00325 * 4 = .013; .00325 is used because deviation is a number
    //  of quarter-degrees)
    // It's also generous; missed_by will be rather short.
    return (.00325 * deviation * trange);
void drop_on_map( const player &p, const std::list<item> &items, const tripoint &where )
    if( items.empty() ) {
    const std::string ter_name = g-> where );
    const bool can_move_there = g->m.passable( where );

    if( same_type( items ) ) {
        const item &it = items.front();
        const int dropcount = items.size() * ( it.count_by_charges() ? it.charges : 1 );
        const std::string it_name = it.tname( dropcount );

        if( can_move_there ) {
                ngettext( "You drop your %1$s on the %2$s.",
                          "You drop your %1$s on the %2$s.", dropcount ),
                ngettext( "<npcname> drops their %1$s on the %2$s.",
                          "<npcname> drops their %1$s on the %2$s.", dropcount ),
                it_name.c_str(), ter_name.c_str()
        } else {
                ngettext( "You put your %1$s in the %2$s.",
                          "You put your %1$s in the %2$s.", dropcount ),
                ngettext( "<npcname> puts their %1$s in the %2$s.",
                          "<npcname> puts their %1$s in the %2$s.", dropcount ),
                it_name.c_str(), ter_name.c_str()
    } else {
        if( can_move_there ) {
                _( "You drop several items on the %s." ),
                _( "<npcname> drops several items on the %s." ),
        } else {
                _( "You put several items in the %s." ),
                _( "<npcname> puts several items in the %s." ),
    for( const auto &it : items ) {
        g->m.add_item_or_charges( where, it );
Beispiel #15
int attack_speed(player &u, bool missed)
 int move_cost = u.weapon.attack_time() + 20 * u.encumb(bp_torso);
 if (u.has_trait(PF_LIGHT_BONES))
  move_cost *= .9;
 if (u.has_trait(PF_HOLLOW_BONES))
  move_cost *= .8;

 move_cost -= u.disease_intensity(DI_SPEED_BOOST);

 if (move_cost < 25)
  return 25;

 return move_cost;
Beispiel #16
void stomach_contents::absorb_water( player &p, units::volume amount )
    if( water < amount ) {
        amount = water;
        water = 0_ml;
    } else {
        water -= amount;
    if( p.get_thirst() < -100 ) {
    } else if( p.get_thirst() - units::to_milliliter( amount / 5 ) < -100 ) {
        p.set_thirst( -100 );
    p.mod_thirst( -units::to_milliliter( amount ) / 5 );
Beispiel #17
* Determines whose turn it will be, and returns that player
*@ param player &a , player &b the players to be compared, using references
player turn(player &a, player &b)
	if(a.turn == 1) 
		return a;
	else if(b.turn ==1)
		return b;
void test_consumable_charges( player &p, std::string &itemname, bool when_none, bool when_max )
    item it = item( itemname, 0, 0 ) ;

    INFO( "\'" + it.tname() + "\' is count-by-charges" );
    CHECK( it.count_by_charges() );

    it.charges = 0;
    INFO( "consume \'" + it.tname() + "\' with " + std::to_string( it.charges ) + " charges" );
    REQUIRE( p.can_consume( it ) == when_none );

    it.charges = LONG_MAX;
    INFO( "consume \'" + it.tname() + "\' with " + std::to_string( it.charges ) + " charges" );
    REQUIRE( p.can_consume( it ) == when_max );
Beispiel #19
void gates::open_gate( const tripoint &pos, player &p )
    const gate_id gid = get_gate_id( pos );

    if( !gates_data.is_valid( gid ) ) {
        p.add_msg_if_player( _( "Nothing happens." ) );

    const gate_data &gate = gates_data.obj( gid );

    p.add_msg_if_player( gate.pull_message.c_str() );
    p.assign_activity( ACT_OPEN_GATE, gate.moves );
    p.activity.placement = pos;
Beispiel #20
void stack_invlet_test( player &dummy, inventory_location from, inventory_location to )
    // invlet to assign
    constexpr char invlet = '|';

    // duplication will most likely only happen if the stack is in the inventory
    // and is subsequently wielded or worn
    if( from != INVENTORY || ( to != WORN && to != WIELDED_OR_WORN ) ) {
        FAIL( "unimplemented" );

    // remove all items
    g->m.i_clear( dummy.pos() );

