DummyVideoProvider::DummyVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename) {
	if (!boost::starts_with(filename.string(), "?dummy"))
		throw agi::fs::FileNotFound(std::string("Attempted creating dummy video provider with non-dummy filename"));

	std::vector<std::string> toks;
	auto const& fields = filename.string().substr(7);
	boost::split(toks, fields, boost::is_any_of(":"));
	if (toks.size() != 8)
		throw VideoOpenError("Too few fields in dummy video parameter list");

	size_t i = 0;
	double fps;
	int frames, width, height, red, green, blue;

	using agi::util::try_parse;
	if (!try_parse(toks[i++], &fps))    throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse fps field in dummy video parameter list");
	if (!try_parse(toks[i++], &frames)) throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse framecount field in dummy video parameter list");
	if (!try_parse(toks[i++], &width))  throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse width field in dummy video parameter list");
	if (!try_parse(toks[i++], &height)) throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse height field in dummy video parameter list");
	if (!try_parse(toks[i++], &red))    throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse red colour field in dummy video parameter list");
	if (!try_parse(toks[i++], &green))  throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse green colour field in dummy video parameter list");
	if (!try_parse(toks[i++], &blue))   throw VideoOpenError("Unable to parse blue colour field in dummy video parameter list");

	bool pattern = toks[i] == "c";

	Create(fps, frames, width, height, red, green, blue, pattern);
Beispiel #2
bool Project::DoLoadSubtitles(agi::fs::path const& path, std::string encoding, ProjectProperties &properties) {
	try {
		if (encoding.empty())
			encoding = CharSetDetect::GetEncoding(path);
	catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) {
		return false;
	catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) {
		config::mru->Remove("Subtitle", path);
		ShowError(path.string() + " not found.");
		return false;

	if (encoding != "binary") {
		// Try loading as timecodes and keyframes first since we can't
		// distinguish them based on filename alone, and just ignore failures
		// rather than trying to differentiate between malformed timecodes
		// files and things that aren't timecodes files at all
		try { DoLoadTimecodes(path); return false; } catch (...) { }
		try { DoLoadKeyframes(path); return false; } catch (...) { }

	try {
		properties = context->subsController->Load(path, encoding);
	catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) { return false; }
	catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) {
		config::mru->Remove("Subtitle", path);
		ShowError(path.string() + " not found.");
		return false;
	catch (agi::Exception const& e) {
		return false;
	catch (std::exception const& e) {
		return false;
	catch (...) {
		ShowError(wxString("Unknown error"));
		return false;

	Selection sel;
	AssDialogue *active_line = nullptr;
	if (!context->ass->Events.empty()) {
		int row = mid<int>(0, properties.active_row, context->ass->Events.size() - 1);
		active_line = &*std::next(context->ass->Events.begin(), row);
	context->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive(std::move(sel), active_line);

	return true;
/// @brief	Generates an unique name for the ffms2 index file and prepares the cache folder if it doesn't exist
/// @param filename	The name of the source file
/// @return			Returns the generated filename.
agi::fs::path FFmpegSourceProvider::GetCacheFilename(agi::fs::path const& filename) {
	// Get the size of the file to be hashed
	uintmax_t len = agi::fs::Size(filename);

	// Get the hash of the filename
	boost::crc_32_type hash;
	hash.process_bytes(filename.string().c_str(), filename.string().size());

	// Generate the filename
	auto result = config::path->Decode("?local/ffms2cache/" + std::to_string(hash.checksum()) + "_" + std::to_string(len) + "_" + std::to_string(agi::fs::ModifiedTime(filename)) + ".ffindex");

