Beispiel #1
bool ViewProvider::onDelete(const std::vector<std::string> &)
    PartDesign::Feature* feature = static_cast<PartDesign::Feature*>(getObject());
    App::DocumentObject* previous = feature->getBaseObject(/* silent = */ true );

    // Make the tip or the previous feature visiable again with preference to the previous one
    // if the feature was visiable itself
    if (isShow()) {
        // TODO TaskDlgFeatureParameters::reject has the same code. May be this one is excess?
        //      (2015-07-24, Fat-Zer)
        if (previous && Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(previous)) {
        } else {
            // Body feature housekeeping
            Part::BodyBase* body = PartDesign::Body::findBodyOf(getObject());
            if (body != NULL) {
                App::DocumentObject* tip = body->Tip.getValue();
                if (tip && Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(tip)) {
    return true;
bool TaskDlgFeatureParameters::reject()
    PartDesign::Feature* feature = static_cast<PartDesign::Feature*>(vp->getObject());

    PartDesign::Body* body = PartDesign::Body::findBodyOf(feature);

    // Find out previous feature we won't be able to do it after abort
    // (at least in the body case)
    App::DocumentObject* previous = feature->getBaseObject(/* silent = */ true );

    // detach the task panel from the selection to avoid to invoke
    // eventually onAddSelection when the selection changes
    std::vector<QWidget*> subwidgets = getDialogContent();
    for (auto it : subwidgets) {
        TaskSketchBasedParameters* param = qobject_cast<TaskSketchBasedParameters*>(it);
        if (param)

    // roll back the done things

    // if abort command deleted the object make the previous feature visible again
    if (!Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(feature)) {
        // Make the tip or the previous feature visiable again with preference to the previous one
        // TODO: ViewProvider::onDelete has the same code. May be this one is excess?
        if (previous && Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(previous)) {
        } else if (body != NULL) {
            App::DocumentObject* tip = body->Tip.getValue();
            if (tip && Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(tip)) {

    return true;
Part::Feature *TaskTransformedParameters::getBaseObject() const {
    PartDesign::Feature* feature = getTopTransformedObject ();
    // NOTE: getBaseObject() throws if there is no base; shouldn't happen here.
    return feature->getBaseObject();