    // some stackable item that can be wielded and worn
    item tshirt( "tshirt" );

    // add two such items to the starting position
    add_item( dummy, tshirt, from );
    add_item( dummy, tshirt, from );

    // assign the stack with invlet
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, from ), invlet, CACHED );

    // wield or wear one of the items
    move_item( dummy, 0, from, to );

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "1. add a stack of two same items to " << location_desc( from ) << std::endl;
    ss << "2. assign the stack with an invlet" << std::endl;
    ss << "3. " << move_action_desc( 0, from, to ) << std::endl;
    ss << "expect the two items to have different invlets" << std::endl;
    ss << "actually the two items have " <<
       ( item_at( dummy, 0, to ).invlet != item_at( dummy, 0, from ).invlet ? "different" : "the same" ) <<
       " invlets" << std::endl;
    INFO( ss.str() );
    REQUIRE( item_at( dummy, 0, from ).typeId() == tshirt.typeId() );
    REQUIRE( item_at( dummy, 0, to ).typeId() == tshirt.typeId() );
    // the wielded/worn item should have different invlet from the remaining item
    CHECK( item_at( dummy, 0, to ).invlet != item_at( dummy, 0, from ).invlet );

    // clear invlets
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, from ), invlet, NONE );
    assign_invlet( dummy, item_at( dummy, 0, to ), invlet, NONE );
void player_activity::do_turn( player &p )
    // Should happen before activity or it may fail du to 0 moves
    if( *this && type->will_refuel_fires() ) {
        try_refuel_fire( p );

    if( type->based_on() == based_on_type::TIME ) {
        moves_left -= 100;
    } else if( type->based_on() == based_on_type::SPEED ) {
        if( p.moves <= moves_left ) {
            moves_left -= p.moves;
            p.moves = 0;
        } else {
            p.moves -= moves_left;
            moves_left = 0;

    // This might finish the activity (set it to null)
    type->call_do_turn( this, &p );

    if( *this && type->rooted() ) {

    if( *this && moves_left <= 0 ) {
        // Note: For some activities "finish" is a misnomer; that's why we explicitly check if the
        // type is ACT_NULL below.
        if( !( type->call_finish( this, &p ) ) ) {
            // "Finish" is never a misnomer for any activity without a finish function
    if( !*this ) {
        // Make sure data of previous activity is cleared
        p.activity = player_activity();
        if( !p.backlog.empty() && p.backlog.front().auto_resume ) {
            p.activity = p.backlog.front();

        // If whatever activity we were doing forced us to pick something up to
        // handle it, drop any overflow that may have caused
std::list<act_item> convert_to_items( const player &p, const drop_indexes &drop,
                                      int min_pos, int max_pos )
    std::list<act_item> res;

    for( const auto &rec : drop ) {
        const auto pos = rec.first;
        const auto count = rec.second;

        if( pos < min_pos || pos > max_pos ) {
        } else if( pos >= 0 ) {
            int obtained = 0;
            for( const auto &it : p.inv.const_stack( pos ) ) {
                if( obtained >= count ) {
                const int qty = it.count_by_charges() ? std::min<int>( it.charges, count - obtained ) : 1;
                obtained += qty;
                res.emplace_back( &it, qty, 100 ); // TODO: Use a calculated cost
        } else {
            res.emplace_back( &p.i_at( pos ), count, ( pos == -1 ) ? 0 : 100 ); // TODO: Use a calculated cost

    return res;
Beispiel #23
void desenhar_jogo(){
	int largura, altura, ax = 0, ay = 0;
	int bx = 0;
	int by = 0;
		case 1:
			bx = 160;
			by = 160;
			largura = 480;
			altura = 325;
		case 2: //BOSQUE
			ax = desloca_mapa_x;
			ay = desloca_mapa_y;
			largura = 800;
			altura = 600;
		case 3: //BOSQUE2
			ax = desloca_mapa_x;
			ay = desloca_mapa_y;
			largura = 800;
			altura = 600;
	blit(fundo, buffer, ax, ay, bx, by, 800, 600);
	masked_blit(alto, buffer, ax, ay, bx, by, 800, 600);
Beispiel #24
int item::reload_time(player &u)
 int ret = 0;

