HRESULT __stdcall CXMiLFilesControl::OnFileUpdate(long parentFolderId, long fileId, long action)
//	CWebSite* pWebSite = ((CWebSite*)m_document.p);

	DWORD rootItem;

#if 0
	if (action == 1)	// New File
		CSiteDir* pParentDir = (CSiteDir*)FindFileById(rootItem, parentFolderId);
		if (pParentDir && pParentDir->m_bPopulated)
			WCHAR sql[256];
			swprintf(sql, L"SELECT id,filename,type,file_size,file_date FROM files WHERE id = %d", fileId);
			_variant_t va;
			ADODB::_ConnectionPtr conn = GetDBConnection();
			ADODB::_RecordsetPtr recordset = conn->Execute(sql, &va, ADODB::adCmdText);

			CSiteItem* pNewItem = FromElement(pParentDir, recordset);
			if (pNewItem)
				m_treeCtl->InsertItem((DWORD)pNewItem, pParentDir->m_treeItem, NULL, NULL, pNewItem->m_iIcon, pNewItem->m_cChildren, &pNewItem->m_treeItem);
	else if (action == 2)	// Delete File
		CSiteItem* pItem = FindFileById(rootItem, fileId);
		if (pItem)
			delete pItem;	// TODO, this doesn't delete children
	else if (action == 3)	// Update file
		CSiteItem* pItem = FindFileById(rootItem, fileId);
		if (pItem)
			WCHAR sql[256];
			swprintf(sql, L"SELECT id,filename,type,file_size,file_date FROM files WHERE id = %d", fileId);
			_variant_t va;
			ADODB::_ConnectionPtr conn = GetDBConnection();
			ADODB::_RecordsetPtr recordset = conn->Execute(sql, &va, ADODB::adCmdText);

			CSiteItem* pNewItem = FromRecordSet((CSiteDir*)pItem->m_parent, recordset);
			if (pNewItem)
				pNewItem->m_treeItem = pItem->m_treeItem;
				m_treeCtl->SetItemInfo(pItem->m_treeItem, (DWORD)pNewItem, pNewItem->m_iIcon, pNewItem->m_cChildren);
				delete pItem;

	return S_OK;
Beispiel #2
	 * Executes the passed in command on the database.
	 * @param CommandString		Command to execute
	 * @return TRUE if execution was successful, FALSE otherwise
	virtual UBOOL Execute( const TCHAR* CommandString )
			// Execute command, passing in optimization to tell DB to not return records.
			DataBaseConnection->Execute( CommandString, NULL, ADODB::adExecuteNoRecords );
		catch(_com_error &Error)
			// Log error and return. This will not log if called before appInit due to use of debugf.
			TCHAR* ErrorDescription = (TCHAR*) Error.Description();
			warnf(NAME_DevDataBase,TEXT("Failure executing command [%s] [%s]"),CommandString,ErrorDescription);
			return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
	 * Closes connection to database.
	virtual void Close()
			// Close database connection if exists and free smart pointer.
			if( DataBaseConnection )
				DataBaseConnection = NULL;
		catch(_com_error &Error)
			// Log error and return. This will not log if called before appInit due to use of debugf.
			TCHAR* ErrorDescription = (TCHAR*) Error.Description();
			debugf(NAME_DevDataBase,TEXT("Failure closing connection [%s]"),ErrorDescription);
void PerformSearch(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject callback, std::wstring searchText, std::list<std::wstring>& patterns,int maximumResults, jobject monitor)

