// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 std::string FontSerializer::loadString(Ogre::DataStreamPtr& stream)
     uint16 strsize;
     stream->read(&strsize, sizeof(uint16));
     char * stringbuffer = new char[strsize+1];
     stream->read((char*)stringbuffer, strsize);
     stringbuffer[strsize] = '\0';
     std::string rstring = stringbuffer;
     delete[] stringbuffer;
     return rstring;
void FvFTDTerrainPageSerializerImpl::ReadLayerMap(Ogre::DataStreamPtr &spStream, 
												  FvTerrainPage *pkDest, FvUInt32 uiLayerIndex)
	FTDLayerMapHeader kHeader;
	FvTerrainPage::TextureLayerPtr spLayer = new FvTerrainPage::TextureLayer;

	FvUInt32 uiNameSize;

	char acTextureName[256];
	FV_ASSERT(uiNameSize < 256);
	acTextureName[uiNameSize] = 0;
	spLayer->m_kTextureName = acTextureName;

	if(kHeader.m_uiVersion == VERSION_PNG)
		spLayer->m_pkBlends = new Ogre::Image;
	if(kHeader.m_uiVersion == VERSION_DDS)
		spLayer->m_pkBlends = new Ogre::Image;


		spLayer->m_spTexture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().load(spLayer->m_kTextureName,
	catch (...){}

		FV_ERROR_MSG("FvFTDTerrainPageSerializerImpl::ReadLayerMap texture %s not exist",

	spLayer->m_uiWidth = kHeader.m_uiWidth;
	spLayer->m_uiHeight = kHeader.m_uiHeight;
	memcpy(&spLayer->m_kUProjection, kHeader.m_kUProjection, sizeof(Ogre::Vector4)); 
	memcpy(&spLayer->m_kVProjection, kHeader.m_kVProjection, sizeof(Ogre::Vector4)); 

Beispiel #3
size_t OggBuffer::vorbisRead(void *ptr, size_t byteSize, size_t sizeToRead, void *datasource )
	size_t				spaceToEOF;			// How much more we can read till we hit the EOF marker
	size_t				actualSizeToRead;	// How much data we are actually going to read from memory
	Ogre::DataStreamPtr	vorbisData;			// Our vorbis data, for the typecast

	// Get the data in the right format
	vorbisData = *(Ogre::DataStreamPtr*)datasource;

	// Calculate how much we need to read.  This can be sizeToRead*byteSize or less depending on how near the EOF marker we are
	spaceToEOF = vorbisData->size() - vorbisData->tell();
	if ((sizeToRead * byteSize) < spaceToEOF)
		actualSizeToRead = (sizeToRead * byteSize);
		actualSizeToRead = spaceToEOF;	
	// A simple copy of the data from memory to the datastruct that the vorbis libs will use
	if (actualSizeToRead)
		// Copy the data from the start of the file PLUS how much we have already read in
		vorbisData->read(ptr, actualSizeToRead);

	// Return how much we read (in the same way fread would)
	return actualSizeToRead;
Beispiel #4
 void CollisionShapeManager::LoadAllShapesFromBinaryFile(const String& FileName, const String& Group)
     btBulletWorldImporter Importer;
     Ogre::DataStreamPtr Stream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(FileName,Group);
     char* buffer = new char[Stream->size()];
     Stream->read((void*)buffer, Stream->size());
     if(!Importer.loadFileFromMemory(buffer, Stream->size()))
         MEZZ_EXCEPTION(ExceptionBase::IO_FILE_EXCEPTION,"Failed to load file: " + FileName + ".")
     delete[] buffer;
     for( Whole X = 0 ; X < Importer.getNumCollisionShapes() ; ++X )
         btCollisionShape* Shape = Importer.getCollisionShapeByIndex(X);
         const char* MaybeAName = Importer.getNameForPointer((void*)Shape);
         String Name;
             Name = String(MaybeAName);
             ShapeMapIterator it = this->CollisionShapes.find(Name);
             if(it == this->CollisionShapes.end())
                 CollisionShape* NewShape = this->WrapShape(Name,Shape);
                 this->CollisionShapes.insert( std::pair<String,CollisionShape*>(Name,NewShape) );
             static Whole NameCount = 0;
             Name = String("Unnamed") += StringTools::ConvertToString(NameCount++);
             CollisionShape* NewShape = this->WrapShape(Name,Shape);
Beispiel #5
bool gkAndroidApp::setup(void) {
    AAssetManager* assetMgr = m_state->activity->assetManager;
    if (assetMgr) {
        Ogre::ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory(new Ogre::APKFileSystemArchiveFactory(assetMgr));
        Ogre::ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory(new Ogre::APKZipArchiveFactory(assetMgr));
        Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation("/", "APKFileSystem",

    Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().
            openResource(m_blend, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
    if (stream.isNull()) {
        gkPrintf("Error: Can't open file %s.\n", m_blend.c_str());
        return false;

    size_t size = stream->size();
    char* buf = new char[size];
    stream->read(buf, size);

    gkBlendFile* blend = gkBlendLoader::getSingleton().loadFromMemory(buf,size,gkBlendLoader::LO_ALL_SCENES);
    gkScene* scene = blend->getMainScene();
    if (!scene) {
        gkPrintf("No usable scenes found in blend.\n");
        return false;


    return true;
 BackgroundFileSerializer::readPallete( Ogre::DataStreamPtr &stream
                                       ,BackgroundFile *pDest )
     readSectionHeader( stream, SECTION_NAME_PALETTE );
     stream->read( pDest->getPalette().data(), BackgroundFile::PALETTE_ENTRY_COUNT );
    BackgroundFileSerializer::readObject( Ogre::DataStreamPtr &stream, Page &pDest )
        read2ByteBool( stream, pDest.enabled );
        if( !pDest.enabled ) return;

        readShort( stream, pDest.unknown_02 );
        readShort( stream, pDest.value_size );
        if( pDest.value_size != 1 && pDest.value_size != 2 )
                ,"Page value_size other then 1 and 2 is not supported"
                ,"BackgroundFileSerializer::readObject" );

        size_t color_count( BackgroundFile::PAGE_DATA_SIZE );

        if( pDest.value_size == 2 )
            pDest.colors.reserve( color_count );
            for( size_t i( color_count ); i--; )
                Color colourDest;
                readObject( stream, colourDest );
                pDest.colors.push_back( colourDest );
            pDest.data.resize( color_count );
            stream->read( &pDest.data[0], color_count );
Beispiel #8
 std::string getString(size_t length)
     std::string str;
     if(inp->read(&str[0], length) != length)
         return std::string();
     return str.substr(0, str.find('\0'));
size_t RocketInterface::Read(void* buffer, size_t size, Rocket::Core::FileHandle file)
    if (!file)
        return 0;

    Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream = *reinterpret_cast<Ogre::DataStreamPtr*>(file);
    return stream->read(buffer, size);
// OgreScriptBuilder
int OgreScriptBuilder::LoadScriptSection(const char* full_path_cstr)
    // Get filename - required to retrieve file from OGRe's resource system.
    //  This function received filename in older AngelScript versions, but now receives full path
    //      (reconstructed wrong by CScriptBuilder because it doesn't know about OGRE's ZIP files).
    //  TODO: Refactor the entire script building logic 
    //      - create fully RoR-custom builder instead of hacked stock CScriptBuilder + our overload. ~ only_a_ptr, 08/2017

    std::string full_path(full_path_cstr);
    std::string filename;
    size_t slash_pos = full_path.rfind('/'); // AngelScript always uses forward slashes in paths.
    if (slash_pos != std::string::npos)
        filename = full_path.substr(slash_pos+1);
        filename = full_path;

    Ogre::DataStreamPtr ds;
        ds = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(filename, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
                 //TODO: do not use `AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME`, use specific group, lookups are slow!
                 //see also https://github.com/OGRECave/ogre/blob/master/Docs/1.10-Notes.md#resourcemanager-strict-mode ~ only_a_ptr, 08/2017
    catch (Ogre::Exception e)
        LOG("[RoR|Scripting] exception upon loading script file '"+filename+"', message: " + e.getFullDescription());
        return -1;
    // In some cases (i.e. when fed a full path with '/'-s on Windows), `openResource()` will silently return NULL for datastream. ~ only_a_ptr, 08/2017
    if (ds.isNull())
        LOG("[RoR|Scripting] Failed to load file '"+filename+"', reason unknown.");
        return -1;

    // Read the entire file
    std::string code;
    ds->read(&code[0], ds->size());

    // hash it
        char hash_result[250];
        memset(hash_result, 0, 249);
        RoR::CSHA1 sha1;
        sha1.UpdateHash((uint8_t *)code.c_str(), (uint32_t)code.size());
        sha1.ReportHash(hash_result, RoR::CSHA1::REPORT_HEX_SHORT);
        hash = Ogre::String(hash_result);

    return ProcessScriptSection(code.c_str(), code.length(), filename.c_str(), 0);
Beispiel #11
    void GlobalMap::write(ESM::GlobalMap& map)
        map.mBounds.mMinX = mMinX;
        map.mBounds.mMaxX = mMaxX;
        map.mBounds.mMinY = mMinY;
        map.mBounds.mMaxY = mMaxY;

        Ogre::DataStreamPtr encoded = mOverlayImage.encode("png");
        encoded->read(&map.mImageData[0], encoded->size());
Beispiel #12
void ExpatParser::parseXMLFile(XMLHandler& handler,
                               const Ogre::String& xmlName, const Ogre::String& xmlResourceGroup,
                               const Ogre::String& schemaName, const Ogre::String& schemaResourceGroup)
    XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);

        MyUserData myUserData;
        myUserData.handler = &handler;
        if (_locale.get())
            myUserData.converter = boost::bind(&expat_to_local, _1, _2, boost::ref(*_locale));
            myUserData.converter = boost::bind(&expat_to_local_win32, _1, _2, boost::ref(_buffer));

