Beispiel #1
wxIconBundle CThemeProvider::GetIconBundle(const wxArtID& id, const wxArtClient& client /*=wxART_OTHER*/)
	wxIconBundle iconBundle;

	if (id.Left(4) != _T("ART_"))
		return iconBundle;

	wxString name = id.Mid(4);

	const wxChar* dirs[3] = { _T("16x16/"), _T("32x32/"), _T("48x48/") };

	const wxString& resourcePath = wxGetApp().GetResourceDir();

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		wxString file = resourcePath + dirs[i] + name + _T(".png");
		if (!wxFileName::FileExists(file))

		iconBundle.AddIcon(wxIcon(file, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));

	return iconBundle;
Beispiel #2
// {{{ wxBitmap ArtProvider::CreateBitmap(const wxArtID &id, const wxArtClient &client, const wxSize &size)
wxBitmap ArtProvider::CreateBitmap(const wxArtID &id, const wxArtClient &client, const wxSize &size) {
	const Images::Image *img = Images::GetImage(id);
	if (img == NULL) {
		return wxNullBitmap;

	wxMemoryInputStream mis(img->image, img->size);
	wxImage image(mis, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
#elif __WXMAC__
	wxString path(wxGetCwd());
	path << wxT("/") << id << wxT(".png");
	if (!wxFileExists(path)) {
		return wxNullBitmap;

	wxImage image(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
	wxString path(wxT(__FILE__));
	path = wxPathOnly(path);
	path << wxT("/../../images/") << id << wxT(".png");

	if (!wxFileExists(path)) {
		/* This is a debug message only, since for built-in IDs like
		 * wxART_DELETE this will just fall through to the wxWidgets
		 * default provider and isn't an error. */
		wxLogDebug(wxT("Requested image ID: %s; NOT FOUND as %s"), id.c_str(), path.c_str());
		return wxNullBitmap;

	wxLogDebug(wxT("Requested image ID: %s; found as %s"), id.c_str(), path.c_str());

	wxImage image(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
	wxString path;
	path << wxT(PREFIX) << wxT("/share/dubnium/") << id << wxT(".png");
	if (!wxFileExists(path)) {
		return wxNullBitmap;

	wxImage image(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);

	/* There seems to be a tendency for wxArtProvider to request images of
	 * size (-1, -1), so we need to avoid trying to rescale for them. */
	if (wxSize(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight()) != size && size.GetWidth() > 0 && size.GetHeight() > 0) {
		wxLogDebug(wxT("Requested width: %d; height: %d"), size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight());
		image.Rescale(size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight(), wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH);

	return wxBitmap(image);
Beispiel #3
wxBitmap PoeditArtProvider::CreateBitmap(const wxArtID& id,
                                         const wxArtClient& client,
                                         const wxSize& size)
    // Silence warning about unused parameter in some of the builds

    // Note: On Unix, this code is only called as last resolt, if standard
    //       theme provider (that uses current icon theme and files from
    //       /usr/share/icons/<theme>) didn't find any matching icon.

    wxLogTrace("poedit.icons", "getting icon '%s'", id.c_str());

#ifdef __WXGTK20__
    // try legacy GNOME icons from standard theme:
    wxString gnomeId = GetGnomeStockId(id);
    if ( !gnomeId.empty() )
        wxLogTrace("poedit.icons", "-> legacy '%s'", gnomeId.c_str());
        wxBitmap gbmp(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(gnomeId, client, size));
        if ( gbmp.Ok() )
            return gbmp;
#endif // __WXGTK20__

    wxString iconsdir =
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
        wxStandardPaths::Get().GetResourcesDir() + "\\Resources";
        wxStandardPaths::Get().GetInstallPrefix() + "/share/poedit/icons";
    if ( !wxDirExists(iconsdir) )
                   "icons dir %s not found", iconsdir.c_str());
        return wxNullBitmap;

    wxString icon;
    icon.Printf("%s/%s.png", iconsdir.c_str(), id.c_str());
    if ( !wxFileExists(icon) )
        return wxNullBitmap;

    wxLogTrace("poedit.icons", "loading from %s", icon.c_str());
    wxBitmap bmp(wxImage(icon, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY));
    return bmp;
Beispiel #4
wxBitmap ArtProvider::loadBitmapFromFile(const wxArtID& id, wxSize size)
    wxString name(id.Lower());
    if (name.substr(0, 4) == "art_")
        name.erase(0, 4);
    if (size == wxDefaultSize)
        size = wxSize(32, 32);
    wxFileName fname(config().getImagesPath() + name
        + wxString::Format("_%dx%d", size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight()));

    wxArrayString imgExts;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < imgExts.GetCount(); ++i)
        wxLogDebug("Trying to load image file \"%s\"",
        if (fname.FileExists())
            wxImage img(fname.GetFullPath());
            if (img.IsOk() && wxSize(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()) == size)
                return wxBitmap(img);

    return wxNullBitmap;
Beispiel #5
wxBitmap PoeditArtProvider::CreateBitmap(const wxArtID& id,
                                         const wxArtClient& client,
                                         const wxSize& size)
    // Note: On Unix, this code is only called as last resolt, if standard
    //       theme provider (that uses current icon theme and files from
    //       /usr/share/icons/<theme>) didn't find any matching icon.

