Beispiel #1
void CHokuyoURG::loadConfig_sensorSpecific(
	const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& configSource,
	const std::string& iniSection)
	m_reduced_fov =
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "reduced_fov", 0)),

	m_motorSpeed_rpm =
		configSource.read_int(iniSection, "HOKUYO_motorSpeed_rpm", 0);
		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_x", 0),
		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_y", 0),
		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_z", 0),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_yaw", 0)),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_pitch", 0)),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_roll", 0)));

	m_highSensMode =
		configSource.read_bool(iniSection, "HOKUYO_HS_mode", m_highSensMode);

#ifdef _WIN32
	m_com_port =
		configSource.read_string(iniSection, "COM_port_WIN", m_com_port);
	m_com_port =
		configSource.read_string(iniSection, "COM_port_LIN", m_com_port);

	m_ip_dir = configSource.read_string(iniSection, "IP_DIR", m_ip_dir);
	m_port_dir = configSource.read_int(iniSection, "PORT_DIR", m_port_dir);

		!m_com_port.empty() || !m_ip_dir.empty(),
		"Either COM_port or IP_DIR must be defined in the configuration file!");
		m_com_port.empty() || m_ip_dir.empty(),
		"Both COM_port and IP_DIR set! Please, define only one of them.");
	if (!m_ip_dir.empty())
			"A TCP/IP port number `PORT_DIR` must be specified for Ethernet "

	m_disable_firmware_timestamp = configSource.read_bool(
		iniSection, "disable_firmware_timestamp", m_disable_firmware_timestamp);
	m_intensity = configSource.read_bool(iniSection, "intensity", m_intensity),

		scan_interval, int, m_scan_interval, configSource, iniSection);

	// Parent options:
	C2DRangeFinderAbstract::loadCommonParams(configSource, iniSection);
void CRandomFieldGridMap3D::TInsertionOptions::loadFromConfigFile(
	const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& iniFile, const std::string& section)
	GMRF_lambdaPrior = iniFile.read_double(
		section.c_str(), "GMRF_lambdaPrior", GMRF_lambdaPrior);
	GMRF_skip_variance = iniFile.read_bool(
		section.c_str(), "GMRF_skip_variance", GMRF_skip_variance);
Beispiel #3
/** Loads specific configuration for the device from a given source of
 * configuration parameters, for example, an ".ini" file, loading from the
 * section "[iniSection]" (see config::CConfigFileBase and derived classes)
 *  \exception This method must throw an exception with a descriptive message if
 * some critical parameter is missing or has an invalid value.
void CKinect::loadConfig_sensorSpecific(
	const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& configSource,
	const std::string& iniSection)
		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_x", 0),
		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_y", 0),
		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_z", 0),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_yaw", 0)),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_pitch", 0)),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_roll", 0)));

	m_preview_window =
		configSource.read_bool(iniSection, "preview_window", m_preview_window);

	// "Stereo" calibration data:
	// [<SECTION>_LEFT]  // Depth
	//   ...
	//   ...
	//  pose_quaternion = [x y z qr qx qy qz]

	const mrpt::poses::CPose3D twist(
		0, 0, 0, DEG2RAD(-90), DEG2RAD(0), DEG2RAD(-90));

	mrpt::img::TStereoCamera sc;
	sc.leftCamera = m_cameraParamsDepth;  // Load default values so that if we
	// fail to load from cfg at least we
	// have some reasonable numbers.
	sc.rightCamera = m_cameraParamsRGB;
	sc.rightCameraPose =
		mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat(m_relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth - twist)

		sc.loadFromConfigFile(iniSection, configSource);
	catch (std::exception& e)
		std::cout << "[CKinect::loadConfig_sensorSpecific] Warning: Ignoring "
					 "error loading calibration parameters:\n"
				  << e.what();
	m_cameraParamsDepth = sc.leftCamera;
	m_cameraParamsRGB = sc.rightCamera;
	m_relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth =
		twist + mrpt::poses::CPose3D(sc.rightCameraPose);

