Beispiel #1
    \brief  This actually draws the grid.
    \param  module   The effect that was called (unused)
    \param  document What should be edited.
Grid::effect (Inkscape::Extension::Effect *module, Inkscape::UI::View::View *document, Inkscape::Extension::Implementation::ImplementationDocumentCache * /*docCache*/)
    Inkscape::Selection * selection     = ((SPDesktop *)document)->selection;

    Geom::Rect bounding_area = Geom::Rect(Geom::Point(0,0), Geom::Point(100,100));
    if (selection->isEmpty()) {
        /* get page size */
        SPDocument * doc = document->doc();
        bounding_area = Geom::Rect(  Geom::Point(0,0),
                                     Geom::Point(doc->getWidth(), doc->getHeight())  );
    } else {
        Geom::OptRect bounds = selection->visualBounds();
        if (bounds) {
            bounding_area = *bounds;

        gdouble doc_height  =  (document->doc())->getHeight();
        Geom::Rect temprec = Geom::Rect(Geom::Point(bounding_area.min()[Geom::X], doc_height - bounding_area.min()[Geom::Y]),
                                    Geom::Point(bounding_area.max()[Geom::X], doc_height - bounding_area.max()[Geom::Y]));

        bounding_area = temprec;

    float spacings[2] = { module->get_param_float("xspacing"),
                          module->get_param_float("yspacing") };
    float line_width = module->get_param_float("lineWidth");
    float offsets[2] = { module->get_param_float("xoffset"),
                         module->get_param_float("yoffset") };

    Glib::ustring path_data("");

    path_data = build_lines(bounding_area,
                                 offsets, spacings);
    Inkscape::XML::Document * xml_doc = document->doc()->getReprDoc();

    //XML Tree being used directly here while it shouldn't be.
    Inkscape::XML::Node * current_layer = static_cast<SPDesktop *>(document)->currentLayer()->getRepr();
    Inkscape::XML::Node * path = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path");

    path->setAttribute("d", path_data.c_str());

    Glib::ustring style("fill:none;fill-opacity:0.75000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#000000;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1.0000000");
    style += ";stroke-width:";
    gchar floatstring[64];
    std::ostringstream stringstream;
    stringstream << line_width;
    sprintf(floatstring, "%s", stringstream.str().c_str());
    style += floatstring;
    style += "pt";
    path->setAttribute("style", style.c_str());


Beispiel #2
static void
sp_object_layout_any_value_changed(GtkAdjustment *adj, SPWidget *spw)
    if (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update")) {

    UnitTracker *tracker = reinterpret_cast<UnitTracker*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "tracker"));
    if ( !tracker || tracker->isUpdating() ) {
         * When only units are being changed, don't treat changes
         * to adjuster values as object changes.
    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));

    SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
    Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(desktop);
    SPDocument *document = sp_desktop_document(desktop);

    document->ensureUpToDate ();
    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();

    Geom::OptRect bbox_vis = selection->visualBounds();
    Geom::OptRect bbox_geom = selection->geometricBounds();

    int prefs_bbox = prefs->getInt("/tools/bounding_box");
    SPItem::BBoxType bbox_type = (prefs_bbox == 0)?
    Geom::OptRect bbox_user = selection->bounds(bbox_type);

    if ( !bbox_user ) {
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE));

    gdouble x0 = 0;
    gdouble y0 = 0;
    gdouble x1 = 0;
    gdouble y1 = 0;
    gdouble xrel = 0;
    gdouble yrel = 0;
    SPUnit const &unit = *tracker->getActiveUnit();

    GtkAdjustment* a_x = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "X" ) );
    GtkAdjustment* a_y = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "Y" ) );
    GtkAdjustment* a_w = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "width" ) );
    GtkAdjustment* a_h = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(spw), "height" ) );

    if (unit.base == SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE || unit.base == SP_UNIT_DEVICE) {
        x0 = sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_x), unit);
        y0 = sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_y), unit);
        x1 = x0 + sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_w), unit);
        xrel = sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_w), unit) / bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::X];
        y1 = y0 + sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_h), unit);
        yrel = sp_units_get_pixels (gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_h), unit) / bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::Y];
    } else {
        double const x0_propn = gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_x) * unit.unittobase;
        x0 = bbox_user->min()[Geom::X] * x0_propn;
        double const y0_propn = gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_y) * unit.unittobase;
        y0 = y0_propn * bbox_user->min()[Geom::Y];
        xrel = gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_w) * unit.unittobase;
        x1 = x0 + xrel * bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::X];
        yrel = gtk_adjustment_get_value (a_h) * unit.unittobase;
        y1 = y0 + yrel * bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::Y];

    // Keep proportions if lock is on
    GtkToggleAction *lock = GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION( g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "lock") );
    if ( gtk_toggle_action_get_active(lock) ) {
        if (adj == a_h) {
            x1 = x0 + yrel * bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::X];
        } else if (adj == a_w) {
            y1 = y0 + xrel * bbox_user->dimensions()[Geom::Y];

    // scales and moves, in px
    double mh = fabs(x0 - bbox_user->min()[Geom::X]);
    double sh = fabs(x1 - bbox_user->max()[Geom::X]);
    double mv = fabs(y0 - bbox_user->min()[Geom::Y]);
    double sv = fabs(y1 - bbox_user->max()[Geom::Y]);

    // unless the unit is %, convert the scales and moves to the unit
    if (unit.base == SP_UNIT_ABSOLUTE || unit.base == SP_UNIT_DEVICE) {
        mh = sp_pixels_get_units (mh, unit);
        sh = sp_pixels_get_units (sh, unit);
        mv = sp_pixels_get_units (mv, unit);
        sv = sp_pixels_get_units (sv, unit);

    // do the action only if one of the scales/moves is greater than half the last significant
    // digit in the spinbox (currently spinboxes have 3 fractional digits, so that makes 0.0005). If
    // the value was changed by the user, the difference will be at least that much; otherwise it's
    // just rounding difference between the spinbox value and actual value, so no action is
    // performed
    char const * const actionkey = ( mh > 5e-4 ? "selector:toolbar:move:horizontal" :
                                     sh > 5e-4 ? "selector:toolbar:scale:horizontal" :
                                     mv > 5e-4 ? "selector:toolbar:move:vertical" :
                                     sv > 5e-4 ? "selector:toolbar:scale:vertical" : NULL );

    if (actionkey != NULL) {

        // FIXME: fix for GTK breakage, see comment in SelectedStyle::on_opacity_changed

        int transform_stroke = prefs->getBool("/options/transform/stroke", true) ? 1 : 0;

        Geom::Affine scaler;
        if (bbox_type == SPItem::VISUAL_BBOX) {
            scaler = get_scale_transform_for_variable_stroke (*bbox_vis, *bbox_geom, transform_stroke, x0, y0, x1, y1);
        } else {
            // 1) We could have use the newer get_scale_transform_for_variable_stroke() here, but to avoid regressions
            // we'll just use the old get_scale_transform_for_uniform_stroke() for now.
            // 2) get_scale_transform_for_uniform_stroke() is intended for visual bounding boxes, not geometrical ones!
            // we'll trick it into using a geometric bounding box though, by setting the stroke width to zero
            scaler = get_scale_transform_for_uniform_stroke (*bbox_geom, 0, false, x0, y0, x1, y1);

        sp_selection_apply_affine(selection, scaler);
        DocumentUndo::maybeDone(document, actionkey, SP_VERB_CONTEXT_SELECT,
                                _("Transform by toolbar"));

        // resume interruptibility

    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(spw), "update", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE));