Beispiel #1
 * init module function
static int mod_init(void)
	bind_pua_t bind_pua;
	evs_process_body_t* evp=0;

	bind_pua= (bind_pua_t)find_export("bind_pua", 1,0);
	if (!bind_pua)
		LM_ERR("Can't bind pua\n");
		return -1;

	if (bind_pua(&pua) < 0)
		LM_ERR("Can't bind pua\n");
		return -1;
	if(pua.send_publish == NULL)
		LM_ERR("Could not import send_publish\n");
		return -1;
	pua_send_publish= pua.send_publish;

	if (nopublish_flag!= -1 && nopublish_flag > MAX_FLAG) {
		LM_ERR("invalid nopublish flag %d!!\n", nopublish_flag);
		return -1;
	nopublish_flag = (nopublish_flag!=-1)?(1<<nopublish_flag):0;

		evp = dialoginfo_process_body;

	/* add event in pua module */
	if(pua.add_event(DIALOG_EVENT, "dialog", "application/dialog-info+xml", evp) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to add 'dialog' event to pua module\n");
		return -1;

	/* bind to the dialog API */
	if (load_dlg_api(&dlg_api)!=0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to find dialog API - is dialog module loaded?\n");
		return -1;

	/* register dialog loading callback */
	if (dlg_api.register_dlgcb(NULL, DLGCB_LOADED, __dialog_loaded, NULL, NULL) != 0) {
		LM_CRIT("cannot register callback for dialogs loaded from the database\n");

		presence_server.len = strlen(presence_server.s);

		caller_spec_param.len = strlen(caller_spec_param.s);
		if(pv_parse_spec(&caller_spec_param, &caller_spec)==NULL)
			LM_ERR("failed to parse caller spec\n");
			return -2;
		switch(caller_spec.type) {
			case PVT_NONE:
			case PVT_EMPTY:
			case PVT_NULL:
			case PVT_MARKER:
			case PVT_COLOR:
				LM_ERR("invalid caller spec\n");
				return -3;
			default: ;

		callee_spec_param.len = strlen(callee_spec_param.s);
		if(pv_parse_spec(&callee_spec_param, &callee_spec)==NULL)
			LM_ERR("failed to parse callee spec\n");
			return -2;
		switch(callee_spec.type) {
			case PVT_NONE:
			case PVT_EMPTY:
			case PVT_NULL:
			case PVT_MARKER:
			case PVT_COLOR:
				LM_ERR("invalid callee spec\n");
				return -3;
			default: ;

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
/** Module init function */
static int mod_init(void)
	unsigned int i;


	init_db_url( db_url , 0 /*cannot be null*/);

	/* load tm api */
		LM_ERR("can't load tm functions\n");
		return -1;

	/* load pua api */
	if(load_pua_api(&pua_api) < 0)
		LM_ERR("Can't bind pua\n");
		return -1;
	/* add event in pua module */
	if(pua_api.add_event(CALLINFO_EVENT, "call-info", NULL, 0) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to add 'call-info' event to pua module\n");
		return -1;

	/* load b2b_logic api */
	if(load_b2b_logic_api(&b2bl_api)< 0)
		LM_ERR("Failed to load b2b_logic api\n");
		return -1;

	if(b2b_sca_hsize<1 || b2b_sca_hsize>20)
		LM_ERR("Wrong hash size. Needs to be greater than 1"
			" and smaller than 20. Be aware that you should set the log 2"
			" value of the real size\n");
		return -1;
	b2b_sca_hsize = 1<<b2b_sca_hsize;

		presence_server.len = strlen(presence_server.s);
	LM_DBG("fix db columns\n");
	sca_table_name.len = strlen(sca_table_name.s);
	shared_line_column.len = strlen(shared_line_column.s);
	watchers_column.len = strlen(watchers_column.s);
	for (i=0; i<MAX_APPEARANCE_INDEX; i++) {
		app_shared_entity_column[i].len = strlen(app_shared_entity_column[i].s);
		app_call_state_column[i].len = strlen(app_call_state_column[i].s);
		app_call_info_uri_column[i].len = strlen(app_call_info_uri_column[i].s);
		app_call_info_appearance_uri_column[i].len =
		app_b2bl_key_column[i].len = strlen(app_b2bl_key_column[i].s);

