Beispiel #1
void testReadWriteEmptyArchive()
    std::string archiveName = "";

        AO::WriteArchive w;
        ABCA::MetaData m;
        m.set("Bleep", "bloop");
        m.set("eep", "");
        m.set("potato", "salad");
        m.set("geoScope", "tasty");

        ABCA::ArchiveWriterPtr a = w(archiveName, m);
        ABCA::ObjectWriterPtr archive = a->getTop();

        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getFullName() == "/");

        Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::ReadArchive r;

        // can't read an already open archive (for now)
        TESTING_ASSERT_THROW(r( archiveName ), Alembic::Util::Exception);


        AO::ReadArchive r;
        ABCA::ArchiveReaderPtr a = r( archiveName );
        ABCA::ObjectReaderPtr archive = a->getTop();
        ABCA::MetaData m = archive->getHeader().getMetaData();
        TESTING_ASSERT(m.get("Bleep") == "bloop");
        TESTING_ASSERT(m.get("eep") == "");
        TESTING_ASSERT(m.get("potato") == "salad");
        TESTING_ASSERT(m.get("geoScope") == "tasty");
        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getName() == "ABC");
        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getFullName() == "/");
        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getParent() == NULL);
        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getNumChildren() == 0);

        // even though we didn't write anything make sure we intrincially have
        // the default sampling
        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getNumTimeSamplings() == 1);
        TESTING_ASSERT(*(a->getTimeSampling(0)) == ABCA::TimeSampling());
        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(0) == 0);

        ABCA::CompoundPropertyReaderPtr parent = archive->getProperties();
        TESTING_ASSERT(parent->getNumProperties() == 0);

        // get it again to make sure we clean ourselves up properly
        AO::ReadArchive r2;
        ABCA::ArchiveReaderPtr a2 = r2( archiveName );
        ABCA::ObjectReaderPtr archive2 = a2->getTop();
        ABCA::CompoundPropertyReaderPtr p2 = archive2->getProperties();
        TESTING_ASSERT(p2->getNumProperties() == 0);
void testReadWriteEmptyArchive()
    std::string archiveName = "";

        A5::WriteArchive w;
        ABCA::MetaData m;
        m.set("Bleep", "bloop");
        m.set("eep", "");
        m.set("potato", "salad");
        m.set("geoScope", "tasty");

        ABCA::ArchiveWriterPtr a = w(archiveName, m);
        ABCA::ObjectWriterPtr archive = a->getTop();

        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getFullName() == "/");

        // use this to get current reporting mechanism, then supress it
        // since we expect to see H5F errors because we will be trying to open
        // a file that is already open for writing.
        H5E_auto_t func;
        void * client_data;
        H5Eget_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, &func, &client_data);
        H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL);

        // can't write an already open archive
        TESTING_ASSERT_THROW(w(archiveName, ABCA::MetaData()),

        Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::ReadArchive r;

        // can't read an already open archive
        TESTING_ASSERT_THROW(r( archiveName ), Alembic::Util::Exception);

        // turn the error reporting back on for later tests
        H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, func, client_data);


        A5::ReadArchive r;
        ABCA::ArchiveReaderPtr a = r( archiveName );
        ABCA::ObjectReaderPtr archive = a->getTop();
        ABCA::MetaData m = archive->getHeader().getMetaData();
        TESTING_ASSERT(m.get("Bleep") == "bloop");
        TESTING_ASSERT(m.get("eep") == "");
        TESTING_ASSERT(m.get("potato") == "salad");
        TESTING_ASSERT(m.get("geoScope") == "tasty");
        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getName() == "ABC");
        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getFullName() == "/");
        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getParent() == NULL);
        TESTING_ASSERT(archive->getNumChildren() == 0);

        // even though we didn't write anything make sure we intrincially have
        // the default sampling
        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getNumTimeSamplings() == 1);
        TESTING_ASSERT(*(a->getTimeSampling(0)) == ABCA::TimeSampling());
        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(0) == 0);

        ABCA::CompoundPropertyReaderPtr parent = archive->getProperties();
        TESTING_ASSERT(parent->getNumProperties() == 0);

        // get it again to make sure we clean ourselves up properly
        A5::ReadArchive r2;
        ABCA::ArchiveReaderPtr a2 = r2( archiveName );
        ABCA::ObjectReaderPtr archive2 = a2->getTop();
        ABCA::CompoundPropertyReaderPtr p2 = archive2->getProperties();
        TESTING_ASSERT(p2->getNumProperties() == 0);
void testReadWriteMaxNumSamplesArchive()
    std::string archiveName = "";

