Beispiel #1
 * stable invert stolen from ossimRpcSolver
ossimRpcProjection::invert(const NEWMAT::Matrix& m)const
   ossim_uint32 idx = 0;
   NEWMAT::DiagonalMatrix d;
   NEWMAT::Matrix u;
   NEWMAT::Matrix v;

   // decompose m.t*m which is stored in Temp into the singular values and vectors.
   NEWMAT::SVD(m, d, u, v, true, true);
   // invert the diagonal
   // this is just doing the reciprical fo all diagonal components and store back int
   // d.  ths compute d inverse.
   for(idx=0; idx < (ossim_uint32)d.Ncols(); ++idx)
      if(d[idx] > 1e-14) //TBC : use DBL_EPSILON ?
         d[idx] = 1.0/d[idx];
         d[idx] = 0.0;

cout<<"warning: singular matrix in SVD"<<endl;


   //compute inverse of decomposed m;
   return v*d*u.t();
NEWMAT::Matrix rspfSensorModelTuple::invert(const NEWMAT::Matrix& m) const
   rspf_uint32 idx = 0;
   NEWMAT::DiagonalMatrix d;
   NEWMAT::Matrix u;
   NEWMAT::Matrix v;
   NEWMAT::SVD(m, d, u, v, true, true);
   for(idx=0; idx < (rspf_uint32)d.Ncols(); ++idx)
      if(d[idx] > 1e-14) //TBC : use DBL_EPSILON ?
         d[idx] = 1.0/d[idx];
         d[idx] = 0.0;
         if (traceDebug())
               << "DEBUG: rspfSensorModelTuple::invert(): "
               << "\nsingular matrix in SVD..."
               << std::endl;
   return v*d*u.t();