controllerErrorCode ArmController::setHandCartesianPosLinear(double x, double y, double z, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double timestep, double stepSize) { double pos; //Set up controller setMode(CONTROLLER_POSITION); this->timeStep = timestep; this->stepSize = stepSize; //Calculate end position KDL::Vector endPos(x,y,z); KDL::Rotation endRot; endRot = endRot.RPY(roll,pitch,yaw); endFrame.p = endPos; endFrame.M = endRot; //Get current location KDL::JntArray q = KDL::JntArray(pr2_kin.nJnts); //Get joint positions for(int i=0;i<ARM_MAX_JOINTS;i++){ armJointControllers[i].getPosAct(&pos); q(i) = pos; } KDL::Frame f; pr2_kin.FK(q,f); startPosition = f.p; //Record Starting location KDL::Vector move = endPos-startPosition; //Vector to ending position double dist = move.Norm(); //Distance to move moveDirection = move/dist; //Normalize movement vector rotInterpolator.SetStartEnd(f.M, endRot); double total_angle = rotInterpolator.Angle(); nSteps = (int)(dist/stepSize); if(nSteps==0){ std::cout<<"ArmController.cpp: Error:: number of steps calculated to be 0"<<std::endl; return CONTROLLER_COMPUTATION_ERROR; } angleStep = total_angle/nSteps; lastTime= getTime(); //Record first time marker stepIndex = 0; //Reset step index linearInterpolation = true; return CONTROLLER_ALL_OK; }
TEST_F(VectorExpressionGenerationTest, Constructor) { giskard::VectorConstructorSpec descr; giskard::Scope scope; descr.set_x(x); descr.set_y(y); descr.set_z(z); KDL::Vector v = descr.get_expression(scope)->value(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(v.x(), 1.1); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(v.y(), 2.2); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(v.z(), 3.3); }
//Pose is global pose with odometry void cob_cartesian_trajectories::cartStateCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr& msg) { if(bRun) { ros::Duration dt = ros::Time::now() - timer; cout << "\n" << "===================================" << "\n\n" << "dt: " << dt << "\n"; timer = ros::Time::now(); if((targetDuration-currentDuration) <= 0) { geometry_msgs::Twist twist; cart_command_pub.publish(twist); ROS_INFO("finished trajectory in %f", ros::Time::now().toSec() - tstart.toSec()); success = true; stopTrajectory(); return; } KDL::Frame current; KDL::Frame myhinge; tf::PoseMsgToKDL(msg->pose, current); tf::PoseMsgToKDL(current_hinge.pose, myhinge); KDL::Vector unitz = myhinge.M.UnitZ(); std::cout << "Radius because of Hinge: " << (myhinge.p - current.p) << "UnitZ of hinge: " << unitz.z() << "\n"; // get twist to be published geometry_msgs::Twist twist; twist = getTwist(currentDuration, current); // publish twist cart_command_pub.publish(twist); // add needed time currentDuration+=dt.toSec(); // add position to be visualized in rviz geometry_msgs::Point p; p.x = msg->pose.position.x; p.y = msg->pose.position.y; p.z = msg->pose.position.z; trajectory_points.push_back(p); } else { //publish zero geometry_msgs::Twist twist; cart_command_pub.publish(twist); } }
int main() { KDLCollada kdlCollada; vector <KDL::Chain> kinematicsModels; const string filename = "puma.dae"; // loading collada kinematics model and converting it to kdl serial chain if (!kdlCollada.load(COLLADA_MODELS_PATH + filename, kinematicsModels)) { cout << "Failed to import " << filename; return 0; } cout << "Imported " << kinematicsModels.size() << " kinematics chains" << endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kinematicsModels.size(); i++) // parsing output kdl serail chain { KDL::Chain chain = kinematicsModels[i]; cout << "Chain " << i << " has " << chain.getNrOfSegments() << " segments" << endl; for (unsigned int u = 0; u < chain.getNrOfSegments(); u++) { KDL::Segment segment = chain.segments[u]; string segmentName = segment.getName(); cout << "Segment " << segmentName << " :" <<endl; KDL::Frame f_tip = segment.getFrameToTip(); KDL::Vector rotAxis = f_tip.M.GetRot(); double rotAngle = f_tip.M.GetRotAngle(rotAxis); KDL::Vector trans = f_tip.p; cout << " frame: rotation " << rotAxis.x() << " " << rotAxis.y() << " " << rotAxis.z() << " " << rotAngle * 180 / M_PI << endl; cout << " frame: translation " << trans.x() << " " << trans.y() << " " << trans.z() << endl; KDL::RigidBodyInertia inertia = segment.getInertia(); KDL::Joint joint = segment.getJoint(); string jointName = joint.getName(); string jointType = joint.getTypeName(); KDL::Vector jointAxis = joint.JointAxis(); KDL::Vector jointOrigin = joint.JointOrigin(); cout << " joint name: " << jointName << endl; cout << " type: " << jointType << endl; cout << " axis: " << jointAxis.x() << " " <<jointAxis.y() << " " << jointAxis.z() << endl; cout << " origin: " << jointOrigin.x() << " " << jointOrigin.y() << " " << jointOrigin.z() << endl; } } return 0; }
