bool OnInit(void) { wxArrayString lcids; lcids.Add(wxT("en_US")); lcids.Add(wxT("sk_SK")); wxString lcid( wxGetSingleChoice( wxT("Pick a locale"), wxT("Locale"), lcids ) ); const wxLanguageInfo* lci = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(lcid); if((lci != nullptr) && appLocale.Init(lci->Language, 0)) { wxStandardPaths stdPaths; wxFileName localePath(stdPaths.GetExecutablePath()); localePath.SetName(wxEmptyString); localePath.AppendDir(wxT("locale")); appLocale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix( localePath.GetFullPath() ); appLocale.AddCatalog(wxT("test")); } SetTopWindow(new TestFrame); return true; }
jewel::Decimal wx_to_decimal ( wxString wxs, wxLocale const& loc, DecimalParsingFlags p_flags ) { bool const allow_parens = p_flags.test(string_flags::allow_negative_parens); wxs = wxs.Trim().Trim(false); // trim both right and left. typedef wxChar CharT; static CharT const open_paren = wxChar('('); static CharT const close_paren = wxChar(')'); static CharT const minus_sign = wxChar('-'); wxString const decimal_point_s = loc.GetInfo ( wxLOCALE_DECIMAL_POINT, wxLOCALE_CAT_MONEY ); wxString const thousands_sep_s = loc.GetInfo ( wxLOCALE_THOUSANDS_SEP, wxLOCALE_CAT_MONEY ); if (wxs.IsEmpty()) { return Decimal(0, 0); } JEWEL_ASSERT (wxs.Len() >= 1); if ((wxs.Len() == 1) && (*(wxs.begin()) == minus_sign)) { return Decimal(0, 0); } // We first convert wxs into a canonical form in which there are no // thousands separators, negativity is indicated only by a minus // sign, and the decimal point is '.'. if (allow_parens && (wxs[0] == open_paren) && (wxs.Last() == close_paren)) { wxs[0] = minus_sign; // Replace left parenthesis with minus sign wxs.RemoveLast(); // Drop right parenthesis } wxs.Replace(thousands_sep_s, wxEmptyString); // We need to get the std::locale (not wxLocale) related decimal point // character, so that we can ensure the Decimal constructor-from-string // sees that appropriate decimal point character. locale const gloc; // global locale char const spot_char = use_facet<numpunct<char> >(gloc).decimal_point(); char const spot_str[] = { spot_char, '\0' }; wxs.Replace(decimal_point_s, wxString(spot_str)); string const s = wx_to_std8(wxs); Decimal const ret(s); return ret; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { m_locale.Init(); #ifdef APP_LOCALE_DIR m_locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(wxT(APP_LOCALE_DIR)); #endif m_locale.AddCatalog(wxT(APP_CATALOG)); wxInitAllImageHandlers(); MyFrame* frame_1 = new MyFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString); SetTopWindow(frame_1); frame_1->Show(); return true; }
bool AppEditor::OnInit() { m_locale.Init(); #ifdef APP_LOCALE_DIR m_locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(wxT(APP_LOCALE_DIR)); #endif m_locale.AddCatalog(wxT(APP_CATALOG)); wxInitAllImageHandlers(); FrameEditor* frmEditor = new FrameEditor(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString); SetTopWindow(frmEditor); frmEditor->Show(); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { m_locale.Init(); #ifdef APP_LOCALE_DIR m_locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(wxT(APP_LOCALE_DIR)); #endif m_locale.AddCatalog(wxT(APP_CATALOG)); wxInitAllImageHandlers(); WMain_wxg* wmain = new WMain_wxg(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString); SetTopWindow(wmain); wmain->Show(); return true; }
// Handle command line options // bool TestApp::OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser) { if (parser.GetParamCount()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < parser.GetParamCount(); i++) m_registries.push_back(parser.GetParam(i)); } m_longlist = parser.Found("longlist"); m_list = m_longlist || parser.Found("list"); m_timing = parser.Found("timing"); m_detail = !m_timing && parser.Found("detail"); wxString loc; if ( parser.Found("locale", &loc) ) { const wxLanguageInfo * const info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(loc); if ( !info ) { cerr << "Locale \"" << string(loc.mb_str()) << "\" is unknown.\n"; return false; } m_locale = new wxLocale(info->Language); if ( !m_locale->IsOk() ) { cerr << "Using locale \"" << string(loc.mb_str()) << "\" failed.\n"; return false; } } return TestAppBase::OnCmdLineParsed(parser); }
