void ProduceAandNTab(Excel::_WorkbookPtr &pXLBook,
	const std::vector<std::wstring> &vTabs)
	// Get the active Worksheet and set its name.
	Excel::_WorksheetPtr pXLSheet = pXLBook->ActiveSheet;
	if(nullptr == pXLSheet)
	pXLSheet->Name = _bstr_t(L"a & n");

	// Create four columns of data: Name, Pc, Br, and ISP
	// Construct a safearray of the data
	LONG lIndex = 2;		// Note, 1 based not 0 - will contain # of rows...
	VARIANT saData;
	saData.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT;
		sab[0].lLbound = 1;
		sab[0].cElements = vTabs.size() + 2;
		sab[1].lLbound = 1;
		sab[1].cElements = 4;
		saData.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 2, sab);
		if(saData.parray == nullptr)
			MessageBoxW(HWND_TOP, L"Unable to create safearray for passing data to Excel.", L"Memory error...", MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONERROR);

		// Clean-up safe array when done...
		auto cleanArray = std::experimental::make_scope_exit([&saData]() -> void

		// Labels:
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 1, L"Motor");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 2, L"Pressure");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 3, L"Burn Rate");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 4, L"ISP");

		for(auto entry : vTabs)
			std::wstring wstrLink(L"=");
			wstrLink += entry;
			wstrLink += L"!$L$";
			const std::wstring wstrPc(wstrLink + L"47");
			const std::wstring wstrBr(wstrLink + L"56");
			const std::wstring wstrISP(wstrLink + L"55");

			SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, lIndex, 1, entry);		// A Name
			SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, lIndex, 2, wstrPc);		// B Pc
			SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, lIndex, 3, wstrBr);		// C Br
			SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, lIndex, 4, wstrISP);		// D Isp

		// Insert the data into A1-Dx
		std::wstring wstrDataRange(L"A1:D");
		wstrDataRange += std::to_wstring(lIndex);

		Excel::RangePtr pXLRange = pXLSheet->Range[_variant_t(wstrDataRange.c_str())];
		pXLRange->Value2 = saData;

	// Create a chart of the data
	std::wstring wstrChartRange(L"='a & n'!$B$1:$C$");
	wstrChartRange += std::to_wstring(lIndex - 1);
	_variant_t varChartRangeString(wstrChartRange.c_str());

	// Create the range...
	Excel::RangePtr pChartRange = pXLSheet->Range[varChartRangeString];
	if(nullptr == pChartRange)

	// Create the chart -- odd, but this the method for getting it embedded on
	// the same page as the data...
	auto pShapes = pXLSheet->GetShapes();
	if(nullptr == pShapes)

	// auto pChartShape = pShapes->AddChart2(240, Excel::xlXYScatterLines);
	auto pChartShape = pShapes->AddChart(Excel::xlXYScatterLines);
	if(nullptr == pChartShape)

	// With the newly created Chart Shape we can access it's chart with Workbook::GetActiveChart()
	// And set the source data to the range created previously...
	auto pChart = pXLBook->GetActiveChart();
	if(nullptr == pChart)

	// Set the Chart Title
	auto pChartTitle = pChart->ChartTitle;
	if(nullptr != pChartTitle)
		pChartTitle->Text = _bstr_t(L"a & n");

	// Add Trendline:
	Excel::SeriesPtr pFSC1 = pChart->SeriesCollection(variant_t(1));
	if(nullptr == pFSC1)

	Excel::TrendlinesPtr pTrendLines = pFSC1->Trendlines();
	if(nullptr == pTrendLines)

	Excel::TrendlinePtr pTrendLine = pTrendLines->Item(_variant_t(1));
	if(nullptr == pTrendLine)
	pTrendLine->Type = Excel::xlPower;
	pTrendLine->Forward = 200;
	pTrendLine->Backward = 200;
	pTrendLine->DisplayEquation = VARIANT_TRUE;
	pTrendLine->DisplayRSquared = VARIANT_TRUE;

	// Enlarge Text
	Excel::DataLabelPtr pDataLabel = pTrendLine->DataLabel;
	if(nullptr == pDataLabel)

	Excel::FontPtr pFont = pDataLabel->Font;
	if(nullptr == pFont)
	pFont->Size = 16;

	// Move to top right...
	pDataLabel->Top = 40;
	pDataLabel->Left = 40;

	// Move chart into place and give a good size:
	Excel::ChartAreaPtr pChartArea = pChart->GetChartArea(0);
	if(nullptr == pChartArea)

	// Now give an Average ISP:
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'H', 17, L"Average Delivered ISP:");
	std::wstring wstrAvgISP(L"=AVERAGE(D2:D");
	wstrAvgISP += std::to_wstring(lIndex - 1);
	wstrAvgISP += L")";
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'K', 17, wstrAvgISP);
	// Place a & n numbers on the sheet:
	// a: =EXP(INDEX(LINEST(LN(C2:C4),LN(B2:B4),,)*1,2))
	// n: =INDEX(LINEST(LN(C2:C4), LN(B2:B4),,),1) 
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'H', 18, L"Burn Rate Coefficient (a):");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'H', 19, L"Burn Rate Exponent (n):");

	std::wstring wstrCoefficient(L"=EXP(INDEX(LINEST(LN(C2:C");
	wstrCoefficient += std::to_wstring(vTabs.size() + 1);
	wstrCoefficient += L"), LN(B2:B";
	wstrCoefficient += std::to_wstring(vTabs.size() + 1);
	wstrCoefficient += L"), , ) * 1, 2))";
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'K', 18, wstrCoefficient);

	std::wstring wstrExponent(L"=INDEX(LINEST(LN(C2:C");
	wstrExponent += std::to_wstring(vTabs.size() + 1);
	wstrExponent += L"), LN(B2:B";
	wstrExponent += std::to_wstring(vTabs.size() + 1);
	wstrExponent += L"), , ), 1)";
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'K', 19, wstrExponent);

	// Draw attention to the results:
	Excel::RangePtr pResultsRange = pXLSheet->Range[_bstr_t(L"H17:K19")];
	if(nullptr == pResultsRange)
	pResultsRange->Style = _bstr_t(L"Output");
bool ProduceExcelWorkbook(Excel::_WorkbookPtr &pXLBook,
	const std::wstring &wstrFilename,
	const std::string &strPropellant,
	bool bMetric,
	const boost::property_tree::ptree &tree,
	const std::vector<std::tuple<double, double, double, double, double> > &vReadings,
	std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> &mapProperties)
		return false;
	// Get the active Worksheet and set its name.
	Excel::_WorksheetPtr pXLSheet = pXLBook->ActiveSheet;
	if(nullptr == pXLSheet)
		return false;

	// Get Max Pressure to calculate the 10% line
	double dPmaxtime = 0.0f;
	double dPmax = GetPmax(dPmaxtime, vReadings);
	double dpTenPercent = dPmax * 0.10f;

	// Need to know the start and stop burn time based on 10% of Pmax:
	double dBurnStartTime = 0.0f;
	double dBurnEndTime = 0.0f;
	LONG lIndexBurnStart = 0;
	LONG lIndexBurnEnd = 0;
	LONG lExcelIndex = 1;
	bool bHaveEndTime = false;
	for(auto entry : vReadings)
		double dPressure = std::get<ePressure>(entry);
		double dTime = std::get<eTime>(entry);
		if(dTime <= dPmaxtime)
			if(dPressure < dpTenPercent)
			if(0 == lIndexBurnStart)
				dBurnStartTime = dTime;
				lIndexBurnStart = lExcelIndex;
			// Watching the curve downward...
			lIndexBurnEnd = lExcelIndex;
			if(dPressure < dpTenPercent)
			dBurnEndTime = dTime;
	double dBurnTime = dBurnEndTime - dBurnStartTime;

	// Convert name to a wide string and assign it to the sheet
	std::wstring wstrTabName(wstrFilename);