        XML_SetUserData(parser, &myUserData);
        XML_SetElementHandler(parser, expatStartElementHandler, expatEndElementHandler);
        XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, expatCharacterDataHandler);

        const size_t MaxBufferSize = 64*1024;
        Ogre::DataStreamPtr dataStream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(xmlName, xmlResourceGroup);
        bool done;
            void* buffer = XML_GetBuffer(parser, MaxBufferSize);
            if (!buffer)
                            "Can't allocate buffer while parse XML file '" + xmlName + "'.",

            size_t count = dataStream->read(buffer, MaxBufferSize);
            done = dataStream->eof();

            if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, count, done) != XML_STATUS_OK)
                            "An error occurred while parsing XML file '" + xmlName +
                            "' at line " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser)) +
                            ". Additional information: " + XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser)),
        } while (!done);

Beispiel #13
/*void TestStream()
	//String fname( "../../media/packs/chiropteraDM.txt");
	std::ifstream* roStream = new std::ifstream;
	roStream ->open	("../../media/packs/chiropteraDM.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
	//fptr =  new FileStreamDataStream("tt", roStream, true);
	//fstrm = DataStreamPtr(fptr);
	DataStreamPtr ss = DataStreamPtr(new LodDataStream( Ogre::SharedPtr<std::ifstream>(roStream),	0x203,500));
	std::cout <<  ss -> size() << endl;
		cout << ss->getLine(false) << endl;
	cout << 
		<< endl;
void SaveStreamToFile(const Ogre::String& fname, Ogre::DataStreamPtr data)
	char*buff = new char[data->size()];
	std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::binary | std::ios::out;
	std::ofstream rwStream;
	rwStream.open(fname, mode);
	delete[] buff;
	std::cout << "Saved: " << fname << " size: "<<data->size() << std::endl;
 FLevelFileSerializer::readSectionData( Ogre::DataStreamPtr &stream
                                       ,Ogre::DataStreamPtr &out_buffer )
     uint32 length( 0 );
     readInt( stream, length );
     // TODO: implement SubDataStream class to restrict access size etc
     // so we don't have to copy the whole memory
     Ogre::MemoryDataStream *buffer( new Ogre::MemoryDataStream( length ) );
     stream->read( buffer->getPtr(), length );
     out_buffer = Ogre::DataStreamPtr( buffer );
qint64 OgreNetworkReply::readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize)
    if (mDataStream.isNull()) {
        setErrorString("This network request is closed.");
        return -1;

    if (mDataStream->eof())
        return -1;

    return mDataStream->read(data, maxSize);
Beispiel #16
void TextureAsset::RegenerateAllMipLevels()
    if (ogreTexture.isNull())

///\todo This function does not quite work, since ogreTexture->getNumMipmaps() will return 0 to denote a "full mipmap chain".

    for(int f = 0; f < ogreTexture->getNumFaces(); ++f)
        for(int i = 1; i < ogreTexture->getNumMipmaps(); ++i)
            Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr src = ogreTexture->getBuffer(f, i-1);
            Ogre::Box srcSize(0, 0, src->getWidth(), src->getHeight());
            Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr dst = ogreTexture->getBuffer(f, i);
            Ogre::Box dstSize(0, 0, dst->getWidth(), dst->getHeight());
            dst->blit(src, srcSize, dstSize);
bool TextureAsset::SerializeTo(std::vector<u8> &data, const QString &serializationParameters) const
    if (ogreTexture.isNull())
        LogWarning("SerializeTo: Called on an unloaded texture \"" + Name().toStdString() + "\".");
        return false;

        Ogre::Image new_image;
        // From Ogre 1.7 Texture::convertToImage()
        size_t numMips = 1;
        size_t dataSize = Ogre::Image::calculateSize(numMips,
            ogreTexture->getNumFaces(), ogreTexture->getWidth(), ogreTexture->getHeight(), ogreTexture->getDepth(), ogreTexture->getFormat());
        void* pixData = OGRE_MALLOC(dataSize, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL);
        // if there are multiple faces and mipmaps we must pack them into the data
        // faces, then mips
        void* currentPixData = pixData;
        for (size_t face = 0; face < ogreTexture->getNumFaces(); ++face)
            for (size_t mip = 0; mip < numMips; ++mip)
                size_t mipDataSize = Ogre::PixelUtil::getMemorySize(ogreTexture->getWidth(), ogreTexture->getHeight(), ogreTexture->getDepth(), ogreTexture->getFormat());
                Ogre::PixelBox pixBox(ogreTexture->getWidth(), ogreTexture->getHeight(), ogreTexture->getDepth(), ogreTexture->getFormat(), currentPixData);
                ogreTexture->getBuffer(face, mip)->blitToMemory(pixBox);
                currentPixData = (void*)((char*)currentPixData + mipDataSize);
        // load, and tell Image to delete the memory when it's done.
        new_image.loadDynamicImage((Ogre::uchar*)pixData, ogreTexture->getWidth(), ogreTexture->getHeight(), ogreTexture->getDepth(), ogreTexture->getFormat(), true, 
            ogreTexture->getNumFaces(), numMips - 1);

        Ogre::DataStreamPtr imageStream = new_image.encode(serializationParameters.toStdString());
        if (imageStream.get() && imageStream->size() > 0)
            imageStream->read(&data[0], data.size());
    } catch (std::exception &e)
        LogError("SerializeTo: Failed to export Ogre texture " + Name().toStdString() + ":");
        if (e.what())
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #17
    Resource::DataStreamPtr ResourceManager::OpenAssetStream(const String& AssetName, const String& AssetGroup)
        /// @todo This entire method is a bit of a hack.  When the resource system gets refactored it should go through our archives or whatever equivalent.
        /// Since we currently have to put up with Ogre's system, we'll use it for now as a hack.

        NamedDataStreamIterator StreamIt = this->NamedDataStreams.find(AssetName);
        if( StreamIt != this->NamedDataStreams.end() )
            return (*StreamIt).second;

        Ogre::DataStreamPtr OgreStream = this->OgreResource->openResource(AssetName,AssetGroup);
        Char8* AssetBuffer = new Char8[ OgreStream->size() ];
        OgreStream->read( (void*)AssetBuffer, OgreStream->size() );

        return this->CreateDataStream(AssetName,AssetBuffer,OgreStream->size());
QPixmap HeightImageEditorCodec::onBeforeDisplay(Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream)
    double file_len = stream->size() / 4;

    unsigned int map_size = sqrt(file_len);

    mBuffer = new unsigned char[map_size * map_size * sizeof(float)];
    float *buf = (float *)mBuffer;

    stream->read(buf, map_size * map_size * 4);

    float max_h = -1000000.0f;
    float min_h = 1000000.0f;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < map_size * map_size; i++)
        if(buf[i] > max_h)
            max_h = buf[i];
        if(buf[i] < min_h)
            min_h = buf[i];

    float diff = max_h - min_h;

    if(diff > 0.0f)
        unsigned char *colbuf = (unsigned char *)buf;
        int pos = 0;

        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < map_size * map_size; i++)
            float tval = mapToRange(buf[i], min_h, max_h, 60, 360);

            HSVtoARGB(&colbuf[pos], tval, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            pos += 4;
        memset(buf, 0xFF, map_size * map_size * 4);

    QImage image = QImage((unsigned char *)buf, map_size, map_size, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    mPixmap = QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image));

    return mPixmap;
	//loader for ScriptSystem
		OgreFileLoader(lua_State* pState, std::string strFile)
		if(!Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, strFile))
			return std::string("file not found");
		Ogre::DataStreamPtr ds = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(strFile);
		char *buffer = ICE_NEW char[ds->size()];
		ds->read(buffer, ds->size());

		if(luaL_loadbuffer(pState, buffer, ds->size(), strFile.c_str()) || lua_pcall(pState, 0, 0, 0))
			ICE_DELETE buffer;
			return std::string(lua_tostring(pState, -1));
		ICE_DELETE buffer;
		return std::string();
	bool LanguageManager::loadLanguage(const std::string & _file, const std::string & _group, bool _user)

		if (!_group.empty()) {

			if (!helper::isFileExist(_file, _group)) {
				MYGUI_LOG(Error, "file '" << _file << "' not found in group'" << _group << "'");
				return false;

			Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingletonPtr()->openResource(_file, _group);

			// проверяем на сигнатуру utf8
			uint32 sign = 0;
			stream->read((void*)&sign, 3);
			if (sign != 0x00BFBBEF) {
				MYGUI_LOG(Error, "file '" << _file << "' is not UTF8 format");
				return false;

			_loadLanguage(stream, _user);
			return true;

		std::ifstream stream(_file.c_str());
		if (false == stream.is_open()) {
			MYGUI_LOG(Error, "error open file '" << _file << "'");
			return false;

		// проверяем на сигнатуру utf8
		uint32 sign = 0;
		stream.read((char*)&sign, 3);
		if (sign != 0x00BFBBEF) {
			MYGUI_LOG(Error, "file '" << _file << "' is not UTF8 format");
			return false;

		_loadLanguage(stream, _user);

		return true;
QByteArray *ResourceManager::read(const char *path, const char *group)
    Ogre::String groupName = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME;
    if (group)
        groupName = group;

    Ogre::DataStreamPtr dataStream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(path, groupName);

    int totalSize = dataStream->size();
    QScopedPointer<QByteArray> result(new QByteArray(totalSize, Qt::Uninitialized));

    int bytesRead = 0;
    char *buffer = result->data();
    while (bytesRead < totalSize) {
        int read = dataStream->read(buffer, totalSize - bytesRead);
        buffer += read;
        bytesRead += read;

    return result.take();
void FvFTDTerrainPageSerializerImpl::ReadHeightMap(Ogre::DataStreamPtr &spStream, 
												   FvTerrainPage *pkDest, FvUInt32 uiLodLevel)
	FTDHeightMapHeader kHeader;

	pkDest->m_fMinHeight = kHeader.m_fMinHeight;
	pkDest->m_fMaxHeight = kHeader.m_fMaxHeight;
	pkDest->m_uiHeightLodLevel = uiLodLevel;
	pkDest->m_uiVisiableOffset = pkDest->m_uiHeightLodLevel > 0 ? 0 : FV_DEFAULT_VISIBLE_OFFSET;
	if (pkDest->m_fMaxHeight < pkDest->m_fMinHeight)
		std::swap(pkDest->m_fMinHeight, pkDest->m_fMaxHeight);

	if(kHeader.m_uiVersion == VERSION_PNG)
	else if(kHeader.m_uiVersion == VERSION_DDS)