	ADODB::_ConnectionPtr connection = NULL;
	ADODB::_RecordsetPtr recordset = NULL;
	try {
		HRESULT hr = ::CoInitialize(NULL);
		if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))

		hr = connection.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADODB::Connection));
		if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))

		hr = recordset.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADODB::Recordset));
		if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))

		connection->CursorLocation = ADODB::adUseClient;
		hr = connection->Open(L"Provider=Search.CollatorDSO;Extended Properties='Application=Windows';", L"", L"", ADODB::adConnectUnspecified);
		if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))

		searchText = ReplaceCharWithString(searchText, '\'', L"''");

		std::wstring filenameMatcher = searchText;
		filenameMatcher = ReplaceCharWithString(filenameMatcher, '%', L"\\%");
		filenameMatcher = ReplaceCharWithString(filenameMatcher, '*', L"%");
		// see FREETEXT
		// see CONTAINS

		std::wstring query = L"SELECT TOP ";
		query += IntToString(maximumResults);
		query += L" System.ItemPathDisplay from SystemIndex WHERE ";
		// limit to documents, pictures and video
		query += L"(System.Kind = 'document' or System.Kind = 'picture' or System.Kind = 'video' or System.Kind is null) AND ";
		// content search
		query += L"(FREETEXT('\"";
		query += searchText;
		query += L"\"') OR ";
		// filename search
		query += L"(System.ItemName LIKE '%";
		query += filenameMatcher;
		query += L"%'))";

		if (patterns.size() > 0) {
			bool hasFilenameSearch = true;
			std::wstring anyFile(L"*");

			for(std::list<std::wstring>::iterator iterator = patterns.begin(); iterator != patterns.end(); iterator++) {
				std::wstring pattern = *iterator;
				if (pattern == anyFile) {
					hasFilenameSearch = false;
			if (hasFilenameSearch) {
				query += L" AND (";
				for(std::list<std::wstring>::iterator iterator = patterns.begin(); iterator != patterns.end(); iterator++) {
					std::wstring pattern = *iterator;
					if (pattern.size() == 0) {
					pattern = ReplaceCharWithString(pattern, '*', L"%");
					if (iterator != patterns.begin()) {
						query += L" OR ";
					query += L"(System.ItemName LIKE '";
					if (pattern[0] != '%') {
						query += L"%";
					query += pattern;
					query += L"')";
				query += L")";
		//std::cout << "Query:\n";
		//std::cout << query;
		//std::cout << "\n";
		//std::cout << std::flush;
		hr = recordset->Open(query.c_str(), connection.GetInterfacePtr(), ADODB::adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB::adLockReadOnly, ADODB::adCmdText);
		if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
			std::cout << "Open Failed\n" << std::flush;

		int count = maximumResults;
			_variant_t var = recordset->Fields->GetItem(L"System.ItemPathDisplay")->GetValue();
			std::wstring filename = (const wchar_t*)_bstr_t(var.bstrVal);
			InvokeCallback(env, obj, callback, filename);

			if (IsProgressMonitorCancelled(env,monitor)) {

			if (--count < 0) {

			hr = recordset->MoveNext();
			if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
				std::cout << "Move Next Failed\n" << std::flush;
	} catch (_com_error &e)	{
		_tprintf(_T("\tCOM Error code = %08lx\n"), e.Error());

	if (recordset != NULL && recordset->State == ADODB::adStateOpen)
	if (connection != NULL && connection->State == ADODB::adStateOpen)

Beispiel #5
	 * Opens a connection to the database.
	 * @param	ConnectionString	Connection string passed to database layer
	 * @param   RemoteConnectionIP  The IP address which the RemoteConnection should connect to
	 * @param   RemoteConnectionStringOverride  The connection string which the RemoteConnection is going to utilize
	 * @return	TRUE if connection was successfully established, FALSE otherwise
	virtual UBOOL Open( const TCHAR* ConnectionString, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionIP, const TCHAR* RemoteConnectionStringOverride )
			// Create instance of DB connection object.
			HRESULT hr = DataBaseConnection.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADODB::Connection));
			if (FAILED(hr))
				throw _com_error(hr);

			// Open the connection. Operation is synchronous.
			DataBaseConnection->Open( ConnectionString, TEXT(""), TEXT(""), ADODB::adConnectUnspecified );
		catch(_com_error &Error)
			// Log error and return. This will not log if called before appInit due to use of debugf.
			TCHAR* ErrorDescription = (TCHAR*) Error.Description();
			debugf(NAME_DevDataBase,TEXT("Failure trying to open connection [%s] [%s]"),ConnectionString,ErrorDescription);
			return FALSE;
		return TRUE;