Beispiel #1
bool loadStackHDF5( const char* fileName, Image4DSimple& img )
#ifdef USE_HDF5
    H5::H5File file( fileName, H5F_ACC_RDONLY );

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < file.getObjCount(); i++ )
        H5std_string name = file.getObjnameByIdx( i );
        if ( name == "Channels" )
            H5::Group channels = file.openGroup( name );

            // Grab the attributes
            H5::Attribute attr = channels.openAttribute( "width" );
            H5::DataType type = attr.getDataType();
            long width, height;
   type, &width );

            attr = channels.openAttribute( "height" );
   type, &height );

            int num_channels = 0;
            // Count the number of channels
            for ( size_t obj = 0; obj < channels.getNumObjs(); obj++ )
                if ( channels.getObjTypeByIdx( obj ) == H5G_DATASET )

            int channel_idx = 0;
            for ( size_t obj = 0; obj < channels.getNumObjs(); obj++ )
                if ( channels.getObjTypeByIdx( obj ) == H5G_DATASET )
                    H5std_string ds_name = channels.getObjnameByIdx( obj );
                    H5::DataSet data = channels.openDataSet( ds_name );
                    uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[ data.getStorageSize() ];
           buffer, data.getDataType() );
                    QByteArray qbarray( ( const char* )buffer, data.getStorageSize() );

                    if ( !loadIndexedStackFFMpeg( &qbarray, img, channel_idx++, num_channels,
                                                  width, height ) )
                        v3d_msg( "Error happened in HDF file reading. Stop. \n", false );
                        return false;

                    delete [] buffer;


    return true;
    bool readDataset1D(const H5::H5File &file, const std::string &name, std::vector<_Tp> &data)
        H5::DataSet dataset = file.openDataSet(name);
        H5::DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
        hsize_t dims_out[1];
        int rank = dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( dims_out, NULL);

        int _type;
        bool read = getNodeType(dataset,  _type);
        read &= (_type == StorageNode::SEQ);
        read &= (rank  == 1);

        if (!read)
            return read;
        data.resize(dims_out[0]);, dataset.getDataType());
        return true;
Beispiel #3
bool ossim_hdf5::getValidBoundingRect( H5::DataSet& dataset,
                                       const std::string& name,
                                       ossimIrect& rect )
   bool result = false;
   H5::DataSpace imageDataspace = dataset.getSpace();
   const ossim_int32 IN_DIM_COUNT = imageDataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
   if ( IN_DIM_COUNT == 2 )
      // Get the extents. Assuming dimensions are same for lat lon dataset. 
      std::vector<hsize_t> dimsOut(IN_DIM_COUNT);
      imageDataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( &dimsOut.front(), 0 );

      if ( dimsOut[0] && dimsOut[1] )
         // Capture the rectangle:
         // dimsOut[0] is height, dimsOut[1] is width:
         rect = ossimIrect( 0, 0,
                            static_cast<ossim_int32>( dimsOut[1]-1 ),
                            static_cast<ossim_int32>( dimsOut[0]-1 ) );
         const ossim_int32 WIDTH  = rect.width();
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(IN_DIM_COUNT);
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(IN_DIM_COUNT);
         inputOffset[0] = 0;
         inputOffset[1] = 0;
         inputCount[0] = 1;
         inputCount[1] = WIDTH;
         // Output dataspace dimensions.
         const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputCount[0] = 1;     // single band
         outputCount[1] = 1;     // single line
         outputCount[2] = WIDTH; // whole line
         // Output dataspace offset.
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputOffset[0] = 0;
         outputOffset[1] = 0;
         outputOffset[2] = 0;
         ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( &dataset );
         if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
            // See if we need to swap bytes:
            ossimEndian* endian = 0;
            if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( &dataset ) ) )
               endian = new ossimEndian();

            // Native type:
            H5::DataType datatype = dataset.getDataType();
            // Output dataspace always the same one line.
            H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
            bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                             &outputOffset.front() );

            // Dataset sample has NULL lines at the end so scan for valid rect.
            // Use "<= -999" for test as per NOAA as it seems the NULL value is
            // fuzzy.  e.g. -999.3.
            const ossim_float32 NULL_VALUE = -999.0;

            // VIIRS Radiance data has a -1.5e-9 in the first column.
            // Treat this as a null.
            const ossim_float32 NULL_VALUE2 = ( name == "/All_Data/VIIRS-DNB-SDR_All/Radiance" )
               ? -1.5e-9 : NULL_VALUE;
            const ossim_float32 TOLERANCE = 0.1e-9; // For ossim::almostEqual()

            // Hold one line:
            std::vector<ossim_float32> values( WIDTH );