/** * 初期処理 */ bool DicApp::OnInit() { // カレントフォルダを実行ファイルの場所にする。 ::wxSetWorkingDirectory(::wxPathOnly(argv[0])); // メッセージカタログの設定をする。 m_locale.Init(wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT); m_locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(wxT("locale")); m_locale.AddCatalog(wxT("digdic")); #if 0 // 設定ファイルの設定をする。 wxString iniDir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir(); wxFileName::Mkdir(iniDir, 0777, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL); wxFileName fn = wxFileName(iniDir, GetAppName(), wxT("ini")); DicShare::iniFile = fn.GetFullPath(); wxFileConfig* config = new wxFileConfig( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, DicShare::iniFile, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE, *wxConvCurrent); #else // レジストリを使う。 wxConfig* config = new wxConfig( wxT("digdic"), wxT("digdic"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE); #endif wxConfigBase::Set(config); // 共通の設定を読み込む。 DicShare::LoadConfig(); wxInitAllImageHandlers(); DicMainFrame* main_frame = new DicMainFrame(0, -1, wxT("")); SetTopWindow(main_frame); main_frame->Show(); return true; }
// Handle command line options // bool TestApp::OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser) { if (parser.GetParamCount()) { #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */ # pragma ivdep # pragma swp # pragma unroll # pragma prefetch # if 0 # pragma simd noassert # endif #endif /* VDM auto patch */ for (size_t i = 0; i < parser.GetParamCount(); i++) m_registries.push_back(parser.GetParam(i)); } m_longlist = parser.Found("longlist"); m_list = m_longlist || parser.Found("list"); m_timing = parser.Found("timing"); m_detail = !m_timing && parser.Found("detail"); wxString loc; if ( parser.Found("locale", &loc) ) { const wxLanguageInfo * const info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(loc); if ( !info ) { cerr << "Locale \"" << string(loc.mb_str()) << "\" is unknown.\n"; return false; } m_locale = new wxLocale(info->Language); if ( !m_locale->IsOk() ) { cerr << "Using locale \"" << string(loc.mb_str()) << "\" failed.\n"; return false; } } return TestAppBase::OnCmdLineParsed(parser); }
bool OnInit() { //i18n/l10n: //20120603: Change suggested by Juan Pizarro to solve the i18n bug in some Windows and Linux machines: //if ( !locale.Init(wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT, wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING) ) #if defined (linux) wxLogNull logNo; #endif if ( !locale.Init(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH, wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING) ) wxLogWarning(_("Error #1: This language is not supported by the system.")); wxString lanPath(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath().BeforeLast(wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()) + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + wxString("GUI") + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + wxString("Texts") //##Unhardcode this in the future? I'm not sure... ); wxLocale::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(lanPath); wxString initialCatalogName(""); //This basic English catalog must exist. //wxString initialCatalogName(""); //##Debug... if (!locale.AddCatalog(initialCatalogName)) { //##Future: See if future wxLocale implementations solve this problem: wxLogWarning( _("Error #1: The installation path\n\n\"") + wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() + _("\"\n\ncontains non-English chars.