// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool AttributeMatrix::removeInactiveObjects(QVector<bool> activeObjects, Int32ArrayType::Pointer Ids)
    bool acceptableMatrix = false;
    //Only valid for feature or ensemble type matrices
    if(m_Type == DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::VertexFeature || m_Type == DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::VertexEnsemble ||
            m_Type == DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::EdgeFeature || m_Type == DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::EdgeEnsemble ||
            m_Type == DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::FaceFeature || m_Type == DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::FaceEnsemble ||
            m_Type == DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::CellFeature || m_Type == DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::CellEnsemble)
        acceptableMatrix = true;
    size_t totalTuples = getNumTuples();
    if( static_cast<size_t>(activeObjects.size()) == totalTuples && acceptableMatrix == true)
        size_t goodcount = 1;
        QVector<size_t> NewNames(totalTuples, 0);
        QVector<size_t> RemoveList;

        for(qint32 i = 1; i < activeObjects.size(); i++)
            if(activeObjects[i] == false)
                NewNames[i] = 0;
                NewNames[i] = goodcount;

        if(RemoveList.size() > 0)
            QList<QString> headers = getAttributeArrayNames();
            for (QList<QString>::iterator iter = headers.begin(); iter != headers.end(); ++iter)
                IDataArray::Pointer p = getAttributeArray(*iter);
                QString type = p->getTypeAsString();
                if(type.compare("NeighborList<T>") == 0)
            QVector<size_t> tDims(1, (totalTuples - RemoveList.size()));

            // Loop over all the points and correct all the feature names
            size_t totalPoints = Ids->getNumberOfTuples();
            int32_t* id = Ids->getPointer(0);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < totalPoints; i++)
                if(id[i] >= 0 && id[i] < NewNames.size())
                    id[i] = static_cast<int32_t>( NewNames[id[i]] );
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  void TestDataArray()
    int32_t* ptr = NULL;
      Int32ArrayType::Pointer d = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Test7");
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(0, d->getSize());
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(0, d->getNumberOfTuples());
      ptr = d->getPointer(0);
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ptr, 0);
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(d->isAllocated(), false);

      QVector<size_t> dims(1, NUM_COMPONENTS);
      Int32ArrayType::Pointer int32Array = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(NUM_ELEMENTS, dims, "Test8");
      ptr = int32Array->getPointer(0);
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(int32Array->isAllocated(), true);
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(NUM_ELEMENTS, int32Array->getNumberOfTuples());

      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TUPLES; ++i)
        for (int c = 0; c < NUM_COMPONENTS; ++c)
          int32Array->setComponent(i, c, i + c);

      // Resize Larger
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(NUM_TUPLES_2, int32Array->getNumberOfTuples());
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(NUM_ELEMENTS_2, int32Array->getSize());
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(int32Array->isAllocated(), true);

      // This should have saved our data so lets look at the data and compare it
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TUPLES; ++i)
        for (int c = 0; c < NUM_COMPONENTS; ++c)
          DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL( (int32Array->getComponent(i, c)), (i + c))

      // Resize Smaller - Which should have still saved some of our data
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(NUM_TUPLES_3, int32Array->getNumberOfTuples());
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(NUM_ELEMENTS_3, int32Array->getSize());
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(int32Array->isAllocated(), true);

      // This should have saved our data so lets look at the data and compare it
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TUPLES; ++i)
        for (int c = 0; c < NUM_COMPONENTS; ++c)
          DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL( (int32Array->getComponent(i, c)), (i + c))

      // Change number of components
      //    dims[0] = NUM_COMPONENTS_4;
      //    int32Array->setDims(dims);
      //    DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(NUM_TUPLES_4, int32Array->getNumberOfTuples());
      //    DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(NUM_ELEMENTS_4, int32Array->getSize());

      double temp = 9999;
      int32Array->initializeTuple(0, temp );
      for (int c = 0; c < NUM_COMPONENTS; ++c)
        DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL( (int32Array->getComponent(0, c)), (9999))

      ptr = int32Array->getPointer(0);