        A5::WriteArchive w;
        ABCA::ArchiveWriterPtr a = w(archiveName, ABCA::MetaData());

        // we always have 1
        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getNumTimeSamplings() == 1);

        std::vector< double > samps;

        // uniform sampling starts at second 34, 24fps
        ABCA::TimeSampling ts(ABCA::TimeSamplingType(1.0/24.0), samps);
        uint32_t index = a->addTimeSampling(ts);
        TESTING_ASSERT(index == 1);

        // uniform sampling starts at second 72, 24fps
        samps[0] = 72.0;
        ABCA::TimeSampling ts2(ABCA::TimeSamplingType(1.0/24.0), samps);
        index = a->addTimeSampling(ts2);
        TESTING_ASSERT(index == 2);

        std::string testStr = "test";
        ABCA::ScalarPropertyWriterPtr propPtr =
                ABCA::DataType(Alembic::Util::kStringPOD, 1), 1);

        // set the same thing 3 times

        propPtr =
                ABCA::DataType(Alembic::Util::kStringPOD, 1), 2);
        std::string test2Str = "test2";

        A5::ReadArchive r;
        ABCA::ArchiveReaderPtr a = r( archiveName );

        std::vector< double > samps;

        // uniform sampling starts at second 34, 24fps
        ABCA::TimeSampling ts(ABCA::TimeSamplingType(1.0/24.0), samps);
        TESTING_ASSERT( ts == *(a->getTimeSampling(1)) );

        TESTING_ASSERT( a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(0) == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(1) == 1 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(2) == 3 );
void testReadWriteTimeSamplingArchive()
    std::string archiveName = "";

        A5::WriteArchive w;
        ABCA::ArchiveWriterPtr a = w(archiveName, ABCA::MetaData());

        // we always have 1
        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getNumTimeSamplings() == 1);

        // getting a time sampling that doesn't exist should throw
            a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(43) == INDEX_UNKNOWN);

        // first one is the default time sampling
        TESTING_ASSERT(*(a->getTimeSampling(0)) == ABCA::TimeSampling());
        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(0) == 0);

        std::vector< double > samps;

        // uniform sampling starts at second 34, 24fps
        ABCA::TimeSampling ts(ABCA::TimeSamplingType(1.0/24.0), samps);
        uint32_t index = a->addTimeSampling(ts);
        TESTING_ASSERT(index == 1);

        // even though we add the same thing, we get the same index back
        index = a->addTimeSampling(ts);
        TESTING_ASSERT(index == 1);

        // cyclic sampling example
        ts = ABCA::TimeSampling(ABCA::TimeSamplingType(3, 1.0), samps);
        index = a->addTimeSampling(ts);
        TESTING_ASSERT(index == 2);

        // normally we wouldn't ever call this directly, call it here
        // for testing purposes only
        a->setMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(2, 42);

        // really weird acyclic example
        ts = ABCA::TimeSampling(
            ABCA::TimeSamplingType(ABCA::TimeSamplingType::kAcyclic), samps);
        index = a->addTimeSampling(ts);
        TESTING_ASSERT(index == 3);

        // now we should have 4
        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getNumTimeSamplings() == 4);

        A5::ReadArchive r;
        ABCA::ArchiveReaderPtr a = r( archiveName );

        TESTING_ASSERT(a->getNumTimeSamplings() == 4);

        // first one is the default time sampling
        TESTING_ASSERT(*(a->getTimeSampling(0)) == ABCA::TimeSampling());

        std::vector< double > samps;

        // uniform sampling starts at second 34, 24fps
        ABCA::TimeSampling ts(ABCA::TimeSamplingType(1.0/24.0), samps);
        TESTING_ASSERT( ts == *(a->getTimeSampling(1)) );
        TESTING_ASSERT( a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(1) == 0 );

        // cyclic sampling example
        ts = ABCA::TimeSampling(ABCA::TimeSamplingType(3, 1.0), samps);
        TESTING_ASSERT( ts == *(a->getTimeSampling(2)) );
        TESTING_ASSERT( a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(2) == 42 );

        // really weird acyclic example
        ts = ABCA::TimeSampling(
            ABCA::TimeSamplingType(ABCA::TimeSamplingType::kAcyclic), samps);
        TESTING_ASSERT( ts == *(a->getTimeSampling(3)) );
        TESTING_ASSERT( a->getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(3) == 0 );