Beispiel #1
  * Function to read the input shape file.
 unsigned int NumericFormFactor::read_shapes_file_dat(const char* filename, real_vec_t &shape_def) {
   std::ifstream f(filename);
   if(!f.is_open()) {
     std::cout << "Cannot open file " << filename << std::endl;
     return 1;
   } // if
   real_t s = 0.0, cx = 0.0, cy = 0.0, cz = 0.0, nx = 0.0, ny = 0.0, nz = 0.0;
   while(true) {
     f >> s;
     if(f.eof() || !f.good()) break;
     f >> nx; f >> ny; f >> nz;
     f >> cx; f >> cy; f >> cz;
   } // while
   return shape_def.size() / 7;
 } // NumericFormFactor::read_shapes_file_dat()
Beispiel #2
   * Approximated integration
  unsigned int NumericFormFactorC::compute_approx_triangle(
          real_vec_t &shape_def,
          complex_t *& ff,
          int nqy, real_t * qx, real_t * qy, 
          int nqz, complex_t * qz, RotMatrix_t & rot, real_t &comp_time){

    int num_triangles = shape_def.size() / CPU_T_PROP_SIZE_;
    if (num_triangles < 1) return 0;

    ff = new (std::nothrow) complex_t[nqz];
    if (ff == NULL){
      std::cerr << "Memory allocation failed for ff. Requested size: " << nqz << std::endl;
      return 0;
    memset(ff, 0, nqz * sizeof(complex_t));

    woo::BoostChronoTimer timer;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i_z = 0; i_z < nqz; i_z++){
      int i_y = i_z % nqy;
      for (int i_t = 0; i_t < num_triangles; i_t++){
        int offset = i_t * CPU_T_PROP_SIZE_;
        real_t s  = shape_def[offset];
        real_t nx = shape_def[offset + 1];
        real_t ny = shape_def[offset + 2];
        real_t nz = shape_def[offset + 3];
        real_t x  = shape_def[offset + 4];
        real_t y  = shape_def[offset + 5];
        real_t z  = shape_def[offset + 6];

        // rotate q-vector
        std::vector<complex_t> mq = rot.rotate(qx[i_y], qy[i_y], qz[i_z]);

        real_t q2 = std::norm(mq[0]) + std::norm(mq[1]) + std::norm(mq[2]);
        complex_t qn = mq[0] * nx + mq[1] * ny + mq[2] * nz;
        complex_t qt = mq[0] * x  + mq[1] * y  + mq[2] * z;
        complex_t nj = CMPLX_MINUS_ONE_;
        complex_t np = CMPLX_ONE_;
        ff[i_z] += (nj * qn * s * std::exp(np * qt) / q2);
    comp_time = timer.elapsed_msec();
    return num_triangles;
Beispiel #3
   * The main host function called from outside, as part of the API for a single node.
  unsigned int NumericFormFactorC::compute_form_factor(int rank,
//            #ifndef __SSE3__
              real_vec_t &shape_def,
//            #else
//              real_t* shape_def, unsigned int num_triangles,
//            #endif
            complex_t* &ff,
            real_t* &qx, int nqx, real_t* &qy, int nqy, complex_t* &qz, int nqz,
            real_t* &rot,
            real_t& kernel_time, real_t& red_time, real_t& mem_time
            #ifdef FINDBLOCK
              , const int block_x, const int block_y, const int block_z, const int block_t
            ) {
    double temp_mem_time = 0.0, total_mem_time = 0.0;
    #ifdef _OPENMP
      if(rank == 0)
        std::cout << "++      Number of OpenMP threads: " << omp_get_max_threads() << std::endl;
//    #ifndef __SSE3__
      unsigned int num_triangles = shape_def.size() / CPU_T_PROP_SIZE_;
//    #endif
    if(num_triangles < 1) return 0;