	// Id:
	m_user_device_number = configSource.read_int(
		iniSection, "device_number", m_user_device_number);

	m_grab_image =
		configSource.read_bool(iniSection, "grab_image", m_grab_image);
	m_grab_depth =
		configSource.read_bool(iniSection, "grab_depth", m_grab_depth);
	m_grab_3D_points =
		configSource.read_bool(iniSection, "grab_3D_points", m_grab_3D_points);
	m_grab_IMU = configSource.read_bool(iniSection, "grab_IMU", m_grab_IMU);

	m_video_channel = configSource.read_enum<TVideoChannel>(
		iniSection, "video_channel", m_video_channel);

		std::string s = configSource.read_string(
			iniSection, "relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth", "");
		if (!s.empty()) m_relativePoseIntensityWRTDepth.fromString(s);

	m_initial_tilt_angle = configSource.read_int(
		iniSection, "initial_tilt_angle", m_initial_tilt_angle);
Beispiel #4
/* -----------------------------------------------------
   ----------------------------------------------------- */
void CGPSInterface::loadConfig_sensorSpecific(
	const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& configSource,
	const std::string& iniSection)
	m_parser = configSource.read_enum<CGPSInterface::PARSERS>(
		iniSection, "parser", m_parser, false /*Allow default values*/);
	m_raw_dump_file_prefix = configSource.read_string(
		iniSection, "raw_dump_file_prefix", m_raw_dump_file_prefix,
		false /*Allow default values*/);

#ifdef _WIN32
	m_COMname =
		configSource.read_string(iniSection, "COM_port_WIN", m_COMname, true);
	m_COMname =
		configSource.read_string(iniSection, "COM_port_LIN", m_COMname, true);

	m_COMbauds =
		configSource.read_int(iniSection, "baudRate", m_COMbauds, true);
	m_sensorLabelAppendMsgType = configSource.read_bool(
		iniSection, "sensor_label_append_msg_type", m_sensorLabelAppendMsgType);

	// legacy custom cmds:
	m_customInit =
		configSource.read_string(iniSection, "customInit", m_customInit, false);

	// new custom cmds:
	m_custom_cmds_delay = configSource.read_float(
		iniSection, "custom_cmds_delay", m_custom_cmds_delay);
	m_custom_cmds_append_CRLF = configSource.read_bool(
		iniSection, "custom_cmds_append_CRLF", m_custom_cmds_append_CRLF);
	// Load as many strings as found on the way:
	for (int i = 1; true; i++)
		std::string sLine = configSource.read_string(
			iniSection, mrpt::format("setup_cmd%i", i), std::string());
		sLine = mrpt::system::trim(sLine);
		if (sLine.empty()) break;

	for (int i = 1; true; i++)
		std::string sLine = configSource.read_string(
			iniSection, mrpt::format("shutdown_cmd%i", i), std::string());
		sLine = mrpt::system::trim(sLine);
		if (sLine.empty()) break;

		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_x", 0),
		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_y", 0),
		configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_z", 0),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_yaw", 0)),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_pitch", 0)),
		DEG2RAD(configSource.read_float(iniSection, "pose_roll", 0)));

	m_JAVAD_rtk_src_port = configSource.read_string(
		iniSection, "JAVAD_rtk_src_port", m_JAVAD_rtk_src_port);
	m_JAVAD_rtk_src_baud = configSource.read_int(
		iniSection, "JAVAD_rtk_src_baud", m_JAVAD_rtk_src_baud);
	m_JAVAD_rtk_format = configSource.read_string(
		iniSection, "JAVAD_rtk_format", m_JAVAD_rtk_format);

