int main( int argc, char ** argv) { if ( MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Init( & argc , & argv ) ) { std::cerr << "MPI_Init FAILED" << std::endl ; abort(); } { std::string test_names; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if (std::string(argv[i]) == "-test") { if (i + 1 < argc) test_names = argv[i + 1]; else std::cout << "Running all tests" << std::endl; } } CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner; CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry & registry = CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry(); runner.addTest( registry.makeTest() );; } MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
bool crypto_ops::check_signature(const Hash &prefix_hash, const PublicKey &pub, const Signature &sig) { ge_p2 tmp2; ge_p3 tmp3; EllipticCurveScalar c; s_comm buf; assert(check_key(pub)); buf.h = prefix_hash; buf.key = reinterpret_cast<const EllipticCurvePoint&>(pub); if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&tmp3, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&pub)) != 0) { abort(); } if (sc_check(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig)) != 0 || sc_check(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig) + 32) != 0) { return false; } ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(&tmp2, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig), &tmp3, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig) + 32); ge_tobytes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&buf.comm), &tmp2); hash_to_scalar(&buf, sizeof(s_comm), c); sc_sub(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&c), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&c), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig)); return sc_isnonzero(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&c)) == 0; }
bool crypto_ops::check_signature(const hash &prefix_hash, const public_key &pub, const signature &sig) { ge_p2 tmp2; ge_p3 tmp3; ec_scalar c; s_comm buf; assert(check_key(pub)); buf.h = prefix_hash; buf.key = pub; if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&tmp3, &pub) != 0) { abort(); } if (sc_check(&sig.c) != 0 || sc_check(&sig.r) != 0) { return false; } ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(&tmp2, &sig.c, &tmp3, &sig.r); //tmp2 = cP + rG ge_tobytes(&buf.comm, &tmp2); hash_to_scalar(&buf, sizeof(s_comm), c); sc_sub(&c, &c, &sig.c); return sc_isnonzero(&c) == 0; }
bool crypto_ops::check_ring_signature(const Hash &prefix_hash, const KeyImage &image, const PublicKey *const *pubs, size_t pubs_count, const Signature *sig) { size_t i; ge_p3 image_unp; ge_dsmp image_pre; EllipticCurveScalar sum, h; rs_comm *const buf = reinterpret_cast<rs_comm *>(alloca(rs_comm_size(pubs_count))); #if !defined(NDEBUG) for (i = 0; i < pubs_count; i++) { assert(check_key(*pubs[i])); } #endif if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&image_unp, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&image)) != 0) { return false; } ge_dsm_precomp(image_pre, &image_unp); sc_0(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sum)); buf->h = prefix_hash; for (i = 0; i < pubs_count; i++) { ge_p2 tmp2; ge_p3 tmp3; if (sc_check(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig[i])) != 0 || sc_check(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig[i]) + 32) != 0) { return false; } if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&tmp3, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&*pubs[i])) != 0) { abort(); } ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(&tmp2, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig[i]), &tmp3, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig[i]) + 32); ge_tobytes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&buf->ab[i].a), &tmp2); hash_to_ec(*pubs[i], tmp3); ge_double_scalarmult_precomp_vartime(&tmp2, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig[i]) + 32, &tmp3, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig[i]), image_pre); ge_tobytes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&buf->ab[i].b), &tmp2); sc_add(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sum), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sum), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sig[i])); } hash_to_scalar(buf, rs_comm_size(pubs_count), h); sc_sub(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&h), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&h), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sum)); return sc_isnonzero(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&h)) == 0; }