	// Remove any math operators from the name:
	_bstr_t bstrTabName(SysAllocString(wstrTabName.c_str()));
	pXLSheet->Name = bstrTabName;

	std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> converter;
	// std::wstring wstrPropellantName(converter.from_bytes(strPropellant.c_str()));

	// Create seven columns of data: Time, Thrust (LBS), Thrust (N), and Pressure (PSI), ...
	// Construct a safearray of the data
	LONG lIndex = 2;		// Note, 1 based not 0 - will contain # of rows...
	VARIANT saData;
	VARIANT saDataReferences;
	saData.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT;
	saDataReferences.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT;
		sab[0].lLbound = 1;
		sab[0].cElements = vReadings.size() + 2;
		sab[1].lLbound = 1;
		sab[1].cElements = 7;
		saData.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 2, sab);
		if(saData.parray == nullptr)
			MessageBoxW(HWND_TOP, L"Unable to create safearray for passing data to Excel.", L"Memory error...", MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONERROR);
			return false;

		// Clean-up safe array when done...
		auto cleanArray = std::experimental::make_scope_exit([&saData]() -> void

		sab[0].lLbound = 1;
		sab[0].cElements = vReadings.size() + 2;
		sab[1].lLbound = 1;
		sab[1].cElements = 5;
		saDataReferences.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 2, sab);
		if(saDataReferences.parray == nullptr)
			MessageBoxW(HWND_TOP, L"Unable to create safearray for passing data to Excel.", L"Memory error...", MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONERROR);
			return false;

		// Clean-up safe array when done...
		auto cleanRefArray = std::experimental::make_scope_exit([&saDataReferences]() -> void

		// Labels:
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 1, L"Time");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 2, L"Thrust\n(lbs.)");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 3, L"Thrust\n(N)");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 4, L"Pressure\n(PSI)");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 5, L"Threshold");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 6, L"Time\nDelta");
		SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, 1, 7, L"Thrust Element\n(N)");

		// Labels for reference data
		SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, 1, 1, L"Time Delta");				// AA
		SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, 1, 2, L"Thrust\n(lbs.)");			// AB
		SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, 1, 3, L"Thrust\n(N)");				// AC
		SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, 1, 4, L"Pressure\n(PSI)");			// AD
		SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, 1, 5, L"Thrust Element\n(N)");		// AE

		LONG lIndexBurnStart = lIndex;
		LONG lIndexBurnEnd = lIndex;
		for(auto data : vReadings)
			double dTime = std::get<eTime>(data);
			double dThrust = std::get<eThrust>(data);
			double dPressure = std::get<ePressure>(data);
			double dThrustLBS = bMetric ? dThrust / g_dNewtonsPerPound : dThrust;
			double dThrustN = bMetric ? dThrust : dThrust * g_dNewtonsPerPound;
			double dTimeDelta = std::get<eTimeDelta>(data);
			double dThrustElementN = std::get<eThrustElementN>(data);

			SafeArrayPutDouble(*saData.parray, lIndex, 1, dTime);			// A
			SafeArrayPutDouble(*saData.parray, lIndex, 2, dThrustLBS);		// B
			SafeArrayPutDouble(*saData.parray, lIndex, 3, dThrustN);		// C
			SafeArrayPutDouble(*saData.parray, lIndex, 4, dPressure);		// D
			std::wstring wstrPmaxCalcCell(L"=IF($D$");
			wstrPmaxCalcCell += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
			wstrPmaxCalcCell += L"<$Q$35,0,$Q$35";
			SafeArrayPutString(*saData.parray, lIndex, 5, wstrPmaxCalcCell);// E (pMax threshold)
			SafeArrayPutDouble(*saData.parray, lIndex, 6, dTimeDelta);		// F
			SafeArrayPutDouble(*saData.parray, lIndex, 7, dThrustElementN);	// G

			// Generate a set of data (to be hidden) which is blank when the real value is below the threshold
			auto fnGenThresholdIFStatement = ([lIndex](std::wstring &wstrStatement, wchar_t wcCol)
				wstrStatement = L"=IF($E$";
				wstrStatement += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
				wstrStatement += L",$";
				wstrStatement += wcCol;
				wstrStatement += L"$";
				wstrStatement += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
				wstrStatement += L",\"\")";

			// Now the references to included data  =IF($E$n,$F$n,"")
			std::wstring wstrRef;
			fnGenThresholdIFStatement(wstrRef, L'F');
			SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, lIndex, 1, wstrRef);// AA (Time Delta)
			fnGenThresholdIFStatement(wstrRef, L'B');
			SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, lIndex, 2, wstrRef);// AB (Thrust LBS.)
			fnGenThresholdIFStatement(wstrRef, L'C');
			SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, lIndex, 3, wstrRef);// AC (Thrust N.)
			fnGenThresholdIFStatement(wstrRef, L'D');
			SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, lIndex, 4, wstrRef);// AD (Pressure)
			fnGenThresholdIFStatement(wstrRef, L'G');
			SafeArrayPutString(*saDataReferences.parray, lIndex, 5, wstrRef);// AE (Thrust Element)


		// Insert the data into A1-Gx
		std::wstring wstrDataRange(L"A1:G");
		wstrDataRange += std::to_wstring(lIndex);

		Excel::RangePtr pXLRange = pXLSheet->Range[_variant_t(wstrDataRange.c_str())];
		if(nullptr == pXLRange)
			return false;
		pXLRange->Value2 = saData;

		// Insert the Reference Data in AA - EE
		std::wstring wstrDataRangeRef(L"AA1:AE");
		wstrDataRangeRef += std::to_wstring(lIndex);

		Excel::RangePtr pXLRangeRef = pXLSheet->Range[_variant_t(wstrDataRangeRef.c_str())];
		if(nullptr == pXLRangeRef)
			return false;
		pXLRangeRef->Value2 = saDataReferences;

	// Create a chart showing pressure and thrust curves
	// With a secondary axis for thrust so that curves are near in scale
	// e.g. "ASBLUE3_16!$A$1:$B$457,ASBLUE3_16!$D$1:$D$457"
	std::wstring wstrChartRange(wstrTabName + L"!$A$1:$B$");
	wstrChartRange += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	wstrChartRange += L",";
	wstrChartRange += wstrTabName;
	wstrChartRange += L"!$D$1:$D$";
	wstrChartRange += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	_variant_t varChartRangeString(wstrChartRange.c_str());

	// Create the range...
	Excel::RangePtr pChartRange = pXLSheet->Range[varChartRangeString];
	if(nullptr == pChartRange)
		return false;

	// Create the chart -- odd, but this the method for getting it embedded on
	// the same page as the data...
	auto pShapes = pXLSheet->GetShapes();
	if(nullptr == pShapes)
		return false;

	// auto pChartShape = pShapes->AddChart2(240, Excel::xlXYScatter); <- Requires Excel 2013
	auto pChartShape = pShapes->AddChart(Excel::xlXYScatter);
	if(nullptr == pChartShape)
		return false;

	// With the newly created Chart Shape we can access it's chart with Workbook::GetActiveChart()
	// And set the source data to the range created previously...
	auto pChart = pXLBook->GetActiveChart();
	if(nullptr == pChart)
		return false;

	// Set the Chart Title
	auto pChartTitle = pChart->ChartTitle;
	if(nullptr != pChartTitle)
		pChartTitle->Text = _bstr_t(L"Pressure and Thrust");

	// Setup as a custom chart with stacked lines and a secondary axis
	Excel::SeriesPtr pFSC1 = pChart->SeriesCollection(variant_t(1));
	Excel::SeriesPtr pFSC2 = pChart->SeriesCollection(variant_t(2));
	if(nullptr == pFSC1 || nullptr == pFSC2)
		return false;
	pFSC1->ChartType = Excel::xlLineStacked;
	pFSC1->AxisGroup = Excel::xlSecondary;
	pFSC2->ChartType = Excel::xlLineStacked;
	pFSC2->AxisGroup = Excel::xlPrimary;