	m_topcon_useAIMMode = configSource.read_bool(
		iniSection, "JAVAD_useAIMMode", m_topcon_useAIMMode);
	m_topcon_data_period =
		1.0 / configSource.read_double(
				  iniSection, "outputRate", m_topcon_data_period);
/* -----------------------------------------------------
   ----------------------------------------------------- */
void CPhidgetInterfaceKitProximitySensors::loadConfig_sensorSpecific(
	const mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase& configSource,
	const std::string& iniSection)
	if (!configSource.sectionExists(iniSection))
		THROW_EXCEPTION("Can't find section in configuration file");
	// looking for the board parameters.
	// process_rate = 100 						// Hz (common to all sensors)
	// serialNumber = 12345						// The interface kit serial
	// number.
	m_process_rate =
		configSource.read_int(iniSection, string("process_rate"), 50);
	m_serialNumber =
		configSource.read_int(iniSection, string("serialNumber"), -1);
	bool display = configSource.read_bool(
		iniSection, string("displayRecapitulativeInformations"), false);

	// Looking for each sensor.

	for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
		string sensorNKeyName = format("sensor%d", i);
		string sensorType = configSource.read_string(
			iniSection, sensorNKeyName, string("UNPLUGGED"));
		if (sensorType != string("UNPLUGGED"))
			// the sensor is plugged :
			// // check if the sensor type is supported.
			if (sensorType == string("EZ1"))
				m_sensorType[i - 1] = EZ1;
				m_minRange[i - 1] = 0.15;  // meters
				m_maxRange[i - 1] = 6.45;  // meters
			else if (sensorType == string("SHARP-30cm"))
				m_sensorType[i - 1] = SHARP_30cm;
				m_minRange[i - 1] = 0.04;  // meters
				m_maxRange[i - 1] = 0.3;  // meters
			else if (sensorType == string("SHARP-80cm"))
				m_sensorType[i - 1] = SHARP_80cm;
				m_minRange[i - 1] = 0.06;  // meters
				m_maxRange[i - 1] = 0.8;  // meters
				string err = format("Type of sensor %d is not supported", i);
				m_state = CGenericSensor::ssError;
			m_sensorIsPlugged[i - 1] = true;
			// reading the sensor pose.
			string sensorNPoseX = format("pose%d_x", i);
			string sensorNPoseY = format("pose%d_y", i);
			string sensorNPoseZ = format("pose%d_z", i);
			string sensorNPoseYaw = format("pose%d_yaw", i);
			string sensorNPosePitch = format("pose%d_pitch", i);
			string sensorNPoseRoll = format("pose%d_roll", i);

			float x = configSource.read_float(iniSection, sensorNPoseX, 0.0);
			float y = configSource.read_float(iniSection, sensorNPoseY, 0.0);
			float z = configSource.read_float(iniSection, sensorNPoseZ, 0.0);
			float yaw =
				configSource.read_float(iniSection, sensorNPoseYaw, 0.0);
			float pitch =
				configSource.read_float(iniSection, sensorNPosePitch, 0.0);
			float roll =
				configSource.read_float(iniSection, sensorNPoseRoll, 0.0);

			m_sensorPoses[i - 1] =
				mrpt::poses::CPose3D(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll);
	if (display)
	{  // width = 80;
		cout.fill(' ');
		cout << "+-------------------------------------------------------------"
			 << endl;
		cout << "|  Phidget interfaceKit board number : " << m_serialNumber;
		cout << "|" << endl;
		cout << "| Process rate : " << m_process_rate;
		cout << "|" << endl;
		cout << "+---------+---------------------+-----------------------------"
			 << endl;
		cout << "|    #    + Sensor type         | Sensor 3D pose              "
				"                 |"
			 << endl;
		cout << "+---------+---------------------+-----------------------------"
			 << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			cout << "|";
			cout << i + 1;
			cout << " |";
			switch (m_sensorType[i])
				case EZ1:
					cout << "EZ1 |";
				case SHARP_30cm:
					cout << "SHARP_30cm |";
				case SHARP_80cm:
					cout << "SHARP_80cm |";
				case UNPLUGGED:
					cout << "UNPLUGGED |";
			cout << m_sensorPoses[i];
			cout << "|" << endl;
		cout << "+-------------------------------------------------------------"
			 << endl;