	FV_ASSERT(pkDest->m_kHeights.getWidth() == kHeader.m_uiWidth);
	FV_ASSERT(pkDest->m_kHeights.getHeight() == kHeader.m_uiHeight);
void FvFTDTerrainPageSerializerImpl::ReadLodNormalMap(Ogre::DataStreamPtr &spStream, 
													  FvTerrainPage *pkDest)
	FTDNormalMapHeader kHeader;

	if(kHeader.m_uiVersion == VERSION_PNG)
		Ogre::Codec *pkCodec = 0;
		pkCodec = Ogre::Codec::getCodec("png");

		if(pkCodec == NULL)

		Ogre::Codec::DecodeResult kRes = pkCodec->decode(spStream);
		Ogre::ImageCodec::ImageData *pkData = 
		pkDest->m_spLodNormalMap = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().loadRawData(pkDest->m_kLodNormalName,
			FvTerrainPage::TERRAIN_INERNAL_RESOURCE_GROUP, Ogre::DataStreamPtr(kRes.first),
			Ogre::ushort(pkData->width), Ogre::ushort(pkData->height), Ogre::PF_BYTE_LA);
Beispiel #24
 uint16_t read_le16()
     uint8_t buffer[2];
     if(inp->read(buffer, 2) != 2) return 0;
     return buffer[0] | (buffer[1]<<8);
void MWState::StateManager::saveGame (const std::string& description, const Slot *slot)
        ESM::SavedGame profile;

        MWBase::World& world = *MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();

        MWWorld::Ptr player = world.getPlayerPtr();

        profile.mContentFiles = world.getContentFiles();

        profile.mPlayerName = player.getClass().getName (player);
        profile.mPlayerLevel = player.getClass().getNpcStats (player).getLevel();

        std::string classId = player.get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase->mClass;
        if (world.getStore().get<ESM::Class>().isDynamic(classId))
            profile.mPlayerClassName = world.getStore().get<ESM::Class>().find(classId)->mName;
            profile.mPlayerClassId = classId;

        profile.mPlayerCell = world.getCellName();

        profile.mInGameTime.mGameHour = world.getTimeStamp().getHour();
        profile.mInGameTime.mDay = world.getDay();
        profile.mInGameTime.mMonth = world.getMonth();
        profile.mInGameTime.mYear = world.getYear();
        profile.mTimePlayed = mTimePlayed;
        profile.mDescription = description;

        int screenshotW = 259*2, screenshotH = 133*2; // *2 to get some nice antialiasing
        Ogre::Image screenshot;
        world.screenshot(screenshot, screenshotW, screenshotH);
        Ogre::DataStreamPtr encoded = screenshot.encode("jpg");
        encoded->read(&profile.mScreenshot[0], encoded->size());

        if (!slot)
            slot = getCurrentCharacter()->createSlot (profile);
            slot = getCurrentCharacter()->updateSlot (slot, profile);

        boost::filesystem::ofstream stream (slot->mPath, std::ios::binary);

        ESM::ESMWriter writer;

        const std::vector<std::string>& current =

        for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter (current.begin()); iter!=current.end();
            writer.addMaster (*iter, 0); // not using the size information anyway -> use value of 0

        writer.setFormat (ESM::Header::CurrentFormat);
        int recordCount =         1 // saved game header
        writer.setRecordCount (recordCount);

        writer.save (stream);

        Loading::Listener& listener = *MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getLoadingScreen();

        Loading::ScopedLoad load(&listener);

        writer.startRecord (ESM::REC_SAVE);
        slot->mProfile.save (writer);
        writer.endRecord (ESM::REC_SAVE);

        MWBase::Environment::get().getJournal()->write (writer, listener);
        MWBase::Environment::get().getDialogueManager()->write (writer, listener);
        MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->write (writer, listener);
        MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getGlobalScripts().write (writer, listener);
        MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->write(writer, listener);

        // Ensure we have written the number of records that was estimated
        if (writer.getRecordCount() != recordCount+1) // 1 extra for TES3 record
            std::cerr << "Warning: number of written savegame records does not match. Estimated: " << recordCount+1 << ", written: " << writer.getRecordCount() << std::endl;


        if (stream.fail())
            throw std::runtime_error("Write operation failed");

        Settings::Manager::setString ("character", "Saves",
    catch (const std::exception& e)
        std::stringstream error;
        error << "Failed to save game: " << e.what();

        std::cerr << error.str() << std::endl;

        std::vector<std::string> buttons;
        MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox(error.str(), buttons);