	// Make the axis labels appear (left for PSI, bottom for time, and right for thrust)

	// Set the bottom (Primary - Category) axis title to "time":
	Excel::AxisPtr pPrimaryAxes = pChart->Axes(Excel::xlCategory, Excel::xlPrimary);
	if(nullptr == pPrimaryAxes)
		return false;

	Excel::AxisTitlePtr pPrimaryAxisTitle = pPrimaryAxes->AxisTitle;
	if(nullptr == pPrimaryAxisTitle)
		return false;
	_bstr_t bstrTime(L"Time");
	pPrimaryAxisTitle->Text = bstrTime;

	// Set the left (Primary - Value) axis title to "PSI":
	_bstr_t bstrPSI(L"PSI");
	Excel::AxisPtr pPrimaryVAxes = pChart->Axes(Excel::xlValue, Excel::xlPrimary);
	if(nullptr == pPrimaryVAxes)
		return false;
	Excel::AxisTitlePtr pPrimaryVAxisTitle = pPrimaryVAxes->AxisTitle;
	if(nullptr == pPrimaryVAxisTitle)
		return false;
	pPrimaryVAxisTitle->Text = bstrPSI;

	// Set the right (Secondary - Value) axis title to "Pounds of Thrust"
	Excel::AxisPtr pSecondaryAxes = pChart->Axes(Excel::xlValue, Excel::xlSecondary);
	if(nullptr == pSecondaryAxes)
		return false;
	Excel::AxisTitlePtr pSecondaryAxisTitle = pSecondaryAxes->AxisTitle;
	if(nullptr == pSecondaryAxisTitle)
		return false;
	pSecondaryAxisTitle->Text = _bstr_t(L"Pounds of Thrust");

	// Move chart into place and give a good size:
	Excel::ChartAreaPtr pChartArea = pChart->GetChartArea(0);
	if(nullptr == pChartArea)
		return false;

	// Set Gridlines

	// Add the 10% Pmax line:
	Excel::SeriesCollectionPtr pSeriesCol = pChart->SeriesCollection();
	if(nullptr == pSeriesCol)
		return false;
	Excel::SeriesPtr pPmaxSeries = pSeriesCol->NewSeries();
	if(nullptr == pPmaxSeries)
		return false;
	pPmaxSeries->Name = _bstr_t(L"Action Time");

	std::wstring wstrPmaxValue(L"=");
	wstrPmaxValue += wstrTabName;
	std::wstring wstrPmaxXValue(wstrPmaxValue);
	wstrPmaxValue += L"!$E$2:$E$";
	wstrPmaxXValue += L"!$A$2:$A$";
	wstrPmaxValue += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	wstrPmaxXValue += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	pPmaxSeries->Values = _bstr_t(wstrPmaxValue.c_str());
	pPmaxSeries->XValues = _bstr_t(wstrPmaxXValue.c_str());
	pPmaxSeries->ChartType = Excel::xlLine;
	pPmaxSeries->AxisGroup = Excel::xlPrimary;

	std::wstring wstrPressureRange(L"(D2:D");
	wstrPressureRange += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	wstrPressureRange += L")";

	// Display other file data...
	const std::string strGrains(tree.get("Document.MotorData.Grains", "0"));
	const std::string strCaseDiameter(tree.get("Document.MotorData.CaseDiameter", "0 mm"));
	const std::string strNozzleThroat(tree.get("Document.MotorData.NozzleThroatDiameter", "0"));
	std::string strInfo(strGrains + " grain " + strCaseDiameter + " " + strPropellant + " with " + strNozzleThroat + "\" throat 'nozzle'");
	std::wstring wstrInfo(converter.from_bytes(strInfo.c_str()));
	std::wstring wstrInfoRange(L"K1");

	Excel::RangePtr pInfoRange = pXLSheet->Range[_variant_t(wstrInfoRange.c_str())];
	if(nullptr == pInfoRange)
		return false;
	pInfoRange->Value2 = _bstr_t(wstrInfo.c_str());

