std::string AssimpModelExport::getSupportedFormats()
	std::string all = "All (";
	std::string individual = "";

	Assimp::Exporter exporter;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < exporter.GetExportFormatCount(); ++i)
		const aiExportFormatDesc* desc = exporter.GetExportFormatDescription(i);
		all += "*." + std::string(desc->fileExtension) + " ";
		individual += ";;" + std::string(desc->description) + " (*." +
			std::string(desc->fileExtension) + ")";
	all += ")";
	return all + individual;
std::string AssimpModelExport::getExportFormatID(
	const std::string &fileExtension)
	std::string ret;
	Assimp::Exporter exporter;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < exporter.GetExportFormatCount(); ++i)
		const aiExportFormatDesc* desc = exporter.GetExportFormatDescription(i);
		if (fileExtension == desc->fileExtension)
			ret = desc->id;
	return ret;
Beispiel #3
TEST_F( utIssues, OpacityBugWhenExporting_727 ) {
    float opacity;
    aiScene *scene( TestModelFacttory::createDefaultTestModel( opacity ) );
    Assimp::Importer importer;
    Assimp::Exporter exporter;
    std::string path = "dae";
    const aiExportFormatDesc *desc( exporter.GetExportFormatDescription( 0 ) );
    EXPECT_NE( desc, nullptr );
    path.append( desc->fileExtension );
    EXPECT_EQ( AI_SUCCESS, exporter.Export( scene, desc->id, path ) );
    const aiScene *newScene( importer.ReadFile( path, 0 ) );
    EXPECT_TRUE( NULL != newScene );
    float newOpacity;
    if ( newScene->mNumMaterials > 0 ) {
        std::cout << "Desc = " << desc->description << "\n";
        EXPECT_EQ( AI_SUCCESS, newScene->mMaterials[ 0 ]->Get( AI_MATKEY_OPACITY, newOpacity ) );
        EXPECT_EQ( opacity, newOpacity );
void ColladaExporter::save(const TMD::PostProcessed::Data_t& data, const std::vector<CAT::ResourceEntry_t::SubEntry_t>& references) {
	boost::filesystem::path output_path(_export_folder);
	output_path /= "tmd";
	boost::filesystem::path dae_filename(output_path);
	dae_filename += _dae_suffix;

	/*std::ofstream dae_out;
	open_to_write(dae_out, dae_filename);
	LeftPad_t pad{ 0 };
	PaddedOstream pad_out(dae_out, pad);
	write_document(pad_out, data);

	aiScene scene;
	create_assimp_scene(scene, data);

	Assimp::Exporter exporter;
	auto export_format = exporter.GetExportFormatDescription(0);

	exporter.Export(&scene, export_format->id, dae_filename.string().c_str());

Beispiel #5
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Application entry point
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc <= 1)	{
		printf("assimp: No command specified. Use \'assimp help\' for a detailed command list\n");
		return 0;

	// assimp version
	// Display version information
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "version")) {
		const unsigned int flags = aiGetCompileFlags();
			(flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_DEBUG ?			"-debug "   : ""),
			(flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_NOBOOST ?		"-noboost " : ""),
			(flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_SHARED ?			"-shared "  : ""),
			(flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_SINGLETHREADED ? "-st "      : ""),
			(flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_STLPORT ?		"-stlport " : ""),

		return 0;

	// assimp help
	// Display some basic help (--help and -h work as well 
	// because people could try them intuitively)
	if (!strcmp(argv[1], "help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h")) {
		return 0;

	// assimp cmpdump
	// Compare two mini model dumps (regression suite) 
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "cmpdump")) {
		return Assimp_CompareDump (&argv[2],argc-2);

	// construct global importer and exporter instances
	Assimp::Importer imp;
	globalImporter = &imp;

	Assimp::Exporter exp;
	globalExporter = &exp;

	// assimp listext
	// List all file extensions supported by Assimp
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "listext")) {
		aiString s;

		return 0;

	// assimp listexport
	// List all export file formats supported by Assimp (not the file extensions, just the format identifiers!)
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "listexport")) {
		aiString s;
		for(size_t i = 0, end = exp.GetExportFormatCount(); i < end; ++i) {
			const aiExportFormatDesc* const e = exp.GetExportFormatDescription(i);
			s.Append( e->id );
			if (i!=end-1) {

		return 0;