	// Ensure that folder exists

	return result;
std::unique_ptr<VideoProvider> VideoProviderFactory::GetProvider(agi::fs::path const& video_file, std::string const& colormatrix) {
	std::vector<std::string> factories = GetClasses(OPT_GET("Video/Provider")->GetString());
	factories.insert(factories.begin(), "YUV4MPEG");
	factories.insert(factories.begin(), "Dummy");

	bool found = false;
	bool supported = false;
	std::string errors;

	for (auto const& factory : factories) {
		std::string err;
		try {
			auto provider = Create(factory, video_file, colormatrix);
			LOG_I("manager/video/provider") << factory << ": opened " << video_file;
			return provider->WantsCaching() ? agi::util::make_unique<VideoProviderCache>(std::move(provider)) : std::move(provider);
		catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) {
			err = "file not found.";
			// Keep trying other providers as this one may just not be able to
			// open a valid path
		catch (VideoNotSupported const&) {
			found = true;
			err = "video is not in a supported format.";
		catch (VideoOpenError const& ex) {
			supported = true;
			err = ex.GetMessage();
		catch (agi::vfr::Error const& ex) {
			supported = true;
			err = ex.GetMessage();

		errors += factory + ": " + err + "\n";
		LOG_D("manager/video/provider") << factory << ": " << err;

	// No provider could open the file
	LOG_E("manager/video/provider") << "Could not open " << video_file;
	std::string msg = "Could not open " + video_file.string() + ":\n" + errors;

	if (!found) throw agi::fs::FileNotFound(video_file.string());
	if (!supported) throw VideoNotSupported(msg);
	throw VideoOpenError(msg);
std::unique_ptr<VideoProvider> VideoProviderFactory::GetProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix, agi::BackgroundRunner *br) {
	auto preferred = OPT_GET("Video/Provider")->GetString();
	auto sorted = GetSorted(boost::make_iterator_range(std::begin(providers), std::end(providers)), preferred);

	bool found = false;
	bool supported = false;
	std::string errors;

	for (auto factory : sorted) {
		std::string err;
		try {
			auto provider = factory->create(filename, colormatrix, br);
			if (!provider) continue;
			LOG_I("manager/video/provider") << factory->name << ": opened " << filename;
			return provider->WantsCaching() ? CreateCacheVideoProvider(std::move(provider)) : std::move(provider);
		catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) {
			err = "file not found.";
			// Keep trying other providers as this one may just not be able to
			// open a valid path
		catch (VideoNotSupported const&) {
			found = true;
			err = "video is not in a supported format.";
		catch (VideoOpenError const& ex) {
			supported = true;
			err = ex.GetMessage();
		catch (agi::vfr::Error const& ex) {
			supported = true;
			err = ex.GetMessage();

		errors += std::string(factory->name) + ": " + err + "\n";
		LOG_D("manager/video/provider") << factory->name << ": " << err;

	// No provider could open the file
	LOG_E("manager/video/provider") << "Could not open " << filename;
	std::string msg = "Could not open " + filename.string() + ":\n" + errors;

	if (!found) throw agi::fs::FileNotFound(filename.string());
	if (!supported) throw VideoNotSupported(msg);
	throw VideoOpenError(msg);
	bool LoadFile(lua_State *L, agi::fs::path const& filename) {
		std::unique_ptr<std::istream> file(agi::io::Open(filename, true));
		file->seekg(0, std::ios::end);
		size_t size = file->tellg();
		file->seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

		std::string buff;

		// Discard the BOM if present
		file->read(&buff[0], 3);
		size_t start = file->gcount();
		if (start == 3 && buff[0] == -17 && buff[1] == -69 && buff[2] == -65) {
			buff.resize(size - 3);
			start = 0;

		file->read(&buff[start], size - start);

		if (!agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "moon"))
			return luaL_loadbuffer(L, &buff[0], buff.size(), filename.string().c_str()) == 0;

		// We have a MoonScript file, so we need to load it with that
		// It might be nice to have a dedicated lua state for compiling
		// MoonScript to Lua
		if (luaL_dostring(L, "return require('moonscript').loadstring"))
			return false; // Leaves error message on stack
		lua_pushlstring(L, &buff[0], buff.size());
		lua_pushstring(L, filename.string().c_str());
		if (lua_pcall(L, 2, 2, 0))
			return false; // Leaves error message on stack

		// loadstring returns nil, error on error or a function on success
		if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) {
			lua_remove(L, 1);
			return false;

		lua_pop(L, 1); // Remove the extra nil for the stackchecker
		return true;
bool TXTSubtitleFormat::CanWriteFile(agi::fs::path const& filename) const {
	auto str = filename.string();
	return boost::iends_with(str, ".txt") && !(boost::iends_with(str, ".encore.txt") || boost::iends_with(str, ".transtation.txt"));