	// Add calculated data: ???  5% line and other calculated data...
	// <doc name, display name, display location row letter, display location cell number, metric conversion>
	std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::wstring, wchar_t, int, bool> > vFileItemDisplay;
	vFileItemDisplay.push_back(std::make_tuple("Document.MotorData.MaxThrust", L"Maximum Thrust:", L'K', 25, true));
	vFileItemDisplay.push_back(std::make_tuple("Document.MotorData.AvgThrust", L"Average Thrust:", L'K', 26, true));
	vFileItemDisplay.push_back(std::make_tuple("Document.MotorData.MaxPressure", L"Maximum Pressure:", L'K', 28, false));
	vFileItemDisplay.push_back(std::make_tuple("Document.MotorData.AvgPressure", L"Average Pressure:", L'K', 29, false));
	vFileItemDisplay.push_back(std::make_tuple("Document.MotorData.BurnTime", L"Burn Time:", L'K', 31, false));
	vFileItemDisplay.push_back(std::make_tuple("Document.MotorData.Impuse", L"Impulse:", L'K', 32, false));	// NOTE: Spelling mistake in the TC Logger data!

	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 24, L"TC Logger File Data:");
	for(auto entry : vFileItemDisplay)
		std::wstring wstrDisplay(std::get<1>(entry));

		double dData = tree.get(std::get<0>(entry).c_str(), 0.0f);
		bool bConversion = std::get<4>(entry);

		const wchar_t wcColumn = std::get<2>(entry);
		const wchar_t wcDataColumn = wcColumn + 2;
		int row = std::get<3>(entry);

		PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, wcColumn, row, wstrDisplay);
			double dThrustLBS = bMetric ? dData / g_dNewtonsPerPound : dData;
			double dThrustN = bMetric ? dData : dData * g_dNewtonsPerPound;

			PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, wcDataColumn, row, std::to_wstring(dThrustLBS));
			PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, wcDataColumn + 1, row, L"LBS.");
			PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, wcDataColumn + 2, row, std::to_wstring(dThrustN));
			PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, wcDataColumn + 3, row, L"N");
			PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, wcDataColumn, row, std::to_wstring(dData));

	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 34, L"VARIABLES:");
	// Percent of Pmax used for calculations
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 35, L"% Pmax for Burn threshold:");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 35, mapProperties[L"PmaxThreshold"]);		// 10% by default gives Action Time according to Sutton
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'M', 35, L"Pmax:");
	std::wstring wstrPmaxCalc(L"=MAX");
	wstrPmaxCalc += wstrPressureRange;
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'N', 35, wstrPmaxCalc);
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'O', 35, L"Pmax Threshold:");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'Q', 35, L"=($N$35*($L$35/100))");		// Q35

	// Grain Weight (g):			[178]
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 36, L"Grain Weight (g):");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 36, mapProperties[L"GrainWeight"]);

	// Liner Weight g/in:			[ 1.9197342 ] or [ 3.030928 ]
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 37, L"Casting Tube Weight (g/in.):");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 37, mapProperties[L"CastingTubeWeight"]);
	// PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'M', 37, L"White 54mm casting tube: 1.9197342 g/in.  Tru-Core Waxy 54mm: 3.030928 g/in");

	// Grain Length:				[ 3.0625 ]
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 38, L"Grain Length (in.):");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 38, mapProperties[L"GrainLength"]);

	// Grain Diameter (in.):		[ 1.75 ]
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 39, L"Grain Diameter (in.):");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 39, mapProperties[L"GrainDiameter"]);

	// Grain Core (in.):			[ 0.625 ]
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 40, L"Grain Core (in.):");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 40, mapProperties[L"GrainCore"]);

	// Our calculations (using Excel formulas so input can be changed)...
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 42, L"Calculations based on Pmax Threshold:");