bool crypto_ops::check_ring_signature(const hash &prefix_hash, const key_image &image, const public_key *const *pubs, size_t pubs_count, const signature *sig) { size_t i; ge_p3 image_unp; ge_dsmp image_pre; ec_scalar sum, h; rs_comm *const buf = reinterpret_cast<rs_comm *>(alloca(rs_comm_size(pubs_count))); #if !defined(NDEBUG) for (i = 0; i < pubs_count; i++) { assert(check_key(*pubs[i])); } #endif if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&image_unp, &image) != 0) { return false; } ge_dsm_precomp(image_pre, &image_unp); sc_0(&sum); buf->h = prefix_hash; for (i = 0; i < pubs_count; i++) { ge_p2 tmp2; ge_p3 tmp3; if (sc_check(&sig[i].c) != 0 || sc_check(&sig[i].r) != 0) { return false; } if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&tmp3, &*pubs[i]) != 0) { abort(); } ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(&tmp2, &sig[i].c, &tmp3, &sig[i].r); ge_tobytes(&buf->ab[i].a, &tmp2); hash_to_ec(*pubs[i], tmp3); ge_double_scalarmult_precomp_vartime(&tmp2, &sig[i].r, &tmp3, &sig[i].c, image_pre); ge_tobytes(&buf->ab[i].b, &tmp2); sc_add(&sum, &sum, &sig[i].c); } hash_to_scalar(buf, rs_comm_size(pubs_count), h); sc_sub(&h, &h, &sum); return sc_isnonzero(&h) == 0; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ){ // initialize the logger cpplog::FileLogger log( "log.txt" ); po::options_description desc("Allowed Options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce this message") ("target,t", po::value< string >(), "extant graph file") ("ratio,r", po::value< double >()->default_value(1.0), "ratio of creation to deletion cost") ("beta,b", po::value< double >()->default_value(60.0), "scale factor for cost classes") ("undir,u", po::value< bool >()->zero_tokens() , "graph is undirected") ("output,o", po::value< string >()->default_value("edgeProbs.txt"), "output file containing edge probabilities") ("numOpt,k", po::value< size_t>()->default_value(10), "number of near-optimal score classes to use") ("timePenalty,p", po::value< double >()->default_value(0.0), "amount to penalize flips between nodes whose time intervals don't overlap'") ("old,x", po::value< bool >()->zero_tokens(), "run using \"old\" algorithm") ("lazy,l", po::value< bool >()->zero_tokens(), "run using the \"lazy\" algorithm") ("dupHist,d", po::value< vector<string> >(), "duplication history input file(s) [ either 1 or 2 newick format trees ]") ; try { ArgParser ap( desc ); ap.parse_args( argc, argv ); vector<string> treeNames = ap["dupHist"].as< vector<string> >(); if ( treeNames.size() > 2 ) { cerr << "only 1 or 2 duplication histories can be provided; you provided "+treeNames.size() << "\n"; abort(); } else { for ( const auto& tn : treeNames ) { cerr << "Input tree : " << tn << "\n"; } } string graphName = ap["target"].as<string>(); string outputName = ap["output"].as<string>(); double penalty = ap["timePenalty"].as<double>(); double creationCost = ap["ratio"].as<double>(); double deletionCost = 1.0; bool undirected = ap.isPresent("undir"); bool directed = !undirected; size_t k = ap["numOpt"].as<size_t>(); LOG_INFO(log) << "Input graph is " << (undirected ? "Undirected" : "Directed") << "\n"; try { TreePtrT tree ( Utils::Trees::readNewickTree(treeNames[0]) ); if ( treeNames.size() > 1 ) { auto tree2 = Utils::Trees::readNewickTree(treeNames[1]).release(); auto node = new bpp::Node("#preroot#"); auto r1 = tree->getRootNode(); auto r2 = tree2->getRootNode(); // relationship with tree 1 node->addSon(0, tree->getRootNode()); // relationship with tree 2 node->addSon(1, tree2->getRootNode()); // root the tree at our new node tree->setRootNode(node); LOG_INFO(log) << "rerooted\n"; // relabel all of the nodes tree->resetNodesId(); LOG_INFO(log) << "relabeled\n"; auto rootId = tree->getRootId(); // set the name of the root tree->setNodeName( rootId, "#preroot#"); tree->setVoidBranchLengths(0.0); } // put the node names on all the nodes Utils::Trees::labelTree(tree); TreeInfo tinfo("TreeInfo"); auto rId = tree->getRootId(); vector<FlipKey> keyList; if ( treeNames.size() > 1 ) { auto r1 = tree->getSonsId(rId)[0]; auto r2 = tree->getSonsId(rId)[1]; keyList.push_back( FlipKey(r1,r2,true,true) ); } tinfo.extantInterval[ rId ] = make_tuple( -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0 ); Utils::Trees::prepareTree( tree, tinfo, rId ); /* auto nodes = vector<int>(tree->getNodesId()); std::sort( nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&]( const int& n1, const int& n2 ) -> bool { return tree->getNodeName(n1) < tree->getNodeName(n2); } ); for ( auto n : nodes ) { cerr << tree->getNodeName(n) << ","; for ( auto sn : tinfo.leaves[n] ) { cerr << " " << tree->getNodeName(sn); } cerr << ","; for ( auto en : tinfo.enets[n] ) { cerr << " " << en; } cerr << "\n"; } exit(0); */ // print out the existence intervals for all of the nodes /* for ( auto nid : tree->getNodesId() ){ auto nodeName = Utils::Trees::getName(tree,nid); cout << "Node [" << nodeName << "] : existance interval = [" << get<0>(tinfo.extantInterval[nid]) << ", " << get<1>(tinfo.extantInterval[nid]) << "] \n"; } */ unordered_map<string, int> leafIDMap; for( auto nid : tree->getLeavesId() ) { leafIDMap[ Utils::Trees::getName(tree,nid) ] = nid; } auto isAdjList = [&](){ auto spos = graphName.find_last_of("."); auto suffix(graphName.substr( spos )); return suffix == ".adj"; }(); variant< directedGraphT, undirectedGraphT > G; if ( undirected ) { G = undirectedGraphT(); auto& UG = get<undirectedGraphT>(G); //Add all leaf nodes to the graph for ( auto nameId : leafIDMap ) { if ( nameId.first.find("LOST") == nameId.first.npos ) { auto u = add_vertex(UG); UG[u].name = nameId.first; UG[u].idx = nameId.second; } } if ( isAdjList ) { GraphUtils::readFromAdjacencyList( graphName, leafIDMap, UG ); } else { GraphUtils::readFromMultilineAdjacencyList(graphName, leafIDMap, UG ); } } else { G = directedGraphT(); auto& DG = get<directedGraphT>(G); // Add all leaf nodes to the graph for ( auto nameId : leafIDMap ) { if ( nameId.first.find("LOST") == nameId.first.npos ) { auto u = add_vertex(DG); DG[u].name = nameId.first; DG[u].idx = nameId.second; } } GraphUtils::readFromMultilineAdjacencyList(graphName, leafIDMap, DG); } //typedef graph_traits < graphT >::vertex_descriptor vertexDescT; //typedef graph_traits < graphT >::edge_descriptor //edgeDescT; auto H = MultiOpt::buildSolutionSpaceGraph( tree, tinfo, creationCost, deletionCost, penalty, directed ); vector<size_t> order; order.reserve( H->order() ); MultiOpt::topologicalOrder( H, order ); MultiOpt::slnDictT slnDict; //slnDict.set_empty_key( std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() ); if ( undirected ) { MultiOpt::leafCostDict( H, tree, get<undirectedGraphT>(G), directed, creationCost, deletionCost, slnDict); } else { MultiOpt::leafCostDict( H, tree, get<directedGraphT>(G), directed, creationCost, deletionCost, slnDict); } auto rootKey = FlipKey( tree->getRootId(), tree->getRootId(), false, false ); auto rootInd = H->index(rootKey); // Count the # of opt slns. MultiOpt::countDictT countDict; countDict.set_empty_key(-1); auto beta = ap["beta"].as<double>(); if (ap.isPresent("lazy")) { // lazy auto derivs = MultiOpt::initKBest( H, order, slnDict ); std::vector<size_t> edges = MultiOpt::viterbiPass(H, derivs, order); auto vstr = [&]( const FlipKey& vert ) -> string { auto uname = tree->getNodeName(vert.u()); auto vname = tree->getNodeName(vert.v()); if (uname > vname) { auto tmp = vname; vname = uname; uname = tmp; } auto fstr = vert.f() ? "true" : "false"; auto rstr = vert.r() ? "true" : "false"; return uname+"\t"+vname+"\t"+fstr+"\t"+rstr; }; vector<size_t> q; q.push_back(rootInd); while ( q.size() > 0 ) { auto vit = q.back(); auto eid = edges[vit]; auto e = H->edge(eid); auto isInternal = H->incident(vit).size() > 0; q.pop_back(); cerr << "satisfying " << vstr(H->vertex(vit)) << " using [ "; for ( auto tid : e.tail() ) { cerr << vstr( H->vertex(tid) ) << ", "; if (isInternal) { q.push_back(tid);} } cerr << "]\n"; } exit(0); MultiOpt::lazyKthBest( H, rootInd, k, k, derivs ); MultiOpt::computePosteriors(H, tree, order, derivs, outputName, keyList, beta); } else { if ( ap.isPresent("old") ) { LOG_INFO(log) << "Old algo\n"; MultiOpt::viterbiCount(H, tree, tinfo, penalty, order, slnDict, countDict, k, outputName, keyList, beta); } else { LOG_INFO(log) << "New algo\n"; // eager MultiOpt::viterbiCountNew<CostClass<EdgeDerivInfoEager>>(H, tree, tinfo, penalty, order, slnDict, countDict, k, outputName, keyList, beta); } } } catch (const Exception &e) { LOG_ERROR(log) << "Error when reading tree : " << e.what() << endl; } } catch(exception& e) { LOG_ERROR(log) << "Caught Exception: [" << e.what() << "]\n"; abort(); } return 0; }