	// assimp exportinfo
	// stat an export format
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "exportinfo")) {
		aiString s;

		if (argc<3) {
			printf("Expected file format id\n");
			return -11;

		for(size_t i = 0, end = exp.GetExportFormatCount(); i < end; ++i) {
			const aiExportFormatDesc* const e = exp.GetExportFormatDescription(i);
			if (!strcmp(e->id,argv[2])) {
				return 0;
		printf("Unknown file format id: \'%s\'\n",argv[2]);
		return -12;

	// assimp export
	// Export a model to a file
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "export")) {
		return Assimp_Export (&argv[2],argc-2);


	// assimp knowext
	// Check whether a particular file extension is known by us, return 0 on success
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "knowext")) {
		if (argc<3) {
			printf("Expected file extension");
			return -10;
		const bool b = imp.IsExtensionSupported(argv[2]);
		printf("File extension \'%s\'  is %sknown\n",argv[2],(b?"":"not "));
		return b?0:-1;

	// assimp info
	// Print basic model statistics
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "info")) {
		return Assimp_Info ((const char**)&argv[2],argc-2);

	// assimp dump 
	// Dump a model to a file 
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "dump")) {
		return Assimp_Dump (&argv[2],argc-2);

	// assimp extract 
	// Extract an embedded texture from a file
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "extract")) {
		return Assimp_Extract (&argv[2],argc-2);

	// assimp testbatchload
	// Used by /test/other/ to load a list of files
	// using the same importer instance to check for incompatible
	// importers.
	if (! strcmp(argv[1], "testbatchload")) {
		return Assimp_TestBatchLoad (&argv[2],argc-2);

	printf("Unrecognized command. Use \'assimp help\' for a detailed command list\n");
	return 1;
*  \brief      Export a cad model (vertices and faces) with the assimp library
*  \author     Sascha Kaden
*  \param[in]  format
*  \param[in]  filePath
*  \param[in]  list of vertices
*  \param[in]  list of faces
*  \date       2017-02-19
bool exportCad(ExportFormat format, const std::string &filePath, const std::vector<Vector3> &vertices,
               const std::vector<Vector3i> &faces) {
    if (filePath.empty()) {
        Logging::warning("Empty output file path", "CadProcessing");
        return false;

    Assimp::Exporter exporter;
    size_t maxFormatCount = exporter.GetExportFormatCount();
    size_t formatCount;
    switch (format) {
        case ExportFormat::COLLADA:
            formatCount = 0;
        case ExportFormat::X_FILES:
            formatCount = 1;
        case ExportFormat::STEP:
            formatCount = 2;
        case ExportFormat::OBJ:
            formatCount = 3;
        case ExportFormat::STEREOLITHOGRAPHY:
            formatCount = 4;
        case ExportFormat::STEREOLITHOGRAPHY_BINARY:
            formatCount = 5;
        case ExportFormat::STANFORD_POLYGON_LIBRARY:
            formatCount = 6;
            formatCount = 7;
        case ExportFormat::AUTODESK_3DS:
            formatCount = 8;
        case ExportFormat::GL_TRANSMISSION_FORMAT:
            formatCount = 9;
        case ExportFormat::GL_TRANSMISSION_FORMAT_BINARY:
            formatCount = 10;
        case ExportFormat::ASSIMP_BINARY:
            formatCount = 11;
        case ExportFormat::ASSXML_DOCUMENT:
            formatCount = 12;
        case ExportFormat::EXTENSIBLE_3D:
            formatCount = 13;

    if (formatCount > maxFormatCount) {
        Logging::warning("Selected format is not supported", "CadProcessing");
        return false;

    aiScene scene = generateScene(vertices, faces);

    const aiExportFormatDesc *formatDesc = exporter.GetExportFormatDescription(formatCount);
    exporter.Export(&scene, formatDesc->id, filePath + "." + formatDesc->fileExtension, aiProcess_Triangulate);
    return true;
Beispiel #7
    void OBJWriter::write(const std::shared_ptr<gameplay::Model>& model,
                          const std::string& baseName,
                          const std::map<loader::TextureLayoutProxy::TextureKey, std::shared_ptr<gameplay::Material>>& mtlMap1,
                          const std::map<loader::TextureLayoutProxy::TextureKey, std::shared_ptr<gameplay::Material>>& mtlMap2,
                          const glm::vec3& ambientColor) const
        Expects(model != nullptr);

        auto fullPath = m_basePath / baseName;

