Beispiel #1
 * Updates the map from run number to GoniometerMatrix
 * @param Peaks    The PeaksWorkspace whose peaks contain the run numbers
 *                   along with the corresponding GoniometerMatrix
 * @param OptRuns  A '/' separated "list" of run numbers to include in the
 *                  map. This string must also start and end with a '/'
 * @param Res      The resultant map.
void PeakHKLErrors::getRun2MatMap(
    PeaksWorkspace_sptr &Peaks, const std::string &OptRuns,
    std::map<int, Mantid::Kernel::Matrix<double>> &Res) const {

  for (int i = 0; i < Peaks->getNumberPeaks(); ++i) {
    Geometry::IPeak &peak_old = Peaks->getPeak(i);

    int runNum = peak_old.getRunNumber();
    std::string runNumStr = std::to_string(runNum);
    size_t N = OptRuns.find("/" + runNumStr + "/");
    if (N < OptRuns.size()) {
      double chi =
          getParameter("chi" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(runNumStr));
      double phi =
          getParameter("phi" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(runNumStr));
      double omega =
          getParameter("omega" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(runNumStr));
      Mantid::Geometry::Goniometer uniGonio;
      uniGonio.setRotationAngle("phi", phi);
      uniGonio.setRotationAngle("chi", chi);
      uniGonio.setRotationAngle("omega", omega);
      Res[runNum] = uniGonio.getR();
Beispiel #2
  /** Append the peaks from a .peaks file into the workspace
   * @param outWS :: the workspace in which to place the information
   * @param filename :: path to the .peaks file
  void LoadIsawPeaks::appendFile( PeaksWorkspace_sptr outWS, std::string filename )

    // Open the file
    std::ifstream in( filename.c_str() );

    // Read the header, load the instrument
    double T0;
    std::string s = readHeader( outWS, in , T0);
    // set T0 in the run parameters
    API::Run & m_run = outWS->mutableRun();
    m_run.addProperty<double>("T0", T0, true);

    if( !in.good() || s.length() < 1 )
      throw std::runtime_error( "End of Peaks file before peaks" );

    if( std::string( "0" ) ) != 0 )
      throw std::logic_error( "No header for Peak segments"  );

    readToEndOfLine( in ,  true );
    s = getWord( in , false );

    int run, bankNum;
    double chi , phi , omega , monCount;

    // Build the universal goniometer that will build the rotation matrix.
    Mantid::Geometry::Goniometer uniGonio;

    // TODO: Can we find the number of peaks to get better progress reporting?
    Progress prog(this, 0.0, 1.0, 100);

    while( in.good() )
      // Read the header if necessary
      s = readPeakBlockHeader( s ,  in  , run , bankNum , chi , phi ,
          omega , monCount );
      // Build the Rotation matrix using phi,chi,omega
      uniGonio.setRotationAngle("phi", phi);
      uniGonio.setRotationAngle("chi", chi);
      uniGonio.setRotationAngle("omega", omega);
      //Put goniometer into peaks workspace
      outWS->mutableRun().setGoniometer(uniGonio, false);

      std::ostringstream oss;
      std::string bankString = "bank";
      if (outWS->getInstrument()->getName() == "WISH") bankString = "WISHpanel0";
      oss << bankString << bankNum;
      std::string bankName = oss.str();

      int seqNum = -1;

        // Read the peak
        Peak peak = readPeak(outWS, s, in, seqNum, bankName);

        // Get the calculated goniometer matrix
        Matrix<double> gonMat = uniGonio.getR();

        peak.setMonitorCount( monCount );

        double tof = peak.getTOF();
        Kernel::Units::Wavelength wl;

        wl.initialize(peak.getL1(), peak.getL2(), peak.getScattering(), 0,
                  peak.getInitialEnergy(), 0.0);

        peak.setWavelength(wl.singleFromTOF( tof));
        // Add the peak to workspace
      catch (std::runtime_error & e)
        g_log.warning() << "Error reading peak SEQN " << seqNum << " : " << e.what() << std::endl;