    wxLogTrace(_T("poedit.icons"), _T("getting icon '%s'"), id.c_str());

#ifdef __WXGTK20__
    // try legacy GNOME icons from standard theme:
    wxString gnomeId = GetGnomeStockId(id);
    if ( !gnomeId.empty() )
        wxLogTrace(_T("poedit.icons"), _T("-> legacy '%s'"), gnomeId.c_str());
        wxBitmap gbmp(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(gnomeId, client, size));
        if ( gbmp.Ok() )
            return gbmp;
#endif // __WXGTK20__

    wxString iconsdir =
#ifdef __WXMAC__
        wxStandardPaths::Get().GetResourcesDir() + _T("/icons");
        wxGetApp().GetAppPath() + _T("/share/poedit/icons");
    if ( !wxDirExists(iconsdir) )
                   _T("icons dir %s not found"), iconsdir.c_str());
        return wxNullBitmap;

    wxString icon;
    icon.Printf(_T("%s/%s.png"), iconsdir.c_str(), id.c_str());
    if ( !wxFileExists(icon) )
        return wxNullBitmap;

    wxLogTrace(_T("poedit.icons"), _T("loading from %s"), icon.c_str());
    wxBitmap bmp(wxImage(icon, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY));
    return bmp;
Beispiel #6
wxBitmap CThemeProvider::CreateBitmap(const wxArtID& id, const wxArtClient& /*client*/, const wxSize& size)
	if (id.Left(4) != _T("ART_"))
		return wxNullBitmap;
	wxASSERT(size.GetWidth() == size.GetHeight());

	std::list<wxString> dirs = GetSearchDirs(size);

	wxString name = id.Mid(4);

	// The ART_* IDs are always given in uppercase ASCII,
	// all filenames used by FileZilla for the resources
	// are lowercase ASCII. Locale-independent transformation
	// needed e.g. if using Turkish locale.

	wxLogNull logNull;

	for (std::list<wxString>::const_iterator iter = dirs.begin(); iter != dirs.end(); iter++)
		wxString fileName = *iter + name + _T(".png");
//#ifdef __WXMSW__
		// MSW toolbar only greys out disabled buttons in a visually
		// pleasing way if the bitmap has an alpha channel. 
		wxImage img(fileName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
		if (!img.Ok())

		if (img.HasMask() && !img.HasAlpha())
		if (size.IsFullySpecified())
			img.Rescale(size.x, size.y, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH);
		return wxBitmap(img);
		wxBitmap bmp(fileName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
		if (bmp.Ok())
			return bmp;

	return wxNullBitmap;
Beispiel #7
    	virtual wxBitmap CreateBitmap(const wxArtID& id, const wxArtClient& client, const wxSize& size)
			if (EiffelObject)
				void* res = cb (EiffelObject, (void*)id.wchar_str(), (void*)client.wchar_str(), size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight());
				if (res)
					return (*((wxBitmap*)res));
					return wxNullBitmap;
			return wxNullBitmap;
Beispiel #8
wxIconBundle xlArtProvider::CreateIconBundle(const wxArtID& id,
        const wxArtClient& client) {
    printf("ib:  %s   %s \n", (const char *)id.c_str(), (const char*)client.c_str());
    return wxNullIconBundle;
Beispiel #9
// resources are identified by an wxArtId. It is just a string.
wxFileName ArtProvider::get_filepath(const wxArtID& id, const wxArtClient& client,
                                     const wxSize& size)
    Paths* pPaths = m_appScope.get_paths();
    wxString sPath = pPaths->GetImagePath();
    wxString sFile;

    //set size. 16x16 is the default
    wxString sSize = "_16.png";
    if (size.GetHeight() == size.GetWidth())
        if (size.GetHeight() == 24) {
            sSize = "_24.png";
        else if (size.GetHeight() == 32) {
            sSize = "_32.png";
        else if (size.GetHeight() == 22) {
            sSize = "_22.png";
        else if (size.GetHeight() == 48) {
            sSize = "_48.png";
        sSize = wxString::Format("_%dx%d.png", size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight());

    //icon for text book controller
    if ( client == wxART_HELP_BROWSER ) {
        if ( id == wxART_HELP ) {
            return wxFileName("null");

    //TextBookController buttons
    if ( id == wxART_ADD_BOOKMARK ) {
        sFile = "tool_bookmark_add";
    else if ( id == wxART_DEL_BOOKMARK ) {
        sFile = "tool_bookmark_remove";
    else if ( id == wxART_ERROR ) {
        sFile = "msg_error";
    else if ( id == wxART_FILE_OPEN ) {
        return wxFileName("null");
    else if ( id == wxART_GO_BACK ) {
        sFile = "tool_previous";
    else if ( id == wxART_GO_FORWARD ) {
        sFile = "tool_next";
    else if ( id == wxART_GO_TO_PARENT ) {
        return wxFileName("null");          //<---
    else if ( id == wxART_GO_UP ) {
        sFile = "tool_page_previous";
    else if ( id == wxART_GO_DOWN ) {
        sFile = "tool_page_next";
    else if ( id == wxART_HELP_BOOK ) {
        sFile = "app_book";
    else if ( id == wxART_HELP_FOLDER ) {
        sFile = "app_book";
    else if ( id == wxART_HELP_PAGE ) {
        return wxFileName("null");
    else if ( id == wxART_HELP_SETTINGS ) {
        sFile = "tool_font_size";
    else if ( id == wxART_HELP_SIDE_PANEL ) {
        sFile = "tool_index_panel";
    else if ( id == wxART_INFORMATION ) {
        sFile = "msg_info";
    else if ( id == wxART_PRINT ) {
        sFile = "tool_print";
    else if ( id == wxART_WARNING ) {
        sFile = "msg_info";

    //MainFrame toolbar
    else if (id.Left(5) == "tool_") {
        sFile = id;
    else if (id.Left(4) == "msg_") {
        sFile = id;
    else if (id.Left(4) == "opt_") {
        sFile = id;
    else if (id.Left(7) == "button_") {
        sFile = id;
    else if (id.Left(8) == "welcome_") {
        sFile = id;
        sSize = ".png";

    else if (id == "backgrnd") {
        sFile = "backgrnd";
		sSize = ".png";
    else if (id == "app_icon") {
        sFile = "app_icon";
		sSize = ".png";
    else if (id == "app_splash") {
        sFile = "splash";
		sSize = ".png";
    else if (id == "banner_updater") {
        sFile = "UpdaterBanner";
		sSize = ".png";
    else if (id == "logo50x67") {
        sFile = "logo50x67";
		sSize = ".png";
    else if (id == "preview") {
        sFile = "preview";
		sSize = ".png";
    else if (id == "right_answers") {
        sFile = "right_answers";
		sSize = "_24.png";
    else if (id == "wrong_answers") {
        sFile = "wrong_answers";
		sSize = "_24.png";
    else if (id == "total_marks") {
        sFile = "total_marks";
		sSize = "_24.png";

    // other IDs
        sFile = id;

    return wxFileName(sPath, sFile + sSize, wxPATH_NATIVE);
Beispiel #10
wxBitmap PoeditArtProvider::CreateBitmap(const wxArtID& id_,
                                         const wxArtClient& client,
                                         const wxSize& size)
    wxLogTrace("poedit.icons", "getting icon '%s'", id_.c_str());

    wxArtID id(id_);
    #define CHECK_FOR_VARIANT(name)                         \
        const bool name##Variant = id.Contains("@" #name);  \
        if (name##Variant)                                  \
            id.Replace("@" #name, "")

    // Silence warning about unused parameter in some of the builds

    // Note: On Unix, this code is only called as last resort, if standard
    //       theme provider (that uses current icon theme and files from
    //       /usr/share/icons/<theme>) didn't find any matching icon.

#ifdef __WXGTK20__
    // try legacy GNOME icons from standard theme:
    wxString gnomeId = GetGnomeStockId(id);
    if ( !gnomeId.empty() )
        wxLogTrace("poedit.icons", "-> legacy '%s'", gnomeId.c_str());
        wxBitmap gbmp(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(gnomeId, client, size));
        if ( gbmp.Ok() )
            return gbmp;
#endif // __WXGTK20__

    auto iconsdir = GetIconsDir();
    if ( !wxDirExists(iconsdir) )
                   "icons dir %s not found", iconsdir.c_str());
        return wxNullBitmap;

    wxString icon;
    icon.Printf("%s/%s", iconsdir, id);
    wxLogTrace("poedit.icons", "loading from %s", icon);
    wxImage img;
    if (ColorScheme::GetAppMode() == ColorScheme::Dark)
        img = LoadScaledBitmap(icon + "Dark");
    if (!img.IsOk())
        img = LoadScaledBitmap(icon);

    if (!img.IsOk())
        wxLogTrace("poedit.icons", "failed to load icon '%s'", id);
        return wxNullBitmap;

    if (id.EndsWith("Template"))
        ProcessTemplateImage(img, opaqueVariant, invertedVariant);

    if (disabledVariant)
        img = img.ConvertToDisabled();

    if (wxTheApp->GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft && ShouldBeMirorredInRTL(id, client))
        img = img.Mirror();

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    if (client == wxART_TOOLBAR && IsWindows10OrGreater())
        const int padding = PX(1);
        auto sz = img.GetSize();
        sz.IncBy(padding * 2);
        img.Resize(sz, wxPoint(padding, padding));
#endif // __WXMSW__

    return wxBitmap(img);