//    #ifdef INTEL_SB_AVX
//      unsigned int shape_padding = (32 - (num_triangles & 31)) & 31;
//    #elif defined __SSE3__
//      unsigned int shape_padding = (16 - (num_triangles & 15)) & 15;
//    #endif
    //#ifndef FF_NUM_CPU_PADDING
      unsigned long int total_qpoints = nqx * nqy * nqz;
      unsigned long int host_mem_usage = ((unsigned long int) nqx + nqy) * sizeof(real_t) +
                        nqz * sizeof(complex_t);
      // padding to 16 bytes
      //const unsigned int PAD_LINE_ = 16;
      //unsigned int pad_x = 0;
      //if(nqx != 1) pad_x = (PAD_LINE_ - (nqx % PAD_LINE_)) % PAD_LINE_;
      //unsigned int pad_y = (PAD_LINE_ - (nqy % PAD_LINE_)) % PAD_LINE_;
      //unsigned int pad_z = (PAD_LINE_ - (nqz % PAD_LINE_)) % PAD_LINE_;
      //unsigned int pnqx = nqx + pad_x, pnqy = nqy + pad_y, pnqz = nqz + pad_z;
      //unsigned long int total_qpoints = pnqx * pnqy * pnqz;
      //unsigned long int host_mem_usage = ((unsigned long int) pnqx + pnqy) * sizeof(real_t) +
      //                  pnqz * sizeof(complex_t);
    // allocate memory for the final FF 3D matrix
    ff = new (std::nothrow) complex_t[total_qpoints];  // allocate and initialize to 0
    memset(ff, 0, total_qpoints * sizeof(complex_t));
    if(ff == NULL) {
      std::cerr << "Memory allocation failed for ff. Size = "
            << total_qpoints * sizeof(complex_t) << " b" << std::endl;
      return 0;
    } // if
    host_mem_usage += total_qpoints * sizeof(complex_t);
    //unsigned long int matrix_size = (unsigned long int) nqx * nqy * nqz * num_triangles;
    // do hyperblocking to use less memory
    unsigned int b_nqx = 0, b_nqy = 0, b_nqz = 0, b_num_triangles = 0;
      compute_block_size(nqx, nqy, nqz, num_triangles,
                b_nqx, b_nqy, b_nqz, b_num_triangles
                #ifdef FINDBLOCK
                  , block_x, block_y, block_z, block_t
      std::cout << "-- Autotuning hyperblock size ... " << std::endl;
      double min_time_hb = 1000000.0;
      unsigned int min_b_nqx = 1, min_b_nqy = 1, min_b_nqz = 1, min_b_num_triangles = 1;
      woo::BoostChronoTimer at_kernel_timer, at_overhead_timer;
      complex_t* ff_temp;
      ff_temp = new (std::nothrow) complex_t[nqx * nqy * nqz];
      for(int b_nqx_i = 1; b_nqx_i <= nqx; ++ b_nqx_i) {
        for(int b_nqy_i = 10; b_nqy_i <= nqy; b_nqy_i += 10) {
          for(int b_nqz_i = 10; b_nqz_i <= nqz; b_nqz_i += 10) {
            for(int b_nt_i = 10; b_nt_i <= num_triangles; b_nt_i += 10) {

              // compute the number of sub-blocks, along each of the 4 dimensions
              unsigned int nb_x = (unsigned int) ceil((float) nqx / b_nqx_i);
              unsigned int nb_y = (unsigned int) ceil((float) nqy / b_nqy_i);
              unsigned int nb_z = (unsigned int) ceil((float) nqz / b_nqz_i);
              unsigned int nb_t = (unsigned int) ceil((float) num_triangles / b_nt_i);
              unsigned int num_blocks = nb_x * nb_y * nb_z * nb_t;

              form_factor_kernel_fused_nqx1(qx, qy, qz, shape_def,
                  b_nqx_i, b_nqy_i, b_nqz_i, b_nt_i,
                  b_nqx_i, b_nqy_i, b_nqz_i, b_nt_i,
                  nqx, nqy, nqz, num_triangles,
                  0, 0, 0, 0,

              double curr_time = at_kernel_timer.elapsed_msec();
              double tot_time = curr_time * num_blocks;
              std::cout << "## " << b_nqx_i << " x " << b_nqy_i << " x " << b_nqz_i
                    << " x " << b_nt_i << "\t" << num_blocks << "\t:\t"
                    << curr_time << "\t" << tot_time << std::endl;
              if(tot_time < min_time_hb) {
                min_time_hb = tot_time;
                min_b_nqx = b_nqx_i; min_b_nqy = b_nqy_i; min_b_nqz = b_nqz_i;
                min_b_num_triangles = b_nt_i;
              } // if
            } // for
          } // for
        } // for
      } // for
      delete[] ff_temp;