void crypto_ops::generate_ring_signature(const Hash &prefix_hash, const KeyImage &image, const PublicKey *const *pubs, size_t pubs_count, const SecretKey &sec, size_t sec_index, Signature *sig) { lock_guard<mutex> lock(random_lock); size_t i; ge_p3 image_unp; ge_dsmp image_pre; EllipticCurveScalar sum, k, h; rs_comm *const buf = reinterpret_cast<rs_comm *>(alloca(rs_comm_size(pubs_count))); assert(sec_index < pubs_count); #if !defined(NDEBUG) { ge_p3 t; PublicKey t2; KeyImage t3; assert(sc_check(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sec)) == 0); ge_scalarmult_base(&t, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sec)); ge_p3_tobytes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&t2), &t); assert(*pubs[sec_index] == t2); generate_key_image(*pubs[sec_index], sec, t3); assert(image == t3); for (i = 0; i < pubs_count; i++) { assert(check_key(*pubs[i])); } } #endif if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&image_unp, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&image)) != 0) { abort(); } ge_dsm_precomp(image_pre, &image_unp); sc_0(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sum)); buf->h = prefix_hash; for (i = 0; i < pubs_count; i++) { ge_p2 tmp2; ge_p3 tmp3; if (i == sec_index) { random_scalar(k); ge_scalarmult_base(&tmp3, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&k)); ge_p3_tobytes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&buf->ab[i].a), &tmp3); hash_to_ec(*pubs[i], tmp3); ge_scalarmult(&tmp2, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&k), &tmp3); ge_tobytes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&buf->ab[i].b), &tmp2); } else { random_scalar(reinterpret_cast<EllipticCurveScalar&>(sig[i])); random_scalar(*reinterpret_cast<EllipticCurveScalar*>(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[i]) + 32)); if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&tmp3, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&*pubs[i])) != 0) { abort(); } ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(&tmp2, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[i]), &tmp3, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[i]) + 32); ge_tobytes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&buf->ab[i].a), &tmp2); hash_to_ec(*pubs[i], tmp3); ge_double_scalarmult_precomp_vartime(&tmp2, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[i]) + 32, &tmp3, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[i]), image_pre); ge_tobytes(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&buf->ab[i].b), &tmp2); sc_add(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sum), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sum), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[i])); } } hash_to_scalar(buf, rs_comm_size(pubs_count), h); sc_sub(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[sec_index]), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&h), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sum)); sc_mulsub(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[sec_index]) + 32, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&sig[sec_index]), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&sec), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&k)); }
