Beispiel #1
void Gwen::Utility::Strings::Split( const Gwen::String& str, const Gwen::String& seperator, Strings::List& outbits, bool bLeave )
	int iOffset = 0;
	int iLength = str.length();
	int iSepLen = seperator.length();

	size_t i = str.find( seperator, 0 );
	while ( i != std::string::npos )
		outbits.push_back( str.substr( iOffset, i-iOffset ) );
		iOffset = i + iSepLen;

		i = str.find( seperator, iOffset );
		if ( bLeave ) iOffset -= iSepLen;

	outbits.push_back( str.substr( iOffset, iLength-iOffset ) );
Beispiel #2
void Text::RefreshSizeWrap()

    stl::vector<Gwen::String> words;
    SplitWords( GetText().Get(), ' ', words );

    // Adding a bullshit word to the end simplifies the code below
    // which is anything but simple.
    words.push_back( "" );

    if ( !GetFont() )
        Debug::AssertCheck( 0, "Text::RefreshSize() - No Font!!\n" );

    Point pFontSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), " " );

    int w = GetParent()->Width();
    int x = 0, y = 0;

    Gwen::String strLine;

    stl::vector<Gwen::String>::iterator it = words.begin();
    for (; it != words.end(); ++it )
        bool bFinishLine = false;
        //bool bWrapped = false;

        // If this word is a newline - make a newline (we still add it to the text)
        if ( (*it).c_str()[0] == '\n' ) bFinishLine = true;

        // Does adding this word drive us over the width?
            strLine += (*it);
            Gwen::Point p = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), strLine );
            if ( p.x > Width() ) {
                bFinishLine = true; /*bWrapped = true;*/

        // If this is the last word then finish the line
        // if ( --words.end() == it )
        // NOTE: replaced above commented out 'if' statement with this to appease
        //       the GCC compiler that comes with Marmalade SDK 6.0
        stl::vector<Gwen::String>::iterator temp = words.end() - 1;
        if ( temp == it )
            bFinishLine = true;

        if ( bFinishLine )
            Text* t = new Text( this );
            t->SetFont( GetFont() );
            t->SetString( strLine.substr( 0, strLine.length() - (*it).length() ) );
            t->SetPos( x, y );
            m_Lines.push_back( t );

            // newline should start with the word that was too big
            strLine = *it;

            // Position the newline
            y += pFontSize.y;
            x = 0;

            //if ( strLine[0] == ' ' ) x -= pFontSize.x;


    // Size to children height and parent width
        Point childsize = ChildrenSize();
        SetSize( w, childsize.y );
