Beispiel #1
 * Estimated the FWHM for Gaussian peak fitting
void ConvertEmptyToTof::estimateFWHM(const Mantid::MantidVec &spec,
                                     double &center, double &sigma,
                                     double &height, double &minX,
                                     double &maxX) {

  auto maxValueIt =
      std::max_element(spec.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(minX),
                       spec.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(maxX)); // max value
  double maxValue = *maxValueIt;
  size_t maxIndex =
      std::distance(spec.begin(), maxValueIt); // index of max value

  auto minFwhmIt =
                   [maxValue](double value) { return value < 0.5 * maxValue; });
  auto maxFwhmIt =
      std::find_if(maxValueIt, spec.end(),
                   [maxValue](double value) { return value < 0.5 * maxValue; });

  // double fwhm = thisSpecX[maxFwhmIndex] - thisSpecX[minFwhmIndex + 1];
  double fwhm =
      static_cast<double>(std::distance(minFwhmIt.base(), maxFwhmIt) + 1);

  // parameters for the gaussian peak fit
  center = static_cast<double>(maxIndex);
  sigma = fwhm;
  height = maxValue;

  g_log.debug() << "Peak estimate  : center=" << center << "\t sigma=" << sigma
                << "\t h=" << height << '\n';

  // determination of the range used for the peak definition
  size_t ipeak_min = std::max(
      maxIndex - static_cast<size_t>(2.5 * static_cast<double>(std::distance(
                                               maxValueIt, maxFwhmIt))));
  size_t ipeak_max = std::min(
      maxIndex + static_cast<size_t>(2.5 * static_cast<double>(std::distance(
                                               maxFwhmIt, maxValueIt))));
  size_t i_delta_peak = ipeak_max - ipeak_min;

  g_log.debug() << "Peak estimate xmin/max: " << ipeak_min - 1 << "\t"
                << ipeak_max + 1 << '\n';

  minX = static_cast<double>(ipeak_min - 2 * i_delta_peak);
  maxX = static_cast<double>(ipeak_max + 2 * i_delta_peak);