\n") + _("Please try to install Minibloq on a location without this kind of chars. ") + _("Otherwise, the program will run, but the translation system will not work properly.") ); //wxLogWarning(_("Error #2: Can't load ") + initialCatalogName); } MainFrame* frame = NULL; wxString caption = wxString("miniBloq v0.82.Beta"); wxPoint framePosition = wxDefaultPosition; wxSize frameSize = wxDefaultSize; long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE; //Default values: initialFrameX = 0; initialFrameY = 0; initialFrameHeight = 600; initialFrameWidth = 800; maximized = true; centered = true; strBoard = wxString(""); //Try to read the configuration file: readConfig(); //Priorities: // maximized has priority over all the other pos and size settings. // centered has priority over x and y settings. if (maximized) style = style | wxMAXIMIZE; if ( (initialFrameWidth > 0) && (initialFrameHeight > 0) ) { framePosition = wxPoint(initialFrameX, initialFrameY); frameSize = wxSize(initialFrameWidth, initialFrameHeight); } frame = new MainFrame( NULL, wxID_ANY, locale, lanPath, initialCatalogName, caption, strBoard, framePosition, frameSize, style ); /*## Future: Full screen: wxFrame* frame = new MainFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxString("Minibloq v1.0"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(1280, 800), wxCLIP_CHILDREN); */ if (frame) { if (centered) frame->Centre(); frame->setCentered(centered); SetTopWindow(frame); frame->Show(); if (maximized) { frame->Maximize(); } if (argc > 0) { wxString fileName = argv[1]; if (wxFile::Exists(fileName)) { frame->loadFileComponent(fileName); } } } return true; }
wxString finformat_wx ( jewel::Decimal const& decimal, wxLocale const& loc, DecimalFormatFlags p_flags ) { # ifdef DCM_DISALLOW_DASH_FOR_ZERO bool const dash_for_zero = false; # else bool const dash_for_zero = p_flags.test(string_flags::dash_for_zero); # endif bool const pad = !p_flags.test(string_flags::hard_align_right); // TODO LOW PRIORITY Make this cleaner and more efficient. Decimal::places_type const places = decimal.places(); Decimal::int_type const intval = decimal.intval(); typedef wxChar CharT; static CharT const zeroc = wxChar('0'); wxString const decimal_point_s = loc.GetInfo ( wxLOCALE_DECIMAL_POINT, wxLOCALE_CAT_MONEY ); wxString const thousands_sep_s = loc.GetInfo ( wxLOCALE_THOUSANDS_SEP, wxLOCALE_CAT_MONEY ); // We will build it backwards. deque<CharT> ret; JEWEL_ASSERT (ret.empty()); // Special case of zero if (dash_for_zero && (intval == 0)) { ret.push_back(CharT('-')); if (places > 0) { for (deque<CharT>::size_type i = 0; i != places; ++i) { ret.push_back(CharT(' ')); } } } else { // Our starting point is the string of digits representing the // absolute value of the underlying integer. ostringstream tempstream; tempstream.imbue(locale::classic()); wxString wxtemp; if (intval == numeric_limits<Decimal::int_type>::min()) { // Special case as we can't use std::abs here without // overflow. tempstream << intval; wxtemp = std8_to_wx(tempstream.str()); wxString::const_iterator it = wxtemp.begin(); JEWEL_ASSERT (*it == CharT('-')); ++it; wxtemp = wxString(it, wxtemp.end()); } else { tempstream << std::abs(intval); wxtemp = std8_to_wx(tempstream.str()); } // Write the fractional part wxString::reverse_iterator const rend = wxtemp.rend(); wxString::reverse_iterator rit = wxtemp.rbegin(); wxString::size_type digits_written = 0; for ( ; (digits_written != places) && (rit != rend); ++rit, ++digits_written ) { ret.push_front(*rit); } // Deal with any "filler zerooes" required in the fractional // part while (digits_written != places) { ret.push_front(zeroc); ++digits_written; } // Write the decimal point at front if required. if (places != 0) { for (auto k = decimal_point_s.size(); k != 0; --k) { JEWEL_ASSERT (k >= 1); ret.push_front(decimal_point_s[k - 1]); } } // Write the whole part // Assume the grouping of digits is normal "threes". // TODO MEDIUM PRIORITY Is this a safe assumption? There doesn't seem to // be an equivalent of grouping() for wxLocale. static vector<wxString::size_type> const grouping(1, 3); vector<wxString::size_type>::const_iterator grouping_it = grouping.begin(); vector<wxString::size_type>::const_iterator last_group_datum = grouping.end() - 1; wxString::size_type digits_written_this_group = 0; for ( ; rit != rend; ++rit, ++digits_written, ++digits_written_this_group ) { if ( digits_written_this_group == static_cast<wxString::size_type>(*grouping_it) ) { // Write thousands separator at front. for (auto k = thousands_sep_s.size(); k != 0; --k) { JEWEL_ASSERT (k >= 1); ret.push_front(thousands_sep_s[k - 1]); } digits_written_this_group = 0; if (grouping_it != last_group_datum) ++grouping_it; } ret.push_front(*rit); } // Write a leading zero if required if (digits_written == places) { ret.push_front(zeroc); } } // Indicate negative if required if (intval < 0) { ret.push_front(CharT('(')); ret.push_back(CharT(')')); } else if (pad) { ret.push_back(CharT(' ')); } wxString wret; for (CharT const& elem: ret) wret.Append(elem); return wret; }
