void DataStorageEditorInputFactory::SaveState(const berry::IMemento::Pointer& memento, const DataStorageEditorInput* input)
  IDataStorageReference::Pointer dataStorageRef = input->GetDataStorageReference();
  if (dataStorageRef)
    QString label = dataStorageRef->GetLabel();
    DataStorage::Pointer dataStorage = dataStorageRef->GetDataStorage();
    if (dataStorage)
      memento->PutString(TAG_LABEL, label);
      auto nodes = dataStorage->GetAll();
      for(auto nodeIter = nodes.begin(); nodeIter != nodes.end(); ++nodeIter)
Beispiel #2
mitk::DataStorage::Pointer mitk::SceneIO::LoadScene( const std::string& filename,
                                                     DataStorage* pStorage,
                                                     bool clearStorageFirst )
  // prepare data storage
  DataStorage::Pointer storage = pStorage;
  if ( storage.IsNull() )
    storage = StandaloneDataStorage::New().GetPointer();

  if ( clearStorageFirst )
      storage->Remove( storage->GetAll() );
      MITK_ERROR << "DataStorage cannot be cleared properly.";

  // test input filename
  if ( filename.empty() )
    MITK_ERROR << "No filename given. Not possible to load scene.";
    return NULL;

  // test if filename can be read
  std::ifstream file( filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary );
  if (!file.good())
    MITK_ERROR << "Cannot open '" << filename << "' for reading";
    return NULL;

  // get new temporary directory
  m_WorkingDirectory = CreateEmptyTempDirectory();
  if (m_WorkingDirectory.empty())
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not create temporary directory. Cannot open scene files.";
    return NULL;

  // unzip all filenames contents to temp dir
  m_UnzipErrors = 0;
  Poco::Zip::Decompress unzipper( file, Poco::Path( m_WorkingDirectory ) );
  unzipper.EError += Poco::Delegate<SceneIO, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const std::string> >(this, &SceneIO::OnUnzipError);
  unzipper.EOk    += Poco::Delegate<SceneIO, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const Poco::Path> >(this, &SceneIO::OnUnzipOk);
  unzipper.EError -= Poco::Delegate<SceneIO, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const std::string> >(this, &SceneIO::OnUnzipError);
  unzipper.EOk    -= Poco::Delegate<SceneIO, std::pair<const Poco::Zip::ZipLocalFileHeader, const Poco::Path> >(this, &SceneIO::OnUnzipOk);

  if ( m_UnzipErrors )
    MITK_ERROR << "There were " << m_UnzipErrors << " errors unzipping '" << filename << "'. Will attempt to read whatever could be unzipped.";

  // test if index.xml exists
  // parse index.xml with TinyXML
  TiXmlDocument document( m_WorkingDirectory + Poco::Path::separator() + "index.xml" );
  if (!document.LoadFile())
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not open/read/parse " << m_WorkingDirectory << "/index.xml\nTinyXML reports: " << document.ErrorDesc() << std::endl;
    return NULL;

  SceneReader::Pointer reader = SceneReader::New();
  if ( !reader->LoadScene( document, m_WorkingDirectory, storage ) )
    MITK_ERROR << "There were errors while loading scene file " << filename << ". Your data may be corrupted";

  // delete temp directory
    Poco::File deleteDir( m_WorkingDirectory );
    deleteDir.remove(true); // recursive
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not delete temporary directory " << m_WorkingDirectory;

  // return new data storage, even if empty or uncomplete (return as much as possible but notify calling method)
  return storage;