void crypto_ops::generate_ring_signature(const hash &prefix_hash, const key_image &image, const public_key *const *pubs, size_t pubs_count, const secret_key &sec, size_t sec_index, signature *sig) { lock_guard<mutex> lock(random_lock); size_t i; ge_p3 image_unp; ge_dsmp image_pre; ec_scalar sum, k, h; rs_comm *const buf = reinterpret_cast<rs_comm *>(alloca(rs_comm_size(pubs_count))); assert(sec_index < pubs_count); #if !defined(NDEBUG) { ge_p3 t; public_key t2; key_image t3; assert(sc_check(&sec) == 0); ge_scalarmult_base(&t, &sec); ge_p3_tobytes(&t2, &t); assert(*pubs[sec_index] == t2); generate_key_image(*pubs[sec_index], sec, t3); assert(image == t3); for (i = 0; i < pubs_count; i++) { assert(check_key(*pubs[i])); } } #endif if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&image_unp, &image) != 0) { abort(); } ge_dsm_precomp(image_pre, &image_unp); sc_0(&sum); buf->h = prefix_hash; for (i = 0; i < pubs_count; i++) { ge_p2 tmp2; ge_p3 tmp3; if (i == sec_index) { random_scalar(k); ge_scalarmult_base(&tmp3, &k); ge_p3_tobytes(&buf->ab[i].a, &tmp3); hash_to_ec(*pubs[i], tmp3); ge_scalarmult(&tmp2, &k, &tmp3); ge_tobytes(&buf->ab[i].b, &tmp2); } else { random_scalar(sig[i].c); random_scalar(sig[i].r); if (ge_frombytes_vartime(&tmp3, &*pubs[i]) != 0) { abort(); } ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(&tmp2, &sig[i].c, &tmp3, &sig[i].r); ge_tobytes(&buf->ab[i].a, &tmp2); hash_to_ec(*pubs[i], tmp3); ge_double_scalarmult_precomp_vartime(&tmp2, &sig[i].r, &tmp3, &sig[i].c, image_pre); ge_tobytes(&buf->ab[i].b, &tmp2); sc_add(&sum, &sum, &sig[i].c); } } hash_to_scalar(buf, rs_comm_size(pubs_count), h); sc_sub(&sig[sec_index].c, &h, &sum); sc_mulsub(&sig[sec_index].r, &sig[sec_index].c, &sec, &k); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { using std::exception; // The options to choose the method (parsimony | probabilistic) po::options_description cmd("commands"); cmd.add_options() ("command", po::value< string >(), "command to use; one of {gensig, align}"); // The help option po::options_description help("Help Options"); help.add_options() ("help,h", po::value<bool>()->zero_tokens(), "display help for a specific method"); // The general options are relevant to either method po::options_description general("Genearal Options"); general.add_options() ("numProcessors,p", po::value< uint32_t >(), "number of processors to use in parallel"); ; // Those options only relevant to the parsimony method po::options_description align("Alignment Options"); align.add_options() ("localSearch,l", po::value< uint32_t >()->default_value(10), "number of iterations of local search to use") ("alpha,a", po::value< double >()->default_value(1.0), "alpha() parameter (trade-off between sequence & topology") ("beta,b", po::value< double >()->default_value(2.0), "beta parameter (BLAST e-value cutoff)") ("unconstrained,r", po::value< double >()->default_value(10), "percentage of local swaps which should be allowed to be unconstrained") ("g1,u", po::value< string >(), "first input graph") ("g2,v", po::value< string >(), "second input graph") ("s1,s", po::value< string >(), "first input signature file") ("s2,t", po::value< string >(), "second input signature file") ("blast,b", po::value< string >(), "pairwise BLAST scores") ("output,o", po::value< string >(), "output alignemnt file") ("config,c", po::value< string >(), "configuration file") ; po::positional_options_description pos; pos.add("command", 1); // The options description to parse all of the options po::options_description all("Allowed options"); all.add(help).add(cmd).add(general).add(align); try { po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).positional(pos).options(all).run(), vm); if ( vm.count("help") ){ std::cout << "GHOST\n"; std::cout << all << std::endl; std::exit(1); } /* if ( vm.count("cfg") ) { std::cerr << "have detected configuration file\n"; string cfgFile = vm["cfg"].as<string>(); std::cerr << "cfgFile : [" << cfgFile << "]\n"; po::store(po::parse_config_file<char>(cfgFile.c_str(), programOptions, true), vm); } po::notify(vm); */ string logFilePath("."); g2LogWorker logger(argv[0], logFilePath); g2::initializeLogging(&logger); // For any combination of cmd line arguments that won't actually run the program // print the appropriate message and exit //printHelpUsage(ap, general, prob, parsimony); auto command = vm["command"].as<std::string>(); std::cerr << "command is : " << command << "\n"; if (command == "align") { globalAlignmentDriver(argc, argv, vm); } // boost::property_tree::ptree pt; // boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini("config.ini", pt); // std::cout << pt.get<std::string>("Section1.Value1") << std::endl; // std::cout << pt.get<std::string>("Section1.Value2") << std::endl; } catch (exception &e) { LOG(FATAL) << "Caught Exception: [" << e.what() << "]\n"; abort(); } return 0; }