        Assimp::Exporter exporter;
        std::string formatIdentifier;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < exporter.GetExportFormatCount(); ++i)
            auto descr = exporter.GetExportFormatDescription(i);
            BOOST_ASSERT(descr != nullptr);

            std::string exporterExtension = std::string(".") + descr->fileExtension;

            if(exporterExtension == fullPath.extension().string())
                formatIdentifier = descr->id;

            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Failed to find an exporter for the supplied file extension";
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Here's the list of registered exporters";

            for(size_t i = 0; i < exporter.GetExportFormatCount(); ++i)
                auto descr = exporter.GetExportFormatDescription(i);
                BOOST_ASSERT(descr != nullptr);

                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << descr->description << ", extension `" << descr->fileExtension << "`, id `" << descr->id << "`";

            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Failed to find an exporter for the supplied file extension"));

        std::unique_ptr<aiScene> scene = std::make_unique<aiScene>();
        BOOST_ASSERT(scene->mRootNode == nullptr);
        scene->mRootNode = new aiNode();

            size_t totalPartCount = 0;
            for( const auto& mesh : model->getMeshes() )
                totalPartCount += mesh->getPartCount();

            scene->mNumMaterials = totalPartCount;
            scene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial*[totalPartCount];
            std::fill_n(scene->mMaterials, totalPartCount, nullptr);

            scene->mNumMeshes = totalPartCount;
            scene->mMeshes = new aiMesh*[totalPartCount];
            std::fill_n(scene->mMeshes, totalPartCount, nullptr);

            scene->mRootNode->mNumMeshes = totalPartCount;
            scene->mRootNode->mMeshes = new unsigned int[totalPartCount];
            for( size_t i = 0; i < totalPartCount; ++i )
                scene->mRootNode->mMeshes[i] = i;

        for( size_t mi = 0, globalPartIndex = 0; mi < model->getMeshes().size(); ++mi )
            BOOST_ASSERT(mi < scene->mNumMeshes);
            const auto& mesh = model->getMeshes()[mi];

            for( size_t pi = 0; pi < mesh->getPartCount(); ++pi , ++globalPartIndex )
                BOOST_ASSERT(globalPartIndex < scene->mNumMaterials);
                const std::shared_ptr<gameplay::MeshPart>& part = mesh->getPart(pi);

                scene->mMeshes[globalPartIndex] = new aiMesh();
                aiMesh* outMesh = scene->mMeshes[globalPartIndex];

                allocateElementMemory(mesh, outMesh);
                copyVertexData(mesh, outMesh);

                BOOST_ASSERT(part->getPrimitiveType() == gameplay::Mesh::PrimitiveType::TRIANGLES && part->getIndexCount() % 3 == 0);
                outMesh->mMaterialIndex = globalPartIndex;
                scene->mMaterials[globalPartIndex] = new aiMaterial();
                scene->mMaterials[globalPartIndex]->AddProperty(new aiColor4D(ambientColor.r, ambientColor.g, ambientColor.b, 1), 1, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT);

                    // try to find the texture for our material

                    using Entry = decltype(*mtlMap1.begin());
                    auto finder = [&part](const Entry& entry)
                            return entry.second == part->getMaterial();

                    auto texIt = std::find_if(mtlMap1.begin(), mtlMap1.end(), finder);

                    bool found = false;
                    if( texIt != mtlMap1.end() )
                        scene->mMaterials[globalPartIndex]->AddProperty(new aiString(makeTextureName(texIt->first.tileAndFlag & TextureIndexMask) + ".png"), AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(0));
                        found = true;

                    if( !found )
                        texIt = std::find_if(mtlMap2.begin(), mtlMap2.end(), finder);
                        if( texIt != mtlMap2.end() )
                            scene->mMaterials[globalPartIndex]->AddProperty(new aiString(makeTextureName(texIt->first.tileAndFlag & TextureIndexMask) + ".png"), AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE(0));

                outMesh->mNumFaces = part->getIndexCount() / 3;
                outMesh->mFaces = new aiFace[outMesh->mNumFaces];

                switch( part->getIndexFormat() )
                    case gameplay::Mesh::INDEX8:
                        copyIndices<uint8_t>(part, outMesh);
                    case gameplay::Mesh::INDEX16:
                        copyIndices<uint16_t>(part, outMesh);
                    case gameplay::Mesh::INDEX32:
                        copyIndices<uint32_t>(part, outMesh);

        exporter.Export(scene.get(), formatIdentifier.c_str(), fullPath.string(), aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure | aiProcess_FlipUVs);