        // If no file was written, clean up the slot
        if (slot && !boost::filesystem::exists(slot->mPath))
    BackgroundFileSerializer::readObject( Ogre::DataStreamPtr &stream, SpriteData &pDest )
        readObject( stream, pDest.dst );
        readShorts( stream, pDest.unknown_04, 2 );
        readObject( stream, pDest.src );
        readObject( stream, pDest.src2 );
        readShort( stream, pDest.width );
        readShort( stream, pDest.height );

        uint16 size;
        // width and height are sometimes incorrect in the file
        if ( m_layer_index < 2 )
            size = 16;
        else if ( m_layer_index < BackgroundFile::LAYER_COUNT)
            size = 32;
                ,"m_layer_index not set correctly"
                ,"BackgroundFileSerializer::readObject" );
        pDest.width = pDest.height = size;

        readShort( stream, pDest.palette_page );
        readShort( stream, pDest.depth );

        // Force depth values
        switch ( m_layer_index )
          case 0:
            pDest.depth = 4095;
          case 2:
            pDest.depth = 4096;
          case 3:
            pDest.depth = 0;

        uint8 animation[2];
        stream->read( animation, sizeof( animation ) );
        pDest.animation_id = animation[0];
        pDest.animation_frame = animation[1];
        uint8 has_blending[2];
        stream->read( has_blending, sizeof( has_blending ) );
        pDest.has_blending[0] = has_blending[0] > 0;
        pDest.has_blending[1] = has_blending[1] > 0;

        readShort( stream, pDest.blending );
        readShort( stream, pDest.data_page );
        readShort( stream, pDest.data_page2 );
        // when data_page2 != 0, it must be used instead of data_page (not for the first layer)
        if ( m_layer_index > 0 && pDest.data_page2 )
            pDest.src = pDest.src2;
            pDest.data_page = pDest.data_page2;
        readShort( stream, pDest.colour_depth );
        readObject( stream, pDest.src_big );
        pDest.src_big /= src_big_SCALE;
        stream->skip( 2 * 2 ); // 2 * uint16 unused
Beispiel #27
 uint32_t read_le32()
     uint8_t buffer[4];
     if(inp->read(buffer, 4) != 4) return 0;
     return buffer[0] | (buffer[1]<<8) | (buffer[2]<<16) | (buffer[3]<<24);
Beispiel #28
int FFmpeg_Decoder::readPacket(void *user_data, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
    Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream = static_cast<FFmpeg_Decoder*>(user_data)->mDataStream;
    return stream->read(buf, buf_size);
void DotSceneLoader::processTerrainPage(rapidxml::xml_node<>* XMLNode)
    Ogre::String name = getAttrib(XMLNode, "name");
    int pageX = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(XMLNode->first_attribute("pageX")->value());
    int pageY = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(XMLNode->first_attribute("pageY")->value());
    Ogre::Real worldSize = getAttribReal(XMLNode, "worldSize");
    int mapSize = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(XMLNode->first_attribute("mapSize")->value());
    bool colourmapEnabled = getAttribBool(XMLNode, "colourmapEnabled");
    int colourmapTexturesize = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(XMLNode->first_attribute("colourmapTexturesize")->value());
    int layerCount = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(XMLNode->first_attribute("layerCount")->value());

    Ogre::String filename = mTerrainGroup->generateFilename(pageX, pageY);
    if (Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(mTerrainGroup->getResourceGroup(), filename))
        mTerrainGroup->defineTerrain(pageX, pageY);
        rapidxml::xml_node<>* pElement;

        pElement = XMLNode->first_node("position");
            mTerrainPosition = parseVector3(pElement);

        Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(name + Ogre::String(".ohm"), "General" );
        size_t size = stream.get()->size();
        if(size != mapSize * mapSize * 4)
            OGRE_EXCEPT( Ogre::Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Size of stream does not match terrainsize!", "TerrainPage" );
        float* buffer = OGRE_ALLOC_T(float, size, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY);
        stream->read(buffer, size);

        Ogre::Terrain::ImportData& imp = mTerrainGroup->getDefaultImportSettings();
        imp.terrainSize = mapSize;
        imp.worldSize = worldSize;
        imp.inputFloat = buffer;
        imp.inputImage = 0;
        imp.deleteInputData = true;
        imp.minBatchSize = 33;
        imp.maxBatchSize = 65;


        int count = 0;

        // Process layers (*)
        rapidxml::xml_node<>* pTerrainLayer;
        rapidxml::xml_node<>* pTerrainTextures;
        rapidxml::xml_node<>* pTerrainTexture;
        pElement = XMLNode->first_node("layers");
            pTerrainLayer = pElement->first_node("layer");
                int worldSize = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(pTerrainLayer->first_attribute("worldSize")->value());
                pTerrainTextures = pTerrainLayer->first_node("textures");
                pTerrainTexture = pTerrainTextures->first_node("texture");
                    imp.layerList[count].worldSize = (Ogre::Real)worldSize;
                    pTerrainTexture = pTerrainTexture->next_sibling("texture");
                // do stuff
                pTerrainLayer = pTerrainLayer->next_sibling("layer");
            pElement = pElement->next_sibling("layers");

        mTerrainGroup->defineTerrain(pageX, pageY, &imp);
Beispiel #30
bool MapLoader::loadMapFormFile(std::string mapname)
	int mapsize;
	Terrain* terrain = Terrain::getSingletonPtr();
	DataLibrary* datalibrary = DataLibrary::getSingletonPtr();
	std::string path = ".\\..\\Media\\Map\\" + mapname;