	LM_DBG("fix AVP spec\n");
	/* fix AVP spec */
		watchers_avp_spec.len = strlen(watchers_avp_spec.s);
		if(pv_parse_spec(&watchers_avp_spec, &watchers_spec)==NULL ||
			watchers_spec.type != PVT_AVP)
			LM_ERR("failed to parse watchers spec [%.*s]\n",
				watchers_avp_spec.len, watchers_avp_spec.s);
			return E_CFG;
		if(pv_get_avp_name(NULL, &(watchers_spec.pvp), &(watchers_avp_name),
			&(watchers_avp_type) )!=0)
			LM_ERR("[%.*s]- invalid AVP definition for watchers_avp_spec\n",
				watchers_avp_spec.len, watchers_avp_spec.s);
	} else {
		watchers_avp_name = -1;
		watchers_avp_type = 0;

		shared_line_spec_param.len = strlen(shared_line_spec_param.s);
		if(pv_parse_spec(&shared_line_spec_param, &shared_line_spec)==NULL)
			LM_ERR("failed to parse shared_line spec\n");
			return E_CFG;
		switch(shared_line_spec.type) {
			case PVT_NONE:
			case PVT_EMPTY:
			case PVT_NULL:
			case PVT_MARKER:
			case PVT_COLOR:
				LM_ERR("invalid shared_line spec\n");
				return -3;
			default: ;

		appearance_name_addr_spec_param.len = strlen(appearance_name_addr_spec_param.s);
		if(pv_parse_spec(&appearance_name_addr_spec_param, &appearance_name_addr_spec)==NULL)
			LM_ERR("failed to parse appearance_name_addr spec\n");
			return E_CFG;
		switch(appearance_name_addr_spec.type) {
			case PVT_NONE:
			case PVT_EMPTY:
			case PVT_NULL:
			case PVT_MARKER:
			case PVT_COLOR:
				LM_ERR("invalid appearance_name_addr spec\n");
				return -3;
			default: ;

	if(init_b2b_sca_htable() < 0) {
		LM_ERR("Failed to initialize b2b_sca hash table\n");
		return -1;

	if (sca_db_mode==DB_MODE_NONE) {
		db_url.s = NULL; db_url.len = 0;
	} else {
		if (sca_db_mode!=DB_MODE_REALTIME) {
			LM_ERR("unsupported db_mode %d\n", sca_db_mode);
			return -1;
		if ( !db_url.s || db_url.len==0 ) {
			LM_ERR("db_url not configured for db_mode %d\n", sca_db_mode);
			return -1;
		if (init_sca_db(&db_url, b2b_sca_hsize)!=0) {
			LM_ERR("failed to initialize the DB support\n");
			return -1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
 * init module function
static int mod_init(void)
	bind_pua_t bind_pua;
	evs_process_body_t* evp=0;

	bind_pua= (bind_pua_t)find_export("bind_pua", 1,0);
	if (!bind_pua)
		LM_ERR("Can't bind pua\n");
		return -1;
	if (bind_pua(&pua) < 0)
		LM_ERR("Can't bind pua\n");
		return -1;
	if(pua.send_publish == NULL)
		LM_ERR("Could not import send_publish\n");
		return -1;
	pua_send_publish= pua.send_publish;

		evp = dialoginfo_process_body;

	/* add event in pua module */
	if(pua.add_event(DIALOG_EVENT, "dialog", "application/dialog-info+xml", evp) < 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to add 'dialog' event to pua module\n");
		return -1;

	/* bind to the dialog API */
	if (load_dlg_api(&dlg_api)!=0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to find dialog API - is dialog module loaded?\n");
		return -1;

		presence_server.len = strlen(presence_server.s);

		caller_spec_param.len = strlen(caller_spec_param.s);
		if(pv_parse_spec(&caller_spec_param, &caller_spec)==NULL)
			LM_ERR("failed to parse caller spec\n");
			return -2;
		switch(caller_spec.type) {
			case PVT_NONE:
			case PVT_EMPTY:
			case PVT_NULL:
			case PVT_MARKER:
			case PVT_COLOR:
				LM_ERR("invalid caller spec\n");
				return -3;
			default: ;

		callee_spec_param.len = strlen(callee_spec_param.s);
		if(pv_parse_spec(&callee_spec_param, &callee_spec)==NULL)
			LM_ERR("failed to parse callee spec\n");
			return -2;
		switch(callee_spec.type) {
			case PVT_NONE:
			case PVT_EMPTY:
			case PVT_NULL:
			case PVT_MARKER:
			case PVT_COLOR:
				LM_ERR("invalid callee spec\n");
				return -3;
			default: ;

	return 0;