      b_nqx = min_b_nqx; b_nqy = min_b_nqy; b_nqz = min_b_nqz; b_num_triangles = min_b_num_triangles;
      if(rank == 0) {
        std::cout << "##    HBlock Autotuner overhead: " << at_overhead_timer.elapsed_msec()
              << " ms." << std::endl;
      } // if
    unsigned long int blocked_3d_matrix_size = (unsigned long int) b_nqx * b_nqy * b_nqz;
    //size_t estimated_host_mem_need = host_mem_usage + blocked_matrix_size * sizeof(complex_t);
    //if(rank == 0) {
    //  std::cout << "++    Estimated host memory need: " << (float) estimated_host_mem_need / 1024 / 1024
    //        << " MB" << std::endl;
    //} // if
    #ifndef FF_NUM_CPU_FUSED
      unsigned long int blocked_matrix_size =
                    (unsigned long int) blocked_3d_matrix_size * b_num_triangles;
      host_mem_usage += blocked_matrix_size * sizeof(complex_t);
      complex_t *fq_buffer = new (std::nothrow) complex_t[blocked_matrix_size]();
      if(fq_buffer == NULL) {
        std::cerr << "Memory allocation failed for fq_buffer. blocked_matrix_size = "
              << blocked_matrix_size << std::endl
              << "Host memory usage = " << (float) host_mem_usage / 1024 / 1024 << " MB"
              << std::endl;
        delete[] ff;
        return 0;
      } // if
    if(rank == 0) {
      std::cout << "++             Host memory usage: " << (float) host_mem_usage / 1024 / 1024
            << " MB" << std::endl << std::flush;
    } // if

    // compute the number of sub-blocks, along each of the 4 dimensions
    // formulate loops over each dimension, to go over each sub block
    unsigned int nb_x = (unsigned int) ceil((float) nqx / b_nqx);
    unsigned int nb_y = (unsigned int) ceil((float) nqy / b_nqy);
    unsigned int nb_z = (unsigned int) ceil((float) nqz / b_nqz);
    unsigned int nb_t = (unsigned int) ceil((float) num_triangles / b_num_triangles);

    unsigned int curr_b_nqx = b_nqx, curr_b_nqy = b_nqy, curr_b_nqz = b_nqz;
    unsigned int curr_b_num_triangles = b_num_triangles;
    unsigned int num_blocks = nb_x * nb_y * nb_z * nb_t;

    #ifdef TIME_DETAIL_2
      if(rank == 0) {
        std::cout << "++               Hyperblock size: " << b_nqx << " x " << b_nqy
              << " x " << b_nqz << " x " << b_num_triangles << std::endl;
        std::cout << "++  Number of decomposed Hblocks: " << num_blocks
              << " [" << nb_x << " x " << nb_y << " x " << nb_z << " x " << nb_t << "]"
              << std::endl;
      } // if
    #endif // TIME_DETAIL_2

    unsigned int block_num = 0;

    #ifdef PROFILE_PAPI
      long long int papi_total_cycles = 0, papi_total_inst = 0, papi_total_flop = 0;
      double overall_ipc = 0.0;

    if(rank == 0) std::cout << "-- Computing form factor on CPU ... " << std::flush;

    woo::BoostChronoTimer kernel_timer;

    // compute for each hyperblock
    curr_b_nqx = b_nqx;
    for(unsigned int ib_x = 0; ib_x < nb_x; ++ ib_x) {
      if(ib_x == nb_x - 1) curr_b_nqx = nqx - b_nqx * ib_x;
      curr_b_nqy = b_nqy;
      for(unsigned int ib_y = 0; ib_y < nb_y; ++ ib_y) {
        if(ib_y == nb_y - 1) curr_b_nqy = nqy - b_nqy * ib_y;
        curr_b_nqz = b_nqz;
        for(unsigned int ib_z = 0; ib_z < nb_z; ++ ib_z) {
          if(ib_z == nb_z - 1) curr_b_nqz = nqz - b_nqz * ib_z;
          curr_b_num_triangles = b_num_triangles;
          for(unsigned int ib_t = 0; ib_t < nb_t; ++ ib_t) {
            if(ib_t == nb_t - 1)
              curr_b_num_triangles = num_triangles - b_num_triangles * ib_t;