bool MadEditApp::OnInit() { xm::EncodingManager::PreInit(); xm::RemoteAccessInit(); wxm::AppPath::Instance().Init(GetAppName()); // parse commandline to filelist wxm::FileList filelist; for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) { wxFileName filename(argv[i]); filename.MakeAbsolute(); filelist.Append(filename.GetFullPath()); } // init wxConfig wxFileConfig *cfg=new wxFileConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxm::AppPath::Instance().ConfigPath(), wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH|wxCONFIG_USE_NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS); cfg->SetExpandEnvVars(false); cfg->SetRecordDefaults(true); wxFileConfig::Set(cfg); bool bSingleInstance=true; cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/SingleInstance"), &bSingleInstance, true); // check SingleInstance and send filelist to previous instance if(bSingleInstance && OpenFilesInPrevInst(filelist.String())) return false; #ifdef __WXGTK__ bool bDisableWarningMessage = true; cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/DisableWarningMessage"), &bDisableWarningMessage, true); if(bDisableWarningMessage) { // redirect "IPP request failed" message to /dev/null int fdnull = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY, 0); if(fdnull >= 0) { dup2(fdnull, STDERR_FILENO); } } #endif // init locale wxString strlang; cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/Language"), &strlang); int lang=g_LanguageValue[0]; if(!strlang.IsEmpty()) { strlang.MakeLower(); for(size_t idx=1; idx<g_LanguageCount; idx++) { if(strlang == wxString(g_LanguageString[idx]).Lower()) { lang=g_LanguageValue[idx]; break; } } } wxm::AppPath& path = wxm::AppPath::Instance(); g_Locale.Init(lang); g_Locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(wxT("./locale/")); g_Locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(path.AppDir() + wxT("locale/")); if (path.AppDir() != path.HomeDir()) g_Locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(path.HomeDir() + wxT("locale/")); #ifndef __WXMSW__ # ifdef DATA_DIR g_Locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(wxT(DATA_DIR"/locale/")); # endif #endif g_Locale.AddCatalog(wxT("wxmedit")); // set colors wxm::SetL10nHtmlColors(); wxm::UpdatePeriods::Instance().Initialize(); #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXGTK__) bool maximize=false; cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/WindowMaximize"), &maximize, false); #endif wxPoint pos=wxDefaultPosition; wxSize size; wxRect rect = wxGetClientDisplayRect(); // FIXME: multi-monitor size.x = std::min(rect.width, wxm::DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH); size.y = std::min(rect.height, wxm::DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT); long x=0,y=0,w=0,h=0; cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/WindowLeft"), &x); cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/WindowTop"), &y); cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/WindowWidth"), &w); cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/WindowHeight"), &h); if(x+w>0 && y+h>0) //if(w>0 && h>0) { size.x=w; size.y=h; pos.x=x; pos.y=y; } // load FontWidth buffers cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/FontWidthBufferMaxCount"), &FontWidthManager::MaxCount, 10); if(FontWidthManager::MaxCount < 4) FontWidthManager::MaxCount=4; else if(FontWidthManager::MaxCount>40) FontWidthManager::MaxCount=40; FontWidthManager::Init(wxm::AppPath::Instance().HomeDir()); // create the main frame MadEditFrame *myFrame = new MadEditFrame(nullptr, 1 , wxEmptyString, pos, size); SetTopWindow(myFrame); #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXGTK__) if (maximize) myFrame->Maximize(true); #endif myFrame->Show(true); #if defined(__WXGTK__) && wxMAJOR_VERSION == 2 if(bSingleInstance) { GtkPizza *pizza = GTK_PIZZA(myFrame->m_mainWidget); Window win=GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW(pizza->bin_window); XSetSelectionOwner(g_Display, g_MadEdit_atom, win, CurrentTime); gdk_window_add_filter(nullptr, my_gdk_filter, nullptr); } #endif wxm::AutoCheckUpdates(cfg); // reload files previously opened wxString files; cfg->Read(wxT("/wxMEdit/ReloadFilesList"), &files); files += filelist.String(); if(!files.IsEmpty()) { // use OnReceiveMessage() to open the files OnReceiveMessage(files.c_str(), (files.size()+1)*sizeof(wxChar)); } if(myFrame->OpenedFileCount()==0) { myFrame->OpenFile(wxEmptyString, false); } return true; }