	//ticpp::Document *doc = new ticpp::Document();
	rapidxml::xml_document<> doc;
	Ogre::DataStreamPtr stream = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(mapname, "Data", true);
	char* s=new char[stream->size()+1];

	std::string str1;
	//ticpp::Element *element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapName");
	rapidxml::xml_node<> * element = doc.first_node("MapName");
	str1 = element->value();
	datalibrary->setData("GameData/BattleData/MapData/MapName", StringTable::getSingleton().getString(str1));
	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapScript");
	element = doc.first_node("MapScript");
	str1 = element->value();
	datalibrary->setData("GameData/BattleData/MapData/MapScript", str1);
	//delete element;

	element = doc.first_node("MapMini");
	if (element!=NULL)
		str1 = element->value();
	datalibrary->setData("GameData/BattleData/MapData/MapMini", str1);

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapInfo");
	element = doc.first_node("MapInfo");
	str1 = element->value();
	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapLoadBG");
	element = doc.first_node("MapLoadBG");
	str1 = element->value();
	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapSize");
	element = doc.first_node("MapSize");
	mapsize = Ogre::StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt(element->value());
	MapDataManager::getSingleton().mMapSize = mapsize;
	datalibrary->setData("GameData/BattleData/MapData/MapSize", mapsize);
	//delete element;

	//element= doc.FirstChildElement("MapGround");
	element = doc.first_node("MapGround");
	//ticpp::Iterator<ticpp::Element> child;
	rapidxml::xml_node<> *child = element->first_node();
	std::string datapath;
	//for(child = child.begin(element); child != child.end(); child++)
	for(; child; child =child->next_sibling())
		std::string layer,type,texture;
		layer = child->name();
		rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *attr = child->first_attribute("Type");
		type = attr->value();
		attr = child->first_attribute("Texture");
		texture = attr->value();
		datapath = str(boost::format("GameData/BattleData/MapData/Ground/%1%")%layer);
		datalibrary->setData(datapath, type);
		datapath = str(boost::format("GameData/BattleData/MapData/Ground/%1%Tex")%layer);
		datalibrary->setData(datapath, texture);
	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapData");
	element = doc.first_node("MapData");
	str1 = element->value();
	for(int y = 0; y < mapsize; y++)
		for(int x = 0; x < mapsize; x++)
			int index = y * mapsize + x;
			char datapathtemp[64];
			sprintf_s(datapathtemp, 64, "GameData/BattleData/MapData/Map/M%d", MapDataManager::getSingleton().getGridId(x, y));
			std::string datapath = datapathtemp;
			if(str1[index * 2] == 'l')
				bool iscliff = false;
				for(int i = y - 1; i < y + 2; i ++)
					for(int j =  x - 1; j < x + 2; j++)
						int u = (i<0)?0:i;
						u = (u >= mapsize)?mapsize-1:u;
						int v = (j<0)?0:j;
						v = (v >= mapsize)?mapsize-1:v;
						int tempindex = u * mapsize + v;
						if(str1[tempindex * 2] == 'h' )
							iscliff = true;
					datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/TerrainType", Cliff);
					datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/TerrainType", LowGround);
			else if(str1[index * 2] == 'w')
				datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/TerrainType", Water);
			else if(str1[index * 2] == 'h')
				datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/TerrainType", HighGround);
			else if(str1[index * 2] == 'r')
				datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/TerrainType", Ramp);

			if(str1[index * 2+1] == 'g')
				datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/GroundType", GreenLand);
			else if(str1[index * 2+1] == 'd')
				datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/GroundType", Desert);
			else if(str1[index * 2+1] == 'w')
				datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/GroundType", Swamp);
			else if(str1[index * 2+1] == 's')
				datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/GroundType", Snow);
	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapObject");
	element = doc.first_node("MapObject");
	//for(child = child.begin(element); child != child.end(); child++)
	for(child = element->first_node(); child; child =child->next_sibling())
		std::string objname;
		objname = child->name();
		datapath = std::string("GameData/BattleData/MapData/MapObjModleInfo/") + objname;
		int objx,objy, objdir;
		std::string meshname,objtype;
		rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *attr = child->first_attribute("GridX");
		objx = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
		attr = child->first_attribute("GridY");
		objy = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
		meshname = attr->value();
		objtype = attr->value();
		objdir = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
		datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/GridX", objx);
		datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/GridY", objy);
		datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/Mesh", meshname);
		datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/Direction", objdir);
		std::string mapobjscript("none");
		datalibrary->getData(str(boost::format("StaticData/MapObjType/%1%/Script")%objtype), mapobjscript);
		datapath = std::string("GameData/BattleData/MapData/Map/M") + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(MapDataManager::getSingleton().getGridId(objx, objy)) + std::string("/MapObjType");
		if(mapobjscript != "none")
			MapObjScriptInfo scriptinfo;
			scriptinfo.x = objx;
			scriptinfo.y = objy;
			scriptinfo.script = mapobjscript;
			scriptinfo.path = datapath + "/ScriptContext";
		datalibrary->setData(datapath, objtype);
		datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/MapObjModuleId", objname);
	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapEffect");
	element = doc.first_node("MapEffect");
	//for(child = child.begin(element); child != child.end(); child++)
	for(child = element->first_node(); child; child =child->next_sibling())
		std::string particlename;
		particlename = child->name();
		datapath = std::string("GameData/BattleData/MapData/MapParticleInfo/") + particlename;
		int particlex,particley;
		std::string name;
		rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *attr = child->first_attribute("GridX");
		particlex = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
		attr = child->first_attribute("GridY");
		particley = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
		attr = child->first_attribute("Type");
		name = attr->value();
		datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/GridX", particlex);
		datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/GridY", particley);
		datalibrary->setData(datapath + "/Type", name);

