Beispiel #1
void binary_save(const blitz::Array<T,n> & M,std::string filename)
  T z;assert(M.isStorageContiguous());
  std::stringstream f;M.dumpStructureInformation(f);
  std::ofstream out(filename.c_str(),std::ios::binary);
  std::string s = f.str();int i=int(s.length())+1;char c='1';
  out.write( (char*) &i,sizeof(i));
  out.write( (s.c_str()) ,i*sizeof(c));  
  out.write( (char*)M.dataFirst(),M.numElements()*sizeof(z));
Beispiel #2
  inline void for_cons(const blitz::Array<T,n> & M, bool check_order){
    need_copy = (!(M.isStorageContiguous()));
    if (check_order) for (int i=0; i<n;i++) need_copy = (need_copy || (M.ordering(i)!=i));
    if (need_copy) std::cout<<"WARNING : REF : COPY NEEDED. Performance will be degraded"<<std::endl;
    Mref = (blitz::Array<T,n> *)&M;
    // The copy has the same shape but is ordered like a fortran array
    if (need_copy) {Mcopy.resize(M.shape());Mcopy=M;}
Beispiel #3
double VectorInnerProduct(const blitz::Array<double, Rank> &u, const blitz::Array<double, Rank> &v)
	if (u.size() != v.size())
		cout << "Vector u and v is of different size: " << u.size() << " != " << v.size() << endl;
		throw std::runtime_error("invalid vector sizes for inner product");
	if (!u.isStorageContiguous())
		throw std::runtime_error("Vector u is not contiguous");
	if (!v.isStorageContiguous())
		throw std::runtime_error("Vector v is not contiguous");
	int N = u.size();
	int uStride = 1; //u.stride(0);
	int vStride = 1; //v.stride(0);
	return BLAS_NAME(ddot)(N, (double*), uStride, (double*), vStride);
Beispiel #4
void binary_load(blitz::Array<T,n> & M,std::string filename)
  assert(M.isStorageContiguous());T z;
  std::ifstream out(filename.c_str(),std::ios::binary);
  int i;char c='1'; (char*) &i,sizeof(i));
  char *st = new char[i+1]; st ,i*sizeof(c)); std::string s(st); 
  std::stringstream f;  M.dumpStructureInformation(f);
  if (f.str() != s) FATAL("Can not load binary : array do not conform. Structure (file vs array)"<<s<<"----"<<f.str()); (char*)M.dataFirst(),M.numElements()*sizeof(z));
Beispiel #5
cplx VectorInnerProduct(const blitz::Array<cplx, Rank> &u, const blitz::Array<cplx, Rank> &v)
	if (u.size() != v.size())
		cout << "Vector u and v is of different size: " << u.size() << " != " << v.size() << endl;
		throw std::runtime_error("invalid vector sizes for inner product");
	if (!u.isStorageContiguous())
		throw std::runtime_error("Vector u is not contiguous");
	if (!v.isStorageContiguous())
		throw std::runtime_error("Vector v is not contiguous");
	int N = u.size();
	int uStride = 1; //u.stride(0);
	int vStride = 1; //v.stride(0);

	cplx result;
	acml::doublecomplex ret = BLAS_NAME(zdotc)(N, (acml::doublecomplex*), uStride, (acml::doublecomplex*), vStride);
	result = cplx(ret.real, ret.imag);
	return result;