void szAppImpl::InitializeLocale(wxArrayString &catalogs, wxLocale &locale) { wxString lang = wxConfig::Get()->Read(_T("LANGUAGE"), AUTO_LANGUAGE); if (lang == AUTO_LANGUAGE) lang = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; const wxLanguageInfo *info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(lang); int l; if (info) { l = info->Language; } else l = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH; locale.Init(l); if (!locale.IsOk()) { if(locale.IsAvailable(locale.GetSystemLanguage())) { l = locale.GetSystemLanguage(); locale.Init(l); if(!locale.IsOk()) { wxMessageBox(_("Default locale cannot be loaded. Exiting"), _("Information."), wxICON_ERROR); exit(1); } wxString Ls = L"Locale " + lang + L" not available.\nDefault system locale loaded."; wxMessageBox(_(s), _("Information."), wxICON_INFORMATION); } else { wxLogWarning(_("No locale for this system`s language.")); } } locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(GetSzarpDir() + _T("resources/locales")); for(size_t i = 0; i < catalogs.Count(); i++) locale.AddCatalog(catalogs[i]); #ifdef __WXGTK__ if (!locale.IsOk()) { wxLogInfo(_("Setting locale to \"C\"")); setenv("LC_ALL", "C", 1); } else if( locale.GetSystemEncodingName() == _("") ) { // this probably doesn't happen on unix machines wxLogInfo(_("wx: Setting locale to \"") + locale.GetCanonicalName() + _("\"")); setenv("LC_ALL", SC::S2A(locale.GetCanonicalName()).c_str(), 1); } else { wxString localename = locale.GetCanonicalName() + _(".") + locale.GetSystemEncodingName(); wxLogInfo(_("wx: Setting locale to \"") + localename + _("\"")); setenv("LC_ALL", SC::S2A(localename).c_str(), 1); } #endif }
bool AddLocaleCatalog( wxString catalog ) { return locale_def_lang.AddCatalog( catalog ); }
// `Main program' equivalent, creating windows and returning main app frame bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; if ( m_lang == wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN ) { int lng = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( _("Please choose language:"), _("Language"), WXSIZEOF(langNames), langNames ); m_lang = lng == -1 ? wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT : langIds[lng]; } // don't use wxLOCALE_LOAD_DEFAULT flag so that Init() doesn't return // false just because it failed to load wxstd catalog if ( !m_locale.Init(m_lang, wxLOCALE_DONT_LOAD_DEFAULT) ) { wxLogWarning(_("This language is not supported by the system.")); // continue nevertheless } // normally this wouldn't be necessary as the catalog files would be found // in the default locations, but when the program is not installed the // catalogs are in the build directory where we wouldn't find them by // default wxLocale::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix("."); // Initialize the catalogs we'll be using const wxLanguageInfo* pInfo = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(m_lang); if (!m_locale.AddCatalog("internat")) { wxLogError(_("Couldn't find/load the 'internat' catalog for locale '%s'."), pInfo ? pInfo->GetLocaleName() : _("unknown")); } // Now try to add so that loading "NOTEXIST.ING" file will produce // a localized error message: m_locale.AddCatalog("wxstd"); // NOTE: it's not an error if we couldn't find it! // this catalog is installed in standard location on Linux systems and // shows that you may make use of the standard message catalogs as well // // if it's not installed on your system, it is just silently ignored #ifdef __LINUX__ { wxLogNull noLog; m_locale.AddCatalog("fileutils"); } #endif // Create the main frame window MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(m_locale); // Show the frame frame->Show(true); return true; }