 if (is_gun()) {
  it_gun* reloading = dynamic_cast<it_gun*>(type);
  ret = reloading->reload_time;
  if (charges == 0) {
   int spare_mag = has_gunmod(itm_spare_mag);
   if (spare_mag != -1 && contents[spare_mag].charges > 0)
    ret -= double(ret) * 0.9;
  double skill_bonus = double(u.sklevel[reloading->skill_used]) * .075;
  if (skill_bonus > .75)
   skill_bonus = .75;
  ret -= double(ret) * skill_bonus;
 } else if (is_tool())
  ret = 100 + volume() + weight();

 if (has_flag(IF_STR_RELOAD))
  ret -= u.str_cur * 20;
 if (ret < 25)
  ret = 25;
 ret += u.encumb(bp_hands) * 30;
 return ret;
Beispiel #25
void start(){
    one.symbol = '@';
    two.symbol = '*';
#ifdef PATCHED
    one.lenname = lenofname;
    two.lenname = lenofname;
    if (transmit_all(1, ONE, sizeof(ONE)-1) != 0) {
#ifdef PATCHED
    if (receive_delim(0,, sizeof(, '\n', &(one.namelen)) != 0) {
    if (receive_delim(0,, 64, '\n', &rxlen) != 0) {
    if (transmit_all(1, TWO, sizeof(TWO)-1) != 0) {
#ifdef PATCHED
    if (receive_delim(0,, sizeof(, '\n', &(two.namelen)) != 0) {
    if (receive_delim(0,, 64, '\n', &rxlen) != 0) {

#ifdef PATCHED
    doname(, one.namelen);
    doname(, two.namelen);
    doname(, one.lenname(;
    doname(, two.lenname(;

Beispiel #26
bool monster::is_fleeing(player &u) const
 if (has_effect("run"))
  return true;
 monster_attitude att = attitude(&u);
 return (att == MATT_FLEE ||
         (att == MATT_FOLLOW && rl_dist( pos(), u.pos() ) <= 4));
Beispiel #27
// Whether or not, in the current state, the player can see the trap.
bool trap::can_see( const tripoint &pos, const player &p ) const
    if( is_null() ) {
        // There is no trap at all, so logically one can not see it.
        return false;
    return visibility < 0 || p.knows_trap( pos );
void mission::assign( player &u )
    if( player_id == u.getID() ) {
        debugmsg( "strange: player is already assigned to mission %d", uid );
    if( player_id != -1 ) {
        debugmsg( "tried to assign mission %d to player, but mission is already assigned to %d", uid, player_id );
    player_id = u.getID();
    u.on_mission_assignment( *this );
    if( status == mission_status::yet_to_start ) {
        type->start( this );
        status = mission_status::in_progress;
Beispiel #29
void game_menus::inv::reassign_letter( player &p, item &it )
    while( true ) {
        const long invlet = popup_getkey(
                                _( "Enter new letter (press SPACE for none, ESCAPE to cancel)." ) );

        if( invlet == KEY_ESCAPE ) {
        } else if( invlet == ' ' ) {
            p.reassign_item( it, 0 );
        } else if( inv_chars.valid( invlet ) ) {
            p.reassign_item( it, invlet );
std::list<item> obtain_activity_items( player_activity &act, player &p )
    std::list<item> res;

    auto items = reorder_for_dropping( p, convert_to_indexes( act ) );

    debug_drop_list( items );

    while( !items.empty() && ( p.is_npc() || p.moves > 0 || items.front().consumed_moves == 0 ) ) {
        const auto &ait = items.front();

        p.mod_moves( -ait.consumed_moves );

        if( p.is_worn( * ) ) {
            p.takeoff( *, &res );
        } else if(>count_by_charges() ) {
            res.push_back( p.reduce_charges( const_cast<item *>( ), ait.count ) );
        } else {
            res.push_back( p.i_rem( ) );

    // Avoid tumbling to the ground. Unload cleanly.
    const units::volume excessive_volume = p.volume_carried() - p.volume_capacity();
    if( excessive_volume > 0 ) {
        const auto excess = p.inv.remove_randomly_by_volume( excessive_volume );
        res.insert( res.begin(), excess.begin(), excess.end() );
    // Load anything that remains (if any) into the activity
    if( !items.empty() ) {
        for( const auto &drop : convert_to_indexes( p, items ) ) {
            act.values.push_back( drop.first );
            act.values.push_back( drop.second );
    // And either cancel if it's empty, or restart if it's not.
    if( act.values.empty() ) {
    } else {
        p.assign_activity( act );

    return res;