            // Find the ul pixel:
            ossimIpt ulIpt = rect.ul();
            bool found = false;
            // Line loop to find upper left pixel:
            while ( ulIpt.y <= )
               inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(ulIpt.y);
               imageDataspace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                               &inputOffset.front() );
               // Read data from file into the buffer.
      (void*)&values.front(), datatype, bufferDataSpace, imageDataspace );
               if ( endian )
                  // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                  endian->swap( scalar, (void*)&values.front(), WIDTH );
               // Sample loop:
               ulIpt.x = rect.ul().x;
               ossim_int32 index = 0;
               while ( ulIpt.x <= )
                  if ( !ossim::almostEqual(values[index], NULL_VALUE2, TOLERANCE) &&
                       ( values[index] > NULL_VALUE ) )
                     found = true; // Found valid pixel.
               } // End: sample loop
               if ( found )

            } // End line loop to find ul pixel:

            // Find the lower right pixel:
            ossimIpt lrIpt =;
            found = false;
            // Line loop to find last pixel:
            while ( lrIpt.y >= rect.ul().y )
               inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(lrIpt.y);
               imageDataspace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                               &inputOffset.front() );
               // Read data from file into the buffer.
      (void*)&values.front(), datatype, bufferDataSpace, imageDataspace );

               if ( endian )
                  // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                  endian->swap( scalar, (void*)&values.front(), WIDTH );
               // Sample loop:
               lrIpt.x =;
               ossim_int32 index = WIDTH-1;
               while ( lrIpt.x >= rect.ul().x )
                  if ( !ossim::almostEqual(values[index], NULL_VALUE2, TOLERANCE) &&
                       ( values[index] > NULL_VALUE ) )
                     found = true; // Found valid pixel.
               } // End: sample loop
               if ( found )

            } // End line loop to find lower right pixel.

            rect = ossimIrect( ulIpt, lrIpt );

            // Cleanup:
            if ( endian )
               delete endian;
               endian = 0;

            result = true;
         else // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 ){...}
               << "ossim_hdf5::getBoundingRect WARNING!"
               << "\nUnhandled scalar type: "
               << ossimScalarTypeLut::instance()->getEntryString( scalar )
               << std::endl;
      } // Matches: if ( dimsOut...
   } // Matches: if ( IN_DIM_COUNT == 2 )

   return result;
} // End: ossim_hdf5::getBoundingRect(...)
Beispiel #4
ossimRefPtr<ossimProjection> ossim_hdf5::getBilinearProjection(
   H5::DataSet& latDataSet, H5::DataSet& lonDataSet, const ossimIrect& validRect )
   ossimRefPtr<ossimProjection> proj = 0;

   // Get dataspace of the dataset.
   H5::DataSpace latDataSpace = latDataSet.getSpace();
   H5::DataSpace lonDataSpace = lonDataSet.getSpace();
   // Number of dimensions of the input dataspace:
   const ossim_int32 DIM_COUNT = latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
   if ( DIM_COUNT == 2 )
      // Get the extents. Assuming dimensions are same for lat lon dataset. 
      std::vector<hsize_t> dimsOut(DIM_COUNT);
      latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentDims( &dimsOut.front(), 0 );

      if ( dimsOut[0] && dimsOut[1] )
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(DIM_COUNT);
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(DIM_COUNT);
         inputOffset[0] = 0;
         inputOffset[1] = 0;
         inputCount[0] = 1;
         inputCount[1] = 1;
         // Output dataspace dimensions.
         const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputCount[0] = 1; // single band
         outputCount[1] = 1; // single line
         outputCount[2] = 1; // single sample
         // Output dataspace offset.
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputOffset[0] = 0;
         outputOffset[1] = 0;
         outputOffset[2] = 0;
         ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( &latDataSet );
         if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
            // See if we need to swap bytes:
            ossimEndian* endian = 0;
            if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( &latDataSet ) ) )
               endian = new ossimEndian();

            // Native type:
            H5::DataType latDataType = latDataSet.getDataType();
            H5::DataType lonDataType = lonDataSet.getDataType();
            std::vector<ossimDpt> ipts;
            std::vector<ossimGpt> gpts;
            ossimGpt gpt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Assuming WGS84...
            ossim_float32 latValue = 0.0;
            ossim_float32 lonValue = 0.0;
            // Only grab every 256th value.:
            const ossim_int32 GRID_SIZE = 256;
            // Output dataspace always the same one pixel.
            H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
            bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                             &outputOffset.front() );

            // Dataset sample has NULL lines at the end so scan for valid rect.
            // Use "<= -999" for test as per NOAA as it seems the NULL value is
            // fuzzy.  e.g. -999.3.
            const ossim_float32 NULL_VALUE = -999.0;