	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapArea");
	element = doc.first_node("MapArea");
	//for(child = child.begin(element); child != child.end(); child++)
	for(child = element->first_node(); child; child =child->next_sibling())
		std::string areaname;
		areaname = child->name();
		datapath = std::string("GameData/BattleData/MapData/Area/") + areaname;
		Area area(datapath + "/CoordList");
		std::vector<Crood> croodVec;
		//ticpp::Iterator<ticpp::Element> childchild;
		rapidxml::xml_node<> *childchild = child->first_node();
		//for(childchild = childchild.begin(child.Get()); childchild != childchild.end(); childchild++)
		for(; childchild; childchild=childchild->next_sibling())
			std::string coordname;
			coordname = childchild->name();
			int x;
			int y;
			rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *attr = childchild->first_attribute("X");
			x = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
			attr = childchild->first_attribute("Y");
			y = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
			croodVec.push_back(Crood(x, y));
		MapDataManager::getSingleton().mMapArea.insert(std::make_pair(areaname, area));

	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapTeam");
	element = doc.first_node("MapTeam");
	for(int n = 2; n < 5; n++)
		std::string name = std::string("Team") + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(n);
		std::string factionid;
		//ticpp::Element* subelement = element->FirstChildElement(name);
		child = element->first_node(name.c_str());
		rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *attr = child->first_attribute("TeamFaction");
		factionid = attr->value();
		datalibrary->setData(std::string("GameData/BattleData/Team/")+ name+ "/FactionId", factionid);
		if(factionid != "none")
			attr = child->first_attribute("TeamType");
			factionid = attr->value();
			datalibrary->setData(std::string("GameData/BattleData/Team/")+ name+ "/Relation", factionid);
		//delete subelement;
	std::string playerfactionid;
	//delete element;

	//element = doc.FirstChildElement("MapSquad");
	element = doc.first_node("MapSquad");
	MapSquadInfo mapsquadinfo;
	//for(child = child.begin(element); child != child.end(); child++)
	for(child = element->first_node(); child;child = child->next_sibling())
		std::string teamid;
		teamid = child->name();
		if(teamid == "Team1")
			mapsquadinfo.team = 1;
		else if(teamid == "Team2")
			mapsquadinfo.team = 2;
		else if(teamid == "Team3")
			mapsquadinfo.team = 3;
			mapsquadinfo.team = 4;
		datapath = std::string("GameData/BattleData/SquadList");
		//ticpp::Iterator<ticpp::Element> childchild;
		rapidxml::xml_node<> *childchild = child->first_node();
		//for(childchild = childchild.begin(child.Get()); childchild != childchild.end(); childchild++)
		for(; childchild; childchild =childchild->next_sibling())
// 			std::string squadid;
// 			std::string squadtype;
			mapsquadinfo.squadId = childchild->name();
// 			int x;
// 			int y;
// 			Direction d;
// 			int unitnum;
// 			int morale;
			rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *attr = childchild->first_attribute("Type");
			mapsquadinfo.squadTempId = attr->value();
			attr = childchild->first_attribute("GridX");
			mapsquadinfo.x = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
			attr = childchild->first_attribute("GridY");
			mapsquadinfo.y = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
			attr = childchild->first_attribute("UnitNum");
			mapsquadinfo.unitNum = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
			attr = childchild->first_attribute("Direction");
			mapsquadinfo.dir = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(attr->value());
// 			AVGSquadManager::getSingleton().addSquad(squadid,squadtype, datapath);
// 			int type;
// 			Formation f;
// 			datalibrary->getData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/Type"), type );
// 			if(type == SQUAD_NORMAL)
// 				f = Line;
// 			else
// 				f = Loose;
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/GridX"), x, true );
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/GridY"), y, true );
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/UnitNumber"), unitnum, true );
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/Direction"), d, true );
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/Formation"), f, true );
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/TeamId"), teamid, true );
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/CreateType"), MapSquad, true );
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/ActionPoint"), 0.0f, true );
// 			datalibrary->setData(datapath + std::string("/") + squadid + std::string("/Morale"), morale, true );
	//delete element;
	delete []s;
	return true;