            #ifdef PROFILE_PAPI
              // PAPI_L1_DCM  0x80000000  No   Level 1 data cache misses
              // PAPI_L1_ICM  0x80000001  No   Level 1 instruction cache misses
              // PAPI_L2_DCM  0x80000002  No   Level 2 data cache misses
              // PAPI_L2_ICM  0x80000003  No   Level 2 instruction cache misses
              // PAPI_L1_TCM  0x80000006  Yes  Level 1 cache misses
              // PAPI_L2_TCM  0x80000007  No   Level 2 cache misses
              // PAPI_FPU_IDL 0x80000012  No   Cycles floating point units are idle
              // PAPI_TLB_DM  0x80000014  No   Data translation lookaside buffer misses
              // PAPI_TLB_IM  0x80000015  No   Instruction translation lookaside buffer misses
              // PAPI_TLB_TL  0x80000016  Yes  Total translation lookaside buffer misses
              // PAPI_STL_ICY 0x80000025  No   Cycles with no instruction issue
              // PAPI_HW_INT  0x80000029  No   Hardware interrupts
              // PAPI_BR_TKN  0x8000002c  No   Conditional branch instructions taken
              // PAPI_BR_MSP  0x8000002e  No   Conditional branch instructions mispredicted
              // PAPI_TOT_INS 0x80000032  No   Instructions completed
              // PAPI_FP_INS  0x80000034  No   Floating point instructions
              // PAPI_BR_INS  0x80000037  No   Branch instructions
              // PAPI_VEC_INS 0x80000038  No   Vector/SIMD instructions (could include integer)
              // PAPI_RES_STL 0x80000039  No   Cycles stalled on any resource
              // PAPI_TOT_CYC 0x8000003b  No   Total cycles
              // PAPI_L1_DCH  0x8000003e  Yes  Level 1 data cache hits
              // PAPI_L2_DCH  0x8000003f  Yes  Level 2 data cache hits
              // PAPI_L1_DCA  0x80000040  No   Level 1 data cache accesses
              // PAPI_L2_DCA  0x80000041  No   Level 2 data cache accesses
              // PAPI_L1_ICH  0x80000049  Yes  Level 1 instruction cache hits
              // PAPI_L2_ICH  0x8000004a  No   Level 2 instruction cache hits
              // PAPI_L1_ICA  0x8000004c  No   Level 1 instruction cache accesses
              // PAPI_L2_ICA  0x8000004d  No   Level 2 instruction cache accesses
              // PAPI_L1_ICR  0x8000004f  No   Level 1 instruction cache reads
              // PAPI_L1_TCH  0x80000055  Yes  Level 1 total cache hits
              // PAPI_L2_TCH  0x80000056  Yes  Level 2 total cache hits
              // PAPI_L1_TCA  0x80000058  Yes  Level 1 total cache accesses
              // PAPI_L2_TCA  0x80000059  No   Level 2 total cache accesses
              // PAPI_FML_INS 0x80000061  No   Floating point multiply instructions
              // PAPI_FAD_INS 0x80000062  No   Floating point add instructions
              //                               (Also includes subtract instructions)
              // PAPI_FDV_INS 0x80000063  No   Floating point divide instructions
              //                               (Counts both divide and square root instructions)
              // PAPI_FSQ_INS 0x80000064  No   Floating point square root instructions
              //                               (Counts both divide and square root instructions)
              // PAPI_FP_OPS  0x80000066  No   Floating point operations
              // PAPI_SP_OPS  0x80000067  No   Floating point operations; optimized to count
              //                               scaled single precision vector operations
              // PAPI_DP_OPS  0x80000068  No   Floating point operations; optimized to count
              //                               scaled double precision vector operations

              int papi_events[3] = { PAPI_TOT_CYC, PAPI_TOT_INS, PAPI_FP_OPS };
              //int papi_events[3] = { PAPI_FML_INS, PAPI_FAD_INS, PAPI_FDV_INS };
              //int papi_events[3] = { PAPI_FP_OPS, PAPI_SP_OPS, PAPI_DP_OPS };
              long long  papi_counter_values[3];
              PAPI_start_counters(papi_events, 3);