            // Get the tie points within the valid rect:
            ossimDpt ipt = validRect.ul();
            while ( ipt.y <= )
               inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(ipt.y);
               // Sample loop:
               ipt.x = validRect.ul().x;
               while ( ipt.x <= )
                  inputOffset[1] = static_cast<hsize_t>(ipt.x);
                  latDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                &inputOffset.front() );
                  lonDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                &inputOffset.front() );
                  // Read data from file into the buffer.
         &latValue, latDataType, bufferDataSpace, latDataSpace );
         &lonValue, lonDataType, bufferDataSpace, lonDataSpace );
                  if ( endian )
                     // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                     endian->swap( latValue );
                     endian->swap( lonValue );  
                  if ( ( latValue > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lonValue > NULL_VALUE ) )
            = latValue;
                     gpt.lon = lonValue;
                     gpts.push_back( gpt );
                     // Add the image point subtracting the image offset.
                     ossimIpt shiftedIpt = ipt - validRect.ul();
                     ipts.push_back( shiftedIpt );

                  // Go to next point:
                  if ( ipt.x < )
                     ipt.x += GRID_SIZE;
                     if ( ipt.x > )
                        ipt.x =; // Clamp to last sample.
                     break; // At the end:
               } // End sample loop.

               if ( ipt.y < )
                  ipt.y += GRID_SIZE;
                  if ( ipt.y > )
                     ipt.y =; // Clamp to last line.
                  break; // At the end:
            } // End line loop.
            if ( ipts.size() )
               // Create the projection:
               ossimRefPtr<ossimBilinearProjection> bp = new ossimBilinearProjection();
               // Add the tie points:
               bp->setTiePoints( ipts, gpts );
               // Assign to output projection:
               proj = bp.get();

            // Cleanup:
            if ( endian )
               delete endian;
               endian = 0;
         else // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 ){...}
               << "ossim_hdf5::getBilinearProjection WARNING!"
               << "\nUnhandled scalar type: "
               << ossimScalarTypeLut::instance()->getEntryString( scalar )
               << std::endl;
      } // Matches: if ( dimsOut...
   } // Matches: if ( IN_DIM_COUNT == 2 )
   return proj;
} // End: ossim_hdf5::getBilinearProjection()
Beispiel #5
bool ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline( H5::DataSet& dataset, const ossimIrect& validRect )
   bool result = false;

   H5::DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
   // Number of dimensions of the input dataspace:
   const ossim_int32 DIM_COUNT = dataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
   if ( DIM_COUNT == 2 )
      const ossim_uint32 ROWS = validRect.height();
      const ossim_uint32 COLS = validRect.width();
      // Get the extents. Assuming dimensions are same for lat lon dataset. 
      std::vector<hsize_t> dimsOut(DIM_COUNT);
      dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( &dimsOut.front(), 0 );

      if ( (ROWS <= dimsOut[0]) && (COLS <= dimsOut[1]) )
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(DIM_COUNT);
         std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(DIM_COUNT);
         inputCount[0] = 1;    // row
         inputCount[1] = COLS; // col
         // Output dataspace dimensions.
         const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputCount[0] = 1; // single band
         outputCount[1] = 1; // single line
         outputCount[2] = COLS; // single sample
         // Output dataspace offset.
         std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
         outputOffset[0] = 0;
         outputOffset[1] = 0;
         outputOffset[2] = 0;
         ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( &dataset );
         if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
            // See if we need to swap bytes:
            ossimEndian* endian = 0;
            if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( &dataset ) ) )
               endian = new ossimEndian();

            // Native type:
            H5::DataType datatype = dataset.getDataType();
            // Output dataspace always the same one line.
            H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
            bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                             &outputOffset.front() );

            // Dataset sample has NULL lines at the end so scan for valid rect.
            // Use "<= -999" for test as per NOAA as it seems the NULL value is
            // fuzzy.  e.g. -999.3.

            // Buffer to hold a line:
            std::vector<ossim_float32> lineBuffer(validRect.width());

            // Read the first line:
            inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(validRect.ul().y);
            inputOffset[1] = static_cast<hsize_t>(validRect.ul().x);
            dataspace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                       &inputOffset.front() );
   &(lineBuffer.front()), datatype, bufferDataSpace, dataspace );

            if ( endian )
               // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
               endian->swap( &(lineBuffer.front()), COLS );

            // Test the first line:
            result = ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline( lineBuffer );

            if ( !result )
               // Test the last line:
               inputOffset[0] = static_cast<hsize_t>(validRect.ll().y);
               inputOffset[1] = static_cast<hsize_t>(validRect.ll().x);
               dataspace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                          &inputOffset.front() );
      &(lineBuffer.front()), datatype, bufferDataSpace, dataspace );

               result = ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline( lineBuffer );

            if ( endian )
               delete endian;
               endian = 0;
         else // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 ){...}
               << "ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline WARNING!"
               << "\nUnhandled scalar type: "
               << ossimScalarTypeLut::instance()->getEntryString( scalar )
               << std::endl;
      } // Matches: if ( dimsOut...
   } // Matches: if ( IN_DIM_COUNT == 2 )
   return result;
} // End: ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline(...)