	// Density:
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 43, L"Density:");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 43, L"=((L36-(L38*L37))/453.59237)/(((((L39/2)^2)-(L40/2)^2))*PI()*L38)");

	// Web
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 44, L"Web:");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 44, L"=(L39-L40)/2");

	// Burn Time (s)
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 45, L"Burn Time (s):");
	std::wstring wstrBurnTime(L"=SUM(AA1:AA");
	wstrBurnTime += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 45, wstrBurnTime);
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'M', 45, std::wstring(L"10% = " + std::to_wstring(dBurnTime)));

	// Max Pressure
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 46, L"Max Pressure (PSI):");
	std::wstring wstrBtPressureRange(L"(AD1:AD");
	wstrBtPressureRange += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	wstrBtPressureRange += L")";

	std::wstring wstrMaxPressure(L"=MAX");
	wstrMaxPressure += wstrBtPressureRange;
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 46, wstrMaxPressure);

	// Average Pressure
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 47, L"Average Pressure (PSI):");
	std::wstring wstrAvgPressure(L"=AVERAGE");
	wstrAvgPressure += wstrBtPressureRange;
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 47, wstrAvgPressure);

	std::wstring wstrThrustRange(L"(AB1:AB");
	std::wstring wstrThrustRangeN(L"(AC1:AC");
	std::wstring wstrThrustElementRangeN(L"(AE1:AE");
	wstrThrustRange += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	wstrThrustRangeN += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	wstrThrustElementRangeN += std::to_wstring(lIndex);
	wstrThrustRange += L")";
	wstrThrustRangeN += L")";
	wstrThrustElementRangeN += L")";

	// Max Thrust (LBS)
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 48, L"Max Thrust (LBS):");
	std::wstring wstrMaxThrust(L"=MAX");
	wstrMaxThrust += wstrThrustRange;
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 48, wstrMaxThrust);

	// Max Thrust (N)
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 49, L"Max Thrust (N):");
	std::wstring wstrMaxThrustN(L"=MAX");
	wstrMaxThrustN += wstrThrustRangeN;
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 49, wstrMaxThrustN);

	// Average Thrust (LBS)
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 50, L"Average Thrust (LBS):");
	std::wstring wstrAvgThrust(L"=AVERAGE");
	wstrAvgThrust += wstrThrustRange;
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 50, wstrAvgThrust);

	// Average Thrust (N)
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 51, L"Average Thrust (N):");
	std::wstring wstrAvgThrustN(L"=AVERAGE");
	wstrAvgThrustN += wstrThrustRangeN;
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 51, wstrAvgThrustN);

	// Total Thrust:
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 52, L"Total Thrust (N):");
	std::wstring wstrTotalThrustN(L"=SUM");
	wstrTotalThrustN += wstrThrustElementRangeN;
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 52, wstrTotalThrustN);

	// Grain Weight minus Liner:
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 53, L"Propellant Weight (g):");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 53, L"=(L36-(L38*L37))");

	// ISP:
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 55, L"ISP:");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 55, L"=L52/(9.8*(L53/1000))");

	// Burn Rate:
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'I', 56, L"Burn Rate:");
	PlaceStringInCell(pXLSheet, L'L', 56, L"=(L44/L45)");

	// Make the INPUT area GREEN:
	Excel::RangePtr pVariableRange = pXLSheet->Range[_variant_t(L"I35:L40")];
	if(nullptr == pVariableRange)
		return false;
	Excel::InteriorPtr pIntVarRange = pVariableRange->Interior;
	if(nullptr == pIntVarRange)
		return false;
	pIntVarRange->Pattern = xlSolid;
	pIntVarRange->PatternColorIndex = Excel::xlAutomatic;
	pIntVarRange->Color = 5287936;
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	// Output Area
	Excel::RangePtr pCalcRange = pXLSheet->Range[_variant_t(L"I43:L56")];
	if(nullptr == pCalcRange)
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	Excel::InteriorPtr pIntCalcRange = pCalcRange->Interior;
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	pIntCalcRange->PatternColorIndex = Excel::xlAutomatic;
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