            // call the main kernel
            #ifndef FF_NUM_CPU_FUSED // DO NOT USE THIS
              form_factor_kernel(qx, qy, qz, shape_def,
                  curr_b_nqx, curr_b_nqy, curr_b_nqz, curr_b_num_triangles,
                  b_nqx, b_nqy, b_nqz, b_num_triangles,
                  ib_x, ib_y, ib_z, ib_t,
              if(nqx == 1) {
                form_factor_kernel_fused_nqx1(qx, qy, qz, shape_def,
                //form_factor_kernel_fused_nqx1_unroll4(qx, qy, qz, shape_def,
                    curr_b_nqx, curr_b_nqy, curr_b_nqz, curr_b_num_triangles,
                    b_nqx, b_nqy, b_nqz, b_num_triangles,
                    nqx, nqy, nqz, num_triangles,
                    ib_x, ib_y, ib_z, ib_t,
              } else {
//                #ifdef __SSE3__
//                  if(rank == 0)
//                    std::cout << "uh-oh: no SSE3 version!" << std::endl;
//                #else
                  form_factor_kernel_fused_unroll4(qx, qy, qz, shape_def,
                    curr_b_nqx, curr_b_nqy, curr_b_nqz, curr_b_num_triangles,
                    b_nqx, b_nqy, b_nqz, b_num_triangles,
                    nqx, nqy, nqz, num_triangles,
                    ib_x, ib_y, ib_z, ib_t,
//                #endif // __SSE3__
              } // if-else

            #ifndef FF_NUM_CPU_FUSED // DO NOT USE THIS
              // call the reduction kernel
              reduction_kernel(curr_b_nqx, curr_b_nqy, curr_b_nqz,
                  curr_b_num_triangles, blocked_matrix_size,
                  b_nqx, b_nqy, b_nqz, num_triangles,
                  nqx, nqy, nqz,
                  ib_x, ib_y, ib_z, ib_t,
                  fq_buffer, ff);

            #ifdef PROFILE_PAPI
              PAPI_stop_counters(papi_counter_values, 3);
              papi_total_cycles += papi_counter_values[0];
              papi_total_inst += papi_counter_values[1];
              papi_total_flop += papi_counter_values[2];
          } // for ib_t
        } // for ib_z
      } // for ib_y
    } // for ib_x

    kernel_time = kernel_timer.elapsed_msec();

    #ifndef FF_NUM_CPU_FUSED
      delete[] fq_buffer;

    if(rank == 0) std::cout << "done." << std::endl;

    #ifdef PROFILE_PAPI
      if(rank == 0) {
        std::cout << "++                  PAPI_TOT_CYC: " << papi_total_cycles << std::endl;
        std::cout << "++                  PAPI_TOT_INS: " << papi_total_inst << std::endl;
        std::cout << "++                   PAPI_FP_OPS: " << papi_total_flop << std::endl;
        std::cout << "++                           IPC: "
              << (double) papi_total_inst / papi_total_cycles << std::endl;
      } // if

    return num_triangles;
  } // NumericFormFactorC::compute_form_factor()
Beispiel #4
   * Function to read the shape definition input file in HDF5 format.
  unsigned int NumericFormFactor::read_shapes_file(const char* filename,
//                          #ifndef __SSE3__
                            real_vec_t &shape_def
//                          #else
//                            #ifdef USE_GPU
//                              real_vec_t &shape_def
//                            #else
//                              real_t* &shape_def
//                            #endif
//                          #endif
                          ) {
    unsigned int num_triangles = 0;
    double* temp_shape_def = NULL;
    // TODO: shape definition is already in HigInput ...
    // utilize ...
    ShapeFileType type = get_shapes_file_format(filename);
    if(type == shape_file_data) {
      RawShapeReader temp(filename, temp_shape_def, num_triangles);
    } else if(type == shape_file_object) {
      ObjectShapeReader temp(filename, temp_shape_def, num_triangles);
    } else if(type == shape_file_hdf5) {
      #ifdef USE_PARALLEL_HDF5
        h5_shape_reader(filename, &temp_shape_def, &num_triangles);
        std::cerr << "error: use of parallel hdf5 format has not been enabled in your installation. "
                  << "Please reinstall with the support enabled." << std::endl;
        return false;
    } else if(type == shape_file_null) {
      std::cerr << "error: shape definition file extension is null" << std::endl;
      return 0;
    } else if(type == shape_file_error) {
      std::cerr << "error: shape definition file format unknown" << std::endl;
      return 0;
    } else {
      std::cerr << "error: shape definition file format unknown" << std::endl;
      return 0;
    } // if-else

