Beispiel #1
 * Restore information about floats into the float manager for an
 * incremental reflow, and simultaneously push the floats by
 * |aDeltaY|, which is the amount |aLine| was pushed relative to its
 * parent.  The recovery of state is one of the things that makes
 * incremental reflow O(N^2) and this state should really be kept
 * around, attached to the frame tree.
nsBlockReflowState::RecoverFloats(nsLineList::iterator aLine,
                                  nscoord aDeltaY)
  if (aLine->HasFloats()) {
    // Place the floats into the space-manager again. Also slide
    // them, just like the regular frames on the line.
    nsFloatCache* fc = aLine->GetFirstFloat();
    while (fc) {
      nsIFrame* floatFrame = fc->mFloat;
      if (aDeltaY != 0) {
        nsPoint p = floatFrame->GetPosition();
        floatFrame->SetPosition(nsPoint(p.x, p.y + aDeltaY));
#ifdef DEBUG
      if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow || nsBlockFrame::gNoisyFloatManager) {
        nscoord tx, ty;
        mFloatManager->GetTranslation(tx, ty);
        nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
        printf("RecoverFloats: txy=%d,%d (%d,%d) ",
               tx, ty, mFloatManagerX, mFloatManagerY);
        nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, floatFrame);
        nsRect region = nsFloatManager::GetRegionFor(floatFrame);
        printf(" aDeltaY=%d region={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n",
               aDeltaY, region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height);
      fc = fc->Next();
  } else if (aLine->IsBlock()) {
    nsBlockFrame::RecoverFloatsFor(aLine->mFirstChild, *mFloatManager);
Beispiel #2
 * Restore information about floats into the space manager for an
 * incremental reflow, and simultaneously push the floats by
 * |aDeltaY|, which is the amount |aLine| was pushed relative to its
 * parent.  The recovery of state is one of the things that makes
 * incremental reflow O(N^2) and this state should really be kept
 * around, attached to the frame tree.
nsBlockReflowState::RecoverFloats(nsLineList::iterator aLine,
                                  nscoord aDeltaY)
  if (aLine->HasFloats()) {
    // Place the floats into the space-manager again. Also slide
    // them, just like the regular frames on the line.
    nsFloatCache* fc = aLine->GetFirstFloat();
    while (fc) {
      nsIFrame* floatFrame = fc->mPlaceholder->GetOutOfFlowFrame();
      if (aDeltaY != 0) {
        fc->mRegion.y += aDeltaY;
        nsPoint p = floatFrame->GetPosition();
        floatFrame->SetPosition(nsPoint(p.x, p.y + aDeltaY));
#ifdef DEBUG
      if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow || nsBlockFrame::gNoisySpaceManager) {
        nscoord tx, ty;
        mSpaceManager->GetTranslation(tx, ty);
        nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
        printf("RecoverFloats: txy=%d,%d (%d,%d) ",
               tx, ty, mSpaceManagerX, mSpaceManagerY);
        nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, floatFrame);
        printf(" aDeltaY=%d region={%d,%d,%d,%d}\n",
               aDeltaY, fc->mRegion.x, fc->mRegion.y,
               fc->mRegion.width, fc->mRegion.height);
      mSpaceManager->AddRectRegion(floatFrame, fc->mRegion);
      fc = fc->Next();
  } else if (aLine->IsBlock()) {
    nsBlockFrame *kid = nsnull;
    aLine->mFirstChild->QueryInterface(kBlockFrameCID, (void**)&kid);
    // don't recover any state inside a block that has its own space
    // manager (we don't currently have any blocks like this, though,
    // thanks to our use of extra frames for 'overflow')
    if (kid && !nsBlockFrame::BlockNeedsSpaceManager(kid)) {
      nscoord tx = kid->mRect.x, ty = kid->mRect.y;

      // If the element is relatively positioned, then adjust x and y
      // accordingly so that we consider relatively positioned frames
      // at their original position.
      if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_RELATIVE == kid->GetStyleDisplay()->mPosition) {
        nsPoint *offsets = static_cast<nsPoint*>

        if (offsets) {
          tx -= offsets->x;
          ty -= offsets->y;
      mSpaceManager->Translate(tx, ty);
      for (nsBlockFrame::line_iterator line = kid->begin_lines(),
                                   line_end = kid->end_lines();
           line != line_end;
        // Pass 0, not the real DeltaY, since these floats aren't
        // moving relative to their parent block, only relative to
        // the space manager.
        RecoverFloats(line, 0);
      mSpaceManager->Translate(-tx, -ty);