Beispiel #1
void BbyDetectorBankFactory::createAndAssign(size_t startIndex,
                                             const Kernel::V3D &pos,
                                             const Kernel::Quat &rot) const {
  // create a RectangularDetector which represents a rectangular array of pixels
  Geometry::RectangularDetector *bank = new Geometry::RectangularDetector(
      m_instrument.get()); // Bank gets registered with instrument component.
                           // instrument acts as sink and manages lifetime.

                   // x
                   static_cast<int>(m_xPixelCount), 0, m_pixelWidth,
                   // y
                   static_cast<int>(m_yPixelCount), 0, m_pixelHeight,
                   // indices
                   static_cast<int>(startIndex), true,

  for (size_t x = 0; x < m_xPixelCount; ++x)
    for (size_t y = 0; y < m_yPixelCount; ++y)
          bank->getAtXY(static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(y)).get());

  Kernel::V3D center(m_center);

  bank->translate(pos - center);
Beispiel #2
 * This function calculates the exponential contribution to the He3 tube
 * efficiency.
 * @param spectraIndex :: the current index to calculate
 * @param idet :: the current detector pointer
 * @throw out_of_range if twice tube thickness is greater than tube diameter
 * @return the exponential contribution for the given detector
double He3TubeEfficiency::calculateExponential(
    std::size_t spectraIndex,
    boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::IDetector> idet) {
  // Get the parameters for the current associated tube
  double pressure =
      this->getParameter("TubePressure", spectraIndex, "tube_pressure", idet);
  double tubethickness =
      this->getParameter("TubeThickness", spectraIndex, "tube_thickness", idet);
  double temperature = this->getParameter("TubeTemperature", spectraIndex,
                                          "tube_temperature", idet);

  double detRadius(0.0);
  Kernel::V3D detAxis;
  this->getDetectorGeometry(idet, detRadius, detAxis);
  double detDiameter = 2.0 * detRadius;
  double twiceTubeThickness = 2.0 * tubethickness;

  // now get the sin of the angle, it's the magnitude of the cross product of
  // unit vector along the detector tube axis and a unit vector directed from
  // the sample to the detector center
  Kernel::V3D vectorFromSample = idet->getPos() - this->samplePos;
  Kernel::Quat rot = idet->getRotation();
  // rotate the original cylinder object axis to get the detector axis in the
  // actual instrument
  // Scalar product is quicker than cross product
  double cosTheta = detAxis.scalar_prod(vectorFromSample);
  double sinTheta = std::sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta);

  const double straight_path = detDiameter - twiceTubeThickness;
  if (std::fabs(straight_path - 0.0) < TOL) {
    throw std::out_of_range("Twice tube thickness cannot be greater than "
                            "or equal to the tube diameter");

  const double pathlength = straight_path / sinTheta;
  return EXP_SCALAR_CONST * (pressure / temperature) * pathlength;