bool OnInit() { #if DEBUG wxLogWarning("MODO DEBUG"); #else wxSetAssertHandler(NULL); #endif //i18n/l10n: //20120603: Change suggested by Juan Pizarro to solve the i18n bug in some Windows and Linux machines: //if ( !locale.Init(wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT, wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING) ) #if !defined(linux) wxLogWarning("Esta version esta desarrollada exclusivamente para Linux"); return true; #endif /* #if defined (linux) wxLogNull logNo; #endif */ /* if ( !locale.Init(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH, wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING) ) wxLogWarning(_("Error #1: This language is not supported by the system.")); */ /* wxString lanPath(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath().BeforeLast(wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()) + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + wxString("GUI") + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + wxString("Texts") //##Unhardcode this in the future? I'm not sure... ); */ //wxString lanPath = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath().BeforeLast(wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()) + "/../../GUI/Texts/"; //wxLocale::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(lanPath); wxString lanPath = "/usr/share"; locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(lanPath); //Por defecto debe levantar en Castellano //wxString initialCatalogName(""); wxString initialCatalogName = ""; //wxString initialCatalogName(""); //##Debug... if (!locale.AddCatalog(initialCatalogName)) { //##Future: See if future wxLocale implementations solve this problem: wxLogWarning( _("Error #1: The installation path\n\n\"") + wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() + _("\"\n\ncontains non-English chars.\n") + _("Please try to install Minibloq on a location without this kind of chars. ") + _("Otherwise, the program will run, but the translation system will not work properly.") ); //wxLogWarning(_("Error #2: Can't load ") + initialCatalogName); printf("NO ENCUENTRO EL CATALOGO\n"); } MainFrame* frame = NULL; wxString caption = wxString(wxString("miniBloq ") + MINIBLOQ_VERSION); wxPoint framePosition = wxDefaultPosition; wxSize frameSize = wxDefaultSize; long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE; //Default values: initialFrameX = 0; initialFrameY = 0; initialFrameHeight = 600; initialFrameWidth = 800; maximized = true; centered = true; strBoard = wxString(""); //Try to read the configuration file: readConfig(); //Priorities: // maximized has priority over all the other pos and size settings. // centered has priority over x and y settings. if (maximized) style = style | wxMAXIMIZE; if ( (initialFrameWidth > 0) && (initialFrameHeight > 0) ) { framePosition = wxPoint(initialFrameX, initialFrameY); frameSize = wxSize(initialFrameWidth, initialFrameHeight); } //TODO: Chequeo de errores wxString execPath = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath().BeforeLast(wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()); wxString splashImg = execPath + "/../../GUI/Images/minibloqSplash.png"; wxBitmap splashPng; splashPng.LoadFile(splashImg); wxSplashScreen* splash = new wxSplashScreen(splashPng, wxSPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN|wxSPLASH_TIMEOUT, 3000, NULL, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_SIMPLE|wxSTAY_ON_TOP); wxYield(); frame = new MainFrame( NULL, wxID_ANY, locale, lanPath, initialCatalogName, caption, strBoard, framePosition, frameSize, style ); /*## Future: Full screen: wxFrame* frame = new MainFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxString("Minibloq v1.0"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(1280, 800), wxCLIP_CHILDREN); */ if (frame) { if (centered) frame->Centre(); frame->setCentered(centered); SetTopWindow(frame); frame->Show(); if (maximized) { frame->Maximize(); } if (argc > 0) { wxString fileName = argv[1]; if (wxFile::Exists(fileName)) { frame->loadFileComponent(fileName); } } } return true; }