Beispiel #1
void GraphvizDotGen::writeDotFile( )
	out << 
		"digraph " << fsmName << " {\n"
		"	rankdir=LR;\n";
	/* Define the psuedo states. Transitions will be done after the states
	 * have been defined as either final or not final. */
	out << "	node [ shape = point ];\n";

	if ( redFsm->startState != 0 )
		out << "	ENTRY;\n";

	/* Psuedo states for entry points in the entry map. */
	for ( EntryIdVect::Iter en = entryPointIds; en.lte(); en++ ) {
		RedStateAp *state = allStates + *en;
		out << "	en_" << state->id << ";\n";

	/* Psuedo states for final states with eof actions. */
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		if ( st->eofTrans != 0 && st->eofTrans->action != 0 )
			out << "	eof_" << st->id << ";\n";
		if ( st->eofAction != 0 )
			out << "	eof_" << st->id << ";\n";

	out << "	node [ shape = circle, height = 0.2 ];\n";

	/* Psuedo states for states whose default actions go to error. */
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		bool needsErr = false;
		if ( st->defTrans != 0 && st->defTrans->targ == 0 )
			needsErr = true;
		else {
			for ( RedTransList::Iter tel = st->outRange; tel.lte(); tel++ ) {
				if ( tel->value->targ == 0 ) {
					needsErr = true;

		if ( needsErr )
			out << "	err_" << st->id << " [ label=\"\"];\n";

	/* Attributes common to all nodes, plus double circle for final states. */
	out << "	node [ fixedsize = true, height = 0.65, shape = doublecircle ];\n";

	/* List Final states. */
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		if ( st->isFinal )
			out << "	" << st->id << ";\n";

	/* List transitions. */
	out << "	node [ shape = circle ];\n";

	/* Walk the states. */
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ )
		writeTransList( st );

	/* Transitions into the start state. */
	if ( redFsm->startState != 0 ) 
		out << "	ENTRY -> " << redFsm->startState->id << " [ label = \"IN\" ];\n";

	/* Transitions into the entry points. */
	for ( EntryIdVect::Iter en = entryPointIds; en.lte(); en++ ) {
		RedStateAp *state = allStates + *en;
		char *name = entryPointNames[en.pos()];
		out << "	en_" << state->id << " -> " << state->id <<
				" [ label = \"" << name << "\" ];\n";

	/* Out action transitions. */
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		if ( st->eofTrans != 0 && st->eofTrans->action != 0 ) {
			out << "	" << st->id << " -> eof_" << 
					st->id << " [ label = \"EOF"; 
			ACTION( st->eofTrans->action ) << "\" ];\n";
		if ( st->eofAction != 0 ) {
			out << "	" << st->id << " -> eof_" << 
					st->id << " [ label = \"EOF"; 
			ACTION( st->eofAction ) << "\" ];\n";

	out <<