    #ifdef FF_NUM_GPU
      #ifndef KERNEL2
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_triangles * 7; ++ i)
      #else // KERNEL2
        for(unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < num_triangles * T_PROP_SIZE_; ++ i) {
          if((i + 1) % T_PROP_SIZE_ == 0) shape_def.push_back((real_t) 0.0);  // padding
          else { shape_def.push_back((real_t)temp_shape_def[j]); ++ j; }
        } // for
      #endif // KERNEL2
    //#elif defined USE_MIC  // using MIC
    //  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_triangles * 7; ++ i)
    //    shape_def.push_back((real_t)temp_shape_def[i]);
    #else          // using CPU or MIC
//      #ifndef __SSE3__
        for(unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < num_triangles * CPU_T_PROP_SIZE_; ++ i) {
          if((i + 1) % CPU_T_PROP_SIZE_ == 0) shape_def.push_back((real_t) 0.0);  // padding
          else { shape_def.push_back((real_t)temp_shape_def[j]); ++ j; }
        } // for
/*      #else    // using SSE3, so store data differently: FOR CPU AND MIC (vectorization)
        #ifndef USE_MIC    // generic cpu version with SSE3 or AVX
          #ifdef INTEL_SB_AVX    // CPU version with AVX
            // group all 's', 'nx', 'ny', 'nz', 'x', 'y', 'z' together
            // for alignment at 32 bytes, make sure each of the 7 groups is padded
            // compute amount of padding
            // 32 bytes = 8 floats or 4 doubles. FIXME: assuming float only for now ...
            unsigned int padding = (8 - (num_triangles & 7)) & 7;
            unsigned int shape_size = (num_triangles + padding) * 7;
            shape_def = (real_t*) _mm_malloc(shape_size * sizeof(real_t), 32);
            if(shape_def == NULL) {
              std::cerr << "error: failed to allocate aligned memory for shape_def"
                    << std::endl;
              return 0;
            } // if
            memset(shape_def, 0, shape_size * sizeof(real_t));
            for(int i = 0; i < num_triangles; ++ i) {
              for(int j = 0; j < 7; ++ j) {
                shape_def[(num_triangles + padding) * j + i] = temp_shape_def[7 * i + j];
              } // for
            } // for
          #else        // CPU version with SSE3
            // group all 's', 'nx', 'ny', 'nz', 'x', 'y', 'z' together
            // for alignment at 16 bytes, make sure each of the 7 groups is padded
            // compute amount of padding
            // 16 bytes = 4 floats or 2 doubles. FIXME: assuming float only for now ...
            unsigned int padding = (4 - (num_triangles & 3)) & 3;
            unsigned int shape_size = (num_triangles + padding) * 7;
            shape_def = (real_t*) _mm_malloc(shape_size * sizeof(real_t), 16);
            if(shape_def == NULL) {
              std::cerr << "error: failed to allocate aligned memory for shape_def"
                    << std::endl;
              return 0;
            } // if
            memset(shape_def, 0, shape_size * sizeof(real_t));
            for(int i = 0; i < num_triangles; ++ i) {
              for(int j = 0; j < 7; ++ j) {
                shape_def[(num_triangles + padding) * j + i] = temp_shape_def[7 * i + j];
              } // for
            } // for
        #else  // optimized for MIC only: AVX2, 64 byte alignments (512-bit vector registers)
            // FIXME: float only for now: 16 floats in one vector!
          unsigned int padding = (16 - (num_triangles & 15)) & 15;
          unsigned int shape_size = (num_triangles + padding) * 7;
          shape_def = (real_t*) _mm_malloc(shape_size * sizeof(real_t), 64);
          if(shape_def == NULL) {
            std::cerr << "error: failed to allocate aligned memory for shape_def"
                  << std::endl;
            return 0;
          } // if
          memset(shape_def, 0, shape_size * sizeof(real_t));
          for(int i = 0; i < num_triangles; ++ i) {
            for(int j = 0; j < 7; ++ j) {
              shape_def[(num_triangles + padding) * j + i] = temp_shape_def[7 * i + j];
            } // for
          } // for
          // TODO: try grouping 16 triangles together ...
          // that will give completely sequential memory access!
      #endif // __SSE3__  */
    #endif // FF_NUM_GPU