// Set vector from tf void set_vector( tf::StampedTransform t, KDL::Vector& v ) { v.x(t.getOrigin().x()); v.y(t.getOrigin().y()); v.z(t.getOrigin().z()); }
void UrdfModelMarker::setJointAngle(boost::shared_ptr<const Link> link, double joint_angle){ string link_frame_name_ = tf_prefix_ + link->name; boost::shared_ptr<Joint> parent_joint = link->parent_joint; if(parent_joint == NULL){ return; } KDL::Frame initialFrame; KDL::Frame presentFrame; KDL::Rotation rot; KDL::Vector rotVec; KDL::Vector jointVec; std_msgs::Header link_header; int rotation_count = 0; switch(parent_joint->type){ case Joint::REVOLUTE: case Joint::CONTINUOUS: { if(joint_angle > M_PI){ rotation_count = (int)((joint_angle + M_PI) / (M_PI * 2)); joint_angle -= rotation_count * M_PI * 2; }else if(joint_angle < -M_PI){ rotation_count = (int)((- joint_angle + M_PI) / (M_PI * 2)); joint_angle -= rotation_count * M_PI * 2; } linkProperty *link_property = &linkMarkerMap[link_frame_name_]; link_property->joint_angle = joint_angle; link_property->rotation_count = rotation_count; tf::poseMsgToKDL (link_property->initial_pose, initialFrame); tf::poseMsgToKDL (link_property->initial_pose, presentFrame); jointVec = KDL::Vector(link_property->joint_axis.x, link_property->joint_axis.y, link_property->joint_axis.z); presentFrame.M = KDL::Rotation::Rot(jointVec, joint_angle) * initialFrame.M; tf::poseKDLToMsg(presentFrame, link_property->pose); break; } case Joint::PRISMATIC: { linkProperty *link_property = &linkMarkerMap[link_frame_name_]; link_property->joint_angle = joint_angle; link_property->rotation_count = rotation_count; tf::poseMsgToKDL (link_property->initial_pose, initialFrame); tf::poseMsgToKDL (link_property->initial_pose, presentFrame); jointVec = KDL::Vector(link_property->joint_axis.x, link_property->joint_axis.y, link_property->joint_axis.z); jointVec = jointVec / jointVec.Norm(); // normalize vector presentFrame.p = joint_angle * jointVec + initialFrame.p; tf::poseKDLToMsg(presentFrame, link_property->pose); break; } default: break; } link_header.stamp = ros::Time(0); link_header.frame_id = linkMarkerMap[link_frame_name_].frame_id; server_->setPose(link_frame_name_, linkMarkerMap[link_frame_name_].pose, link_header); //server_->applyChanges(); callSetDynamicTf(linkMarkerMap[link_frame_name_].frame_id, link_frame_name_, Pose2Transform(linkMarkerMap[link_frame_name_].pose)); }
void UrdfModelMarker::getJointState(boost::shared_ptr<const Link> link) { string link_frame_name_ = tf_prefix_ + link->name; boost::shared_ptr<Joint> parent_joint = link->parent_joint; if(parent_joint != NULL){ KDL::Frame initialFrame; KDL::Frame presentFrame; KDL::Rotation rot; KDL::Vector rotVec; KDL::Vector jointVec; double jointAngle; double jointAngleAllRange; switch(parent_joint->type){ case Joint::REVOLUTE: case Joint::CONTINUOUS: { linkProperty *link_property = &linkMarkerMap[link_frame_name_]; tf::poseMsgToKDL (link_property->initial_pose, initialFrame); tf::poseMsgToKDL (link_property->pose, presentFrame); rot = initialFrame.M.Inverse() * presentFrame.M; jointAngle = rot.GetRotAngle(rotVec); jointVec = KDL::Vector(link_property->joint_axis.x, link_property->joint_axis.y, link_property->joint_axis.z); if( KDL::dot(rotVec,jointVec) < 0){ jointAngle = - jointAngle; } if(link_property->joint_angle > M_PI/2 && jointAngle < -M_PI/2){ link_property->rotation_count += 1; }else if(link_property->joint_angle < -M_PI/2 && jointAngle > M_PI/2){ link_property->rotation_count -= 1; } link_property->joint_angle = jointAngle; jointAngleAllRange = jointAngle + link_property->rotation_count * M_PI * 2; if(parent_joint->type == Joint::REVOLUTE && parent_joint->limits != NULL){ bool changeMarkerAngle = false; if(jointAngleAllRange < parent_joint->limits->lower){ jointAngleAllRange = parent_joint->limits->lower + 0.001; changeMarkerAngle = true; } if(jointAngleAllRange > parent_joint->limits->upper){ jointAngleAllRange = parent_joint->limits->upper - 0.001; changeMarkerAngle = true; } if(changeMarkerAngle){ setJointAngle(link, jointAngleAllRange); } } joint_state_.position.push_back(jointAngleAllRange);>name); break; } case Joint::PRISMATIC: { KDL::Vector pos; linkProperty *link_property = &linkMarkerMap[link_frame_name_]; tf::poseMsgToKDL (link_property->initial_pose, initialFrame); tf::poseMsgToKDL (link_property->pose, presentFrame); pos = presentFrame.p - initialFrame.p; jointVec = KDL::Vector(link_property->joint_axis.x, link_property->joint_axis.y, link_property->joint_axis.z); jointVec = jointVec / jointVec.Norm(); // normalize vector jointAngle = KDL::dot(jointVec, pos); link_property->joint_angle = jointAngle; jointAngleAllRange = jointAngle; if(parent_joint->type == Joint::PRISMATIC && parent_joint->limits != NULL){ bool changeMarkerAngle = false; if(jointAngleAllRange < parent_joint->limits->lower){ jointAngleAllRange = parent_joint->limits->lower + 0.003; changeMarkerAngle = true; } if(jointAngleAllRange > parent_joint->limits->upper){ jointAngleAllRange = parent_joint->limits->upper - 0.003; changeMarkerAngle = true; } if(changeMarkerAngle){ setJointAngle(link, jointAngleAllRange); } } joint_state_.position.push_back(jointAngleAllRange);>name); break; } case Joint::FIXED: break; default: break; } server_->applyChanges(); } for (std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Link> >::const_iterator child = link->child_links.begin(); child != link->child_links.end(); child++){ getJointState(*child); } return; }
// construct vector urdf::Vector3 toUrdf(const KDL::Vector & v) { return urdf::Vector3(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()); }
double leatherman::distance(const KDL::Vector &a, const KDL::Vector &b) { return sqrt((a.x()-b.x())*(a.x()-b.x()) + (a.y()-b.y())*(a.y()-b.y()) + (a.z()-b.z())*(a.z()-b.z())); }
//KDL vector to eigen void convert(const KDL::Vector &in, eVector3 &out) { out<<in.x(), in.y(), in.z(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FK_ALL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LWR4Kinematics::fk_all(const std::vector<double> joint_positions, unsigned int & config, double & arm_angle, std::vector<KDL::Frame> &joint_frames) { // I modified the implementation of Mirko Kunze here which is written in a generic // way. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructing the DH parameters vector std::vector<std::vector<double> > dh; dh.clear(); std::vector<double> singlelink; singlelink.push_back(; singlelink.push_back(dbs); singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(M_PI / 2); dh.push_back(singlelink); singlelink.clear(); singlelink.push_back(; singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(-M_PI / 2); dh.push_back(singlelink); singlelink.clear(); singlelink.push_back(; singlelink.push_back(dse); singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(-M_PI / 2); dh.push_back(singlelink); singlelink.clear(); singlelink.push_back(; singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(M_PI / 2); dh.push_back(singlelink); singlelink.clear(); singlelink.push_back(; singlelink.push_back(dew); singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(M_PI / 2); dh.push_back(singlelink); singlelink.clear(); singlelink.push_back(; singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(-M_PI / 2); dh.push_back(singlelink); singlelink.clear(); singlelink.push_back(; singlelink.push_back(dwt); singlelink.push_back(0.0); singlelink.push_back(0); dh.push_back(singlelink); singlelink.clear(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Find the configuration parameter config_fk = ((int) ( < 0)) + (2 * ((int) ( < 0))) + (4 * ((int) ( < 0))); config = config_fk; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate link transformations for (unsigned int linkIter = 1; linkIter < (n_joints + 1); linkIter++) { KDL::Vector linkTmpVec = KDL::Vector::Zero(); KDL::Rotation linkTmpRot = KDL::Rotation::Identity(); double cos_theta = cos( - 1).at(0)); double sin_theta = sin( - 1).at(0)); double cos_alpha = cos( - 1).at(3)); double sin_alpha = sin( - 1).at(3)); linkTmpVec = KDL::Vector( - 1).at(2) * cos_theta, - 1).at(2) * sin_theta, - 1).at(1)); linkTmpRot = KDL::Rotation( cos_theta, -sin_theta * cos_alpha, sin_theta * sin_alpha, sin_theta, cos_theta * cos_alpha, -cos_theta * sin_alpha, 0.0, sin_alpha, cos_alpha); = KDL::Frame(linkTmpRot, linkTmpVec); = - 1) *; } // taking into consideration the tool transformation = * tr_tool_to_ee; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // finding the arm angle KDL::Vector xs =; KDL::Vector xe =; KDL::Vector xw =; KDL::Vector xsw = xw - xs; KDL::Vector xse = xe - xs; KDL::Vector usin = KDL::Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) * xsw; usin.Normalize(); KDL::Vector ucos = xsw * usin; ucos.Normalize(); // Nima: added negative sign so that the rotation of arm_angle is around the vector from shoulder to wrist. arm_angle = -((double) atan2(dot(xse, usin), dot(xse, ucos))); /// TOTAL TIME MEASURED FROM OUTSIDE ~= 9 uS }