    return num_triangles;
  } // NumericFormFactor::read_shapes_file()
Beispiel #5
  void NumericFormFactor::find_axes_orientation(real_vec_t &shape_def, std::vector<short int> &axes) {
    real_t min_a = shape_def[4], max_a = shape_def[4];
    real_t min_b = shape_def[5], max_b = shape_def[5];
    real_t min_c = shape_def[6], max_c = shape_def[6];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i + 6 < shape_def.size(); i += 7) {
      min_a = (min_a > shape_def[i + 4]) ? shape_def[i + 4] : min_a ;
      max_a = (max_a < shape_def[i + 4]) ? shape_def[i + 4] : max_a ;
      min_b = (min_b > shape_def[i + 5]) ? shape_def[i + 5] : min_b ;
      max_b = (max_b < shape_def[i + 5]) ? shape_def[i + 5] : max_b ;
      min_c = (min_c > shape_def[i + 6]) ? shape_def[i + 6] : min_c ;
      max_c = (max_c < shape_def[i + 6]) ? shape_def[i + 6] : max_c ;
    } // for
    real_t diff_a = max_a - min_a;
    real_t diff_b = max_b - min_b;
    real_t diff_c = max_c - min_c;
    // axes[i] = j
    // i: x=0 y=1 z=2
    // j: 0=a 1=b 2=c

    //std::cout << "++ diff_a = " << diff_a << ", diff_b = " << diff_b
    //      << ", diff_c = " << diff_c << std::endl;

    real_vec_t min_point, max_point;
    // the smallest one is x, other two are y and z
    if(diff_a < diff_b) {
      if(diff_a < diff_c) {
        // x is a
        axes[0] = 0; axes[1] = 1; axes[2] = 2;
        min_point.push_back(min_a); min_point.push_back(min_b); min_point.push_back(min_c);
        max_point.push_back(max_a); max_point.push_back(max_b); max_point.push_back(max_c);
      } else {
        // x is c
        axes[0] = 2; axes[1] = 0; axes[2] = 1;
        min_point.push_back(min_c); min_point.push_back(min_a); min_point.push_back(min_b);
        max_point.push_back(max_c); max_point.push_back(max_a); max_point.push_back(max_b);
      } // if-else
    } else {
      if(diff_b < diff_c) {
        // x is b
        axes[0] = 1; axes[1] = 0; axes[2] = 2;
        min_point.push_back(min_b); min_point.push_back(min_a); min_point.push_back(min_c);
        max_point.push_back(max_b); max_point.push_back(max_a); max_point.push_back(max_c);
      } else {
        // x is c
        axes[0] = 2; axes[1] = 0; axes[2] = 1;
        min_point.push_back(min_c); min_point.push_back(min_a); min_point.push_back(min_b);
        max_point.push_back(max_c); max_point.push_back(max_a); max_point.push_back(max_b);
      } // if-else
    } // if-else

    std::cout << "++ Shape min point: " << min_point[0] << ", "
          << min_point[1] << ", " << min_point[2] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "++ Shape max point: " << max_point[0] << ", "
          << max_point[1] << ", " << max_point[2] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "++ Shape dimensions: "
          << fabs(max_point[0] - min_point[0]) << " x "
          << fabs(max_point[1] - min_point[1]) << " x "
          << fabs(max_point[2] - min_point[2]) << std::endl;
  } // NumericFormFactor::find_axes_orientation()